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Friday, January 9, 2015

Staying At Our Posts

Staying At Our Posts - Sharon Sanders - 

"...except the Watchmen keep the City, the Watchmen wakes but in vain" (Psalm 127:1b)
Our text today tells us that unless we KEEP (we hold, we hang on to and protect) Jerusalem through prayers and supplications we are just wasting our time (without success and for nothing). But when we "hold the fort" of prayer and keep our flag planted in the good soil of the Word of God, we will KEEP the City as Guardians over Jerusalem for the Lord's Sake! "An unknown poet wrote, 'I was a poor soul in the depth of despair, who climbed to the heights, in answer to prayer.' We can show no greater love and concern for (ISRAEL) than to say, 'I'm praying for you.'  (Word for Today, 20/11/14).
"Hineh lo yanum, v'lo yishan, lo yanum v'lo yishan, Hineh lo yanum, v'lo yeshan, shomer, Yisrael." Translation: "Behold, He that keepeth Israel doth neither slumber nor sleep" Psalm 121:3. (Jewish Publication Society, 1917). God does not doze off. He does not take quick naps nor turn His head away from His everlasting love and care for His Chosen People. We cannot afford to do anything but stay alert in prayer and in the Spirit. We need always to be first responders in prayer and "on call" - available to pray at any moment. Israel is a land full of emergencies that occur almost every day. Prayer can change the course of events Israel faces daily.
"Thus saith the Lord God; This is Jerusalem; I have set her in the midst of the nations and countries that are round about her" Ezekiel 5:5. The coming conflict ahead of Israel will involve the entire world. Zechariah says (12:2-3) that the nations will react to the ingathering of the Jewish people with irrational behavior. Islam considers Israel to be an insult to allah and Islam, and must be destroyed. Nations will be drawn into the coming conflict and unite to remove the Jewish presence from Jerusalem. They will discover that removing them will bring each nation a national "hernia." WWIII will be waged and centered around Jerusalem. It is the naval of the earth. It is also a bridge connecting Europe, Africa and Asia, three of the world's great continents. The earth has  a center with a crust and layers. Israel is in the center of earth's surface and the holiest spot on earth. Jerusalem-the Rabbis teach-the eternal Jerusalem is just above it as God sits over it and watches the beloved City. Constantine concentrated on a heavenly Jerusalem above and did not teach about an earthly rule of Christ in Jerusalem. For 1000 years Jerusalem will be the spiritual center of the world and the center of the earth. We see that aliyah (immigration of the Jewish people) is picking up speed. Also ISIS is advancing rapidly - there is much opposition to any Jew setting foot on the Temple Mount because there are two kingdoms on a collision course with one another: the kingdom of darkness against the kingdom of light. 
The Dome of the Rock is viewed by Islam as being the center of the earth. Islam is in competition for God's throne. Of course, we realize this is satan behind it all as God's rival. Time seems to be running out. Jews and Christians worship the same God. At this moment, we differ on the Messiah, but this is something God will handle Himself--it is too big for man. The battle for Jerusalem is now in progress. Are we awake? Are we praying? Are we ready? Are we watching? The light of the knowledge of God's Word was given in Jerusalem and the Word of God will again go forth from Jerusalem. Since one of the Hebrew words for Watchmen is "notzrim" and the modern day Hebrew word for Christian is also "notzrim" (followers of the Nazarene...from natz-eret....see root word) is clear who the Watchmen are. It can be no one but Christian brothers and sisters standing in the gap for their brothers and sisters in Israel. Keep praying for Israel. Being at the center of the earth demands that faithful prayer warriors be on the lookout for trouble.

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