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Friday, May 24, 2019


The Secret to Spiritual Success - by Greg Laurie -
But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. - James 1:22
Have you ever had one of those days when it seemed as though everyone was smiling, maybe even laughing, at you? Then you saw yourself in the mirror and discovered why. You had something stuck in your teeth. No wonder they were smiling.
The mirror just told you the truth about yourself, and you saw what everyone else was seeing. Then you had a choice: ignore the problem and leave it there, or clean yourself up.
The Bible is a lot like a mirror; it tells us the truth about ourselves. James wrote, "But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don't obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like" (James 1:22-24 NLT).
It is not simply a matter of hearing God's Word; it is doing what it says. The Bible must be our model for how we think and live. Problems will happen, family conflicts will happen, temptations will happen, sickness will happen, or something else may come our way. We can't control that. But if we are in God's Word and walking closely with Him and in fellowship with His people, then we will have the resources we need to face those challenges as they come. And challenges will come our way.
Dedicate yourself to worshipping God, confessing your sins, and hearing the Word of God. God's Word has something to say to you. Spend time in it in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening. Continue in the Word of God. That is the secret to spiritual success. Just do your part, and then watch how the Lord will bless you.
A Call to Godly Living
Romans 12:1
The apostle Paul lived in an age when sensuality, the pursuit of pleasure, and rebellion against the Lord were prevalent. In response, he wrote letters urging Christians not to follow in the ways of the world. Like those early believers, we are to pursue godliness by...
Life is full of options. Many decisions involve a choice between following God's way or our own. Maturing Christians will increasingly sacrifice their own desires and embrace His will.

A life of godliness is characterized by a heart and mind bent toward the things of God. Although we will live imperfectly, our focus is to be on obeying His will and pleasing Him. Let's commit to becoming more like Jesus, the One who willingly gave Himself to God as a sacrifice for us.
A Faith Worth Passing Down
2 Timothy 1:3-5
The most precious thing we can pass down to children is our faith--the confident conviction that God is who He says and will do all He has promised. Timothy's strong relationship with Christ didn't materialize out of thin air; it grew as a result of his mother and grandmother's example.
Here are ways we, too, can hand down a rich legacy to the next generation:

As parents, we must be intentional about leading and inspiring our sons and daughters to follow Christ. But even those without children of their own can leave a legacy. The example to follow is Paul: though neither married nor a natural parent, he was a spiritual father to many (1 Cor. 4:14-16).
When a Fellow Christian Stumbles
Galatians 6:1-5
The Lord doesn't want the members of His body to live in isolation; believers are intended to function as a loving family who actively care for each other. One of our responsibilities as part of God's household is to come alongside a brother or sister who has stumbled. Paul specifies that those "who are spiritual" are to restore the fallen ones to fellowship with the Father and the family. "Spiritual" doesn't mean some elite group of pious leaders; it refers to any Christians who are living under the Spirit's control. A key element in this process is the attitude of the one who seeks to restore a fellow Christian.
A Spirit of Gentleness: This isn't a time for harshness, anger, judgment, or condemnation. Our goal is not to heap pain and guilt upon a hurting brother or sister but to show mercy and forgiveness (2 Cor. 2:5-8).
A Spirit of Humility: Those who have a superior attitude look down on a fallen brother and think, I would never make those mistakes. But the humble know their own vulnerability. Instead of judging others, they examine their own lives in order to recognize and deal with areas of weakness.
A Spirit of Love: When we love others, we'll willingly sharing their burden. This requires an unselfish investment of our time, energy, and prayer on their behalf.

How do you react when a fellow Christian has stumbled? One of the ugliest human traits is our tendency to feel better about ourselves when another person misses the mark. Instead of sharing the latest gossip about a fallen brother or sister, let your heart break, and come alongside to love and help.

Impossible Love Made Possible
Galatians 5:22-23
When a lawyer asked Jesus which commandment was the greatest, He said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all you heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and “the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’” (Matt. 22:37, 39). What an overwhelming assignment!
In our own strength, none of us can live up to this obligation, but the Lord has provided a way for Christians to do the impossible. The indwelling Holy Spirit works to produce His fruit in us, and first on the list is love (Gal. 5:22). In fact, the other eight qualities are really just descriptions of its expression.
Whenever we demonstrate kindness, patience, or gentleness, we see the Lord’s love at work through us, especially when the other person has been unkind and doesn’t deserve such pleasant treatment. This fruit is not produced by trying harder to muster good will toward someone who is irritating or hard to get along with. Instead, think of the process more like sap running through a branch on a grape-vine. The branch doesn’t make grapes; the sap does. In the same way, the Spirit flows through us, producing God’s love in us, so that we can pass it on to Him and others.
Agapelove is the reason we are able to care for someone who mistreats us—it’s God’s doing, not ours. Even the adoration we offer the Lord is not something that we can produce in our own heart apart from His assistance. Though the command to love is enormous,God’s grace makes it possible.
Separate and Sensual
“But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.” (Jude 1:17-19)

Jude had previous contact with the apostle Peter and was aware of Peter’s observation “that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts” (2 Peter 3:3). Peter describes the lusts of these scoffers by pointing out that their derision is focused on the second coming of our Lord Jesus—they deny the very possibility of the creation itself and, therefore, the omnipotent and omniscient authority of God Himself (2 Peter 3:4-6).

Jude, however, focuses on the core character of these mockers, noting that they “separate themselves” and are “sensual.” They are “soulish” (the Greek word is the adjective form of the noun for soul). That is, these kinds of people are driven by their “natural man” and cannot receive “the things of the Spirit of God” (1 Corinthians 2:14). James is even more intense: These people are “earthly, sensual, devilish” (James 3:15).

Furthermore, they consciously separate themselves from the godly. The apostle John speaks to this phenomenon: “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” (1 John 2:19). Jesus simply notes that “every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved” (John 3:20).

It is therefore an absolute—these people do not have the Spirit of God dwelling in them. “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his” (Romans 8:9). HMM III

Love in Action
“Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up.” (1 Corinthians 13:4)

It is well known that “charity” in this famous “love chapter” is the Greek agape, which is translated “love” three times as often as it is translated “charity” even in the King James Version. Why then did the scholarly translators prefer to use “charity” in this chapter, of all places?

Possibly it is because 1 Corinthians 13 emphasizes what love does rather than what love is. Love is described in this chapter, not with adjectives or adverbs, but with verbs! “Charity,” in the Old English sense, was not merely giving to feed the poor (note v. 3) but meant agape love—an unselfish, enduring, and active concern on behalf of others.

In this passage (vv. 4-8, 13) are listed 17 actions that love, or charity, does or does not engage in. Love acts with patience and kindness; it does not envy others or seek to impress others, neither does it exhibit arrogance or conceit. Love is never rude, does not seek its own way, is slow to take offense, and bears no malice or resentment. Love does not gloat over the sins of others and is delighted when truth prevails. Love will bear up under any trial and will never lose faith; it is always hopeful and unlimited in its endurance.

Finally, genuine love will be eternal. Even faith will cease when it is replaced by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), and hope will finally be fulfilled (Romans 8:24), but love will abide forever. Love, of course, is eternal because Christ is eternal, and Christ is God, and God is love.

This classic passage, describing genuine Christian love, could in fact be read as a beautiful description of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. That is, “Christ suffereth long, and is kind,” and so on, finally climaxing in the great truth, “Christ never faileth.” Jesus Christ is, indeed, love in action! HMM

A Soon Departure
“Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me.” (2 Peter 1:14)

Peter was writing to the scattered believers, persecuted from without and badgered from within by false teachers. He wrote to “put [them] always in remembrance of these things” that they had been taught, and so that they would “be established in the present truth” (v. 12). As he wrote, he viewed his impending “decease” (v. 15, literally “exodus”) as merely putting off his earthly tent and putting on another as one would change clothes (2 Corinthians 5:1-2). But this would, perhaps, be his last opportunity to strengthen the lives of the believers.

Once before, Peter had faced the prospect of death. The church was under attack (Acts 12:1). Of the three who had been in Jesus’ “inner circle,” James had been killed (v. 2), and Peter had been imprisoned and was under heavy guard (vv. 3-6). However, an angel of the Lord (v. 7) escorted him out of prison and out of harm’s way (vv. 8-10). We can only surmise the full impact this made on Peter and his ministry, but we do know he was not afraid to die for his Lord.

Actually, as mentioned in our text, the resurrected Lord Himself had predicted Peter’s brutal death at the hands of the enemy (John 21:19). Tradition has it that Peter was crucified upside down during the persecution of the church at the hands of Nero, no doubt glorifying God in and through his death.

But his main concerns in this passage were the believers to whom he wrote. He even revealed that he had a plan to “have these things always in remembrance” (2 Peter 1:15). This would be through his diligent teaching, through his letters, and evidently also through the ministry of his own disciple, Mark (1 Peter 5:13), who would carry on after his death.

May God grant each of us a similarly fearless, fruitful, and lasting ministry. JDM

 Can Sadness Be a Good Thing? - by Greg Laurie -
How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? - Hebrews 9:14
Sometimes we have a false idea of how the Bible, even church, should impact us. We want to be blessed but never convicted. We want to be happy but never sad. We want to be inspired and encouraged. We want to walk out of a church service feeling happy.
But I don't want you to be happy if you're living in sin. There may need to be a conviction of the Holy Spirit, who will show you what your sin is so that you can repent of it. Then you can walk out of a church service truly happy, because Jesus said, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted" (Matthew 5:4 NKJV). The word blessed that Jesus used is interchangeable with the word happy. You could translate this to say, "Happy are the sad, for they will be happy."
When the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls was complete, Ezra read the Word of God to the people. And in Nehemiah 8 we're told that "all the people wept, when they heard the words of the Law" (verse 9 nkjv).
As Commentator Warren Wiersbe pointed out, "It is as wrong to mourn when God has forgiven us as it is to rejoice when sin has conquered us." In other words, if you can somehow in your mind rationalize your sin as being okay and have even managed to convince yourself that God is fine with it, then you are in a dangerous spiritual state. You're in danger of getting a hardened heart and a seared conscience.
God does not convict us of our sin so He can drive us away in despair. God convicts us of our sin to send us into the open arms of Jesus, who died on the cross to pay for all of our sins.
Do It His Way - by Greg Laurie -
Jesus replied, 'But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.' - Luke 11:28
Sometimes people think that if they do what the Bible says, they'll be miserable. They'll say, "The sinners have all the fun. They get to do all the cool stuff. They get to do whatever they want to."
But do the sinners really have more fun? There is fun in sin momentarily. Otherwise, we would never sin, would we? But the penalties of sin are brutal. And sometimes they're lethal as they close in on your life and you face the repercussions of it.
Jesus said, "But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice" (Luke 11:28 NLT). If we obey the Word of God, we will find happiness.
As the people of Israel heard God speak to them through Ezra, they realized they had missed something the Scriptures had told them to do. So they obeyed the Word of God. The result of their obedience was great joy: "So everyone who had returned from captivity lived in these shelters during the festival, and they were all filled with great joy! The Israelites had not celebrated like this since the days of Joshua son of Nun" (Nehemiah 8:17 NLT).
You can have a happy life without sin. You can have a happy life without sex outside of marriage, without drugs or alcohol, without selfishness. It comes down to you. God wants to do all these things for you, but you need to come and understand His Word. You need to come and rejoice in His Word. And then you need to come and obey His Word. It is yours to enjoy, or it is yours to reject.
God is not out to ruin your life. He is out to bless your life and fulfill you. But you need to do it His way.
Build Yourself Up
�But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.� (Jude 1:20-21)

The New Testament relationship of the twice-born to the eternal condition is compared to a �building� of God (Ephesians 2:22) made up of �lively stones� (1 Peter 2:5). Thus, there is often the exhortation for us to build a holy association with each other (Romans 14:19) and to seek to build a strong assembly as we work together (Ephesians 4:16).

Each of the many references uses some combination of descriptive preposition or adjective along with the term for house. The general application assumes that since we will be �housed� together in eternity, we should seek to be building that house while on Earth. Even those who are in authority in the �house of God� (1 Timothy 3:15) are to be focused on building that house (Ephesians 4:11-12).

Jude addresses the individual. He presumes we are aware that we are �built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets� with �Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone� (Ephesians 2:20). Even with a �wise masterbuilder� like Paul to give us inspired instructions (1 Corinthians 3:10), we need to be very careful how we build on the foundation that Jesus Christ has laid for us. Our work can be �gold, silver, and precious stones, wood, hay, [or] stubble,� and will be evaluated by the �fire� of God�s timeless judgment (1 Corinthians 3:12-13).

The construction of the building�both the larger house and the individual �lively stones� that make up the house�are to be built up on the �most holy faith.� Once the foundation has been laid by Jesus Christ, we are to be �rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving� (Colossians 2:7). HMM III
Sit Still
�Then said she, Sit still, my daughter, until thou know how the matter will fall: for the man will not be in rest, until he have finished the thing this day.� (Ruth 3:18)

This was the instruction given to Ruth by Naomi in hopes that her kinsman, Boaz, would be willing to perform his family duty and marry Ruth, whose Jewish husband had died in Moab. Ruth�s behavior had been honorable, and she had done what she could to let Boaz know she was willing to be his wife, but now she could do nothing except to sit still and wait.

This lesson needs to be remembered by Christians today. All too often we rush ahead of the Lord, fearful that things won�t work out unless we take matters into our own hands. When the Jews were being invaded by the Assyrian armies and felt they needed an alliance with Pharaoh, God warned: �The Egyptians shall help in vain, and to no purpose: therefore have I cried concerning this, Their strength is to sit still. . . . In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength� (Isaiah 30:7-15).

Long before, when the children of Israel were in even more desperate circumstances, with the Egyptian armies pursuing them and the Red Sea in front of them, Moses had said: �Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD� (Exodus 14:13). Soon, Pharaoh�s chariots were at the bottom of the sea, just as, in due time, Boaz did marry Ruth, and as, 600 years later, the hosts of the Assyrians were slain by the angel of the Lord (Isaiah 37:36).

There is, certainly, a time to work�and work hard�in the service of the Lord. There are spiritual battles to be fought and races to be run. But when we have done the best we know how, according to the Scriptures, and still don�t see the answer, there comes a time when we must simply sit still, and wait for the Lord. He would have us �be still, and know that [He is] God� (Psalm 46:10). HMM
Evidence of the Spirit's Filling
�And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit.� (Ephesians 5:18)

This classic verse on the filling of the Holy Spirit can be rendered as follows: �And don�t begin to be drunk with wine, which involves profligacy, but be continually being filled with the Spirit.� That is, one cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit (which implies complete control by the Holy Spirit) if he has come to even the slightest degree under the control of wine (or anything else, for that matter).

Being fully controlled and guided by the Spirit is not just a one-time experience. It should be a continual experience�a moment-by-moment control of one�s thoughts and actions by God. In practice, however, it is at best a repeated experience, whereas most Christians experience it quite rarely, if at all.

But how does one have such an experience, and what is the evidence that it is the real thing? To be controlled by the Spirit, one must yield control to Him and not let himself be controlled by anything or anyone else. In practice, this means believing and obeying the Word He inspired, consciously yielding one�s self as often as necessary. Jesus promised that �when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth� (John 16:13).

It should be noted that the filling of the Spirit is not necessarily marked by any particular feeling or ecstatic experience. The real proof is in the life, manifested by such characteristics as are described in the context of the passages referring to the Spirit�s filling. In our text, it is obvious that such a filling is accompanied by redeeming one�s time (v. 16), understanding God�s will (v. 17), a happy and Bible-centered conversation (v. 19), a continuously thankful heart (v. 20), and a right attitude and relationship with one�s spouse (vv. 22-25). It is also evidenced by boldness in witnessing and in standing up for God�s truth (Acts 4:31; 13:9-10). HMM
Elijah's Prayer
�Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.� (James 5:17-18)

�Elias� is the New Testament name for Elijah, the great prophet who lived during the darkest days of Israel�s apostasy, when Ahab and Jezebel ruled the land and had turned it over to the worship of the demonic god Baal. �Elijah� means �Jehovah is God,� a most appropriate name for a prophet of the true God in a nation and time given over to paganism.

Elijah suddenly appeared before King Ahab with the ominous prophecy: �As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word� (1 Kings 17:1). This was not presumptuous. In his commentary, James said Elijah �prayed earnestly� before he spoke, and that �the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much� (James 5:16).

This remarkable prophecy was miraculously fulfilled. There was no rain in all the land of Israel for 3.5 years (as also confirmed by Christ in Luke 4:25) until Elijah defeated all the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18:17-45).

Yet, James reminds us that Elijah was �a man of like passions as we� and that both ends of the miracle�the onset and termination of the nationwide drought�were simply answers to Elijah�s two fervent prayers. James has much to say about how we also can receive wonderful answers to prayer. In addition to praying fervently, we must �ask in faith, nothing wavering� (James 1:6). But faith must be expressed by action (as when Elijah confronted Ahab), for �faith without works is dead� (James 2:20). Finally, if we �ask, and receive not,� it may be that we �ask amiss,� wanting the answer only for ourselves (James 4:3). HMM
 Ungodly Influences - by Greg Laurie -
Don't participate in the things these people do. For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! - Ephesians 5:7-8
Maybe you know certain people who are really healthy, the kind of people who, after a workout, talk about what a great workout it was. When you go out to eat with them, you just don't feel good about ordering that burger when they're having their salad of tofu and kale. Their choices influence you to make better choices.
Then there are people who eat every fattening thing on earth, and when you're with them, you know it will be your downfall.
This can happen in our spiritual lives as well. There are certain people who will bring you down spiritually. They don't like you to talk about your faith, but they like to tell dirty jokes or slander people. Or, they're filled with anger. And after you hang out with them for a while, it brings you down.
That is what happened with the Israelites. God kept warning them to stop turning to idols. But they kept worshipping false gods because all the pagan nations around them did. God sent prophets to warn them that judgment would come, yet they continued. So the Lord allowed the Babylonians to conquer them, and they were carried off to the distant land of Babylon for 70 long years.
Ultimately Babylon was conquered by the Medo-Persians, and the Jewish people were allowed to return to their homeland. After the walls of Jerusalem had been rebuilt, Ezra brought God's Word to the people. They were deeply moved and wept over their sin. The Bible tells us, "Those of Israelite descent separated themselves from all foreigners as they confessed their own sins and the sins of their ancestors" (Nehemiah 9:2 NLT).
The Israelites separated themselves from ungodly influences. We need to do the same. Get away from people or places that pull you down spiritually.

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