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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Hal Lindsey : 8.17.19

Children in Fear

By Hal Lindsey

On Sunday, August 4th, America had just experienced two mass shootings in a matter of hours. At that moment, one of the most politically correct men in America tweeted something he would quickly regret. Neil deGrasse Tyson, well-known atheist and science popularizer tweeted, "In the past 48hrs, the USA horrifically lost 34 people to mass shootings. On average, across any 48hrs, we also lose... 500 to Medical errors, 300 to the Flu, 250 to Suicide, 200 to Car Accidents, 40 to Homicide via Handgun. Often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data."

He overstated the El Paso and Dayton death tolls saying 34 died when the actual number was 22. But that's not what outraged his Twitter followers. They were angered because they felt he had downplayed the shootings. One person wrote, "This is the most heartless tweet in the history of social media." Later, Tyson apologized, saying, "I got this wrong."

Dr. Tyson and I are polar opposites on most issues. But I agree with him on several things here. First, I agree that he got it wrong - not the words or data, but the timing. He said the truth, but he said it too soon. He sent out the tweet while Americans still sat in shock, watching the aftermath of the horror on their television screens.

But even though I think he said it at the wrong time, I agree that it should at some point be said. In fact, it's crucial. Here's why. We're needlessly terrorizing our children.

It's hard enough for an adult to realize America's size. A child cannot understand how extremely unlikely it is that he or she might be shot at school, or while shopping at the mall. Even adults have a tough time picturing how many millions of people went to Walmart over the last month, in complete safety. For children, the numbers are unfathomable. But they instantly relate to shock, horror, and terror. They may not understand the whys and hows, but they pick up on fear. And adults are afraid.

On August 7th, a motorcycle backfired in Times Square. People thought it was an active shooter. The ensuing panic resulted in several injuries. Since the El Paso and Dayton shootings, there have been similar events all over the country.

In Lubbock, Texas, someone at the Social Security Administration offices saw a person park a car in the employee parking lot, then run away. They called police and evacuated the building. Homeland Security showed up. It turned out that the person was simply late for a job interview and that's why he ran when he left the car. In times past, it would have been no big deal. But these days Americans are on edge.

Children already live in fear. Many of them can no longer play in their own front yards. More and more wear armor plated backpacks at school. A child is far more likely to die in a traffic accident on the way to school than to be killed by a gunman while at school. But traffic deaths don't result in wall-to-wall media coverage.

We must teach our children to respect danger, but not live in fear. 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

Even in perilous times, we need to know and to teach our young the wonderful truth of Psalms 121:2. "My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth." When the Maker of heaven and earth has promised to help you, fear loses its awful grip.

If you're a follower of Jesus, pray for the children. When you encounter them, be reassuring and kind. Families and churches should not make a child's entertainment their primary goal. Instead, we must teach kids about the love of God, and His faithfulness to all who put their trust in Him. Teach them that heaven is real, but that God's provision and care starts here on earth. Above all, we must consistently express our own confidence in the Lord and our love for Him.
August 9th, 2019
Christians no longer need to be slaves to the fear of death. We have a glorious, overwhelmingly fantastic future. And it's already been paid for by Jesus Christ! We'll look at eternal life on this week's Hal Lindsey Presents, as we continue our study of Revelation.

Last week, we began to explore the Rapture. This week, we continue that amazing study. It's one of those rare things that can be both electrifying and comforting at the same time.

This week's program begins with a slight overlap from last week. The overlap will help you get oriented to this week's topic. I only mention it because I don't want you to hear the beginning of this week's program and think it's a rerun. Stay with it, and we will quickly get to the fresh material.

We live in troubled times. Sometimes it seems easier to block out the news than to look at the potential catastrophes now brewing. But in it all, we look forward to the "blessed hope" of the Lord's appearing. Titus 2:13-14 says, "Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus."

Things will get much worse after the Rapture, but they're already difficult. We see bad news everywhere. With television and internet, everybody lives in a house with a view - and that view takes in most of the world. Sadly, the things we see through these windows-on-the-world grow more disquieting by the day.

In times like these, we need to understand that God's promises are more reliable than TV news. His word does not change. He is the infinite Creator of all things. His promises are unbreakable. When you face the trials and challenges of life, hold on to Him and trust Him to hold you. God's promises will be kept even if the world turns upside down. He remains the Rock of your salvation, and you are safe in Him.

It's crucial that we stand in His power and not our own. Turn to Him and let Him help you "crack the faith barrier"!

All this and more on this week's Hal Lindsey Presents!

Join me this Sunday at 11PM Eastern Time on Daystar, or online anytime at or If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey
August 16th, 2019

Have you ever wondered what heaven is like? If you have received Christ's gift of redemption, you have an amazing journey ahead of you. Whether by rapture or death, you're going to heaven! Would you like to know more about that amazing destination? How about a preview?

On this week's Hal Lindsey Presents, we look through an open door into heaven itself. What we will see there is overwhelming and amazing. It will encourage you in every area of your life, and it will leave you in awe.

Our study of Revelation this week takes us deeper into chapter four - deeper into heaven. In verse one, John saw an open door into heaven. Then he was told, "Come up here!" and he was lifted from earth into heaven. He left a record of his visit! He wrote down for us what he saw.

John was not the first person on earth to get a glimpse into heaven. Just before he was stoned to death, God allowed Stephen to see into heaven. Acts 7:55 says, "Being full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed intently into heaven and saw the glory of God."

John, too, saw the glory of God. In heaven, everything centers around God and His throne. John didn't try to describe God's form. Instead, he spoke of God's splendor. They say a great actor has "presence." He walks onto the stage and every eye focuses on him. Well let me tell you, no human actor ever had presence like the Presence we will see in heaven! It will be the presence and glory of God radiating forth in power and majesty!

The word "revelation" is a translation of the Greek word, "apokalupsis." That's where we get the word "apocalypse." These days, people have come to think of an apocalypse as a "huge catastrophe." It really doesn't mean that at all. It means disclosure. It has to do with revealing, opening a curtain or, in this case, a door. The word "revelation" is a great English translation. And it makes a perfect title for a book that reveals so many things, especially about Jesus.

In chapter 4, we see heaven beginning to be revealed. And the dominate feature there is an even more jaw-dropping revelation - a glimpse at the glory and majesty of God Almighty.

Join me for this week's Hal Lindsey Presents. Look for it on Daystar on Sunday at 11PM Eastern Time. Or watch the program online anytime at or If you missed any episodes in this study, you can catch up by visiting

God Bless,

Hal Lindsey

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