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Friday, September 26, 2014

Morning Briefing: 9.26.14

Morning Briefing
For September 24, 2014

Vincent Sheheen Blames Nikki Haley for Kids' Deaths, Then Walks It Back
The Democrats sure are desperate this year. Over in South Carolina, the Democrats' gubernatorial nominee, Vincent Sheheen, is accusing Nikki Haley of killing kids. Three children were killed by their guardians within the Department of Social Services. Sheheen wants everyone to know Nikki Haley was actually the murderer.

Except Sheheen got basic facts wrong to make his case. He ran with the ad, then had to run away from his ad. Again, he got basic facts wrong trying to pin three deaths on Governor Nikki Haley. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Nothing says respect like a smart salute
In a way we shouldn't be surprised. After living through the dark years of the Clinton regime and thinking that we had reached the nadir of disgrace with the Beverly freakin Hillbillies in the White House we have had the current crop of low-bred grifters imposed upon us who have actually managed Bill and Hillary Clinton look cultured and accomplished.

The President isn't required to render a hand salute, since Reagan, though, it has become customary. This salute by Obama may serve as a useful metaphor for his entire administration: sloppy, ill thought out, inappropriate, callous, selfish, and disrespectful. Though, in his defense, he may have been running from that thing covered in a red bag that seems to be pursuing him down the stairs. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Philip Bump Just Wrote One of the Stupidest Pieces Ever in the Washington Post
Hey, did you know that if you are not clocked in at the office you are not working, even if you are sitting at home on your laptop cranking away on a report? That is the essence of this ridiculously stupid piece from Philip Bump at the Washington Post. Bump is apparently the new court jester of conventional wisdom over at The Fix. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Inconvenient baby killed for mother's right to choose, but gets a bad poem in its honor
For most of the time since Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton were decided, even pro-abort liberals were of the opinion that abortion was a last resort. This culminated in Clinton's famous promise to keep abortion "safe, legal, and rare." That consensus is evaporating as pro-life forces are winning significant victories within the corrupt legal structure laid out in Roe v. Wade. With each victory, the pro-abort side becomes more strident and ghoulish.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

@joshledermanAP swoons over Obama's airstrikes
Let's review the bidding. After destabilizing the region by a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq over the objections of his military and civilian advisers and by encouraging and arming rebels against Syria's Bashar Assad and waiting for a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions to materialize, Obama has finally acted. albeit without the approval of Congress. And he has acted in a way that is least likely to have any significant impact: airstikes that are not coordinated with a ground offensive against a target that is very low tech and highly mobile.

Predictably, the major media got onboard. For example . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For September 23, 2014

Democrats Say What's Good for the Nation is Terrible for Georgia
When the unemployment rate has gone up nationally, Democrats have relied on one major explanation. So many people dropped out of the workforce that, once the job market started growing, the people who came back in to search for jobs were reclassified as unemployed.

We have, in fact, seen this pattern nationwide. People drop out of the workforce and are no longer considered unemployed. It is silly, but that is the reality. Then, when they decide to start looking for work again they are again classified as unemployed.

This past week in Georgia the Democrats pounced on new data that Georgia has the highest unemployment rate in the nation. The Democrat were, frankly, giddy at the news. They've been talking down every bit of good news. The Democrats even attacked a CNBC study that ranked Georgia as one of the top states in which to do business. The Democrats actually attacked CNBC for putting the study together instead of cheering that Georgia was a great place to do business. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Women's sports: the next victim of tolerance
If society survives long enough it  will look back upon the first couple of decades of this century as the point where sexual deviance was mainstreamed in the name of tolerance, the deity du jour of the American left and libertarians. While most attention has focused on the immense effort devoted to making sure that the small percentage of homosexuals (who make up a blessedly small number of people in general) who wish to take part in imitation marriage ceremonies and humored and nothing meany-pants is said about them, the most interesting efforts are those which seek to normalize people who decide that their self-proclaimed gender does not comport with their biological make-up. A while back National Review columnist Kevin Williamson commented on the black man, Roderick Laverne Cox, who now insists that he is actually a woman named Laverne Cox (though one would have thought that anyone with the smallest sense of irony would have changed their last name along with their gender). . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

A Marxist Mistake? AFL-CIO Pushes Get Out The Vote For Mid-Terms Under Soviet-Style Symbol
In 1997, shortly after current AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka, along with then-president John Sweeney, took over the AFL-CIO, America's oldest labor federation lifted the ban on Communists.
Nearly two decades later, as Republicans, Democrats and Independents gear up for this fall's mid-term elections, the special interest group-indirectly funded by union members' dues-has launched a "get out the vote" page with a symbol that is eerily reminscent of the Soviet-era hammer and sickle. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Vine
In 2010, the national pro-life organization Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) decided to invest in billboards in Ohio to inform voters that former Rep. Steve Driehaus supported taxpayer-funded abortion through his vote for the Affordable Care Act. However, due to an Ohio law concerning "false statements," Driehaus attempted to stop SBA List from telling the truth about him. Now, 4 years and one US Supreme Court case later, SBA List has finally won their legal battle for free speech.

The irony of SBA List having to fight to tell the truth about pro-abortion candidates is how often Planned Parenthood engages in lying about pro-life candidates. In the latest example, Planned Parenthood of Iowa has launched attack ads on television claiming pro-life candidate Joni Ernst is anti-woman. According to Life News, Planned Parenthood is spending \$450,000 on the ad, which shows women at dinner discussing the upsetting idea that Ernst would defund Planned Parenthood; because nothing says we don't have enough money than spending \$450,000 on one ad in one state.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For September 22, 2014

Yesterday in Nashville, TN, several of us here at RedState were either in or attended the wedding of our own Leon Wolf.  On behalf of the front page contributing editors, I'd like to wish Leon and Kristen Wolf a wonderful future together and pray for God's blessing on their family.

- Erick

You Have a Purpose
Boys and girls are more and more taught that they can pick their own gender adventure. The prominent scientific voices tell us we are accidents of the cosmos - the product of a swerve in nature. Who we sleep with is now a product of our birth, but what gender we are can be freely chosen. Science proves neither, but science is the new god.

It is maddening. Add into it the politicization of everything and you can certainly understand why some people want to check out of culture. Contra the left, most boys do not need to be told not to hit girls. They know it. But a secular ideology that wants all the trappings of morality without the foundation of that morality is now convinced that when boys are left to be boys, they are left to be monsters.

The whole thing is messed up.

The fact is, we are not accidents of cosmic collision. We are not the products of a swerve in nature. We are not just animals of a different species from others. We actually have a purpose.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Ninth Circuit agrees school can ban American flag
On Friday, the US Ninth Circuit confirmed a February decision by a panel of that court that school officials can forbid students who are American citizens from wearing American flag themed clothing to school because of the threats made against those students . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Why The Mary Burke "Plagiarism" Story Matters
Andrew Kaczynski at Buzzfeed has a detailed analysis of how Wisconsin's Democratic candidate for governor, Mary Burke, "plagiarized" the "jobs plan" on her website from three prior Democratic gubernatorial candidates. As Moe Lane noted earlier today, the really hilarious part of this story is that two of these three candidates lost, and the third won in blue Delaware in 2008. But there's another reason why this story is so bad for Burke. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Pre-game prayer ban defied in Tennessee
For nearly eighty years the Oneida (Tennessee) High School football team had opened its games with a prayer. Naturally, such an act could not be allowed to stand. The comically misnamed American Civil Liberties Union and the bigots of the Freedom from Religion Foundation objected and sent a letter to the Oneida Special School District promising the usual bouts of litigation, an activity that is expensive for a school district and a fund raising scheme for the ACLU and FFRF. The school district folded like a cheap suit and ordered that pre-game prayers cease. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Paul Davis' "Kansas Values": Busted Getting A Strip Club Lap Dance
Kansas Democrats have not had a great year. They had to go to court to get their own Senate candidate thrown off the ballot. Now comes news that their gubernatorial candidate, Paul Davis, got busted in a strip club in 1998 while getting a lap dance. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Bobby Jindal Launches His Energy Plan
On Tuesday, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announced his energy plan. It was the second such plan to come out of America Next, Jindal's policy shop that is plainly developing a national policy agenda ahead of the presidential campaign that Jindal is obviously preparing (like all potential candidates, Jindal merely says he's considering a run but hasn't finally decided yet). The plan is less new and exciting than Jindal's first installment, his health care plan, but it represents the current consensus within the GOP on energy policy, offers a few new wrinkles, and overall presents a serious alternative to Obama Administration energy policy. Perhaps just as importantly, his proposals on health care and energy are expected to be followed by others on major issues; they signal the pressure Jindal will put on other potential GOP presidential candidates to offer substantive policy proposals that will elevate the caliber of the 2016 debate. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Ten Years at Redstate
My morning routine used to be coffee, bagel and a newspaper. When the scandal called Rathergate broke, the phrase "fake but accurate" jarred my brain. I fired most mainstream media in September 2004. That's when I joined Redstate. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
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