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Thursday, January 1, 2015

2014--the prophetic impact of America -

 2014--the prophetic impact of America - Bill Wilson - 
There is not a place in the Bible that literally mentions the United States of America. No doubt that many with Hebrew blood have migrated to America from the Middle East, but America is not the replacement for Israel. Israel is Israel and Jerusalem is Jerusalem. The Bible is a Middle Eastern book, written from a Middle Eastern perspective. Notwithstanding, since the settlers at Fort Caroline, Jamestown, and Plymouth, America arguably has been the bellwether of Christianity and a stalwart light to the world of hope and faith in Jesus Christ. America has played and is playing a pivotal role in prophecy historically reaping the blessings of faith and now beginning to reap the consequences of its falling away.
Leadership is so very important. Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bears rule, the people mourn." While America's leadership began its decline away from God long before this current day, the past six years have seen a precipitous fall from God and his righteousness. The past year was even more accelerated. It seems to have come in two forms--foreign policy against Israel and the consequences in the US. The leadership, which has taken a decisive turn toward the enemies of God by supporting, aiding and abetting the wicked and barbarous Islam, has brought America into a time and place of reckoning.
From support and training of what has become the Islamic State throughout the year to the recent capstone of the occupant of the Oval Office's declaration that Iran could become "a very successful regional power" and that he could see the US reopening an embassy there, a decisive shift in US foreign policy should have become obvious to even the ignorant or low-informed. A keystone in Judeo-Christian eschatology is the nations that are traditionally Islamic come against Israel in the Day of the Lord. Persia, which is modern day Iran, Libya, and Ethiopia (modern Sudan) will follow Gog of Magog, chief prince of Mesheck, and Tubal, which are regions in Turkey to a colossal end time battle with Israel.
The wake of American leadership supporting the enemies of God has created mass killings, beheadings, persecution of Christians, and Jews. Additionally, there is a spirit of division and destruction within our nation. We have experienced individual instances of Islamic terrorism, civil unrest, an influx of every type of undocumented alien crossing our unsecured borders, financial and economic stress, and continued immoral desensitization of just about every debauchery known to man. These are prophetic as well. There are many consequences to turning away from God as found throughout the Bible. America is in the midst of them. They are warning us to repent and turn our hearts to the one true God. America had immense prophetic impact in 2014, and is experiencing the promises associated with that impact.

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