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Friday, March 29, 2019

What Do Jussie Smollett, the American Left and Those Who Will Take the 666 Mark of the Beast All Have in Common?

What Do Jussie Smollett, the American Left and Those Who Will Take the 666 Mark of the Beast All Have in Common? - David Pepe -
Dear friends, riddle me this... What do Jussie Smollett, the American Left and those who will take the 666 Mark of the Beast all have in common? The answer... These all exercise a demonic LAWLESSNESS of pure REBELLIOUS DEFIANCE against their Divine ETERNAL RIGHTEOUS Creator, GODLINESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS, REALITY, DIVINE TRUTH and those who walk and adhere to such (John 8:44, Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Thes. 2:10-12, 2 Peter 3:3, Jude 1:10, Rev. 9:20-21, 16:9).
These subjective lawless fallen creatures have and will ALWAYS double down, triple down and quadruple down every single time on ALL of their LAWLESS inventions, abominations, fabrications, delusions, lies and darkness (Psalm 14, Prov. 29:10, 27, Rom. 3:13-18, 2 Tim. 3:1-7, Titus 1:16, 1 John 3:4, Jude 1:10)! These are Isaiah 5:20 individuals, who FULLY follow wholeheartedly their lawless spiritual father, Lucifer the fallen (aka. Satan/the Devil - John 8:44). Lucifer and his lawless seed are the demonic adversaries of ALL that Almighty God their ETERNAL Creator represents in RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS and EQUITY (Gen. 3:15, John 8:44). Defamation, slander and blasphemy are the weapons of their heart and warfare and are wielded at their foes in ABSOLUTE abhorrence and hatred by the tongue of their mouth (Matt. 15:16-20, Mark 7:6-8, Rom. 3:13-18, James 3:1-8). These can NEVER engage in a debate based on absolutes (ETERNAL and in time), facts and REALITY. These always have to mock, scoff, slander, degrade all REALITY, TRUTH, RIGHTEOUSNESS and SOUND FACTS to keep their lawless delusions and godless unbridled passions from imploding and being exposed! These LOVE their SUBJECTIVE world of ERROR, DARKNESS and DELUSION and will DOUBLE DOWN and FIGHT tooth and nail to PRESERVE, PROPAGATE, REGULATE and MAKE REALITY their delusion and base wants (Rom. 1:18-32, 2 Thes. 2:10-12, Jude 1:10).
To these, the UNREAL is REAL; to these, UNRIGHTEOUS is RIGHTEOUS; to these, DELUSION is REALITY; and to these, lies are TRUTH (Isa. 5:20)! These are subjective narcissist to the core, controlled and governed by their unbridled passions and tools of Alinsky's master (John 8:44).
Let's look at these three groups of people and see their lawless common denominator in action!
Jussie Smollett
This lawless and base narcissistic actor and millionaire staged a self-inflicted hate crime against MAGA Americans, which almost caused and triggered a national race riot! This narcissistic act was implemented in the name of the greed for more money, loathing hatred towards MAGA Americans, self-centered victim status and attention in the lawless media. Then, lawless individuals in high places overrode Smollett's convictions and sealed all the incriminating evidence of the crime, which brought total outrage from the Chicago P.D. and even from left winger Rahm Emanual! The capper of all of this is when this lying thug went out and doubled down on his lies; proclaiming he had told the truth and had been vindicated; and that he was a victim of Trump's America and the system! Now his lawyers are speaking of going after and suing the Chicago P.D. over these fake hate crimes of his and the lawless NAACP has nominated Jussie for an image award! Now that is TRUE DEFIANCE and onions! Rally around the delusion and DOUBLE DOWN! Even in light of all of this, this man is more than willing to not repent and show a heart of contriteness! The question needs to be asked, "How will Jussie Smollett ever get right with his RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL Creator in a state of such defiance and delusion!" Jussie has most likely doubled down on his ETERNAL damnation in the full light of his defiant actions (Rev. 20:11-15)! We'll pray that will not the case for Jussie's ETERNAL destiny!
The Drive-By Media and the Democratic Left
My friends, where do we begin with these demonic tools of the Devil (John 8:44, Eph. 2:1-2, 2 Thes. 2:10-12)! The "Russian Collusion Delusion"; Oh... how these demonic tools wanted this lie to be real and come to pass! These have done all that they could to make this hoax real and legal, however... it just could not come to pass! This lawless orchestration and "collusion" in the drive-by/Fake News media and the Democratic Party will not let the Russian Collusion Delusion go; even as the Mueller Report TOTALLY vindicated President Trump from all "collusion"! These lawless demoniacs have now doubled down on all of their lies knowing right well the truth of this whole destructive sham! These have sold their souls to outwork their lawlessness and defiance against the God ordain Natural Laws and Moral Laws of Almighty God their RIGHTEOUS Creator; with absolutely no room for repentance and contriteness (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10)! These very ones could very well be those who - in the not so distant future - will double down on ETERNAL damnation and receive the Mark of the Beast in the light of all full revelation (Rev. 11:3-12; 13; 14:9-11).
Those Who Rejoice in the Death of the Two Witnesses and Recieve the Mark of the Beast
Beloved, now to the last group of people; those of the 666 Demonic Double Down unto ETERNAL damnation! This group after 3 1/2 years of HORRIFIC TRIBULATION, will be a raging subjective demonic horde; full of unrepentance, defiance and lawlessness (2 Thes. 2:10-12, Rev. 9:20-21)! When the Two Witnesses of Revelation are executed by the Beast, these will then rejoice EXCEEDINGLY; and globally shout and say, "Who then can make war with the Beast!" (Rev. 11:7-10)!! For, these Two Witnesses of Revelation will be totally unstoppable in their 3 1/2 year ministry and all who sought their demise at this time will have been destroyed with fire (Rev. 11:3-7)! These Two have tormented the tribulation world in RIGHTEOUSNESS, for their Divine message and Word of RIGHTEOUSNESS has tormented them and hardened them as Pharaoh of old (Rev. 11:3-12)! This world at this time will be so tormented with their Divine ministry and RIGHTEOUS judgments that they will exalt the Beast and worship him as God after their murder and ascension (2 Thes. 2:10-12, Rev. 13)!
It will be then - when these Two Divine messengers of Almighty God lay dead in the streets for 3 1/2 days - that the breath of life will enter into them; and they will ascend into Heaven before ALL of their godless and lawless defiant enemies (Rev. 11:10-12)! This act of ETERNAL Life and ascension will FULLY VINDICATE and CONFIRM ALL of their Divine message and judgments; and NOW will ALL BE FULFILLED and COME TO PASS concerning the Messiah of Israel (Who is Almighty God in the flesh), salvation, propitiation and the very soon Second Coming of Messiah and the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven! All that these Two spoke WILL COME TO PASS and this demonic host of fallen defiant rebellious sons and daughters of Adam's fallen race know that these things WILL BE; however, they in their harden darkened hearts will now DOUBLE DOWN unto ETERNAL DAMNATION and FULLY give their allegiance to the Beast! These DEFIANT demonic hordes will give worship this man of LAWLESSNESS as God and receive his mark in FULL DEFIANCE and in FULL LIGHT (Dan. 9:27; 12:11, Matt. 24:15, 2 Thes. 2:10-12; Rev. 13; 14:9-11)! Oh, dear friends! How HORRIFIC and DEFIANT is the heart of man when it cannot receive its LAWLESS ways and GODLESS desires (Jer. 17:9, Matt. 15:17-19, Mark 7:20-23, 2 Thes. 2:10-12, Jude 1:10, Rev. 9:20-21)! WOE! WOE! WOE!
WHAT About You!
Dear friends, what about you? Are you hard-hearted and defiant about receiving the RIGHTEOUS Word of Almighty God? His RIGHTEOUS Word, which ONLY seeks to bless your life and bring you to ETERNAL deliverance from Almighty God's RIGHTEOUS judgment and damnation (John 3:36, Rom.2:4; 6:23, Eph. 2:1-14, 1 Tim. 2:3-4, Rev. 20:11-15)! Jesus shed His RIGHTEOUS blood for this fallen world's behalf, to bring many sons to pardon, forgiveness, glory and ETERNAL LIFE (John 3:16-17, Acts 4:12)! No matter who you are, harden NOT your hearts; but hear His tender RIGHTEOUS voice and come to Him in humility, contriteness and in repentance! He will NEVER turn any away who come to Him in this manner! His ETERNAL desire is to deliver you from the bondage of sin and restore your relationship with Him in RIGHTEOUSNESS (Acts 4:12, Eph. 2:8-9, Rom. 10:2-4, 1 John 4:10)! May it be so my dear friend!
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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