Proverbs 22:6
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
In his book, The Blind Watchmaker, evolutionary evangelist Richard Dawkins famously declared: "Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose." Yes, seeing design in nature is so natural, so common-sensical that even young children innately know that nature is filled with purposeful design.
Of course, evolutionists can't sit back and let common sense persuade children to reject evolution. So Boston University psychologist Deborah Kelemen and her team set out to prove it's possible with Darwinian storytelling to make children believe in natural selection rather than a Creator God. After giving children (ages 5-8) picture books that illustrated an example of natural selection, many of the children agreed with evolution.
Even The Wall Street Journal was pleased: "These results do suggest that simple story books like these could be powerful intellectual tools. The secret may be to reach children with the right theory before the wrong one is too firmly in place." The study, they said, "also suggests that we should teach children the theory of natural selection while they are still in kindergarten instead of waiting, as we do now, until they are teenagers."
The success of this study leads us to conclude that it will be used against you and your children in the future. That's why you need to take a very active role in your children's education. Review their textbooks. Ask questions. Attend school board meetings. And if things get too bad, consider alternatives to public education.
Thank You, Father, for my children. I pray that You will protect them from those who desire to cause them harm. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
"Young Children Can Be Taught Basic Natural Selection Using a Picture-Storybook Intervention", Psychological Science April 2014 25: 893-902, first published on February 6, 2014. "See Jane Evolve: Picture Books Explain Darwin," The Wall Street Journal, 4/18/14. Photo: Illustration from Deborah Kelemen's picture book. Used for educational purposes under the Fair Use provisions.
Proverbs 22:6
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
In his book, The Blind Watchmaker, evolutionary evangelist Richard Dawkins famously declared: "Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose." Yes, seeing design in nature is so natural, so common-sensical that even young children innately know that nature is filled with purposeful design.
Of course, evolutionists can't sit back and let common sense persuade children to reject evolution. So Boston University psychologist Deborah Kelemen and her team set out to prove it's possible with Darwinian storytelling to make children believe in natural selection rather than a Creator God. After giving children (ages 5-8) picture books that illustrated an example of natural selection, many of the children agreed with evolution.
Even The Wall Street Journal was pleased: "These results do suggest that simple story books like these could be powerful intellectual tools. The secret may be to reach children with the right theory before the wrong one is too firmly in place." The study, they said, "also suggests that we should teach children the theory of natural selection while they are still in kindergarten instead of waiting, as we do now, until they are teenagers."
The success of this study leads us to conclude that it will be used against you and your children in the future. That's why you need to take a very active role in your children's education. Review their textbooks. Ask questions. Attend school board meetings. And if things get too bad, consider alternatives to public education.
Thank You, Father, for my children. I pray that You will protect them from those who desire to cause them harm. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
"Young Children Can Be Taught Basic Natural Selection Using a Picture-Storybook Intervention", Psychological Science April 2014 25: 893-902, first published on February 6, 2014. "See Jane Evolve: Picture Books Explain Darwin," The Wall Street Journal, 4/18/14. Photo: Illustration from Deborah Kelemen's picture book. Used for educational purposes under the Fair Use provisions.
Zechariah 6:6
"The black horses which are therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grisled go forth toward the south country."
Are zebras white with black stripes or are they black with white stripes? If you're thinking that zebras just have a coat of two colors and that they don't have a "background" color at all, think again. Embryologists tell us that the zebra's background color is black and that their stripes and bellies are white additions.
But scientists are now trying to find out why zebras have stripes at all. The best they can tell, the stripes may make zebras less appetizing to large biting flies that often carry fatal diseases. Using painted horses, Swedish scientists found that zebra stripes disrupt light patterns that tsetse flies and horseflies use to find food and water.
One of the authors of the study, evolutionary ecologist Susanne Ã…kesson, said the study is being used to show that the zebra's stripes are a result of evolution and natural selection.
As we've seen so many times before, she will not see this as an example of an ingenious design by a Master Designer. Evolutionists are taught to believe in no design and no designer. Creationists, on the other hand, accept what common sense tells us. We can't help but see a most magnificent design in what God has created.
Since the Bible has not been proved wrong about anything, we can know for certain that zebras were painted, as it were, by an Artist who cares for all His creatures - especially us!
Thank You, Jesus, for creating the zebra, a creature that reminds me of the Bible verse: "And with his stripes we are healed." Just as You provided for the zebra in this life, so have You provided for me in the life to come. Amen.
Prothero D.R, Schoch R. M (2003). Horns, Tusks, and Flippers: The Evolution of Hoofed Mammals. Johns Hopkins University Press. "Mystery of Zebra's Stripes Finally Solved?", Science, J.L. Lee, 2/9/12. Photo: Researchers used painted horses for their study. Used for educational purposes under the Fair Use provisions.
Zechariah 6:6
"The black horses which are therein go forth into the north country; and the white go forth after them; and the grisled go forth toward the south country."
Are zebras white with black stripes or are they black with white stripes? If you're thinking that zebras just have a coat of two colors and that they don't have a "background" color at all, think again. Embryologists tell us that the zebra's background color is black and that their stripes and bellies are white additions.
But scientists are now trying to find out why zebras have stripes at all. The best they can tell, the stripes may make zebras less appetizing to large biting flies that often carry fatal diseases. Using painted horses, Swedish scientists found that zebra stripes disrupt light patterns that tsetse flies and horseflies use to find food and water.
One of the authors of the study, evolutionary ecologist Susanne Ã…kesson, said the study is being used to show that the zebra's stripes are a result of evolution and natural selection.
As we've seen so many times before, she will not see this as an example of an ingenious design by a Master Designer. Evolutionists are taught to believe in no design and no designer. Creationists, on the other hand, accept what common sense tells us. We can't help but see a most magnificent design in what God has created.
Since the Bible has not been proved wrong about anything, we can know for certain that zebras were painted, as it were, by an Artist who cares for all His creatures - especially us!
Thank You, Jesus, for creating the zebra, a creature that reminds me of the Bible verse: "And with his stripes we are healed." Just as You provided for the zebra in this life, so have You provided for me in the life to come. Amen.
Prothero D.R, Schoch R. M (2003). Horns, Tusks, and Flippers: The Evolution of Hoofed Mammals. Johns Hopkins University Press. "Mystery of Zebra's Stripes Finally Solved?", Science, J.L. Lee, 2/9/12. Photo: Researchers used painted horses for their study. Used for educational purposes under the Fair Use provisions.
Genesis 1:27
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
Over the years, Creation Moments has been introducing you to animals that are superior to humans when it comes to such things as eyesight, hearing and the ability to survive in conditions that are too hot or cold for us humans. But now, some scientists in Australia are saying that animals are smarter than us, too!
According to University of Adelaide experts in evolutionary biology, "Humans have been deceiving themselves for thousands of years that they're smarter than the rest of the animal kingdom, despite growing evidence to the contrary." The scientists have even written a book called The Dynamic Human that says that some animals may actually be brighter than we are.
According to Professor Maciej Henneberg, a professor of anthropological and comparative anatomy, "The animal world is much more complex than we give it credit for. Animals offer different kinds of intelligences which have been underrated due to humans' fixation on language and technology."
No, Professor Henneberg, creationists do not underrate the intelligence of animals. We have always known that God created each animal with gifts, abilities and the necessary intelligence to survive. What truly separates humans from the animals is not intelligence but the fact that God made us in His image. As it says in Genesis 2:7, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
Thank You, Father, for setting us apart from every other living thing you created. I also thank You for giving us Your Son and Your Holy Spirit so that we can have eternal life. Amen. "Human Intelligence Isn't Superior To That Of Other Animals, Researchers Say", The Huffington Post, D. Mosbergen, 12/12/13. Photo: Common chimps are smart enough to use tools to get food. But does that make them as smart as humans?
Genesis 1:27
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."
Over the years, Creation Moments has been introducing you to animals that are superior to humans when it comes to such things as eyesight, hearing and the ability to survive in conditions that are too hot or cold for us humans. But now, some scientists in Australia are saying that animals are smarter than us, too!
According to University of Adelaide experts in evolutionary biology, "Humans have been deceiving themselves for thousands of years that they're smarter than the rest of the animal kingdom, despite growing evidence to the contrary." The scientists have even written a book called The Dynamic Human that says that some animals may actually be brighter than we are.
According to Professor Maciej Henneberg, a professor of anthropological and comparative anatomy, "The animal world is much more complex than we give it credit for. Animals offer different kinds of intelligences which have been underrated due to humans' fixation on language and technology."
No, Professor Henneberg, creationists do not underrate the intelligence of animals. We have always known that God created each animal with gifts, abilities and the necessary intelligence to survive. What truly separates humans from the animals is not intelligence but the fact that God made us in His image. As it says in Genesis 2:7, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
Thank You, Father, for setting us apart from every other living thing you created. I also thank You for giving us Your Son and Your Holy Spirit so that we can have eternal life. Amen. "Human Intelligence Isn't Superior To That Of Other Animals, Researchers Say", The Huffington Post, D. Mosbergen, 12/12/13. Photo: Common chimps are smart enough to use tools to get food. But does that make them as smart as humans?
Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
After three months of number crunching, using 8,000 computers running in parallel, scientists say they have been able to build a model of our "evolving universe" in a computer simulation.
The simulated universe is called Illustris. It not only shows what the universe looks like now. It shows what it looked like in the past. notes that the simulation "only uses equations from theories constructed from decades (even centuries) of astronomical observations and allowed to evolve with time. The result," they said, "is nothing short of breathtaking and it can be hard to distinguish the model from real observations."
Even so, the scientists behind Illustris admit there are "anomalies in the simulation that don't match our observations." This should come as no surprise to creationists. After all, how could a computer simulation based on "equations from theories" match what we find in the real universe? How sad that these scientists spend so much time trying to show how the universe began without God. God's fingerprints can be clearly seen all over the creation - especially in the stars, nebulae and galaxies He created on the fourth day of Creation Week.
If scientists spent some of their time searching the Scriptures rather than the starry skies, they might develop an even better simulation. In fact, they might even discover the One who created the universe and died so that they might have everlasting life.
Father, I pray for the work of creationists involved in the sciences - that they would make significant scientific contributions that cannot be ignored by scoffers and Bible skeptics. In Jesus' Name. Amen. "Mind-Blowing Computer Simulation Recreates Our Universe", Discovery News, 5/7/14. Ian O'Neill. Photo: From the Illustris simulation. Used for educational purposes under the Fair Use provisions.
Genesis 1:1
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth."
After three months of number crunching, using 8,000 computers running in parallel, scientists say they have been able to build a model of our "evolving universe" in a computer simulation.
The simulated universe is called Illustris. It not only shows what the universe looks like now. It shows what it looked like in the past. notes that the simulation "only uses equations from theories constructed from decades (even centuries) of astronomical observations and allowed to evolve with time. The result," they said, "is nothing short of breathtaking and it can be hard to distinguish the model from real observations."
Even so, the scientists behind Illustris admit there are "anomalies in the simulation that don't match our observations." This should come as no surprise to creationists. After all, how could a computer simulation based on "equations from theories" match what we find in the real universe? How sad that these scientists spend so much time trying to show how the universe began without God. God's fingerprints can be clearly seen all over the creation - especially in the stars, nebulae and galaxies He created on the fourth day of Creation Week.
If scientists spent some of their time searching the Scriptures rather than the starry skies, they might develop an even better simulation. In fact, they might even discover the One who created the universe and died so that they might have everlasting life.
Father, I pray for the work of creationists involved in the sciences - that they would make significant scientific contributions that cannot be ignored by scoffers and Bible skeptics. In Jesus' Name. Amen. "Mind-Blowing Computer Simulation Recreates Our Universe", Discovery News, 5/7/14. Ian O'Neill. Photo: From the Illustris simulation. Used for educational purposes under the Fair Use provisions.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7a
"And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children..."
Only four in 10 Americans believe God created the Earth and anatomically modern humans less than 10,000 years ago. That's the bad news, according to the latest Gallup poll. Even worse is the finding that half of Americans now believe that humans evolved over millions of years, though most of these people say that God guided the process.
"Religious, less educated, and older respondents were likelier to espouse a young Earth creationist view - that life was created some 6,000 to 10,000 years ago," according to the Gallup Values and Beliefs Survey. Though the percentage of people who believe in creationism has changed little over the decades, the percentage of people who believe humans evolved without God has more than doubled.
And college only makes things worse. While 57 percent of students who received just a high-school education are creationists, only 25 percent of those with a college degree believe in creation. Evolution's stranglehold on the minds of young people should be a grave concern for all Christians.
But there's good news to report. To the credit of some churches, more than two-thirds of those who attend weekly religious services believe in a young Earth, compared with just 23 percent of those who never go to church. We would venture to say that this is due in part to churches that give their youth a solid foundation in the Bible and the truth of biblical creation. Is your church one of them?
Father, I pray that You will help parents and churches prepare their children to stand firm in the faith and stand strong against the false teaching they will receive in school. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
"4 in 10 Americans Believe God Created Earth 10,000 Years Ago", Tia Ghose, LiveScience, 6/6/14.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7a
"And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children..."
Only four in 10 Americans believe God created the Earth and anatomically modern humans less than 10,000 years ago. That's the bad news, according to the latest Gallup poll. Even worse is the finding that half of Americans now believe that humans evolved over millions of years, though most of these people say that God guided the process.
"Religious, less educated, and older respondents were likelier to espouse a young Earth creationist view - that life was created some 6,000 to 10,000 years ago," according to the Gallup Values and Beliefs Survey. Though the percentage of people who believe in creationism has changed little over the decades, the percentage of people who believe humans evolved without God has more than doubled.
And college only makes things worse. While 57 percent of students who received just a high-school education are creationists, only 25 percent of those with a college degree believe in creation. Evolution's stranglehold on the minds of young people should be a grave concern for all Christians.
But there's good news to report. To the credit of some churches, more than two-thirds of those who attend weekly religious services believe in a young Earth, compared with just 23 percent of those who never go to church. We would venture to say that this is due in part to churches that give their youth a solid foundation in the Bible and the truth of biblical creation. Is your church one of them?
Father, I pray that You will help parents and churches prepare their children to stand firm in the faith and stand strong against the false teaching they will receive in school. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
"4 in 10 Americans Believe God Created Earth 10,000 Years Ago", Tia Ghose, LiveScience, 6/6/14.
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