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Friday, February 5, 2021

BIDEN UPDATE: 2.6.21 - A New Bill In Congress Would Literally End Your 2nd Amendment Rights Permanently

H.R. 127: A New Bill In Congress Would Literally End Your 2nd Amendment Rights Permanently- by Michael Snyder - If a new bill that has been introduced in Congress eventually becomes law, the 2nd Amendment will still be in the U.S. Constitution, but for all practical purposes the rightsthat it is supposed to guarantee will be dead and gone. H.R. 127 was submitted on January 4th, and if you have not read it yet you can find the full text right here. It contains a lot of technical language, and so in this article I am going to try to breakdown what it means very simply. Now that the Democrats control the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives, there is going to be a major push to ram through some form of gun control legislation. If it is not this bill, it will be another one,so we need to be diligent. One of the biggest things that H.R. 127 would do is that it would create a national firearms registration system that would literally be accessible by anyone… HR 127 establishes a federal firearms registration system that will be accessible by federal, state, and local governments, including the military – even the GENERAL PUBLIC!The system will track the make, model, and serial number of all firearms, their owners, the dates they were acquired, and where they are being stored. So if your neighbor, a co-worker, or someone that just wanted to rob your home wanted to know how you were armed, all they would have to do would be to look it up in thefirearms registration system. This bill would also apply retroactively. Within three months, you would have to report to the government where you bought all of your guns, when they were purchased, and where they are currently being stored. Needless to say, if the government knows where all of your guns are being stored, it would make it that much easier to grab them from you at some future date. H.R. 127 would also require all gun owners to be federally licensed. That would mean that owning a gun would no longer be a right. Instead, it would be reduced to a “privilege” that the government could take away at any time. According to the bill, the licensing procedure would include “a psychological evaluation”… The licensing requirement mandates that the license applicant undergoes a criminal background check, and then submits to a psychological evaluation to determine whetherthe person is psychologically unsuited to possess a firearm. Successful licensees must show they have an insurance policy which will cost $800. I know a lot of guys out there that would definitely not want to go through any sort of a “psychological evaluation” by a government-approved psychologist. And it wouldn’t just be you that would get interviewed. According to the bill, spouses and other family members would be interviewed as well… For the psychological evaluation, a licensed psychologist will interview individuals’ spouses and at least two other family members or associates to “further determine thestate of the mental emotional, and relational stability of the individual in relation to firearms.” Licenses will be denied to individuals hospitalized for issues such as depressive episodes; no duration for license disability is specified, and it does notmatter whether the individual sought help voluntarily. The goal, of course, is to make owning guns as difficult as possible. Democrats figure that if they can put up as many barriers to gun ownership as possible, a lot less people will end up owning them. Thirdly, this bill would also greatly restrict the type of ammunition that you can own… Finally, HR 127 also criminalizes the possession of “large-capacity magazines” (those carrying greater than 10 rounds) and “ammunition that is 0.50 caliber or greater.” I know that all of this sounds utterly ridiculous, but the restrictions in this bill actually sound very, very similar to what Joe Biden has been publicly proposing… During the 2020 campaign, Joe Biden promised a long list of gun control regulations. There is a reason that Michael Bloomberg spent $125 million helping Biden in Floridaand something over $600 million nationally in the general election. The agenda includes: classifying many semi-automatic rifles and magazines holding more than 10 bullets as Class 3 weapons (which can require nine months or more for approvaland a $200 fee), national gun licensing, “red flag” laws that let judges take away people’s guns without a hearing, background checks on the private transfer of guns, and bans on some semi-automatic firearms that happen to look like military weapons. Gun control is very high on the list of things that Joe Biden wants to get accomplished during the next four years. So like I said, if it isn’t this bill, it will be another one that is similar. They are coming for your 2nd Amendment, and they aren’t going to stop until they get what they want. Meanwhile, this is all happening at a time when murder rates all across America are going through the roof… “Homicide rates were higher during every month of 2020 relative to rates from the previous year,” the report states, calling the 30 percent surge “a large and troublingincrease that has no modern precedent.” We have never seen major city murder rates jump by an average of 30 percent in a single year. Things are getting really crazy out there, and many believe that 2021 will be even worse. For almost a year, there has been civil unrest in our cities on an almost nightly basis. As I write this, civil unrest has erupted in Rochester, New York. We live at a timewhen rioting, looting, arson and vandalism have become commonplace, and the senseless violence that we have witnessed so far is just the leading edge of the storm. Millions of Americans can see what is happening to our society and they are quite concerned. 2020 was a record year for gun sales in the United States, and dealers havereported that demand is extremely strong so far in 2021 as well. The Democrats do not like this one bit, and they are going to do their very best to put a stop to it. Please let your friends, family and contacts know about H.R. 127, because an all-out attack on the 2nd Amendment is coming, but at this point most people are not even awarethat it is about to happen. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The post-truth discernment � Bill Wilson � As we are living in a post-truth world, where information is weaponized to gain as much attention as possible without regard for truth, it is imperative that we, as citizensof the Kingdom of Heaven, discern truth that we not be deceived. So many people just look at a headline and believe it to be true because they want to believe it, rather than look into what is actually true. Often, I have been asked �how do you discern thetruth?� Today, I want to give you an example and walk you through how even a conservative media site can distort the truth to attract viewership, what is called in the business �eyes.� This example is the headline: �Nonvoters, Registered Democrats Among ThoseArrested at Capitol Protest.� Immediately, those who want to believe that the January 6 assault on the Capitol was infiltrated by Democrats, Antifa and Black Lives Matter extremists who hijacked thepeaceful protest of conservatives will respond to this headline, �Ahah! See, I told you so.� And then go on without reading the story or checking into it further, pass on the content of the headline to others. This particular headline is Breitbart�s interpretationof a CNN story reporting that of 180 arrested, it was able to obtain voting records for more than 80 of the initial arrestees. CNN reported, �at least eight of the people who are now facing criminal charges for their involvement in the events at the Capitoldid not vote in the November 2020 presidential election.� CNN further wrote: �Most voted in the presidential election, and while many were registered Republicans, a handful were registered as Democrats in those jurisdictions thatprovided party information � though who someone votes for is not publicly disclosed. Public access to voter history records varies by state, and CNN was unable to view the records of some of those charged.� So what we are seeing here is that the Breitbartheadline, while technically accurate, was slanted toward a narrative. Newsmax was a bit more responsible with its headline in re-covering the CNN story, �Some Capitol Rioters Didn�t Vote in 2020 Election.� I believe that Breitbart and Newsmax are good newssources, but you still have to verify. CNN slanted toward those who want to believe that all conservatives are terrorists with its click bait headline of the same story, �They stormed the Capitol to overturnthe results of an election they didn�t vote in.� Three headlines for one story that was originally written by CNN. Three differing takes. All three fit the narrative of the reader actually believing what he/she wanted to believe, but all three got �eyes.� You had to do some research to get to the truth, which was actually buried deep in the CNN story, reporting on only 8 people. How many memes, conspiracy reports, false narratives and lies do you think came out of those headlines, were embellished, and werepassed on as a certain version of �truth�? As Christ said in Matthew 24:4, �Take heed that no man deceive you.� It takes work and responsibility to discern truth in a post-truth world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Discern truth to remain free � Bill Wilson � Some anonymous media are complaining about how the Biden* Administration is trying to manipulate them by asking for daily press briefing questions ahead of time. Hardly.The Biden* Administration, like the Obama Administration before it, is trying to control the propaganda narrative that the American people hear. The press corps covering the White House are just all too willing to comply because they do not see the left-leaningBiden* Administration as a threat to their brand of socialist democracy. Nonetheless, the information you�the United States citizen�is receiving from the government is only what the government wants you to hear because the news media is too lazy and dumbeddown to do its job. This is a danger to freedom, but it has become common place when leftists in the media and the government have a cozy relationship. In one sense, the news media was extraordinarilyand unfairly hostile to President Trump, and now it has admittedly changed coverage because it is in agreement with the politics of the Biden* Administration. For example, CNN�s Jim Acosta, who was extremely hostile to Trump, told the Atlantic in a December2020 article, �I don�t think the press should be trying to whip up the Biden presidency and turn it into must-see TV in a contrived way.� CNN reporter Daniel Dale, in the same article, stated that his job would �not be a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week job to fact-checkBiden� because �the simple reality is that Biden doesn�t lie nearly as often as Trump does.� Now some media are allegedly complaining because Biden�s press secretary Jen Psaki is requiring the �pre-screening� of questions before press briefings. The left-leaningDaily Beast reports a White House spokesperson said the primary goal remains to �make the daily briefing as useful and informative as possible for both reporters and the public�Part of meeting that objective means regularly engaging with the reporters whowill be in the briefing room to understand how the White House can be most helpful in getting them the information they need.� The spokesman said that �two-way communication� as an �important part of keeping the American people updated about how governmentis serving them.� Translated, this means getting the questions ahead of time allows for answers fitting a predetermined narrative�propaganda. In February 2013, Politico wrote about how the Obama White House controlled the messages it gave to the news media in generating �content� [translate: propaganda] for thegeneral public. Biden is just repeating the protocols. The �press� is supposed to be the �Fourth Estate��that non-governmental branch of the nation holding the government accountable, the watchdog of the people, not a lapdog of the government. When the mediadoesn�t do its job, people turn to alternative news sources, which without discernment, has its own propaganda. We are living in a post-truth world, where propaganda threatens our freedom of speech and worship. Advice: 2 Timothy 2:15, �Study to show yourselfapproved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.� Discern the truth to remain free. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Order To Have A �Tolerant Society�, The Elite Believe TheyMust Be Intolerant Of All Dissenting Views - by Michael Snyder - When information becomes a �threat�, even thinking the wrong thing can be dangerous. Over the past several weeks, I have heard the word �misinformation� uttered in the samesentence as �terror� or �terrorists� countless times. In the old days, the �extremists� and the �terrorists� were on the other side of the globe, but now we are being told that they live among us. So how can we identify them? Well, we are being told that �thebad guys� can be identified by what they believe. Those that do not embrace the propaganda that big tech and the corporate media are relentlessly pushing are being systematically �deplatformed�, �canceled� and pushed to the fringes of society. But apparentlythat is not nearly enough, because the New York Times is now asking for the Biden administration to appoint a �reality czar� that will be given authority to deal with �misinformation� and �extremism�. So exactly what will be done to those that are guilty of committing �thought crimes� against the government? Sadly, I think that we are eventually going to find out. For decades, the elite have been telling us that we need to have a �tolerant� society. But now that they have almost total control, we are being told that in order to havethat tolerant society they must be extremely intolerant of dissenting viewpoints. They seem to have embraced a very radical form of the �paradox of tolerance�, and as a result our society is becoming more dystopian with each passing day. For example, this week U.S. Representative Jackie Speier suggested that it is time to start referring to Republicans as �the terrorist right�. That is close to half the country. Does she really want nearly half the nation to be considered �terrorists�? Last month, I wrote about a new bill that has been introduced in Congress which is essentially the Patriot Act on steroids. But of course the Patriot Act was primarily focusedon terror threats from overseas, while even Democrats are admitting that this new bill appears to be specifically targeting Americans that do not have the correct political views. If you doubt this, just consider what Tulsi Gabbard is saying about this newbill� This is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should be extremely concerned about, especially because we don�t have to guess about where thisgoes or how this ends. What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians, what is a religious extremist?Is it somebody who is pro-life? In the end, they don�t have to put millions of people in prison to chill free speech in America. All they have to do is set a few examples and most others will willingly fall in line. It is all about behavioral conditioning. They want to shape what we do, what we say and what we think by creating fear. As Grace-Anne Kelly has aptly pointed out, this is something that they are doing to our children as well. Fear is the mind killer. The elite understand that it is the best way to control large masses of people, and that is why they are continually looking for new ways to keepus in a constant state of fear. Ultimately, what they want are vast herds of �sheeple� that are extremely easy to manipulate. If you would like to see what this looks like, spend some time studying the Chinese system. In China, the government is so utterly dominant over the population that hardly anyone objects when �mandatory anal swabs� are implemented. Unfortunately, the U.S. is moving in the same direction very rapidly. Decades ago, Americans would get very upset when the government would decide to start dangerous new military conflicts. But now Joe Biden can roll U.S. military forces into Syria without hardly anyone even noticing. And it appears that the Biden administration is also setting the stage for a potential war with Iran� Iran could be �weeks away� from having sufficient material to develop a nuclear weapon if it continues to violate the 2015 nuclear deal, US Secretary of State Antony Blinkenwarned Monday in an interview with NBC News. Meanwhile, the Democrats are getting ready to raise our taxes, and many Americans are actually begging them to do it. The Democrats also want to end the Second Amendment, but of course millions of people are quite eager for that to happen as well. After everything that they have already gotten away with in the past few months, they probably figure that they may as well go nuts because nobody is going to stop them. This isn�t about one political party implementing an agenda now that they are in power. Rather, this is about one group of people wanting to permanently neuter and silence the opposition. From now on, those that dare to question the official narratives handeddown by our overlords will be branded �terrorists�, and this new �war on terror� will be designed to absolutely crush dissent wherever it is found. I really like how investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald recently made this point� �The last two weeks have ushered in a wave of new domestic police powers and rhetoric in the name of fighting �terrorism� that are carbon copies of many of the worst excessesof the first War on Terror that began nearly twenty years ago. This New War on Terror�one that is domestic in name from the start and carries the explicit purpose of fighting �extremists� and �domestic terrorists� among American citizens on U.S. soil�presentsthe whole slew of historically familiar dangers when governments, exploiting media-generated fear and dangers, arm themselves with the power to control information, debate, opinion, activism and protests.� For a time in January, 1984 by George Orwell became the number one selling book on Amazon, and right now our society is moving in that direction at a pace that is absolutelybreathtaking. They really do want complete and total control, and they aren�t going to stop until they get it. Needless to say, if we continue on this path as a nation, we are quite doomed. The good news is that even Democrats such as Tulsi Gabbard are publicly pushing back against these assaults on our liberties and freedoms. The bad news is that she is definitely in the minority, and there seems to be a consensus building in both parties that �extremism� in the United States must be crushed. This is a very dark time in our history, and it appears that things will never be quite the same ever again. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Stupidocrisy: Historic erasure � Bill Wilson � This week the Stupidocrisy acknowledgment goes to the San Francisco School Board for �cancelling� the Founding Fathers and other historical figures as names of various districtschools for being white supremacists, racists, and other references to American history. Many of the names, which include Abraham Lincoln, Paul Revere, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and others, were removed because of the board�s �perception� ratherthan historical fact. For example, board members admitted they didn�t know if Roosevelt Middle School was named after Theodore or Franklin Delano, so to be safe they just voted to remove the name. And Abraham Lincoln, well, he just didn�t do enough for NativeAmericans. The School Board took the eraser to historic figures, but didn�t consider the history. As Forbes reports, �Paul Revere�s name is being banished because he was a commanderin the Penobscot Expedition of 1779, which supposedly �is directly connected to the colonization of the Penobscot [Indians]�. On the contrary, the Penobscot Expedition was a disastrously failed military assault on a British Fort in what is now Maine.� GeorgeWashington owned slaves, so he got cancelled. Lincoln was erased because the Board falsely concluded that Lincoln was behind the execution of 38 Dakota Indians for their atrocities in the US-Dakota War. Lincoln was not responsible for their executions ANDhe actually commuted the death sentences of the vast majority of Dakota Indians because they didn�t get fair trials. Even references to Thanksgiving were banned because of the patently false revisionist narrative that the Pilgrims massacred Indians, stole their food and drove them offtheir land. Senator Dianne Feinstein, (D-CA), got cancelled because the Board can�t have a school named after a Senator who in 1984 replaced a vandalized Confederate flag that was part of a historic display at San Francisco City Hall. According to the Board,Feinstein must be punished for cultural incompetency. This Board�s level of incompetence is extraordinary when one considers that these Board members are responsible for implementing the policies and philosophies of how children in San Francisco are educated.Their example to academia demonstrates the height of stupidity and hyprocrisy�stupidocrisy. But it is even worse. This is how an entire nation has been moved away from the Godly values and common sense to the ignorance, academic laziness, and ideological bigotrywe are seeing every day in this nation. I was once told by a civil rights activist that to end racism, the history of American society must be deconstructed and banished. The problem with this wrong-mindedness is that if we do not know who we are and wherewe came from, we are destined to repeat the same mistakes of the past and unable to perfect the successes for the future. It leads to tyranny and despotism. Truly, the past is prologue, no matter how bad or good, we need to know it. Proverbs 24:16 says, �Fora just man falls seven times, and rises up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.� And that is the fate of practicing stupidocrisy�like the SF School Board. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biden: Fundamentally Trans-Forming America Joe Biden insisted that his administration would "look like America." If that's true, most Americans are ready for an extreme makeover. A week and a half in, the majority would agree: nothing this White House has done comes even close to resembling theirvalues. Instead, it's been a 13-day parade of far-Left extremism that's snuffed out any hope that this president's "whole soul" is actually in "bringing America together." What it's in, as far as the Washington Post can tell, is an LGBT agenda that will blow thedoors off of modern convention. Already, the Post insists, Biden is the most "pro-transgender president in history"--easily beating out eight years of Barack Obama on Day 1. Within hours, he'd thrown down the gauntlet on the military, schools, federal agencies, and any other workplacewith a legitimate reason to respect the biological sexes. It was Biden's way of warning America: the days of feigning respect for both sides of the gender debate are over. "The president has made it clear that he intends to weaponize the law to crush dissent," Alliance Defending Freedom's Kristen Waggoner saidsolemnly. "That impacts not just people of faith, but all Americans who want to live life according to their convictions." In a pluralistic society, she argued. The government should not be allowed to "single out and punish" people who hold a different view. Unfortunately for Americans who worry about the fallout of this extremism (and there are plenty on both sides), the LGBT dogma lives loudly in Biden. The new president will stop at nothing to usher in an era where the desires of the .4 percent are elevatedabove the other 99.6 in national security, education, privacy, competition, corporate autonomy, health care, and freedom--and usually, at the expense of proven science. Just look at Biden's new policy on transgenderism in the military. The Trump Pentagon, Peter explained in a new column for the Federalist, studied reams of actual data to arrive at the conclusion that encouraging gender dysphoria was dangerous. They didn't just look at the biased projections of liberal-leaning organizations like RAND. They waited until 2018 and poured over the "20 months or so of experience between when the Obama policy took effect and when the 'Report and Recommendations' wereissued, resulting in some interesting contrasts." Two years into this social experiment, RAND turned out to be wrong about whole host of things, including the number of people identifying as transgender in the ranks, the price tag for their treatments, the burden on military readiness, and the drain ondeployable assets. "The Pentagon study notes the 'medical costs for Service members with gender dysphoria have increased nearly three times--or 300 percent--compared to servicemembers without gender dysphoria.' They are also 'eight times more likely to attempt suicide' and'nine times more likely to have mental health encounters.'" Like so much of the Left's "equality" agenda, this "non-discrimination" policy discriminates in favor of transgender-identified service members. "Other people with mutilated genitalia are not permitted to serve in the military," Peter points out, "norare those dependent on lifelong specialized medical treatment like hormones, nor are those with serious mental health conditions--only transgender people. It is not military effectiveness that motivates the Biden policy. It is political correctness, pure andsimple." And yet, if anyone calls out the double standard or points to the data, they're silenced. Just last week, Twitter suspended the account of Catholic World Report for referring to Dr. Rachel Levine, Biden's pick for assistant HHS secretary, as "a biologicalman identifying as a transgender woman." They did the same to Focus on the Family's Daily Citizen and LifeSite news, arguing that their references to Levine as a biological man violated their " rules against hateful content." It's incredible how far we've come since November. Now, Big Tech can'teven co-exist with the facts! The bad news for them is this: they can cancel our accounts, but they can never cancel the truth! There's only one way they can even come close, and that's if we shrink back in fear. We need to graciously--but firmly--stand up for the right to be heard.The only way we keep our freedoms is if we exercise them. Originally published at Family Research Council - reposted with permission. ------------------------------------------------------------------ When God Gives People Over to Delusion - Michael Brown - There is a principle often found in the Bible wherein God gives people over to their sins and delusions if they refuse to humble themselves and repent. Consequently, themore we reject the truth, the more deluded we become, and the more we reject the Lord's moral standards, the more perverse we become. We find this principle in Romans 1, which describes the spiritual and moral declension of the human race. In sum, because we rejected God, He gave us over to foolish idolatry.Then, as we persisted in sin, He gave us over to sexual immorality, then to sexual perversion, then to every kind of moral evil. We find this same principle in 2 Thessalonians 2, but this time in terms of delusional beliefs, as those who reject God's truth will end up following the Antichrist. As Paul wrote, "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that servethe lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemnedwho have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness" (2 Thess. 2:9-12, NIV). Notice carefully: God Himself sends these persistent unbelievers "a powerful delusion." They are hardened in their sin, just as Pharaoh was in Exodus. In some cases, we simply reap what we sow, meaning that, the more we walk in error, the further we get into error. The more we walk in disobedience, the more we disobey.(See Gal. 6:7-8.) In other cases, as with the texts just referenced, God actively gives people over to delusion and deception. This is the judgment they experience for refusing to yield. Today, we are witnessing a similar phenomenon, be it with people reaping what they have sown or with God giving them over to delusion. Either way, it is frightening to watchthis unfold here and now, right in front of our own eyes. For example, those who continue to believe in the QAnon conspiratorial myths are now espousing even more extreme and bizarre theories. There can be no reality check because reality no longer has any meaning. It was one thing when, in the days before Joe Biden's inauguration, the conspiracy theorists told us that the thousands of National Guard troops that flooded the Capitolwere there to install Donald Trump, not protect Biden. Yes, we were assured, both Biden, Mike Pence and others would be arrested, and Trump himself, the rightful president, would be inaugurated. The theory was bizarre and preposterous, without any foundation in fact, yet the inauguration had not yet taken place. But for those given over to delusion, the events ofJan. 20 presented no problem at all. Biden, we were told, was not actually installed as our 46th president. It appeared to be him but was not. Trump is still in control. Soon enough the whole world will see. This is the madness of delusion. There are no facts. There is no reality. There is only perception. Thankfully, many QAnon followers did wake up. They had their reality check, with many commenting, "We've all been played." As Forbes reported, "As Joe Biden was sworn in as president, QAnon followers finally saw their hope for the 'storm'�when President Donald Trump would bring down the 'deepstate' and expose a far-reaching child-sex-trafficking ring�disappear, leaving followers of the unhinged conspiracy theory in despair and searching for answers, while one of the most prominent adherents gave up." On the Christian charismatic, spiritual front, we're witnessing a similar phenomenon when it comes to the failed Trump prophecies. Some leaders have apologized for their wrong words, however well-intentioned the prophecies may have been. And many believers have recognized that these prophetic leadershave erred, calling for honesty and accountability without throwing them under the bus. But many others have dug in their heels. Some of those claiming the mantle of prophet have told us that Trump has actually been inaugurated by God, and that it is he, not Biden, who is currently the legitimate,even governing president. Others are insisting that the big turnaround is still to come, with new dates set for March or April or sometime in the next four years. Yet these very same voices guaranteedus that Trump would be inaugurated on Jan. 20, reaffirming their words in the days leading up to that date. Why the need to shift the dates now? Did God lose track of the time? As for those of us who would call for accountability, based on clear New Testament principles (see 1 Cor. 14:29, 1 Thess. 5:19-21, 1 John 4:1), we are accused of attackingthe prophets, or criticizing the prophets, or shaming the prophets. "Don't touch God's anointed," we are told with threatening intonation. God will strike us if we do. Still, it's one thing for those who made the failed predictions to defend themselves. It's another thing for their followers to do so as well, castigating anyone who woulddare point to reality. As one of my colleagues noted, it is a bizarre fulfillment of what God said through the prophet Jeremiah over 2,500 years ago: "A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by theirown authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?" (Jer. 5:30-31, my emphasis). The path to delusion has many roadblocks along the way. One of those is called reality. Once we deny that, we are well on our way to dangerous deception. So, to one and all I say: it is high time for a serious reality check. Those who truly love God will never be hurt by the truth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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