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Friday, July 9, 2021

As Americans Party, Our Enemies Are Preparing For Military Confrontation

Considering the Founding of a nation - Bill Wilson – As we celebrate the day of our Independence from Britain, it may be helpful to be reminded of the sufferance of the Founding Fathers and what was going through their mindsas they decided to take on the most powerful political and military force on the planet. They said, “A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” What happens when that “Prince” collectively becomes the Congress and the Executive Branch working in concert with one another toward a world order foreign and detrimental to the people they are charged with representing and to the Constitution they vowed to uphold? What are citizens todo? The Declaration of Independence is a masterful document that served as the true “preamble” to our Constitution. It begins by saying: “When in the Course of human events,it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respectto the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, thatamong these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. “–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomesdestructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety andHappiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to rightthemselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it istheir duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.” The signaturesof 56 men were written on the Declaration after this sentence: “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” In other words, they risked everything. They counted the cost. They understood the will of God. They acted. Please take time to remind yourself and others about the sufferanceof those who made such a pledge on their Lives, Fortunes, and sacred Honor. Please contemplate our national condition. Please seek God. For as Peter and the disciples said in Acts 5:29, “We ought to obey God rather than men.” And recall the words of James1:25, “But whoso looks into the perfect law of liberty, and continues therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.” The body without spirit is dead, faith without works is also dead. Please consideryour destiny and that of our nation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Their Endgame For The Flag, The National Anthem, The Declaration OfIndependence And The Constitution - by Michael Snyder � A huge national debate about our most important national symbols has erupted, and it is rapidly becoming one of our hottest political issues. But what most people don�trealize is that this isn�t really a debate about our past. Rather, it is a debate about what our future is going to look like. Those that are demonizing the American flag, the national anthem, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are not doingso for the purpose of winning a historical debate. Their true goal is to �cancel� those symbols and replace them with new ones, because our existing national symbols represent values and principles that are diametrically opposed to the values and principlesthat they wish to impose upon society. If they ultimately get their way, the United States will eventually become an extremely repressive high tech dystopian society where absolutely no dissent is tolerated. Inother words, we would look a whole lot like communist China does today. When I was growing up, the �godless communists� on the other side of the globe were the �bad guys�, and I was raised to greatly love the flag and the freedoms that it represented. Butnow our flag is regularly demonized by the corporate media. For example, the New York Times just published an article in which the flag was described as �alienating�� What was once a unifying symbol � there is a star on it for each state, after all � is now alienating to some, its stripes now fault lines between people who kneel while �The Star-Spangled Banner� plays and those for whom not pledging allegiance is an affront. And it has made the celebration of the Fourth of July, of patriotic bunting and cakes with blueberries and strawberries arranged into Old Glory, into another cleft in acountry that seems no longer quite so indivisible, under a flag threatening to fray. At one time, it would have been unthinkable for a major newspaper to publish such a statement, but times have changed. And calls for our existing flag to be replaced with a new one are starting to grow louder. The following comes from a widely circulated opinion piece that singer Macy Grayauthored last month� President Biden, Madame Harris and members of Congress: the American flag has been hijacked as code for a specific belief. God bless those believers, they can have it. Likethe Confederate, it is tattered, dated, divisive, and incorrect. It no longer represents democracy and freedom. It no longer represents ALL of us. It�s not fair to be forced to honor it. It�s time for a new flag. Of course it isn�t just the flag that they want to replace. Right now, there is a petition that is calling for a new national anthem� The petition, started by Lawrence Johnson, cites three reasons why the national anthem should be changed: The �Star Spangled Banner� contains �racism,� elitism and even sexism embedded in its third and fourth stanzas, which have no place in the national anthem of a democracythat claims that all men (and women) are created equal, the petition says. That particular petition is suggesting that �American The Beautiful� should be the new anthem, but a lot of people are also now referring to �Lift Every Voice And Sing� as a �national anthem�� PBS has sparked tense backlash with its decision to have Vanessa Williams perform the �black national anthem� during its July 4 coverage � with critics blasting the moveas divisive and un-American. Williams� performance on the station�s annual Capitol Fourth program Sunday evening is intended to celebrate the recognition of Juneteenth�s establishment as a federal holiday. In the end, they aren�t going to be satisfied with changing just one or two things. The goal is for all of the symbols of our founding era to be �canceled�, and this even includes our most important founding documents. Earlier today, I was stunned to learn that NPR is now publicly claiming that the Declaration of Independence is filled with �flaws and hypocrisies�� In an online article, NPR stated: �Over the past 32 years, Morning Edition has broadcast a reading of the Declaration of Independence by NPR staff as a way of marking IndependenceDay. �But after last summer�s protests and our national reckoning on race, the words in the document land differently.� In reference to the �flaws and hypocrisies� within the historic document, NPR wrote: �It famously declares �that all men are created equal� even though women, enslaved peopleand Indigenous Americans were not held as equal at the time.� And Congresswoman Maxine Waters is publicly attacking it as well� July 4th� & so, the Declaration of Independence says all men are created equal. Equal to what? What men? Only white men? �All men are created equal� is a phrase that has been a beacon of hope for men and women all over the globe for more than two centuries, but now Maxine Waters would likeus to believe that it is actually an insult. Sadly, I am certain that it won�t be too long before someone out there comes up with a �new Declaration of Independence� to replace the old one. Of course the U.S. Constitution is under relentless assault as well. When I was in law school, my liberal professors taught me that it was a �living, breathing document� that could be changed to make it say anything that we wanted it to say. But these days that is not enough for many on the left. A lot of them now want to get rid of that �flawed� document entirely and start over. The endgame is to create an entirely different country from the one that our founders originally established, and every year they make a little bit more progress towardthat goal. Of course there are still millions of patriotic Americans that are absolutely determined to keep them from winning, but the other side has far more money and far more powerat this stage. This is a point that Victor Davis Hanson made very well in one of his recent articles� Name one mainline institution that the woke left does not now control � and warp. The media? The campus? Silicon Valley? Professional sports? The corporate boardroom? Foundations?The K-12 educational establishment? The military hierarchy? The government deep state? The FBI top echelon? The left absorbed them all. But this time around, members of the left really believe that �by any means necessary� is no mere slogan. Instead, it is a model of how to disruptor destroy American customs, traditions and values. All throughout our history, Americans have sacrificed so much so that future generations could live free. But now all of our precious freedoms are on the line, and the other side is absolutely determined to permanently destroy everything that our founders worked so hard to build. We have reached such a critical moment in our history, and America�s future hangs in the balance. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ As Americans Party, Our Enemies Are Preparing For Military Confrontation Here in the middle of 2021, Americans are generally feeling pretty good about things. The COVID pandemic appears to be subsiding, our sports stadiums are full of fans again, the stock market has been soaring, and all over the country people are in themood to party. July 4th celebrations across the nation were considered quite boisterous this year. But in China the mood is quite different, and the same thing is true in Russia. In both cases, politicians are talking tough about the United States, and in both cases the military is being prepared for a potential future conflict. Right now, our relations with China are the worst that they have been in decades, and our relations with Russia have never been this bad in our entire history. But the vast majority of Americans are completely and utterly clueless about all of this, becausemost Americans couldn't care less about what happens on the other side of the globe. This week, China commemorated the 100th anniversary of the CCP, and Xi Jinping used that as an opportunity to warn that any nation that tries to bully China "will have their heads bashed bloody"... "Only socialism can save China, and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China," he said. "We will never allow anyone to bully, oppress or subjugate China. "Anyone who dares try to do that will have their heads bashed bloody against the Great Wall of Steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people." So exactly who do you think that Xi Jinping was referring to when he made that statement? Do you think that it was Denmark? Perhaps Iceland? No, of course he was referring to the United States. During his speech, he also spoke very forcefully about reunification with Taiwan... Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China's complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Communist Party of China. It is also a shared aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. We will upholdthe one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, and advance peaceful national reunification. All of us, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, must come together and move forward in unison. We must take resolute action to utterly defeat any attempt toward "Taiwan independence," and work together to create a bright future for nationalrejuvenation. No one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Most Americans have absolutely no idea how serious this situation is. In Taiwan, there is a big push to formally declare independence, and the Biden administration has been greatly angering the Chinese government by supporting the right of the Taiwanese people to determine their own future. If Taiwan formally declares independence, China will invade. And if China invades, the U.S. military will intervene. If a military conflict between the U.S. and China suddenly erupted, it would probably not "go nuclear" initially. But China has been feverishly preparing for a scenario in which nuclear weapons will be used... China is potentially expanding its missile silos following satellite image analysis - indicating the country is also seeking to increase its nuclear weapon stockpile. At least 119 potential silos were identified in the desert in Gansu Province spread over700-square-miles to increase their nuclear arsenal which is estimated to be made up of between 250 to 315 nuclear weapons. It comes as President Xi Jinping issued a warning to 'bullying' foreign nations telling them to stay out of China's business during aspeech earlier this week. In addition to construction at that site, the Chinese are building new silos in other locations as well... "If the silos under construction at other sites across China are added to the count, the total comes to about 145 silos under construction," Lewis, director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, part of theMiddlebury Institute of International Studies, said in a summary of his findings provided to The Washington Post. "We believe China is expanding its nuclear forces in part to maintain a deterrent that can survive a U.S. first strike in sufficient numbers todefeat U.S. missile defenses." Instead of focusing on making their military "more diverse", the Chinese are actually working very hard to prepare for the next war, and the dramatic shift that we have been witnessing has stunned U.S. officials... The discovery follows recent warnings by Pentagon officials about rapid advances in China's nuclear capability. Adm. Charles Richard, who commands U.S. nuclear forces, said at a congressional hearing in April that a "breathtaking expansion" was underwayin China, including an expanding arsenal of ICBMs and new mobile missile launchers that can be easily hidden from satellites. In addition, the Chinese navy has introduced new nuclear-weapons-capable submarines to its growing fleet. And on top of all this is the threat that such a conflict would play in exasperating the current semiconductor chip shortage. We have all recently learned from the 'everything shortage" just how important semiconductor chips are to the global economy. Taiwan is the world's largest producer of semiconductor chips. If you think there is a bad shortage of various products now due to a supply issues with semiconductor chips - just wait until there is a full production stoppage during a war with China...and then imagine the security ramifications of relying on China as the primary provider of such electronic chips. Meanwhile, the Russians continue to talk tough as well. For example, Russian President Vladimir Putin just warned that there would be an "asymmetrical" response if certain boundaries were crossed by western powers... "No matter what sanctions are imposed on Russia, no matter what the scaremongering, Russia is developing and in some respects our country has surpassed the European countries and even the US," he said. While Putin said the nation would not be taking steps that would be harmful to themselves, he said if boundaries were crossed, they would find "asymmetrical ways" to respond. And we don't have to use too much energy to imagine what such an "asymmetrical" response would look like, because the Russians just put on quite a show for us 35 miles off the coast of Hawaii... Russia's defense ministry has announced it sunk an aircraft carrier just 35 miles off the coast of Hawaii in a huge war games exercise that has alarmed the US. At least 20 Russian warships, submarines, and support vessels, flanked by 20 fighter jets, are taking part in the exercises - the biggest since the Cold War. As the U.S. military focuses on "social change", the Russians have been rapidly developing a whole host of incredibly advanced new weapons systems. Here are just a few examples... 3M22 Tsirkon, also known as Zircon, is a winged, hypersonic cruise missile. With an operational range of at least 1,000 km and a maximum speed of up to Mach 9, Tsirkon can pose a credible threat against North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) carrierstrike groups (CSGs). Sarmat is a 200+ ton, liquid-fueled ICBM that supports a payload of up to 15 MIRV warheads; according to Putin, the weapon is virtually non-interceptable and boasts "practically unlimited range." The S-500 "Prometheus" is the successor to Russia's flagshipS-400 "Triumf" missile defense system, offering across-the-board improvements in target acquisition, operational range, and tracking, as well as the functionality to engage hypersonic cruise missiles and targets flying at speeds of over 5 Mach. During the Cold War, U.S. strategic forces had a clear edge over the Russians, but now the balance of power has shifted dramatically. Most Americans don't realize this, but in many areas the Russians completely outclass us now. But at least nobody can grill hot dogs better than we do. So enjoy this bubble of peace and prosperity while you still can, because our leaders are definitely not preparing for what is going to happen once this bubble of peace and prosperity finally ends. Originally published at The Economic Collapse Blog - reposted with permission. ---------------------------------------------------------- Ignorance among us - Bill Wilson � There has been something I have been pondering for quite some time. I sense you are thinking about the same. The state of our country. The visceral political division, thefact that most news is editorial opinion based on lies and half truths, the fact that people who have been friends for years have ended their friendships over these differences. We all have a lot of concerns about America, many of them are put to rest at thesight a young soldier in uniform opening a door for a senior citizen, or young child helping someone across the street. These individual acts of kindness bolster my confidence that somewhere deep in the soul of America, the values that make us all Americansare still flickering. But what concerns me are those who, for whatever reason, do not see that the sacrifice of those before us was made for the better gains we enjoy. I asked a group of childrenwhy we celebrate Independence Day. By and large their answers were �so we can see fireworks� or �so we can have hamburgers from the grill.� They did not even know what Independence Day meant. Their guesses were anywhere from �celebrating God�s freedom� to �my dad has a day off from work.� Some of these children openly admit they do not understand why they should stand and say the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag�seems like something silly to them. Then there was the Black man who was so upset with the wars in the Middle East that he told me it was better to abort these children than to let them grow up and force themto die in war. I asked him how many abortions there were in the United States each year. He didn�t know. I told him there were over a million abortions a year and that during a three-year period there were 1,700 brave volunteer soldiers killed in Iraq. Anotherlady chimed in, �And that�s supposed to make me feel good?� No, its� not. But it is supposed to demonstrate clearly how the folly in denying a chance at life because kids are going to die anyway. Would he even understand that Planned Parenthood�s founder,Margaret Sanger, wanted to end the entire Black race? Or that the Democratic Party institutionalized racist Jim Crow laws and policies for over a century? There have been many interviews of high school and college students, as well as adults, including politicians, who cannot correctly answer some of the most basic questionsabout US history or the political process. It would be laughable if these people were not so serious and confident of the correctness of their stupidity. Thought leader Dennis Prager says the only way to fix this problem is to remove our children from thepublic schools. He may have a point. Hosea 4:6 says, �My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you shall be no priest to me: seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will alsoforget your children.� And this is what is happening right before our very eyes. Rejecting God�s laws and wisdom is nothing short of, say it with me�Stupidocrisy! ---------------------------------------------------------- VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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