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Friday, June 9, 2023

NewTarget: Homeschoolers

NewTarget: Homeschoolers By Hal Lindsey The Washington Post called their long, long article “immersive reporting and narrative writing.” But it felt like a hit piece on the rapidly growing homeschool movement in the United States. Homeschoolers now have a targeton their backs. The article took aim at them, and others will follow. So, if you are a part of the homeschooling community, get ready. The powers-that-be are about to do everything they can to bring you down. The Post’s May 30, 2023, article carried the headline, “The revolt of the Christian homeschoolers.” You would think from this headline that the homeschooling movement in the United States is dying. But that’s not true. In fact,it is exploding in popularity. According to Education Week, “American families homeschooling at least one child grew from 5.4% in spring 2020 to 11.1% in fall 2021, according to a U.S. Census Bureau analysis. The number of Black families choosing to homeschoolincreased five-fold during that time, from 3.3% to 16.1%.” Many factors are driving the movement. First, lots of parents are not happy with public school curricula. There seems to be ever less emphasis on the basic life skills of math, reading, and writing. This brings us to a secondfactor — the terrible results in public schools. They keep making “standardized” tests easier, but scores continue to go down despite easier tests. This is especially true among boys. Other parents fear for their children’s physical and mental wellbeing atpublic schools — many being overrun by bullies and bullying. There are several other factors involved, but you get the idea. I’m not saying whether parents should or should not homeschool. Every child and every family present a unique situation. But I do believe it is a brave and reasonablechoice. The elites who believe they should run everyone’s lives don’t like it. If you homeschool your children or hope to in the future, you need to be aware of a coming backlash. Elites and their friends in the media seem to be gearingup for a push to make you a pariah. The Post article made homeschoolers seem like child abusers, with nefarious motives for wanting to keep their kids away from public schools. I think you should prepare yourself for more such attacks. Back in 1972, the Supreme Court made a crucially important ruling. In Wisconsin v. Yoder, it said that Amish parents have a right to keep their children out of public schools for religious reasons. That should mean that youhave the same right, but we can expect that to be challenged in the future. We can also expect more hit pieces from the mainstream media. The overall success of homeschooling cannot be denied. Parents willing to take on such a huge commitment should be praised. At the same time, anyone considering the move should be aware that it is a huge commitment, and therewill be challenges. Still, for those who do it right, the rewards will be even greater. The battle for the minds of our children rages on. Whether you have children, grandchildren, or none of the above, this is a matter for serious prayer and resolute action. These kids need you. Pray for them, befriend them,and encourage them in the Lord. --------------------------- Leave our children alone - Bill Wilson � As Americans are forced to �celebrate� all things queer, the country should consider the rainbow-colored elephant in the room. The LGBTQ+++ agenda is directly aimed at evangelizing,grooming and recruiting children. From drag queen story hours for pre-school and elementary to anti-bullying classes in schools to sexual education to diversity and inclusion requirements, the target is children. In any other time in history, this type ofactivity would be considered a sexual offense against minors and prosecuted as such. Today, however, and especially this month of June, the government, corporations and the mainstream media are promoting the broadening spectrum of sexual deviancy for children.Here�s the proof. On June 2, White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, a lesbian, opened the daily briefing with a monologue on how the Biden Administration is supporting targeting childrenwith the LGBTQ+++ agenda. She said, �Now, yesterday, as you all know, marked the first day of Pride Month. The Biden-Harris administration joins Americas across the country to celebrate the strength, resilience, and bravery of the LGBTQI+ community and reaffirmour commitment to fight for equality and freedom for all people� DOJ (Department of Justice) is actively supporting challenges to state laws that target transgender kids.� She was referring to laws banning puberty blockers and sex change surgeries on minors.This support is so insidious that it is found in public school laws and policy across the country. Section 27-21 of the Illinois public school statute says, �the teaching of history shall include a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgenderpeople in the history of this country and this State.� Maryland, Ohio and other states� public school policies compel students to affirm transgender and gay rights, even counseling, drugs and surgeries without parental knowledge. Parents of children attendingSaticoy Elementary School in Hollywood, Ca., protested the school�s commemoration of �Pride Month� for the kids. Protests erupted into some pushing and shoving with LGBTQ+++ counter protestors, who taunted and bullied the parents. At another California school,a teacher was suspended for teaching her students how to have pleasure during anal sex, and where to find sex toys that will stimulate the prostate gland. Rasmussen Reports national polling found that 58% of likely US voters approve of making it illegal to perform sex-change surgery on minors and 71% of American Adults agreethat �there are two genders, male and female.� And it appears that Americans are showing their opposition to �Pride Month� with their pocket books�Target, Bud Light and other corporations are backing off their LGBTQ+++ promotions after losing tens of billionsof dollars. Christ said in Luke 17:2, �It is better for him if a millstone is hung around his neck and he is thrown into the sea, than that he may cause one of these little ones to sin.� When it comes to this evangelizing and grooming of children, the government,corporations and the media should hear this message loud and clear: Leave our children alone. If you are boycotting, it�s working. Don�t let them off the hook.

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