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Saturday, October 18, 2014

OBAMA WATCH: 10.17.14 - Can you trust a man who believes wrongly?

Can you trust a man who believes wrongly? - Bill Wilson - 
Here is a guy who believes that man evolves from apes and that if you tax people enough you can control the climate, so when the occupant of the Oval Office says that it is unlikely that ebola will spread in the United States, how does that pass the straight-face test? It doesn't. This "president" has done nothing in his entire six and a half years to protect the American people from unnecessary risk. He has thrown in with al Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood, and the Islamic State. He has destroyed the best health care system in the world. He has pummeled the economy. He has allowed the diseased, criminal, and terrorist to enter the country at will. How can you trust anything someone like this would say?
So now you see a White House that minces words, stretches meanings, and down right lies to the public over something of which we need to know the truth. Question to Jim Earnest, White House Press Secretary: "
Yesterday the President said that an Ebola epidemic in the United States is highly unlikely.  Is that statement still operative today? Answer: It is true. It's guided by the science. That's what our experts say. Our experts say that because the way that Ebola is transmitted is very clear and it is something that is not likely to happen in the United States...The only way that an individual can get Ebola is by coming into close contact with the bodily fluids of an individual that is already exhibiting symptoms of Ebola."
The trouble with these communists who have taken over our government--in both parties, mind you--is that they think if they say it, it means something. They say that ebola, for example, is virtually impossible to contract here in America. Yet two people have it. They say that there is global warming and we have to tax the people to prevent it, yet we have entered a cooling cycle, and global warming scientists have admitted to fudging the data. They say that man came from an ape, yet it does not occur in present day history, there is no evolution evident. They say to kill a baby in the womb is legal, yet if a pregnant woman is murdered, the murderer is charged with a double homicide. Saying things don't make them so.
 In fact, these folks have deceived many a voter by pulling heartstrings and feigning care, concern for the less fortunate and caring little if nothing in their actions. Jesus said in Matthew 7:18 and 20, "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit...Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them." Whatever you think about ebola, there are people dying from it. This is no joke. The other thing that is also true is that the "president" has failed to protect the borders, and at the same time, has failed to protect the general welfare of the public. Whether he has purposely done so is yet to be seen. But based on his previous record, you can draw your own conclusions.
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