Obama's Bad Harvest - By Daymond Duck - http://www.raptureready.com/featured/duck/dd154.html
One of the most remarkable verses in the Bible reads: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Gal. 6:7).
Do not let people mislead you about this immutable (unchangeable) law of God. Our God cannot be misled, treated with contempt or treated like He doesn't exist; the things we do in life will produce a harvest.
It is interesting to note that Jacob deceived his father into thinking he was Esau (Gen. 27:6-29) and later, Laban tricked Jacob into marrying Leah instead of Rachel (Gen. 29:9-30).
Pharaoh ordered the death of all of the male Hebrew babies in Egypt (Ex. 1:16) and later, God ordered the death of all of the first-born Egyptian babies in Egypt (Ex. 11:4-6; 12:29-30).
David committed adultery with Bathsheba, got her pregnant and was directly responsible for the death of her husband Uriah (II Sam. 11:2-27), and later, others committed adultery with David's wives and his child with Bathsheba got sick and died (II Sam. 12:11-19).
Jezebel had Naboth killed so Ahab could get his vineyard (I Kings 21:1-16) and later, Ahab died at the exact same place where Naboth died (I Kings 21:17-22:39). Saul (later called Paul) consented to Stephen being stoned to death (Acts 7:57-8:1). And later, Paul was stoned to death (Acts 14:19).
Repentance and confession can change things, but I want to move on to something else. Another one of God's immutable laws says:
"For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head" (Obad. 1:18).
When the Tribulation period is about to fall upon the enemies of Israel (not upon the saved because of the Pre-Trib Rapture), those who mistreat Israel will reap what they sow. Every attempt to harm Israel will backfire.
God's guiding principle will be to do to Israel's enemies what they try to do to Israel. In essence, they will decide their own judgment and it will fall upon their head like a bolder from heaven.
Look at how the Obama Administration has treated Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israel: Pres. Obama snubbed and insulted Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House. Members of the Obama Administration met with an Israeli politician behind closed doors to discuss an effort to topple the Netanyahu government.
Members of the Obama Administration refused to meet with members of the Netanyahu cabinet. A senior official in the Obama Administration called Prime Minister Netanyahu chicken***t (chicken manure).
Members of the Obama Administration reportedly held meetings to discuss sanctions on Israel because the Netanyahu government continues to issue building permits in Jewish neighborhoods on the West Bank.
Terrorists have attacked women and children in Israel and the Obama Administration blamed it on Israel. Palestinians have been paid to riot on the Temple Mount and the Obama Administration blamed their violence on Israel.
The Islamic State has recruited thousands of killers and the Obama Administration has blamed their recruiting success on Israel. In the eyes of Mr. Obama and his staff-Israel can do no good, and all of the terrorism, violence and war-is Israel's fault.
Pres. Obama's disdain for Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu have not gone unnoticed. Mr. Netanyahu's political rivals should have laid the blame at the feet of America's pro-Muslim, anti-Semitic president.
But they chose to use the Obama Administration's snubs, insults, name-calling, lies and false accusations to belittle Mr. Netanyahu for the purpose of furthering their own political careers.
According to them, every rift between the U.S. and Israel has been Mr. Netanyahu's fault. Every Netanyahu decision that Pres. Obama didn't like was Mr. Netanyahu's fault. (It worked the way Pres. Obama wanted it to work.) The internal strife hog-tied the government. Mr. Netanyahu dissolved his coalition and scheduled new elections.
Only God knows the future. But it seems unwise to me for the Obama Administration to be causing political strife in Israel. God's immutable laws still apply. As we approach a new year, I hope I am wrong and it is just my opinion.
But I must admit that I won't be surprised if the political division that Pres. Obama has sown in Israel produces a bad harvest of political division in America. It will be just one more sign that the Tribulation period is near.
Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck
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