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Saturday, February 25, 2017

TRUMP WATCH: 2.24.17 - God's Wall

As a candidate for president of the U.S., one of Donald Trump's signature promises was to build a wall/fence on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Critics quickly said it won't happen. Mr. Trump won't get elected, walls don't work, there will be engineering problems, construction problems, damage to the environment, the wall will violate the endangered species act, it will be too expensive, ranchers twill sue the U.S. for taking their land, it is immoral, and more.
These critics didn't know or care that at the same time they were saying these things the U.S. military was building a wall/fence on Jordan's border with Iraq and Syria to protect Jordan from terrorists.
They didn't know or care that Pres. Obama (who so strongly opposes the wall/fence) would rent a swanky house (probably at tax payer expense) in Washington, DC. and build a wall around it.
They didn't know that people would claim that the wall is needed because Pres. Obama and his family need to be protected and the house he intends to live in, at least until Sasha graduates, needs more fortification.
I have to ask, "Why would the U.S. military build a wall/fence 535 kilometers long to keep terrorists out of Jordan, if it won't work?"
Or, "Why would a wall/fence work in Jordan if a wall/fence won't work in the U.S.?"
"Why is it okay to build a wall to protect Pres. Obama's wife and children, but wrong to build a wall/fence to protect the average citizen's children?"
Let's go a step further. Hundreds of Israelis were wounded and/or killed by Palestinian suicide bombers in the five year period prior to Israel building a security fence. But the suicide bombings stopped after Israel built a security fence. Why did the suicide bombings stop if a security fence doesn't work?
The critics were wrong about Pres. Trump's chances of getting elected and they are just as wrong about the wall/fence getting built, protecting people, being immoral, being too expensive, etc. It took only 5 days for Pres. Trump to issue an Executive Order to deploy all lawful means to get it done.
John recorded that Jesus said He was going to prepare a place for His disciples (John 14:2) and he described that prepared (Rev. 21:2) place in Revelation chapter 21.
He called it the Holy City, the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2).
He said it will have a wall great and high, and twelve gates, and at the gates 12 angels (Rev. 21:12).
The New Jerusalem will be foursquare, 12,000 furlongs on each side (about 1500 miles on each side or about 6,000 miles all the way around it), the walls will be 144 cubits thick (about 216 feet thick), they will be made with a very expensive stone called jasper, they will sit on 12 foundations that will be decorated with precious stones, they will have 3 gates on each side, and each gate will be one pearl (Rev. 21:16-21)
Only those whose names have been written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be allowed into the Holy City. The unsaved (bad hombres) will be kept out (Rev. 21:27).
How does one get their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life? It is by doing what God will accept (not by being good, getting baptized, joining the church, etc.). And the only thing that He will accept is faith in Jesus (John 14:6).
People should put their faith in Jesus first (get saved first), get baptized second, and join the church third.
 First Amendment undermined by not so free press - Bill Wilson -
The news media is jeopardizing its First Amendment credibility with its irresponsible reporting and attempts to demonize anybody in disagreement with its leftist globalist agenda. The most recent news conference with President Donald Trump revealed how the delusional media views fake news. The reporter tried to blame Trump for the media's credibility problems, asking the President: "But aren't you concerned, sir, that you are undermining the people's faith in the First Amendment freedom of the press, the press in this country when you call stories you don't like "fake news"?  Why not just say it's a story I don't like?" Herein, it's the press that is undermining the people's faith in the First Amendment.
Trump responded, "But I know what's good. I know what's bad. And when they change it and make it really bad--something that should be positive. Sometimes something that should be very positive, they'll make okay. They'll even make it negative. So I understand it because I'm there. I know what was said. I know who is saying it. I'm there. So it's very important to me.   Look, I want to see an honest press. When I started off today by saying that it's so important to the public to get an honest press. The press -- the public doesn't believe you people anymore." In reality, the press is going wild quoting unnamed sources without verification and reporting illegally leaked information as if it were fact.
Case in point: The shadow government and deep state want panic about the possibility that Trump will deport millions of illegals. AP reported that the White House was calling up 100,000 National Guard troops to round up illegals and send them back to wherever they came from. The White House categorically denied that the report was even remotely factual. But the report was made without verifying the source or the memo the source quoted. A free press in bondage to an ideal or agenda is not free at all. The false narrative that the President is undermining the people's faith in the First Amendment by criticizing the media-is an extraordinary example of the twisted demeanor of the news media.
Exodus 20:16 states, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Telling the truth is the basis of good journalism. And Truth comes from where? Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." He goes on to say in verse 17, "Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees him not, neither knows him: but you know him; for he dwells with you, and shall be in you." These so-called journalists cannot recognize truth because it's not in them. The First Amendment, a unique guarantee of Liberty, is undermined when liars lie with impunity while disguising the lies as truth. We need to pray and act to hold accountability, especially within the "Church" where the truth should be rightly discerned and spoken of boldly that good is not considered evil.

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