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Saturday, August 17, 2019

TRUMP WATCH: 8.17.19 - Deal-of-the-Century Update

Deal-of-the-Century Update - Terry James -
One has to wonder how many times President Trump has heard the following words, or those similar: "You must not give away land God has given Israel, Mr. President."
Or: "Mr. President, America must never abandon Israel or deal treacherously with the Jewish people."
The reason it is reasonable to wonder this is, in part, because of recent developments in the process known as "the Deal of the Century."
Emails received have indicated on numerous occasions the trepidation the emailers feel-that is, the uneasiness about the probability of the Trump administration making a "deal" that will almost certainly include giving the Palestinians part of Israel's land in a "two-state solution" to the conflict in the region.
The deal, of course, involves the Trump Administration trying to broker a peace agreement between Israel and the so-called Palestinians. I say "so-called" because the word "Palestine" is a term concocted, many scholars believe, from the ancient people who were Israel's enemies, the Philistines. This is the people from whom, of course, the giant Goliath and his brothers came in the biblical David and Goliath account.
There has never been such a homeland for those called "Palestinians." The Arab/Muslim world has used its claim that Israel is an illegitimate occupier of the Palestinian homeland in recent times to foment hatred against the Jewish state.
There is fear amongst the diplomatic world that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians could at any moment flare to trigger thermonuclear response from the Zionists, as the Muslim-haters of Israel terms that nation. Israel, it is known by all, although not officially admitted, has one of the world's most lethal nuclear capabilities.
The Trump administration has been working to construct what the president, in his usually outspoken manner, calls "the Deal of the Century." By that, he means he intends to come up with a plan that will make peace in the region, thereby eliminating the fears of war that might ignite because of the conflict.
It was rumored that the American administration intended to include as part of this plan for making peace the dividing of Israel's land in order to create a separate nation called Palestine.
Christians who are savvy about Bible prophecy and who observe the times in light of Christ's promised return have weighed in heavily on this possibility. They stringently oppose such division of Israel's land, based upon, in part, passages in the book of the prophet Zechariah and Joel.
Joel prophesied: "For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land" (Joel 3: 1-2).
The prophet was foretelling about Armageddon, of course. He was saying that God will bring the nations of the world into the killing fields of the Plains of Esdraleon-the Valley of Jezreel surrounding Megiddo-to punish them for their maltreatment of His chosen people of Israel.
Those who hold to the premillennial, pre-Trib view of Bible prophecy believe that to be instrumental in dividing the land God gave Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will bring a curse on the perpetrators- based upon God's promises found in Genesis 12: "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee, and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed" (Genesis 12:3).
There was, as I say, trepidation amongst these Christian believers that President Trump planned to make the division of Israel's land part of the Deal of the Century.
Something has, perhaps, seemingly put a stop to that troubling rumor. The following news excerpt explains in part.
There is no Palestinian statehood in the "deal of the century," only autonomy, as U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, a silent member of the administration's Mideast peace team, has revealed.
Friedman warned the Palestinians that the Clinton, Olmert, Kerry and Obama proposals are no longer on the table...
Now the architects of the peace plan are making clear that all those proposals are a thing of the past and there is no better deal on its way.
When Arab countries are disintegrating because of jihad on one hand and Iran on the other, no stable Arab government would see the formation of a new Arab state as a dream come true. A bold new peace plan should propose taking a completely different direction. ("There might be something to 'deal of the century' after all, opinion by Ben-Dror Yemini, Published: 8-01-19 Rapture Ready News)
Again, based upon this overt declaration that there will be no Palestinian state constructed as part of negotiating peace, one must wonder how many times President Trump has heard the words, or those similar: "You must not give away land God has given Israel, Mr. President."
It is fodder for conjecture whether Bible prophecy adherents close to the president, such as Dr. Robert Jeffress or John Hagee, have had an influence. Certainly the Holy Spirit is at work in these closing days of the Church Age (Age of Grace). We will keep watch, with great interest, on unfolding things surrounding this "Deal-of-the Century" process.
Three stories of reflection - Bill Wilson -
There is so much news recently, it is difficult to keep on top of it all-if, indeed, one even wants to keep up with it. Today's Daily Jot will try to run down some of the stories we are watching and why they are important. First and foremost, Universal Studios has announced it is suspending the release of its film, "The Hunt," depicting elite liberals gathering together at a five-star resort to embark on a "deeply rewarding" hunt for sport to kill 12 "Make America Great Again" humans known as "deplorables." In a statement, Universal said, "we understand that now is not the right time to release this film...all agree the film could wait." This just means that Universal may just release "The Hunt" sometime in the future.
President Donald Trump summed up in a tweet why this film is so important to Americans: "The movie coming is made in order to inflame and cause chaos. They create their own violence, and then try to blame others. They are the true Racists, and are very bad for our Country!" This movie is a continuation of what has been going on in this country, and it is getting worse by the hour. A page out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," advises Marxist activists to accuse their opponents of what they themselves do, and make it very personal. This toxic movement among leftists and the media is an attempt to label anyone remotely associated with supporting conservatism and patriotism as the most vile of human beings.
Another story we are watching is the alleged suicide of accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Many powerful people have been named by victims who accused Epstein of running a sex trafficking ring of underaged girls servicing the rich and famous. Former Senator Robert Mitchell (D-ME), former Governor and presidential hopeful Bill Richardson (D-NM), and model Heidi Klum are among them. Investigative reporter Corey Lynn has developed a chart of Epstein's sordid network and how people are connected. Making the list are former president and first lady Bill and Hillary Clinton, the immediate past president, former attorney general Eric Holder, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), the Clinton Global Initiative and more. This story is important because it could unveil an enormous sex trafficking network by prominent politicians.
A third story worth watching is that of former vice president Joe Biden (D-DE). Biden has said some remarkable things lately: "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. "He also said, "We choose truth over facts." He said as Vice President he met with students after the Parkland, FL high school shooting, but he had resigned the previous year. Biden also confused the locations of the most recent mass shootings, saying they were in Houston and Michigan. These are just the past week's batch of Biden gaffes. It is important to demonstrate the double standard of the media, and the mental condition of the man who would be president. These stories reflect where we are as a nation. Proverbs 28:4 says "They that forsake the law praise the wicked: but such as keep the law contend with them." We must contend for what is right.
The things people say - Bill Wilson -
My mother always told me, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." It's a good axiom to live by, although her son would grow up to be an investigative journalist who had a lot of things to say that some people may not consider nice. Hey, I try. One of the horrible things that has happened in our country is the nonsense, visceral, slanderous culture of late where it seems that my mother's saying has been twisted to: "If you can't say something mean, don't say anything at all." Now there is enough of this ill-will being pushed into the 24/7 news cycle that very few people can escape the poisonous impact of the things people say, and who is saying them. Here are just a few, judge for yourself.
During CNN's "Situation Room" Monday, Representative Denny Heck (D-WA) said, "the president hates all immigrants, except his mother- and father-in-law and his wife, evidently. He hates them whether they're here without documents, they're here with a green card, they're here seeking asylum. He hates them all." On Monday's broadcast of MSNBC's "All In," 2020 presidential candidate former HUD Secretary and former San Antonio Mayor Juli�n Castro (D) said, "this administration is not just against undocumented immigrants, it's also against legal immigrants...And it goes back to what he's displayed from the beginning of his political career, from birtherism, to the way he started his campaign, to those comments about the Mexican-American judge, to his comments about Ilhan Omar and her colleagues. He wants a whiter, wealthier nation."
The Washington Post, owned by billionaire Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, released an editorial this week blasted enforcement of national immigration law as "cruel" and said U.S. businesses should not be deprived of employing illegal alien workers. Bette Midler tweeted Sunday, "After two years, we are all experts on Donald Trump!!! A racist, white supremacist nutjob with a coterie of criminals to enable him." Monday on MSNBC's "MTP Daily," network political analyst Zerlina Maxwell said, "If you are supporting a president that is caging brown babies and you are okay with that, then I'm sorry, that is supporting racist policies, and that is not distinct from supporting a racist president. I think that often we try to get into this semantic game because people take the label of racist so personally as if I'm saying that you're a terrible human and that you're evil."
Presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) Sunday said Trump, "has been fueling the flames of hate. I said recently on the issue of El Paso...when people ask me is he responsible for these killings? Well no he obviously didn't pull the trigger, but he's sure been tweeting out the ammunition." Actress Sophia Bush tweeted about the recent mass shootings: "Trump is to blame. His incitement of hate is grounds enough for impeachment." In reading these quotes, and they are just a small sampling, who is spewing forth the hate and incitement? Notice how the media is a willing vehicle. As Jesus said in Matthew 15:18-20, "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart...For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies"
 Fauxcahantus speaking with evil tongue - Bill Wilson -
Democratic presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), also known as Fauxcahantus for lying about being of Native American descent among other things, has gone on the race warpath against President Donald Trump. Breitbart reports that Warren claimed Trump wants citizens to blame people of color for all their failures in life, and by the way, Michael Brown was "murdered" by police officers in Ferguson, MO, in 2014. At her campaign stop in New Hampshire, she was asked what she would do as president to unify the country and she basically dodged the question and went on to incite racial tension by attributing a race-motivated blame game to Trump.
Breitbart quotes Warren's response to how she would unify the country: "Look, Trump has a message. He says if there's something that's bad in your life, something that's not working for you - you're not making much money, you can't cover your expenses, you're worried about your kids - blame them. Blame people who aren't the same color as you. Blame people who don't sound like you. Blame people who weren't born where you were born. Blame people who don't worship like you. Blame them. And that is his message. That is it, at heart. And he thinks if he can stir up people against people, keep people fighting each other enough, then nobody will notice who's actually picking their pockets. And that the folks at the top are just getting richer and richer and richer, just scraping more and more of the wealth for themselves."
Warren also saying Michael Brown was murdered in Ferguson, MO, five years ago, appears to be nothing short of using a false narrative to stir up racial issues. After robbing a store, Brown physically assaulted a police officer and during the struggle reached for the officer's gun.Brown was shot six times--twice in the head and four times in the arm. None of the bullets were from behind, as "eyewitness" reports suggested that the policeman shot Brown in the back as he tried to surrender. The Grand Jury ruled that Officer Darren Wilson did not shoot unarmed attacker Mike Brown in cold blood, but in self-defense. Warren, and the other Democratic Party presidential candidates are twisting facts, lying, and promoting false narratives to incite division while blaming Trump for dividing the country.
Political commentator and author Bill O'Reilly tweeted earlier this week, "Mr. Trump's statements against illegal immigration, Muslim terrorism, and the economic failure of some third world countries are being used to create a racial theory, but theories are not facts and are often wrong...While researching my upcoming book "The United States of Trump," we could not find one example of the President discussing skin color in a pejorative way or promoting Caucasian dominance." O'Reilly was then ridiculed in the twittersphere for his poor research. One of the Ten Commandments addresses accusation: "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Proverbs 25:18 says such a person is a "maul, and a sword, and a sharp arrow." In Hebrew, it's called "Lashon hara," or evil tongue. Pay it no mind.
 Prophetic trend of the week - Bill Wilson -
2 Timothy 3:13 says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." This is a prophecy by the Apostle Paul about how in the latter days perilous times shall come. This week certainly was an example of how evil men and seducers are waxing worse. On Thursday, for example, 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Senator Amy Klobuchar (MN) said that Israel shouldn't ban visits by Congresswomen Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) for their anti-Semitism, and then blamed President Donald Trump for "literally exporting intolerance." This tying together ills of society and projecting them onto Trump rather than offering legitimate solutions was an ongoing trend this week.
During CNN's "Situation Room" Monday, Representative Denny Heck (D-WA) said, "the president hates all immigrants, except his mother- and father-in-law and his wife, evidently. He hates them whether they're here without documents, they're here with a green card, they're here seeking asylum. He hates them all." On Monday's broadcast of MSNBC's "All In," 2020 presidential candidate former HUD Secretary and former San Antonio Mayor Juli�n Castro (D) said, "this administration is not just against undocumented immigrants, it's also against legal immigrants...And it goes back to what he's displayed from the beginning of his political career, from birtherism, to the way he started his campaign, to those comments about the Mexican-American judge, to his comments about Ilhan Omar and her colleagues. He wants a whiter, wealthier nation."
Presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) Sunday said Trump, "has been fueling the flames of hate. I said recently on the issue of El Paso...when people ask me is he responsible for these killings? Well no he obviously didn't pull the trigger, but he's sure been tweeting out the ammunition." Breitbart reports that another Democratic presidential frontrunner, Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed Trump wants citizens to blame people of color for all their failures in life, Warren said, "Blame people who aren't the same color as you. Blame people who don't sound like you. Blame people who weren't born where you were born. Blame people who don't worship like you. Blame them. And that is his message."
Warren concluded, "And he thinks if he can stir up people against people, keep people fighting each other enough, then nobody will notice who's actually picking their pockets. And that the folks at the top are just getting richer and richer and richer, just scraping more and more of the wealth for themselves." But this is exactly what these people have done all along. They stir up strife by blaming others for it, all the while enriching themselves with money and power through their congressional votes. All week long, Americans have heard the "hate" claims against Trump. They wax worse and worse, to the point one has to suspend disbelief to believe them. Truly a prophetic time where truth is claimed as a lie, and lies are held as truth.

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