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Friday, September 19, 2014

Morning Briefing: 9.19.14

Morning Briefing
For September 17, 2014

No, the NFL Is Not a Hotbed of Wife and Child Beaters
Let me begin with two bits of information:

  1. If I made the rules, Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson would be out of the NFL and probably both of them would be doing some time for assault and child abuse.
  2. I really don't care about NFL football.  My sports seasons are MLB and NHL.  I watch the NFL for about 2 weeks before hockey starts.  Remember, I live in St. Louis, home of one of the most irrelevant NFL teams in the league. So the long-term viability of the NFL, both locally and as an institution is pretty much meaningless to me.

That said.most of us probably didn't bat an eyelash when we heard about the Rice KO of his then-fiancee, now-wife.  After all, the conventional wisdom is that the NFL is full of criminals.wife-beaters, sexual abusers, murderers, rapists, etc.  And the leftists are going to remind us of this every time some sort of offensive act occurs.  But is this true?

The truth of the matter is that the rate of criminality in the NFL is lower than that of the general public.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Alex Wagner, Eugenics, and Brainwashing
Via Caleb Howe comes this astonishing clip of MSNBC host Alex Wagner showing some justified concern about how eugenics is still practiced even today. Amazingly, however, she seems to believe that the most important means through which eugenics is practiced today is actually important to the prevention of eugenics. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama uses war on ISIS to overthrow Syria's Assad
One of the things that has intrigued me about the Obama administration's alleged strategy to combat ISIS is the degree to which it focuses on Syria. Not only are airstrikes within Syria contemplated but another attempt will be made by the administration to arm the Syrian opposition forces. To me this seems counterintuitive. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Many Insurance Providers are Paying for Abortions under Obamacare
One of the biggest obstacles to the passage of Obamacare was the question of whether it would officially fund abortion. This issue was only resolved, in a manner of speaking, when President Obama signed an executive order barring federal funds from being used to fund abortion, but many of us on the Right knew this would not be the end of it. After all, Barack Obama is the most radically pro-abortion President in our nation's history. Now we find our suspicions confirmed. A Government Accountability Office report confirms that employers are ignoring Obamacare's rules concerning abortion and funding it anyways. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

IRS Has 99 Problems But the Church Ain't One
The scandal plagued Obama Administration IRS admits that it has targeted 99 churches for additional scrutiny after settling a lawsuit with the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).

The IRS settlement with the angry atheist group FFRF is shrouded in secrecy, but the little we do know is enough to raise significant suspicion.

Last month Representative Scott Garrett (NJ-5) led a congressional letter demanding answers from the IRS about the settlement.

Last week the IRS responded - well sort of.  The IRS dodged almost every one of Congress's questions, hiding behind the Obama Justice Department's handling of the case. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For September 16, 2014

Mid-September Polls Are Not The Last Word On Senate Races
The perennial question about election polls is back again, if ever it left: how far can we trust them? Should we disregard all other evidence but what the current polling of individual Senate races tells us - which is, at this writing, that if the election was held today, Republicans would gain 6 seats in the Senate to hold a narrow 51-48 majority? As usual, a little historical perspective is in order. It is mid-September, with just over seven weeks to Election Day, and as discussed below, all the fundamental signs show that this is at least a mild Republican "wave" year. A review of the mid-September polls over the last six Senate election cycles, all of which ended in at least a mild "wave" for one party, shows that it is common for the "wave party" to win a few races in which it trailed in mid-September - sometimes more than a few races, and sometimes races in which there appeared to be substantial leads, and most frequently against the other party's incumbents. Whereas it is very uncommon for the wave party to lose a polling lead, even a slim one, after mid-September - it has happened only three times, one of those was a tied race rather than a lead, and another involved the non-wave party replacing its candidate on the ballot with a better candidate. If these historical patterns hold in 2014, we would therefore expect Republicans to win all the races in which they currently lead plus two to four races in which they are currently behind, netting a gain of 8 to 10 Senate seats. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The National Republican Senatorial Committee Loves the Senate Conservatives Fund (Or At Least Its Money)
Remember how the National Republican Senatorial Committee wanted everyone to know just how terrible the Senate Conservatives Fund is?

Remember how NRSC consultants took to op-ed pages, pushed reporters, and tweeted about the lavish and extravagant expenses of SCF?

Remember how when a candidate got endorsed by SCF, everyone knew immediately NRSC would support the opposite candidate out of spite? (See e.g. Ben Sasse v. Shane Osborn)

Remember how the NRSC, Chamber of Commerce, and other establishment groups poured tons of money into primaries to stop SCF gains and those of other outside groups?

Well, NRSC spent so much money trying to ensure its incumbents were protected that it now has no money to pick up new seats. Brilliant strategy there Jerry Moran and Josh Holmes. Just brilliant.

So what is the NRSC doing now? Begging the Senate Conservatives Fund to spend money.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Career State Department staffer accuses Hillary Clinton's staff of sanitizing Benghazi records.
This comes perilously close to being 'too bad to be true' territory. Meet Ray Maxwell, former Deputy Assistant Secretary at the State Department - and one of the people fingered, then cleared, of wrongdoing in the Benghazi ambassador disaster.  (He since has retired, having served for over two decades. And also, yeah, the entire 'pariah' thing.) Mr. Maxwell is now testifying that Hillary Clinton loyalists organized a band of plumbers* to sanitize the relevant files between said disaster, and the inevitable investigation . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Iowa CBS Affiliate Runs Free Ad for Bruce Braley
You sort of expect liberal media bias at the national level but this astounding segment from a local CBS affiliate out of Cedar Rapids, Iowa ought to count as a donation in kind to Democrat Bruce Braley. Under the guise of "reporting news," watch as this segment gives the uninterrupted stage to Braley and his surrogates . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Saudi Arabia cracks down on Christians. Will the United States speak up?
The situation for Christians in the Middle East continues to get worse, but this time, it isn't at the hands of a terrorist group or band of rebels. It's from one of our supposed allies in the region: Saudi Arabia. As Fox News reports, this past Friday (September 12th), agents from the country's Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice rounded up 28 Christians at the home of an Indian national in the city of Khafji, and several Bibles were confiscated as well.. Their condition and whereabouts are currently unknown. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Vine
One of the best things about working in the pro-life movement is all the stories. Yes there is tragedy, but there is also so much hope, so much inspiration, and amazing displays of strength that all lend themselves to help us keep going.

Last week, in the UK, the parents of baby Adelaide decided to release her picture for the world to see. As her parents recount in The Mirror, their daughter did not survive her early birth. It is the second time her mother, Emily Caines, has lost a daughter to premature labor. Caines' first daughter was born at 23 weeks and Adelaide was born at 24 weeks. It is the fact that she was 24 weeks old that contributed to the Caines' decision to show Adelaide to the world. In the UK, abortion is legal up to 24 weeks. In showing that Adelaide was "a fully formed human being", the Caines' hope to help people understand that abortion truly is killing a child. The couple is now pregnant again but they hope their "story gives hope to others and helps other parents who have suffered a loss." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For September 15, 2014

Congress Must Reject President Obama's Plan for the Syrian Rebels
We as a nation must do something about ISIS. The organization is a threat to our national security. If we do not kill them now, they will come here to kill us. They are not a rational player. They are an apocalyptic player. They do not just have expansionist desires. They have desires to bring about the end of the world to usher in the Mahdi and Jesus. We must deal with this threat in the Middle East or in some street in the United States. But the Congress must reject President Obama's plans to fund, train, and arm the Syrian rebels. That is not a solution, but an Admiral Ackbar moment. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Training the Syrian opposition is a bad idea
Obama's speech on Wednesday night laying out an alleged strategy for dealing with ISIS included a proposal for arming fighters from Syrian opposition groups. This is a longstanding dream of the administration. Many ideas bring with them negatives. Rarely do you confront an idea that is not only bad in concept but one with no good points to offset it. Fortunately, training a surrogate army requires Congressional approval. Congress should decline. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Is The Democratic Party Proud of its History of Slavery & Segregation?
Being a Democrat not only means never having to say you're sorry, but also means getting to pretend that history never happened. The Democrats' official party website is proof of that, as its section on "Our History" declares, with all the chutzpah of the proverbail defendant who murders his parents and begs the court's mercy on grounds of being an orphan, that "For more than 200 years, our party has led the fight for civil rights" . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

White House takes geography lessons from
In a briefing for reporters prior to Obama's speech Wednesday night one "Senior Administration Official" made this statement . "Saudi Arabia has an extensive border with Syria."  A quick look at a map indicates that this is unlikely . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Republican Allies use "War on Women" Rhetoric in Support of Export-Import Bank
The Democrats, wielders of the "War on Women" rhetoric and the ones who made ending "corporate welfare" a party cry, have made a clear exception for the Export-Import Bank. Cronyism is a money-maker and a power guarantee. The hypocrisy alone of a president who ran on leveling the playing field staying silent on this issue. In 2008, we know he ran on ending it. In 2012, we know he called for Congress to extend its lifespan.

In 2014, he and his party once again want to renew it. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Chris Christie and New Jersey's War on Women and the Second Amendment
When Ray Rice was videotaped dragging his unconscious wife from an elevator in an Atlantic City, NJ, casino, Prosecutor Jim McClain recommended Rice be placed in a program for first time offenders, essentially taking no action, and this decision was approved by Superior Court Judge Michael Donio. Obviously, this is a sweetheart deal brought on by Rice's celebrity because typically beating a woman, even your wife, unconscious is not acceptable. even in Atlantic City. In most jurisdictions it would be a felony but New Jersey might be different because of their peculiar culture.

But carry a legally registered firearm into the Garden State? You'd better bring your toothbrush with you. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Greed is good as long as it is green
Conservatives greeted the news that Greenpeace executive Pascal Husting flies to work in a private jet with cries of "hypocrisy" because of the "carbon footprint" associated with such luxurious commutes. Some might find it sufficiently appalling that Greenpeace has any private jets at all.

This is not the only head scratching scandal to hit Greenpeace in recent weeks. In July we learned that a Greenpeace employee caused the organization to lose more than $5,000,000 in a foreign currency trading snafu. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Administration continues assault on religious liberty
On Monday the US government went back into court in what is its eighth attempt to force religious orders to provide contraceptive services to its members. The primary target is a Little Sisters of the Poor, a women's religious order, but the effort has a direct impact on some 400 Catholic religious orders. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

More DOOM! from the polls. This time it's Gallup.
Gallup released a poll showing a few things, and none of them are good for Democrats.* The first is that Republicans had expanded their lead over Democrats as the party people believe is best equipped to protect the United States from terrorism . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Ted Cruz and the Continuation War
I know that there are a number of smart conservatives who side with Rod Dreher in the flap over Ted Cruz's short-lived speech to the In Defense of Christians summit dinner.

However as much as our feelings may get conflicted on these issues, I think Ted Cruz is right. We don't always get to pick who are friends and opponents are in war, and sometimes the people we'd like to have on our side, aren't. Some of the Lebanese and "Palestinian" Christians, are reminiscent of the Finns in World War II.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For September 18, 2014

Attention, whoever in the White House monitors this site. Google 'Lyndon Johnson micromanagement Vietnam.'
Google that RIGHT NOW.

From Political Wire: "The U.S. military campaign against Islamic militants in Syria is being designed to allow President Obama to exert a high degree of personal control over the campaign, going so far as to require that the military obtain presidential sign-off for any strike in Syrian territory," the Wall Street Journal reports.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Generic Congressional Vote Starting to Look Ugly for Democrats
Conventional wisdom about this midterm election is that while Democrats are defending difficult turf in the Senate and face possible substantial losses, the redistricting after the 2010 census eliminated significant numbers of meaningfully competitive House seats, which should prevent an equivalent wave from forming in the House. The way the generic Congressional vote polls are starting to look, the Democrats better hope that this is true.

CBS/New York Times released a poll today showing Republicans enjoying a 7 point lead in the generic Congressional vote. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

President Obama's 9/10 Strategy in a 9/11 World
The sad irony of President Obama's September 10th address to the nation on ISIS is that he laid out a 9/10 strategy in a 9/11 world.

Thirteen years ago, we awoke on 9/11 and the world had changed.  We awoke to the reality of radical Islamic jihad and its commitment to destroy America.  Now we face an even greater jihadist threat.  Have we forgotten so quickly as a nation?

President Obama unabashedly asserted that ISIS isn't Islamic.  Yet it's Islamic to its core, establishing a caliphate - an Islamic State - across large swaths of Iraq and Syria. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Easy guide to Obama and the War Powers Resolution
When Obama gave his speech on September 10, promising to "degrade and destroy" ISIS, it was interesting for what it said and didn't say. Obama laid out a four part strategy for defeating ISIS. The most notable thing it didn't say was that Obama intended to ask Congress for authority to wage a war against ISIS that would, at a minimum, encompass two countries, one of which, Syria, doesn't want us operating on their territory. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Media Bias (Again) Shines Through in Coverage of Joe Biden's Anti-Semitic Slur
In case you missed it (and you probably did, unless you are a very close follower of the news), Joe Biden was forced to apologize today for using the anti-Semitic slur "Shylock" to describe what he considered to be shady bankers. Look, Joe Biden is stupid and says stupid things and many of those stupid things are racially insensitive. Jewish people have just joined a lengthy list with black people and Indian people in terms of ethnic groups Biden has offended with his serially defective mouth. It's almost not even interesting at this point when Biden says something borderline racist. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Lobbyist advises GOP to spend big and think small
So long as we have a Constitution that gives the president the authority to veto legislation, and the president continues to appoint the head of executive branch agencies, Congress cannot govern. It is impossible. Congress can act in concert with the president but mostly it must act in opposition - here I'm working on the novel idea that the parties actually believe in different things. Obama has no incentive whatsoever to allow the GOP to do things their way and every incentive to set up an endless series of policy fights in order to fire up the Democrat base for 2016. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Mary Landrieu Welcomes Hispanics to the New Democrat Plantation
For years the Democrats have operated their party like a plantation, where black voters in particular are expected to be present but not ever actually given anything in return. Now they appear ready to try the same trick with pro-immigration reform Hispanics, in the service of saving Mary Landrieu's Senate career.

As I am sure you know, President Obama had planned to implement a sweeping and possibly unconstitutional amnesty via executive order, but balked at doing so when it turned out that such a move was deeply and profoundly unpopular with the public and would be likely to cost several Democrat Senators their jobs. In response the Congressional Hispanic Caucus agreed to hold off on causing trouble for Obama until after the election, but demanded that Obama take action prior to Thanksgiving. Obama's response was, essentially, "that's no good, Mary Landrieu may still be in a runoff." Per the WSJ, the Hispanic Caucus has agreed to back off their Thanksgiving demand for the sake of Landrieu's election chances. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For September 19, 2014

Yesterday in the Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove sounded the alarm. Republicans are not doing as well as they should given the election dynamic. According to Rove, "Republican candidates and groups must step up if they are to substantially reduce that gap . . . . educing the Democratic cash advantage will tip the needle in the GOP's direction. That will only happen if Republicans open their wallets to candidates whom they may have never met, and, if they live in a battleground state, they clear their calendars to volunteer to identify and get out the vote."

A few hours later, via the National Republican Senatorial Committee's email list, Haley Barbour sent out a pitch for donations.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee can GDIAF, hell fire hopefully. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

The NRSC and its establishment hacks, consultants, and outside groups have spent the better part of year attacking the ethics of outside conservative groups, attacking conservative activists as racists and bigots, attacking vendors who dare help conservative groups and anti-establishment candidates, and doing everything they can to defend their status quo in an incumbent protection racket.

And now they find themselves short of funds in the general election. No kidding. Screw you all. I will not give you one damn penny.

I would vastly prefer a Republican majority to a Democratic majority, but I will laugh myself silly if the GOP loses because of guys like Pat Roberts. The Republican establishment has had such a vested interest in protecting their incumbents that they would rather lose and preserve incumbency than win with new faces.

I will help candidates. Heck, I gave money to Mitch McConnell. I even gave money to Thom Tillis. But I will not give one damn penny to the NRSC and I am gleeful that panic has set in there. And frankly, I absolutely and positively hope Jerry Moran spends the next few months incontinent worried about his own home state.

The NRSC made quite sure everyone knew they did not want conservatives in the primaries. Well now they can have the general to themselves too. GDIAF NRSC. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Oh, and #RememberMississippi. You be sure to remember Mississippi, Haley. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Power of Changed Minds
Listening to Senator Rand Paul being interviewed by radio host Glenn Beck last week, one must appreciate the clarity of mind he had in changing his position. When he said he would not support bombing ISIS, they had not beheaded two Americans. They had not encroached on and threatened American consulates and embassies in the Middle East.

As the senator said to Glenn Beck, they are now a very clear threat to the United States. At the time he did not support attacking them, they had not shown themselves to be a clear threat to the United States. New data supported a new position.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

This Time It Is Not Sarah Palin Targeting People for Assassination
The Human Rights Campaign has just published a "report" naming specific conservative, mostly Christians, as "exporters of hate." They too have a target map with black X's in their report. Each person has a penciled "mug shot" and, at first glance, what appears to be a bounty on their head. The report also tells the unhinged where these people live.

The media will not be outraged by this because the media peddles the gay agenda as aggressively as gay rights activists. They are the same. Should any nut job Corkins wannabe gun down one of the people on this list, the media will, like with the Southern Poverty Law Center, never mention their inspiration. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

State Department used Fake Name to Ignore Security Standards in Benghazi
The quest for the truth on Benghazi made a little progress yesterday, but that hasn't stopped the developments from being any more outrageous. As the Benghazi Select Committee discovered yesterday, Hillary Clinton's State Department fabricated the name "special mission compound" for a portion of the embassy's facilities at Benghazi in order to dodge security standards for it. Representative Pete Roskam (R-IL) found this out while grilling Todd Keil a member of the Independent Panel on Best Practices that was conducted in the aftermath of the attack.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Let's Not Arm Anyone in Syria
Sending guns instead of armies to support a cause has a lengthy and storied history in America, especially when American politicians have perceived that public support might not exist for actual American lives being spent on a cause that Americans nonetheless marginally support. Other Western nations have also used this to great effect over the years as well. Why bear the political cost of getting your own troops killed when there are already people with skin in the game who will be happy to take your guns and bullets and do your killing for you? And so it is no surprise to find the current crop of American politicians both Republican and Democrat falling all over themselves to arm some allegedly moderate rebels in Syria as a means of containing the threat of ISIS. In this particular area of the world, this move might be penny wise (I'm not even sure about that), but it is no doubt pound foolish. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
***** EUobserver - 19.09.2014 **********************************************

Exclusionary Pricing under Art. 102 TFEU: Impact of Recent Case Law

Brussels, 30 October 2014

The half-day workshop will focus on the following topics:
- Rebates
- Margin squeeze
- Developments in the application of the "as efficient competitor" test
- Impact of the judgments in Intel, Tomra, Telefónica, TeliaSonera, Post

Read more:

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