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Saturday, October 18, 2014


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Houston Demands Pastors Turn Over Sermons
The city of Houston has issued subpoenas demanding a group of pastors to turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise Parker, the city's first openly lesbian mayor. And those ministers who fail to comply could be held in contempt of court. Pastors are arguing that the subpoenas are "overboard, unduly burdensome, harassing and vexatious."

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Deliberately Losing
to ISIS?

According to General Thomas McInerney, retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, there is no question we are deliberately losing to ISIS. All we are doing is making some piddling airstrikes a day instead of a real campaign of over 200 strikes a day says McInerney. He said that without a more concerted effort from the U.S. and our allies, the ISIS march will continue.

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Consumers Poll
on IoT

According to a recent survey about he Internet of Things (IoT), consumers are mostly unaware that devices and wearables with the technology are available. About 87% of respondents hadn't heard of the term "Internet of Things" before the survey. A quarter of respondents had concerns with privacy, though most seemed willing to share personal data if they were given rewards such as discounts.

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Recognition of Palestinian State

Britain's Parliament overwhelmingly passed a nonbinding resolution to give diplomatic recognition to a Palestinian state. The vote was a symbolic but potent indication of how public opinion has shifted since the breakdown of
American-sponsored peace negotiations and the conflict in Gaza this summer. The breakdown of negotiations over a
two-state solution...

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Gays have Gifts to Offer Church?

Catholic bishops signaled a radical shift in tone about accepting gays into the church. They said they had gifts to offer and that their partnerships, while morally problematic, provided homosexual couples with "precious" support. In a preliminary report, released
half-way through a Vatican meeting on family life called by Pope Francis, the bishops also said the church must welcome divorcees and recognize...

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Military Response to Climate Change

The Pentagon has unveiled a comprehensive plan for how the U.S. military will address the effects of climate change. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says that climate change could lead to food and water shortages, pandemic disease and disputes over refugees and resources. The report is called the "2014 Climate Change Adaption Roadmap."

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Resolution to End 'Occupation'

According to a senior Palestinian official, the Palestinian Authority has mustered the support of seven of nine UN Security Council members needed to bring to a vote its resolution that would force an Israeli withdrawal to the
pre-1967 lines by November 2016. He said that the PA was facing opposition to the move from the U.S., who was threatening to veto the resolution should it be brought to a vote.

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