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Sunday, March 20, 2016


By Paul Walter
March 15, 2016
Perhaps the greatest surprise to emerge in the 2016 Presidential campaign is the depth of degradation to which the Republican National Committee (RNC) will go to maintain its power base. Or perhaps the greatest surprise is the players that have emerged to attack the populist candidate, Donald J. Trump.
Fox News and CNN (not exactly philosophically friendly competitors) are part of the scam. It was no accident that the attack against Trump, sandwiched between two candidates of Cuban heritage during the CNN debate, began just before the Texas primary. Ask yourself one question: To defeat Trump, what was the most important objective the CNN debate needed to achieve? Remember, it occurred in Houston just hours before the Texas primary. It was critical that Cruz defeat Trump in his home state. Thus the vicious attack against Trump began there and Cruz, as required, won his home state..
The next critical “Defeat Trump” event the RNC needed to surreptitiously implement to prevent any candidate from getting the required number of delegates to get the nomination on the first ballot was to be effectively attack and disparage Trump before the March 5th primaries and caucuses.
What strategy was used to make anti-establishment populist candidate, Donald Trump, look unelectable? It was a two-pronged attack: First, Mitt Romney and second the Fox debate fix. Fix? You bet!
First, the former losing Presidential candidate from 2012, the Mormon candidate from Utah, Mitt Romney, made his appearance. I mention Romney’s Mormon religious preference only because most Evangelical Christians call Mormonism a “cult” and they represent a significant number in the conservative movement. How did Romney’s comments impact conservative Evangelical Christians who frequently favor Ted Cruz?
Romney made his televised appearance from the Hinkley Institute at the University of Utah, established in 1965. Hinkley Institute is definitely establishment. Some who have given presentations there include Senator John McCain, political activist Ralph Nader, Karl Rove, former Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and actor/political activist Robert Redford.
Seeing the name "Hinkley Institute" on the blue background behind Mitt Romney gave me the chills. You remember the name Hinkley, don’t you? A young man named John W. Hinkley attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan. The Hinkley family was a good friend with then-Vice President George H.W. Bush. I can find no data on the Internet that ties Hinkley Institute to John Hinkley's family... and I find nothing that disassociates him, either.
President Ronald Reagan was another “outsider” non-establishment political candidate who was hated by the RNC (which forced George H.W. Bush on him as his vice presidential candidate).
Solving mysteries as they appear before your eyes requires insight into historic events that are tied in some way to current events.
So we have Romney, the guy who did not release his tax returns until six weeks prior to the 2012 election, on national television from the Hinkley Institute demanding that Trump immediately release his tax returns. Under the circumstances – circumstances based on his own behavior four years ago – was this a reasonable request? No, it was not. People had been demanding for months that Romney release his tax returns and he was not being audited. He did not have tax lawyer telling him to not release his returns because of that audit as is the case with Donald Trump.
Romney did have numerous rumors of hidden bank accounts in Caribbean offshore island accounts floating around... an issue with which he never dealt. This demand by Romney was not only unreasonable, it was evil and based on lies. He reminded me of the Wizard of Oz who when the curtains are opened is nothing more than a puppet doing the bidding of his masters.
Romney, the guy whose business experience at Bain Capital includes a 22 percent failure rate on his investments, felt that qualified him to make negative comments about Donald Trump’s skills as a business leader? Please!
Trump, who with his 35 years of investing experience has completed thousands of successful ventures internationally has had only a handful of failed businesses. To mention the failures without mentioning his own failures, without mentioning the thousands of successes, was disingenuous. His lack of success as a venture capitalist didn’t prevent Mitt Romney from denigrating Trump’s handful of failures. Romney isn’t even qualified to shine Donald Trump’s shoes in the world of venture capital investing.
So why would Mitt Romney go on national television and make statements that make him look like a business idiot who deserved his 22 percent failure rate at Bain Capital?
At the moment when Romney put on his performance at the Hinkley Institute – and it was a performance, complete with television prompters – it became apparent that the RNC was manipulating things behind the scenes to set up a brokered Republican National Convention... a convention in which no candidate has the required 1,237 votes to get the nomination on the first ballot. After the first ballot, delegates are free to vote for whomever they choose (and the State Republican Parties who are supported by the RNC selects the voting delegates).
Fox News became an accessory to the RNC’s brokered convention strategy at its March 3rd debate in Detroit. First, though Fox News talking heads have been patting themselves on the back for their wonderful performances, this was not a debate. It was a planned dog fight with little difference in the way it was presented and the dog fights for which pro football player Michael Vick got sent to prison.
Look at the way the stage was set up. Look at the “let’s have a dog fight” questions that were asked.
As long as there were five candidates, it made sense for Donald Trump, as the leading candidate, to be in the middle of all participants on stage. When Dr. Ben Carson withdrew from the race, the proper alignment should have been left-to-right: Donald Trump; Ted Cruz; Marco Rubio; and in fourth position, John Kasich. But to make Donald Trump the cheese in a Cruz/Rubio enchilada, Trump had to be placed on stage between the two.
John Kasich said it all in one sentence he uttered: “I’m beginning to feel like the only adult on this stage.”
The RNC intended for Kasich to look like the most reasonable, well-informed, calmest and experienced candidate on the debate stage.
Does that mean the RNC favors Kasich? Possibly... we need to bear in mind that when Kasich references being part of the Reagan team, he was also part of then-Vice President George H.W. Bush’s team because Vice President Bush became very active in running the administration after President Ronald Reagan was shot by John W. Hinkley. So does the adult on the stage represent the ideals of Ronald Reagan? Or does he prefer the ideals of George H.W. Bush? Is he just another establishment shill who supports maintaining the current power base that Donald Trump so threatens? We’ll see. It’s a deep, dark hole.
To solve a mystery, you must be able to find the real motive behind the actions of the perpetrators of the crime or the game being played. It is clear the RNC wants a brokered convention. They want to get Trump at any cost... even the cost of giving the election to Hillary Clinton. They are using Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz to make John Kasich look like the only reasonable alternative.
It is doubtful that Cruz and Rubio are aware of how they are being used, but it certainly appears that is what’s happening. It is also apparent that, at the moment, John Kasich benefits from the antics of Cruz and Rubio, neither of whom the RNC wants as President – though Rubio is more “establishment” than is Cruz (who, as Trump says, is a provable liar).
Keep in mind what happens at a brokered convention... which is the RNC’s core motive. They want a brokered convention. To get it, they must stop Trump whose popularity they sorely miscalculated until, surprise of surprises, Trump was storming towards a victory unforeseen by the RNC and it became desparate.
They discredit Trump via lies and misrepresentations – from Mitt Romney’s pretense of concerned citizen to the Cruz and Rubio attacks. Cruz and Rubio end up looking unqualified to be President because they are not acting presidential. Rather, they are acting like dogs in a dog fight. Kasich appears to benefit from the behavior of the two Latino candidates.
As a result, no one ends up getting the required 1,237 votes at the National Convention on the first ballot. After that first ballot, most candidates are free to vote for whichever candidate they choose – and who knows whose names might be submitted as late comer delegates?
Maybe the name will be Paul Ryan – it could even be Jeb Bush. It can be any name the RNC wants as the Republican candidate.
Please keep all of the above in mind and ask yourself what your objective is. If you want a candidate for President who will upset the political power apple cart in Washington, be prepared for hearing lie after lie about your candidate, Donald Trump. If you want a candidate for President who is no threat to the establishment power base at the RNC and throughout Congress and our courts, the RNC is ready, willing and able to provide you with that candidate.
News Blast to Cruz and Rubio: Neither of you will be on the RNC list to be their candidate. They are using you just as they used Mitt Romney.
This election is all about is Globalism vs Freedom and independence for America as a sovereign nation. The elite (globalists) wanted Jeb Bush as the GOP candidate and Hillary Clinton as the DNC candidate. Both serve the Globalist Masters aka The New World Order.
Well, then came Donald Trump, he threw a big monkey wrench in their Global Utopia plans.
The reason the establishment doesn't want Trump (regardless of what you think of his personality) is because he can't be bought or controlled. They don't own him.
The reason Mitt Romney disappeared 30 days before the last election 3 years ago is because it was all for show. He had no intention of winning. The Globalists wanted Obama to be the winner. They needed a president to bring America down on a fast track, with a Republican in the White House it would have been much too slow. The world has to go in the same direction at the same time as Europe. America is different. American’s are not as easily fooled as the Europeans. Look, they still haven't accomplished the North American Union, (that's merging Canada, the United States and Mexico into one country) same as the European Union.
Now Romney is considering throwing his hat into the race again. Why? He has no intention of being the president, it's all for show again. Hillary is their last hope to keep globalism alive. (That's why she's not prosecuted for her e-mail scandal). They are scared stiff of Mr. Trump because he's the only one that can destroy Hillary and win. With Trump as president the NWO is finished, and they know it!
This brings me back to Jeb and Hillary. If they were the nominee, America would of been checkmated no matter who would of won in the general election, the globalists would of won with either candidate.
Democrats and the Republicans are the two horns on the same goat. The goat being the NWO.
 The bullies and the bullied - Bill Wilson -
During my 16-year career as a political consultant to conservatives running for President, US House of Representatives, Governor and US Senate, there was a unique observation that repeated itself enough to become a pattern. The opponent would make some bizarre accusation against my client out of nowhere. It may be about fidelity, financial stewardship, or a host of other issues. When these unfounded charges would arise, we could almost always count on that opponent doing the very same thing about which he was making the accusation. If it was fidelity, he had been unfaithful. If it was financial, he had misused money. The same is happening now, only the true bully wants to establish communism in America.
There is a group of anarchists disrupting the political process with accusations against a candidate of bullying, bigotry, violent behavior and racism. They disrupted campaign appearances in Chicago and in Dayton. Now their benefactor has revealed himself in a fundraising letter. Communist George Soros, who has endorsed Bernie Sanders (but we all know that Hillary Clinton will score a huge amount of Soros money when she secures the Democratic nomination), is raising money from these rallies and claiming credit for the disruptions. In other words, the young students who are the boots on the ground are essentially the pawns of a greater movement--a movement to overthrow the United States.
The Washington Times reports that (Soros's communist political action and funding arm) is conducting fundraising activities off of the aggressive protests in Chicago and Dayton, and promises more such disruptions. The Times says sent a fundraising email to its followers saying, "We've been ramping up our efforts for months - from the 'We Are Better Than This' ad we helped organize in The New York Times in December, to our collective advocacy for refugees under attack from the GOP, to the support we provided students in Chicago last night by printing signs and a banner and recruiting members to join their peaceful protest. We need to double-down in the face of direct attacks on our community,"
In the email, pledged to continue to do its part to call on members to protest, "And to keep it going, we're counting on you to donate whatever you can to cover the costs of everything involved--the organizers, signs, online recruitment ads, training, and more." Present in Chicago was Bill Ayers, convicted felon, communist, and Weatherman Underground terrorist. These people are using their free speech to suppress another's free speech. They are bullying America's political system. They are bullying you and me. They are judging those who don't share their communist beliefs by the content of their own hearts. This is about the issues they are presenting, but it is a reflection of their own souls. Jesus said in Matthew 7:20, "Wherefore by their fruits you will know them." Don't be deceived by the deceivers.
Radical Leftists Unleash Anti-Trump Riots Starting On March 19th
- Michael Snyder -
Many of the exact same groups that participated in Occupy Wall Street and helped organize protest rallies in Ferguson and Baltimore are now promising to bring us "the largest civil disobedience actions in a generation".  I recently wrote about the trouble that radical leftists have caused by attempting to disrupt Trump campaign events, but now there is a very organized effort to turn this into a national movement.  On March 19th, thousands of angry protesters will descend on Trump Tower in New York City to denounce Donald Trump's "fascist policies", and on April 2nd dozens of leftist organizations will join together to launch "Democracy Spring" in Philadelphia.  From there, large numbers of liberal activists will march to Washington D.C. where they will "risk arrest" during a "peaceful" sit-in at the U.S. Capitol from April 11th to April 18th.  If the radical left is this freaked out about Donald Trump now, how bad will things get if he actually becomes the Republican nominee?
I suppose that it was only a matter of time before the radical left began to specifically target Trump properties.  I hope that Trump has good security, because it will definitely be tested starting tomorrow...
Left-wing demonstrators have announced their latest anti-Trump event - a march on Trump Tower in New York City to protest against The Donald's "fascist policies".
A Facebook page for the rally outlines the plan, organized by a group called 'Cosmopolitan Antifascists', to march on the building at 2pm on Saturday afternoon.
"Donald J. Trump has made headlines in recent months with his divisive rhetoric, hate speech, and extremist plans to "make America great again". We, in fact, believe this will do the opposite to this nation. Trump's policy threatens many of us in the Black, Latino, LGBT, Muslim, and other communities," states the page.
According to the Facebook page for "Cosmopolitan Antifascists", 5,000 people plan to show up and 15,000 more are "interested" in this event.
Will it turn out to be a completely peaceful protest?
Let's certainly hope so.
Perhaps even more disturbing is what is going to happen in early April.  Dozens of far left groups have gotten behind a movement that has been officially dubbed "Democracy Spring".
Obviously, that name was chosen to conjure up memories of the "Arab Spring", and we all remember how "peaceful" that was.
The official website of Democracy Spring tells us the following about the goals...
This spring, in the heart of the primary season, as the national election begins to take center stage, Americans of all ages, faiths, political perspectives, and walks of life will bring the popular cry for change to Washington in a way that's impossible to ignore: with nonviolent civil disobedience on a historic scale.
We will demand that Congress listen to the People and take immediate action to save our democracy. And we won't leave until they do - or until they send thousands of us to jail, along with the unmistakable message that our country needs a new Congress, one that that will end the legalized corruption of our democracy and ensure that every American has an equal voice in government.
Do you understand the threat that is being made there?
They are purposely planning to break the law and get arrested.  In fact, their website says that there are already more than 2,000 people that have "pledged to risk arrest" between April 11th and April 18th...
The campaign will begin on April 2nd with a march from the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia to Washington, D.C. where thousands will gather to reclaim the US Capitol in a powerful, peaceful, and massive sit-in that no one can ignore. Over 2,000 people have already pledged to risk arrest between April 11th-18th in what will be one of the largest civil disobedience actions in a generation.
And the list of groups that are backing this movement reads like a who's who of radical leftist organizations...
15 Now Philly
 100 Grannies for a Livable Future
 African American Ministers in Action
 American Ethical Union
 American Family Voices
 American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO)
 Backbone Campaign
 Big Apple Coffee Party
 Brave New Films
 Catholics United
 Center for Biological Diversity
 Center for the Working Poor
 Citizen Action NY
 Code Pink
 Coffee Party USA
 Columbus Campaign for Arms Control
 Conscious Elders Network
 Courage Campaign
 Ctzn Well
 Demand Progress
 Democracy Chronicles
 Democracy Coffee
 Democracy for America
 Democracy Matters
 Democratic Socialists of America
 Dolores Huerta Foundation
 East Coast Cannabis Coalition (ECCC)
 East Point Peace Academy
 Elder Activists
 Elders Climate Action
 Every Voice
 Energy Action Coalition
 Food & Water Watch
 Franciscan Action Network
 Friends of the Earth
 Get Money Out - Maryland
 Human Earth Animal Liberation (HEAL)
 Hightower Lowdown
 Institute for Policy Studies
 Interfaith Moral Action on Climate (IMAC)
 Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
 Jewish Voice for Peace
 Just Foreign Policy
 Leadership Development Initiative
 March Against Corruption
 March Against Monsanto
 Maryland Committee to Amend
 Massachusetts Communities Action Network (MCAN)
 Money Out! People In!
 National Organization for Women (NOW)
 National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund
 National People's Action
 Network of Spiritual Progressives/ Tikkun Magazine
 New Hampshire Rebellion
 Occupy Catholics
 Office of the Americas
 Other 98%
 PA United to Amend
 Pay 2 Play
 Peace Action
 People Demanding Action
 People for Bernie
 People for the American Way
 People Over Politics
 People's Empowerment Project
 Pride at Work-New York City/Long Island
 Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
 Progressive Democrats of America
 Public Citizen
 Retail, Wholesale, and Department Store Union (RWDSU)
 ReThink Media
 Shalom Center
 Small Planet Institute
 Social Security Works
 South Central Wisconsin United To Amend
 Stamp Stampede
 Stop Police Terror Project DC
 Sustain US
 Unitarian Universalist Association
 Unitarian Universalist Church of Delaware County
 United Native Americans
 United for Peace and Justice
 United Students Against Sweatshops (USAS)
 United States Student Association (USSA)
 United We Dream
 U.S. Climate Plan
 Ursulines of Tildonk for Justice & Peace
 We are Woman
 We the People Massachusetts
 WildEarth Guardians
 Women's Promise
 Working Families Party
 Workmen's Circle
 World Beyond War
 Yes Men
 Young Democratic Socialists
 Youth Jobs Coalition / We Have a Future
This is just the beginning.  The radical left has won the hearts and minds of millions of our young people, and many of these groups are preaching a message of anger, frustration and direct confrontation.
For now, let's hope that these "protests" are at least somewhat peaceful.  But throughout history, leftist revolutions have almost always turned violent at least to a certain degree.
And let there be no confusion - the radical left very much wants a revolution.  There is a reason why Bernie Sanders uses that word so much in his applause lines.  It is a buzzword that evokes some very powerful imagery for the radical left.
America is changing, and not for the better.  From this point forward, the radical left in America is going to become much more active, and in the end that is going to have dramatic consequences for all of us.
 Israel & The Front Runners - By Hal Lindsey -
Part Two: Donald Trump
Last week we looked at Democratic frontrunner Hillary Rodham Clinton's relationship with the nation of Israel.  This week we look at the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump.
Though not a traditional politician, Mr. Trump has amazing political skills.  That can be good or bad.  He has the ability to talk at length on a subject, and say far less than he seems to have said.  That's good in that, if elected, it gives him flexibility.  But it can leave voters scratching their heads wondering where he actually stands. 
Israel makes a good case in point.  At the February 25th CNN Republican debate in Houston, Wolf Blitzer quoted Mr. Trump regarding peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.  "Let me be sort of a neutral guy.  I don't want to say whose fault it is.  I don't think it helps."
Blitzer then asked the logical follow-up.  "How do you remain neutral when the U.S. considers Israel to be America's closest ally in the Middle East?"
The real estate tycoon answered by criticizing the Obama Administration's treatment of the Jewish State.  He said President Obama treats Israel "horribly."  He then talked about being Grand Marshall of New York's "Israeli Day Parade."  He added that he once received the "Tree of Life Award" from Israel.
Finally he came to the point.  "As president, however, there's nothing that I would rather do [than] to bring peace to Israel and its neighbors generally.  And I think it serves no purpose to say that you have a good guy and a bad guy.  Now, I may not be successful in doing it.  It's probably the toughest negotiation anywhere in the world of any kind.  OK?  But it doesn't help if I start saying, 'I am very pro-Israel, very pro, more than anybody on this stage.' But it doesn't do any good to start demeaning the neighbors, because I would love to do something with regard to negotiating peace, finally, for Israel and for their neighbors.  And I can't do that as well - as a negotiator, I cannot do that as well if I'm taking big, big sides.  With that being said, I am totally pro-Israel."
You have to wonder how he can be "very pro-Israel" and "totally pro-Israel," yet remain neutral between Israel and the Palestinians.  The Palestinians contend that Israel is guilty of war crimes.  Is he neutral on the question?  Shouldn't the United States speak up on Israel's behalf?  Can a reasonable person be neutral about Hamas building tunnels that put bombs under Israeli pre-schools?
Will it help the cause of peace to pretend that the joint Fatah/Hamas government is not evil to the core?  Their leaders take for themselves money that has been given by countries and charities in order to help Palestine's poor.  The leaders lead lavish lifestyles while the poor people who should be getting the help sink deeper into poverty.
The cause of peace is better served by honesty than by a false neutrality.  When Ronald Reagan called the Soviet Union "the evil empire," liberal critics fell all over themselves.  But after the fall of the Soviet Union, we learned that for thousands of influential Russians this criticism brought them to their senses.  Instead of politically correct bromides feigning a moral equivalence between the USSR and the USA, Reagan spoke the truth.  Critics accused him of endangering the peace.  But he was actually building peace on the foundation of truth.
How can Donald Trump be "totally pro-Israel" and at the same time be neutral on Israel?  How can a moral person take a neutral position between a terrorist government and a responsible, civilized democracy?  When asked to choose between good and evil, choosing neutrality can itself be a form of evil.
In Trump's favor, he alone of all the candidates seems best able to recognize the inherent danger of Islam.  In a CNN interview, he said, "I think Islam hates us.  There's something there that - there's a tremendous hatred there.  There's a tremendous hatred.  We have to get to the bottom of it.  There's an unbelievable hatred of us."
He's taken a lot of heat for this statement, but refuses to back down.  However, while he recognizes Islam's danger to America, he refuses to apply this knowledge to Israel.  Like so many American politicians, he forgets that the Palestinian Authority governs jointly with Hamas.
Like ISIS, Hamas is a radical Islamic terror group.  Even the European Union has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization.  Until Palestinians choose leaders who want peace, no American president should be "sort of a neutral guy" on the issue.  It's a matter of right and wrong; good and evil.
God has kept the Jews through thousands of years of satanic attempts to destroy them - from Hamon to Hitler to the Ayatollah.  He preserved them through holocausts, pogroms, ghettos, inquisitions, expulsions, and banishments.  He preserved them because He said He would.  He is not going to break His word now.  Their future will be difficult, but as a people they will survive - with the United States or without it.  God gave His word and nothing is more solid than that.
America's future is far less certain.  U.S. leaders have been distancing this nation from Israel in various ways for several years.  That's bad for Israel, but even worse for the United States.
Why?  Because God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:3 remains in effect.  "And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse.  And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."  (NASB)

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