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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Democrat Presidents, History and prophecy

Democrat Presidents, History and prophecy - Bill Wilson -
A little history lesson: On National Public Radio February 6, 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "Today we learned the Muslim Brotherhood decided to participate, which suggests they at least are now involved in the dialogue that we have encouraged." Clinton held strong to the White House line that America is supporting democracy in Egypt.  The occupant of the Oval Office said, "Now, it is not the role of any other country to determine Egypt's leaders...Furthermore, the process must include a broad spectrum of Egyptian voices and opposition parties." It did, and thus was birthed a new terrorist sponsor in the Middle East--a Sunni Islamic regime to match the Shiite Islamic regime in Iran. It didn't last long.
Despite warnings from Israel, veteran foreign policy experts and conservatives, the Democrat White House bought the lie that the Muslim Brotherhood would participate in a democratic government. History has repeated itself. In 1979, Democrat President Jimmy Carter's reckless policies resulted in an Islamist-controlled "democracy" in Iran, which birthed and legitimized widespread Shiite terrorism beyond Yassir Arafat's Palestinian Liberation Organization. On June 4, 2009, the "president" set forth a "New Beginning" with Muslims in his Cairo foreign policy speech, resulting in a democratically elected Sunni Islamic state in Egypt controlled by the terrorist sponsoring Muslim Brotherhood.
David Horovitz in the Jerusalem Post February 11, 2011 listed several Muslim Brotherhood supported disruptions including Iran in 1979, the Palestinian territories, Lebanon, and Turkey. There are other reports of the Muslim Brotherhood's involvement in Sudan and Somalia. The Holy Land Foundation trial in Texas revealed a Muslim Brotherhood plan for "civilization Jihad" in the United States. Horovitz said, "Washington's apparent internalize [accept] the dangers highlighted by the Iran, Gaza, Lebanon and Turkey disasters, and thus do everything in its power to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood presiding over a similar process in Egypt, is incomprehensible."
The Bible tells us in many places that Arab nations, which are today Islamic, will come against Jerusalem in the end times. Daniel 2:43 says, "And whereas thou saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." In other words, they will be united for only a short time. Are we witnessing this kingdom arising? We know that the human foundation of Islam is Ishmael and the Lord prophesied of him in Genesis 16 "he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him." This is repeated in the end time battle in Ezekiel 38:21, "every man's sword shall be against his brother." Shiite, Sunni, clay and iron; Democrat presidents and Islam; History and prophecy. Is America poised to repeat? Islam is.

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