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Saturday, September 29, 2018


Matters of Truth and the media cycle - Bill Wilson -
There was a time when journalists were taught to verify what a source said. Nowadays, truth doesn't matter to the media. Stories are measured by their social media views and impressions. The more outrageous the headline, the more views, the more successful it is. Headlines may not have anything much to do with the story. But once the story is published, it is in the pubic forever, true or not. The news media is more interested in publishing, tweeting, instagramming, snapchatting than it is interested in getting the story straight. An example is the Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearing. Stories abound of the accusations, but the veracity of those allegations is rarely challenged. They are then weaponized for political gain.
Here's the cycle: Someone plants a story, say about sexual misconduct; That story makes the headlines; the commentators start talking about it; The truth is really difficult to come by because no one dares question whether the alleged victim is telling the truth; Then another story is planted about yet another sexual misconduct; This story makes the headlines, but buried deep in the story are the holes-lack of memory, alcohol is involved, can't remember time, place, or even the face of the accused; the story gives the first story momentum; now more people are talking about both stories; someone tells the media there is another accuser; there is no other accuser, but the story makes headlines anyway.
By now, the major networks are all chatting, speculating, analyzing the picture that has been painted of a serial sexual predator. Videos run over and over. Talking heads are debating. Politicians are pontificating. All the while, the accused is treated as if he is guilty until proven innocent. To the politicians involved, it matters not whether the accuser is telling the truth or if the accused is guilty or innocent. It doesn't matter to them because they know the story is public, and if the public hears enough of it, its opinion is swayed. And that is what matters to the politician. The media doesn't care either about the alleged victim or the accused because it is getting its views, impressions and ratings.
This is what happens when the truth matters not. Lives are damaged. People are deceived. Reputations are ruined. Responsible journalism is but a memory of a time gone by. Lazy or agenda-driven reporters care little about the truth and everything about their views. Citizens rarely check the facts themselves. They just read and hear and form their opinions. For politicians, the end justifies the means. 2 Timothy 2:15-16 advises, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness." We are seeing this cycle play out-babblings increasing unto more ungodliness because dividing of the truth is lacking. Let us always seek the truth, dividing it rightly, and seeing through the profane.
Qanon-Challenging Deep State - Terry James -
The InfoWars website and radio program have been banned by the largest social media forums. Alex Jones, the host of InfoWars, has been termed a conspiracy purveyor and accused of being not only a kook, but a danger to the American public.
Mainstream media look down on Jones and every other forum and individual who don't view their "news" as the only news that should be accepted as truth-thus while the American public is fed such mainstream media "news" punditry as "Trump is complicit in Hurricane Florence slamming into the East Coast." This, it is conjectured by such proclaimed to be reliable truth-tellers as CNN, based upon the current president's being a denier of climate change as defined by the globalist propaganda machine.
CNN, you might have heard, is the same cable network that just a couple of weeks ago reported that Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, claimed that the then candidate for the presidency knew in advance of a meeting Cohen had with a Russian operative. Cohen's own lawyer, Lanny Davis, a long-time member of the Clinton attack machine, at first said he, himself, was present at that meeting. Later, he recanted that claim when his client, Cohen, said it was untrue. Trump never had any knowledge of any such meeting.
Davis then publicly admitted to his own "mistake" in reporting the lie. CNN, who gleefully ran with the story, has not, to this point and to my knowledge, retracted the original claim that Trump was guilty as claimed.
Multiply that mainstream media lie times a thousand in just the past two years while Trump has been either a candidate for president or president, and there is compiled a mainstream media platform of untruth that staggers sensibility. Yet it is Alex Jones, and anyone else who defies the mainstream fake-news narrative, who gets banned from getting his version truth before the public.
Now, I'm among the first to say that I cast a skeptical ear upon some of what I've heard from Alex Jones' reporting. Some of it defies logical discernment, if I may use that term. However, considering all of the madness prevalent today in this nation and world, Jones and InfoWars ring as true, as do things coming out of the likes of NBC, CBS, ABC, The New York Times, The Washington Post...and CNN.
With that as preface, I come to something that has been effervescing for quite some time somewhere within my cogitative processes. You have likely heard of the matter or matters involved.
"Q" or "Qanon" is the supposed entity to which I refer. I say supposed, because much of what I know about this entity, as I said about the mainstream narrative these days, defies logical discernment. Does he-for it is thought to be an individual within the immediate circles that surround the president, and I presume it is a man, if he indeed exists within that circle-truly have knowledge of the intrigues he reports?
To those who are clueless of what I refer to here, I'll try to explain in brief.
Q or Qanon is the name given a supposed insider within the White House ranks who issues reports on a frequent basis about what is in actuality going on with regard to this president and the so-called deep state. The deep state is a term most recognize. This refers to those within government-particularly within the top ranks of clandestine services -CIA, FBI, NSA, etc., that are part of the Washington, D.C. "swamp," as Mr. Trump termed it during his campaign to win the presidency. These, along with many D.C.-establishment types, have been doing all within their power to destroy Trump's presidency and even the man himself, family-wise and business-wise.
The aforementioned mainstream media joins this cabal in the attempted destruction.
At the heart of this drive to oust this president at any cost is the pile upon pile of lies that continue to spew from the swamp and are magnified and carried throughout mainstream media. You might have noticed how there has been a steady stream of such lies meant to destroy the president-a different lie almost every week for nearly two years.
Qanon tells a far different story than the mainstream anchors and pundits tell. In their reporting, Trump is always on the cusp of being linked to Russian collusion in defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Special counsel Robert Mueller is right on the verge of proving that collusion, or is about to get the president on obstruction of justice, has been the mantra of these establishment-media types for almost two years.
Yet, there hasn't been a single fact brought forward that makes the connection Mueller is desperate to make. There have been only accusations and innuendo-this, in my view, is designed to keep doubt in the minds of the voting public until Trump is no longer president.
Their world has been disrupted-again, in my opinion-by the Lord of Heaven, Himself. They cannot and will not abide their gravy train being taken away and their one-world plans disrupted.
The entity known as Qanon is disseminating through alternative news sources that there is a reckoning coming for the deep state and those complicit in opposing the president and doing great harm to the American Republic. He indicates something big is on the way that will expose and even bring to justice much of the deep state at every level. It will soon be made clear for all to see, Qanon assures, the corruption at the very top of U.S. government, and where the true collusion festers.
This supposed insider source has much to say that is fascinating. I can't and won't vouch for the absolute validity of everything that is said in his news releases. I will say, however, that this source's news rings far more true than do the lies, innuendo, and corruptive evil that has been spewing from the keyboards, microphones, and cameras of the mainstream news and entertainment media and even from governmental minions of the father of lies-again, in my humble opinion.
I make this appeal to anyone reading this commentary who has insider knowledge of the Qanon intrigues to send me information ( providing at least a degree of validation that the information you provide is credible. Please don't send links to Qanon posts on various blogs. I've seen many, many of these. True insider information is solicited here, if it exists.
One thing sure, Ephesians 6:12 has never been more in view than at present.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
 To investigate or not to investigate - Bill Wilson -
The Democrats are calling for an FBI investigation into allegations that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford at a party in front of witnesses some 30 years ago. Notwithstanding, Blasey Ford's accusations have not been collaborated by any of the witnesses she claims were present at the party. Furthermore, a second accuser, Deborah Ramirez, came forward in a New Yorker magazine story of a similar event 35 years ago. Her allegations are also not collaborated by witnesses and close friends. But the Democrats want an FBI investigation of this one, too. Both accusers are active left wingers and have protested against the current President.
The Democrat playbook and talking points are trying to appeal to the fairness of "well, let's look into these with an FBI investigation so we can get the facts from an independent third party." Sounds reasonable. Until one looks at what is really going on here. Hillary Clinton, on Tuesday's MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show, said, "I think you can't avoid the appearance of insult if you don't have an investigation so that she is, you know, able to be evaluated fairly. And what I think the White House and the Republicans on the committee are trying to do is, you know, basically, put her in the dock and try to rush this through." Hillary Clinton, really? This doesn't meet the straight face test.
Clinton endured several such sexual assault, and even rape, allegations against her husband from Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Dolly Kyle Browning, and Jennifer Flowers. According to Attorney Larry Klayman, who represented many of Bill Clinton's accusers, Hillary Clinton started the "war room" during her husband's 1992 campaign. Its purpose "was to destroy any woman that would challenge Bill Clinton...she had to destroy the women who she knew were gong to come forward and reveal the alleged sexual harassment and rape, and keep them quiet. Klayman said Hillary Clinton hired private detectives to intimidate the women into silence. No FBI investigation on this one.
Now Clinton is leading the charge for Kavanaugh's accusers, saying there should be an FBI investigation and that the women, "have the right to be believed." So far Kavanaugh has emphatically denied all these allegations and no witness has collaborated the accusers' stories. The Democrats want an FBI investigation only to delay the appointment until they control Congress, then there will be true obstruction and many more investigations as their coup continues. This, obviously, has all the indicators of the very worst of politics where peoples' lives and those of entire families are being defamed for the belief that the end justifies the means. Proverbs 14:2 says, "He that walks in his uprightness fears the Lord; but he that is perverse in his ways despises him." Stand in the gap for righteousness. Speak the truth to those who have ears to hear.
Speaking truth to convict the lies - Bill Wilson -
In Ezekiel 8, the Lord God through a vision showed Ezekiel the abominations that were being committed in the temple. Verse 9 says, "And he said unto me (Ezekiel), Go in, and behold the wicked abominations that they do there." Ezekiel records that he saw every form of creeping things and abominable beasts, and idols portrayed upon the walls. Moving to the inner court, he saw the elders worshiping false gods. In verse 17, the Lord says "for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger." Of course, the Lord was speaking of the Temple and the abominations the elders of Judah were doing. But this is not unlike what we have today in America.
The elders of America, among them our elected officials, are committing all sorts of abominations against God and country. We have the deep state and the Democratic Party, influenced by globalism and communism, trying to undermine the nation. The more that these wicked allies press to expose, the deeper they all are implicated. They threaten obstruction, threats of impeachment and more investigations if they don't get their way. Encouragement to violence, acerbic rhetoric, and a lack of civility are the hallmarks of these people. On the other hand are the Republicans who lack courage to stand for what is right, they appease and fall back, and they secretly do things like fund the Planned Parenthood abortion mill.
The news media rarely checks facts, allowing the outrageous statements and accusations of people to stand, if it aligns with their leftist agenda. Even one of the weakest senators in Congress can see through the shenanigans. On this past weekend's "Fox News Sunday," Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said The New York Times' story that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein considered invoking the 25th Amendment against President Donald Trump was more proof of a "bureaucratic coup" against the president. Indeed, the far left-leaning New Yorker published a story about new sexual abuse accusations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh-all of which are unconfirmed and unverified. The media doesn't dig into the wall of these stories to find the truth. They inflame, defame, but don't verify. They are agenda driven.
The elected leaders of this country are abandoning their responsibility to the country and to those who elected them, and instead, are promoting the schisms fomented by their political agendas. All sides are wrong, some far more than others. The Lord commanded Ezekiel to "warn the wicked from his wicked way" and warn the righteous from turning from his righteousness and committing iniquity. Those of us who know truth, should speak truth and not shrink back. We need to do our part to change this vitriolic atmosphere by speaking truth firmly, but in love. Be encouraged to not raise our voices or get caught up in the argumentative atmosphere, but simply state the truth and allow it to convict the lies.
 America torn apart - Bill Wilson -
Irrespective of how the vote goes for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the spectacle of what has transpired is a travesty. The left leaning UK Daily Mail posted a headline, "America tears itself apart." It isn't America tearing herself apart. It is the Democratic Party tearing America apart. The bottom line is that there are ways to have civil discourse to solve problems or reach conclusions without destroying lives. In this case, both Kavanaugh and his accuser are victims of a power hungry political machine that is seeking to overthrow a duly elected government by using any means possible, even to the ruination of private lives and families. The lack of respect and civility was disgusting to watch.
Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) summed it up. "(To Feinstein) What you want to do is destroy this guy's life; hold this seat open; and hope you win in 2020. (Pointing to Feinstein) You said that, not me. (to Kavanaugh) You've got nothing to apologize for...This is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics. (to Feinstein) And if you really have wanted to know the truth, you sure as hell wouldn't have done what you did to this guy....(to Kavanaugh) I cannot imagine what you and your family have gone through. (to Feinstein) Boy, y'all really want power. I hope you never get it. I hope the American people can see through this sham." In short, these allegations could have been handled without the political firestorm if those involved were sincere about the truth and concerned about the accuser.
At the end of the day, the Democrats, with the left-leaning news media amplifying their loathing, likely stirred their base, emotionally manipulated the uninformed voter and blind follower, and further divided the homeland. They were pictured laughing it up with each other before the hearing. To underscore the insincerity of their over-the-top circus, not 30 minutes into the hearing Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI) sent a fundraising email asking for donations from those who think there should be no Supreme Court justices who have "credible sexual misconduct allegations" against them. Senators Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) also used the hearings to try to raise money for their reelection campaigns. Kavanaugh and his accuser are but disposable pawns in a death struggle about political power over interpreting laws.
Since the 2016 presidential election, the Democratic Party has been throwing a temper tantrum. It was unable to complete the socialist revolution that began to solidify a decade ago. It has been relentless with incitement to violence, obstruction, and just down-right mean-spiritedness. Decent people should reject this behavior and demand reform of this political atmosphere. Americans ought not treat one another the way we have seen over the past two years. Jesus said in Matthew 7:12, "Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them." It's the Golden Rule--very tarnished today because wickedness has prospered, and the love of many has waxed cold.

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