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Saturday, July 4, 2020

TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY: 7.4.20 - 6/30/20 - 7/3/20

TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 6/30/20 •Incounter to US peace plan, Palestinians say ready for direct talks with Israel •Netanyahu:Applying Israeli law in Judea and Samaria will advance peace •Ocasio-Cortezand Tlaib among 4 Dems calling to cut aid if annexation goes ahead •UNrights chief says annexation plans 'illegal,' consequences will last decades •Netanyahusaid to hint annexation won't begin July 1, as he'd previously pledged •Gantztells US envoys July 1 annexation start date 'not sacred' •Hintingat Annexation Date, Gantz Says 'Anything Not Related to Coronavirus Will Wait' •AfterGantz says annexation can wait, Netanyahu snipes: 'It's not up to him' •Palestiniansexhibit little motivation to protest against Israeli sovereignty plans •USLawmakers Call on EU to Designate Hezbollah in its Entirety as Terror Group •MiddleEast risks renewed arms race, US warns •Syriafaces mass starvation or mass exodus without more aid, WFP says •Iranissues arrest warrant for Donald Trump over Qassem Suleimani killing •Iranasks Interpol to help arrest Trump for killing general •PutinSeizes Moment to Rule Until He's 83 Amid Fading Popularity •Multipleintelligence streams suggest Russians paying bounties for US troops, Trump not briefed: official •Spiesand Commandos Warned Months Ago of Russian Bounties on U.S. Troops •TrumpDenies Russia Bounty Claim as Bipartisan Outrage Grows on Capitol Hill •GOPlawmakers urge action after Russia-Afghanistan briefing •OklahomaAuthorities Charge Alleged Rioters With Terrorism: 'This Is Not Seattle.' •Detroitpolice SUV plows through group of protesters, flings people who climbed on hood •Notjust Confederate statues: Indigenous activists want conquistadors, missionaries removed •ActivistsSet Up Guillotine In Front Of Jeff Bezos's D.C. Home, Call For Amazon To Be Abolished •Amazon'sTwitch just suspended Trump's channel for violating 'hateful conduct' policies and cited his campaign speeches as the reason •Facebooksees $60 billion in market value erased in just 2 days as advertisers like Starbucks and PepsiCo halt social-media spending •TheUniversity Of California Pays $1 Million Ransom Following Cyber Attack •5.6magnitude earthquake hits the Ascension Island region •5.4magnitude earthquake hits near Katsuura, Japan •5.1magnitude earthquake hits near Corinto, Nicaragua •5.0magnitude earthquake hits near Abapo, Bolivia •Sabancayavolcano in Peru erupts to 26,000ft •Klyuchevskoyvolcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 20,000ft •Sangayvolcano in Ecuador erupts to 19,000ft •Reventadorvolcano in Ecuador erupts to 14,000ft •12million people affected, 78 killed as severe floods continue across south and east China •Torrentialrain produces severe flooding in India, strands over 200,000 in Bangladesh •India'sCapital Faces a 'Swarmageddon' of Locusts •Chinacuts Uighur births with IUDs, abortion, sterilization •SupremeCourt, in 5-4 ruling, strikes down restrictive Louisiana abortion law •JohnRoberts sides with liberals on Supreme Court to block controversial Louisiana abortion law •Thomastears into abortion precedent, says Roe v. Wade should fall in dissent on Louisiana case •USabortion foes vent disappointment after Supreme Court ruling •Swedendiscriminates against elderly with COVID-19; 'active euthanasia,' critics say •PopeFrancis Decries Discarding the Elderly Like 'Waste Material' •TerrorAlert: Russian Security Warns of Jihadi Plot Using Coronavirus Spreaders •Trumpignores Covid-19 risk in renewed attack on 'corrupt' mail-in voting •FloridaDoctors Urge GOP to Postpone 'Medically Disrespectful' Convention •Despitenew mandatory mask rules, Trump insists it's everyone's 'personal choice' •Arizonatown to host summer fests without face masks: 'Err on the side of freedom' •N.J.restaurants NOT reopening for indoor dining this week after 'knucklehead' crowds at bars ruin it for everyone •AStarbucks barista received nearly $80,000 in tips after being singled out for refusing to serve a customer not wearing a mask •'Isaw the devil': Many COVID-19 patients have terrifying delirium •World'sdominant strain of coronavirus 'is 10 times more infectious than the one that jumped to humans in China' because it mutated so its vital spike protein doesn't snap as often in the body, scientists say •MuskUrges COVID-19 Retests Due to 'Ridiculous Number' of False Positives •China'smilitary approves coronavirus vaccine for use on soldiers •Covid-19Drug Remdesivir to Cost $3,120 for Typical Patient •Dowsoars 580 points as optimistic home-sales data overshadows virus spread •Foodbanks are anticipating a second wave of demand when the extra $600 in unemployment benefits expires next month •Acash cliff spells trouble for U.S. unemployed, and everyone else •CoronavirusBrings American Decline Out in the Open •Swineflu strain with 'human pandemic potential' found in more Chinese pigs, scientists say •MikePence Tells Church: 'Hold Fast' to Jesus, Prayer During 'These Challenging Times' TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 7/1/20 •Netanyahuindicates delay in annexation date after meeting with US envoys •Questionsmount as Netanyahu's self-imposed annexation date arrives •USseeking Israeli gesture toward Palestinians to offset annexation •AOC:Israel may become 'apartheid state' after annexing West Bank •Sanderssigns AOC letter calling for aid cuts if Israel annexes in West Bank •InHebrew op-ed, UK's Johnson implores Israel to drop annexation bid •Palestinians:Peace talks only through UN-sponsored international parley •DutchMPs urge list of possible sanctions in response to Israeli annexation •BelgianProtesters at Anti-Annexation Rally Call for 'War Against Jews' •2,500-year-oldCity of David seal shows Jerusalem status in Persian period •UN:Syria needs $10bn in aid to combat impact of war and coronavirus •Atleast 17 dead in explosion in medical center in Tehran •USenvoy: Military action against Iranian nuclear program 'always on the table' •PompeoPushes Iran Arms Embargo at UN, Russia Says U.S. Knee on Iran's Neck •Pompeo:If UN lets Iran arms embargo expire, it will 'betray' ideals of peace, security •Pompeoto UN: Ending Iran embargo would risk Mideast stability •Netanyahuto US Iran envoy: Some things can't wait until after coronavirus •Iranianmissile can 'reach central Europe and parts of northern Europe' •KimJong Un reportedly blew up office over 'dirty depictions' of his wife •'Uncertainand unsettling': China approves controversial Hong Kong security law •HongKong makes first arrest under China's new national security law •AustraliaSpending Nearly $1 Billion on Cyberdefense as China Tensions Rise •Russianshit the reset button for Putin, but questions of legitimacy linger over his long-term rule •Trumpfaces pressure over Russia bounties to kill US troops •VenezuelanWarns US: Socialist Destruction Starts with Tearing Down Statues and Censoring Everything •SanFrancisco Archbishop Holds Exorcism At Golden Gate Park Site Where Serra Statue Was Toppled •BlackPastor Says US 'Riots' Are About Microchips, Not Black Lives Matter •MaryTrump's Tell-All Book Temporarily Blocked in Court •Betelgeusehas dimmed 60% ahead of potentially imminent supernova •5.1magnitude earthquake hits near Port-Olry, Vanuatu •5.1magnitude earthquake hits near Isangel, Vanuatu •5.0magnitude earthquake hits near Mina, Nevada •Sabancayavolcano in Peru erupts to 29,000ft •Popocateptlvolcano in Mexico erupts to 24,000ft •Sangayvolcano in Ecuador erupts to 23,000ft •Klyuchevskoyvolcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 20,000ft •Reventadorvolcano in Ecuador erupts 16,000ft •Nishinoshimavolcano on Japan erupts to 12,000ft •Ebekovolcano in the Kuril Islands erupts to 10,000ft •Miamiheat! City sees hottest week on record after Saharan dust saps moisture from air •WHOsays 'we cannot let our guard down' after China pigs study •FDAsays a coronavirus vaccine would have to be at least 50% effective to be approved •Dr.Anthony Fauci says U.S. coronavirus outbreak is 'going to be very disturbing,' could top 100,000 new cases a day •Pencesays America ready to meet growing contagion after dire Fauci warning •NewUS infections hit single-day record; Biden swears off campaign rallies •'Thisis hell': Parents and kids hate online learning, but they could face more of it •Statesreverse openings, require masks amid virus resurgence •Eightstates added to New York governor's quarantine order •Tourismindustry protests lack of support amid coronavirus crisis •LasVegas Workers Sue Casinos Over Covid-19 Safety •Asvirus roars back, so do signs of a new round of layoffs •LocalBanks Begin To Feel Impact Of Coin Circulation Shortage Due To COVID-19 •Howthe Fed is driving savers to riskier investments •GoldClimbs Above $1,800 for the First Time Since 2011 •Dowcaps off best quarter since 1987 as strong economic data drives gains •Dowcan hit 30,000 by 2021 if Republicans keep the Senate and the coronavirus is contained, Wharton professor Jeremy Siegel says •Trump:I'm getting madder and madder at China when watching Covid-19 •Americansare living in a big 'anger incubator.' Experts have tips for regulating our rage. •ChurchMembers Hospitalized as 200 Officials Destroy Church in China TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 7/2/20 •Asannexation start date comes and goes, Netanyahu presses on with US talks •Vaticansummons Israeli, US ambassadors to protest annexation plans •'Annexationwill suffocate us': Jericho's Palestinians fear being cut off •'Trumpwould lose Evangelical support if he doesn't support sovereignty' •Pro-IsraelDemocrats Slam Far-Left Letter Threatening Aid Cut Over West Bank Annexation •FormerUS Mideast negotiator: World mired in past on solving Israeli-Palestinian conflict •Russia,Iran, Turkey say Israeli strikes in Syria are 'destabilizing' •UNRaises $7.7 Billion for Syrians Beset by War and COVID-19 •'Incident'damages building near Iran nuclear plant; reactor said untouched •NewLaw in Iran Threatens More Arrests of Christians, Rights Advocates Say •Turkey:11 detained over tweets dealing with leader's family •ItalySeizes Record-Breaking $1 Billion Worth Drugs They Say Were 'ISIS-Made' •SaudisThreaten New Oil-Price War With OPEC Brethren •Russianvoters back reforms letting Putin stay in power until 2036 •Trumpdismisses Russian bounty allegations as a 'hoax' •Nationalsecurity adviser says Trump's CIA briefer decided not to share Russia bounty intel •Russianssqueeze U.S. troops in Syria amid uproar over Trump's dealings with Moscow •China'snew national security law is already chilling free speech in Hong Kong •SouthKorean president calls for Trump-Kim summit before November election •Seattlepolice retake stationhouse in CHOP, arrest multiple protesters following Durkan orders •NYPDcops encouraged to 'strike' on July 4 to give city its 'independence' •Sheriffvows to deputize gun owners if protests turn violent •Backgroundchecks, a metric for gun sales, hit all-time high •WhyRioters Will Eventually Turn Their Rage On Christianity If Not Stopped •YouTuberemoves 25,000 pages for hate speech •Trumpcalls Black Lives Matter a 'symbol of hate' as he digs in on race •Giuliani:Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group 'planning to destroy police' •MichaelFlynn: 'Dark forces' are intent on driving God out of everyday American life •PopeFrancis: Media Should Help People 'Distinguish Good from Evil' •Zuckerbergsays advertising boycott won't change Facebook's principles: Report •SupremeCourt rumor: Hugh Hewitt claims Alito retirement being floated •Fearingan election loss, Trump allies push him to be less polarizing •QAnonconspiracy theorists on the ballot show Trump's influence on the GOP •Hundredsof George W. Bush administration officials to back Biden, group says •Trumpvs. Biden: Senility becomes 2020 flashpoint •TimGraham: If Biden wins, snarling, vicious media watchdogs will transform into cuddly little lapdogs •5.1magnitude earthquake hits near Port-Olry, Vanuatu •Sabancayavolcano in Peru erupts to 26,000ft •Popocateptlvolcano in Mexico erupts to 20,000ft •Sangayvolcano in Ecuador erupts to 20,000ft •Reventadorvolcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ft •Fuegovolcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft •Nishinoshimavolcano on Japan erupts to 12,000ft •Overnightdeluge drops more than 9 inches of rain on Emerald, Wis. •SevereDrought in Puerto Rico Prompts State of Emergency, Water Rationing •Hundredsof elephants dead in mysterious mass die-off •Dr.Anthony Fauci says new virus in China has traits of 2009 swine flu and 1918 pandemic flu •U.N.Security Council Demands Cease-Fire In Conflict Areas, Due To COVID-19 •InIraq, Rising Virus Cases And Oxygen Shortages Stoke Outrage, Fears Of 'Chaos' •Disinformationon coronavirus 'massive,' new European report says •ResearchersDebate Infecting People on Purpose to Test Coronavirus Vaccines •Pfizerleaps 6% after releasing positive trial results for coronavirus vaccine •Protestversus Africa's 1st COVID-19 vaccine test shows fear •Israelapproves temporary cellphone tracking of COVID-19 carriers amid surge •Coronavirus:Could 'immunity passports' create an antibody elite? •RocklandCounty, Probing New Cluster, Uses Subpoenas as People Resist Contact Tracing •COVIDOutbreaks Are Being Traced Back To Parties - Not Protests •Alabamastudents attend 'COVID-19 parties,' gamble on who gets sick first •Isair conditioning helping to spread coronavirus? In southern states, being indoors may be a factor •'BarLives Matter' Protesters Descend on Texas Capitol to Oppose Closures •Thecoronavirus is expected to have cost 400 million jobs in the second quarter, UN labor agency estimates •U.S.companies not rushing to rehire workers; rising COVID-19 cases threaten recovery •Lloyd'scalls for state-backed 'Black Swan' reinsurance •Fedofficials fear second wave of coronavirus will cause deeper recession •IMFsays Asia's economy will shrink 'for the first time in living memory' due to the coronavirus •Churcheswarned to prepare for 'tidal wave of poverty' • TRACKING BIBLE PROPHECY 7/3/20 •Abbas'sFatah party, terror group Hamas unite to 'topple' Trump deal, annexation •Withrenewed Fatah, Hamas partnership, will Israel now face a return to terror? •Johnsontells Israel that UK would not recognize any changes to the 1967 lines •Report:Switzerland offers to mediate between Israel and PA •Netanyahusaid to threaten elections as ministers bicker at COVID-19 session •Asvirus soars, Netanyahu declares renewed limits on gatherings, prayers, events •Anti-Israel'Day of Rage' Protests Target Major Jewish Organizations in San Diego, Boston •Lebanesemajor retailers to shut down in protest amid economic crisis •Russia,Turkey and Iran coordinate anti-US Syria policy, slamming Israel •Irannuclear site fire hit centrifuge facility, analysts say •Iranwarns Israel, US after fire at nuclear site, amid reports bomb caused blaze •Analysts:Fire at Iran nuclear site hit new centrifuges; dissidents claim strike •U.S.Seeks to Seize Iranian Fuel Bound for Venezuela •Boltonwarns Trump could cozy up to Iran if he wins 2nd term •Behindthe top-secret Russian military intelligence unit accused of paying insurgents to kill Americans in Afghanistan •TwentySaudi officials go on trial in absentia over Khashoggi killing •Militarydeployed in Ethiopian capital after more than 80 killed in protests •HongKong protest leader flees as government warns calls for 'revolution' are now illegal •Gunmenkill 26 people in deadly attack on drug rehabilitation centre in Mexico •USinstalling AI-based border monitoring system •Trumpadministration awards tech start-up contract to build 'virtual' border wall •Triballeaders to protest Trump appearance at Mount Rushmore fireworks event •Gunbackground checks hit record high in June, a sign of booming sales, FBI reveals •Trump'scampaign is reportedly ready to cancel his convention rally to avoid a 'Tulsa-like humiliation' •5GWas Going to Unite the World - Instead It's Tearing Us Apart •Navyvideos spark renewed interest in UFOs from enthusiasts and Congress •Getset for July 4 buck moon, partial lunar eclipse •TheEarth's magnetic field just did something scientists rarely see •5.2magnitude earthquake hits near San Lorenzo, Mexico •5.2magnitude earthquake hits near Shikotan, Russia •5.1magnitude earthquake hits near San Antonio, Chile •Sabancayavolcano in Peru erupts to 26,000ft •Popocateptlvolcano in Mexico erupts to 20,000ft •Nishinoshimavolcano on Japan erupts to 16,000ft •Reventadorvolcano in Ecuador erupts to 15,000ft •Ebekovolcano in the Kuril Islands erupts to 14,000ft •Torrentialrain produces severe flooding in India, strands over 200,000 in Bangladesh •Indiafloods: Thousands evacuated in Assam as river banks burst •Deathtoll rises to 162 in Myanmar jade mine collapse •Australiato boost defence spending as PM warns of 'more dangerous' world after coronavirus pandemic •Agroom in India died two days after getting married. Now, about 100 COVID-19 cases are linked to the wedding. •Expertsfear July 4 weekend will exacerbate coronavirus spread •HermanCain Hospitalized With COVID-19 After Attending Trump Tulsa Rally Maskless •Choir,Orchestra Members at Church Where Vice President Pence Visited Tested Positive for COVID-19 •CaliforniaCoronavirus Update: Governor Gavin Newsom Reveals Recent 56 Percent Increase In Hospitalizations, Says State Will "Lean In" On Enforcement If Businesses Don't Comply •Theschools situation is a complete crisis. And completely unfixable •Texaslieutenant governor blasts Dr. Anthony Fauci: 'Wrong every time on every issue' •OperationWarp Speed's opaque choices of COVID-19 vaccines draw Senate scrutiny •Modernastock falls 8% after report says late-stage coronavirus vaccine trial delayed •Whena third of Europe's population was lost, wealth concentrated into tiny groups. Could Covid-19 trigger something similar? •Recordjobs gain of 4.8 million in June smashes expectations; unemployment rate falls to 11.1% •USunemployment falls to 11%, but new shutdowns are underway •Unemploymentrate won't recover for the next decade, CBO projects •ClarenceThomas: Roe v. Wade Was 'Grievously Wrong' and 'Should Be Overruled' •Trumpadministration moves to repeal transgender protections in homeless shelters •Russiavotes in favor of referendum banning gay marriage •JeffreyEpstein friend Ghislaine Maxwell arrested on child sex abuse conspiracy, perjury charges •Powerfulmen are scared about what Ghislaine Maxwell will say

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