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Saturday, July 4, 2020

Descent Into Chaos

Descent Into Chaos  By Jan Markell Dark news proliferates today and who likes to dwell on it? You cannot have the nightly news on for thirty seconds without beingstunned, disheartened, horrified, angered, and almost made to feel war-weary. I have been a chronicler of our times for a few decades but I have not seen a year like 2020 in my lifetime--and we have six months more to go. Each day, breaking news goes from the ridiculous to the bizarre. The Mad Hatter must be ruling and reigning and making all thedecisions. John Lennon’s “Imagine” to replace the “Star-Spangled Banner?” Actions taken to disband entire police departments? What universe am I living in? How can people doubt there is a last days' dumbing down? Just read Romans 1. For many weeks, Christians had to find comfort and counsel online rather than in a church setting. We couldn’t be built up inthe faith and meet with fellow believers for many months. Yet demonstrators and rioters, from sea to shining sea, could tear down our cities and monumentswith no restraints! Welcome to the New World Order. With this and more in mind, I had Michele Bachmann on air this past weekend to consider: •How and why America went from 3 ½ years of prosperity to the present national chaos—and this in just a few months. •How in 2020, we lost six entire months to strife that includes impeachment efforts, Coronavirus destruction, and lawlessnessin dozens of American cities. Is there a hidden hand behind this?How long must we endure the tensions? •What is the “red/green alliance” and why are parts of America targeted by this coalition of Communists and Islamists? Is it about to hit your neighborhood? Could Islamic patrols replace police officers as the newlaw enforcers in America as has happened in parts of Europe? •What is the delusional thinking behind abolishing our police departments. Is your city next? •Why have entire denominations, and some of them evangelical, drunk the Kool-Aid that Black Lives Matter is a good social justice movement to sign onto? Christianity Today magazine sayswe must give reparations to African-Americans. •Is this turmoil “orchestrated chaos” because we have an election on the horizon? Could the dilemmas disappear after November3? •Where is America in Bible prophecy? •How might we actually reverse this bizarre scenario in America? We have featured Curtis Bowers on our radio program multiple times over the years. He warned us. For over 100 years, Communistshave infiltrated America. They have successfully conquered our educational system and many seminaries. We have carried his award-winning film, "Agenda." Hear this current program below.Listen to our weekly radio program, now heard on almost 900 radio stations, on our YouTubeChannel, or on HisChannel. Our syndicated list of radio stations is found here. “Understanding the Times Radio” is now in its 20th year.

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