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Friday, September 14, 2018

17 Years after 911 and the prophetic path of America

17 Years after 911 and the prophetic path of America - Bill Wilson -
I am sitting in my office 17 years after al Qaeda operatives ran two planes into the World Trade Center towers, one plane into the Pentagon, and another was downed in a Pennsylvania field before it could do more damage. The result, nearly 3,000 American citizens met an untimely and brutal death. And where are we today? We have lost thousands of lives conquering and "giving democracy" to people who hate us; We have spent trillions trying to root out the terrorists; we have had two presidents who have tried to appease Islam, resulting in Islam colonizing America. To this point, the current president is being fought fiercely by the pro-Islamist Marxists as he tries to reverse this trend.
America is not mentioned in the Bible. There is no such word, nor nation. A good portion of the Bible is prophetically aimed at the first coming of the Messiah, his life, death and resurrection for the propitiation of our sins, and his second coming in the "Last Day," the "latter days," and "the end." I have often thought that America was a tremendous blessing, a beacon of the light of the Messiah, an evangelist to the world. Our time as a nation has served God's purpose. We have been a defender of Israel, a most valuable player in the Great Commission: "Go ye therefore and teach all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19)."
"We the People" are about enter mid term elections. Our choices for Congress are to be made for the future of our nation. We should try to align our voting with the candidate that best fits our Christian values. Keep in mind, anyone who says there is more than one way to heaven rejects the central doctrine of Christianity. Anyone who says "Jesus" is a great example to live by, but denies the deity of Christ, is not a Christian. Notwithstanding, we as a people need to exercise our right to vote. We need to build upon what we accomplished two years ago. Otherwise this nation will backslide farther and faster than in previous times-like the unclean spirit Christ describes in Matthew 12:44 that came out of a man, but went back, "bringing seven other spirits more evil than itself."
Because of the actions of America's leaders in the past, the antichrist system of Islam advanced. There is not a more antichrist religion on earth than Islam. Islamic nations are the only ones specifically mentioned in the Bible as coming against Israel and God in the end times. Islam has cost Americans their freedom, their sons and daughters, and we continues to fight a decades long war of attrition, the casualties mounting economically, emotionally and spiritually. At the same time, many elected representatives continue to assist the advance of Islam at the expense of America. In the 17 years after 9/11, America has been on a dangerous prophetic path. Fortunately, we now have at least a president who stands up to Islam and that may alter America's prophetic path.

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