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Friday, January 8, 2016

2016: The Year in Review

2016: The Year in Review - Pete Garcia -
Looking ahead into 2016 I think it's safe to say that most Americans are more than a little apprehensive about the shape of things to come.  ISIS, weak economy, immigration, cultural deterioration, political correctness, rising global threats, ethnic unrest, conspiracies, Planet X, etc. ad nausea.  The only silver lining at the end of this year is the coming elections and the hope that a change in regime will bode better for the average American.
While I am no prophet nor have I ever claimed that mantle, I thought this might be a bit of fun to speculate what the potentialities are for this upcoming year then revisit them again at the end of 2016 to see what I got right and what I didn't.  More than likely, I will get a lot more wrong than I got right.
While I will make some predictions about what I think will happen in the coming year, there are obviously the unforeseen black swan events that come out of nowhere.  The most prominent one that I can think of would be the 'Rapture of the Church', of which, we won't know when that will happen until it actually does.  Other unknown events would be natural disasters, terrorist attacks, etc.  So I will try and do due diligence to just the major things that I believe we are trending towards as a nation.
US Elections
As the GOP herd is beginning to thin out, I'm predicting that the GOP nomination will be a split between Cruz and Trump.  Cruz handily taking Iowa, while Trump getting New Hampshire.  This will play out in the primaries as the northeast and southeast lean heavy towards The Donald, while the mid-west, west, and south go to Cruz.  It will be a close call but I think Donald will win it but that he will bring in Cruz and/or Rubio along as a running mate.  My justification for this, and this is not scientific by any stretch, is that if he wants to get the Hispanic vote he needs either of them to clinch it.
US Forces will reverse the drawdown and either maintain the 9,800 Boots on the Ground (BOGs) or add back more troops.  Personally, I don't think President Obama wants to keep troops there but he also doesn't want to be held responsible for allowing ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban (or some combination thereof) to create a new safe haven there.  Besides that, I don't think the Secretary of Defense, the Pentagon, the CIA or any other group in Washington will allow this to happen.  Justification for this?  The NYT and Washington Times are already providing cover pieces showing why Afghanistan shouldn't be abandoned.  Looks like top-cover to me.
Whatever opportunities we had to change the course of events in Syria prior to Russia's involvement are now squandered and lost.  We (the U.S.) will not risk an outright confrontation (or even the possibility thereof) by getting in a mix up with a former super-power.  However, that is not to say Israel won't if they feel threatened.  Expect the fight over the Golan Heights to heat up both diplomatically and militarily.  ISIS is looking to draw Israel into the fray.
As it stands now there really isn't much left of Damascus but look for the potential for Russia to use a thermobaric or neutron bomb on what's left of it.
Justification: Since WWII, the U.S. is the only nation to actually use an atomic weapon in an actual conflict.  Russia (formerly the Soviet Union) had this shame hanging over their heads for the next forty years during the entirety of the Cold War, but now will look to change that historical fact in Syria.  Casualties will be minimal since most of the civilian life has already fled the scene and what remains are the hardened fighters, but this would be a good way for Russia to both clear the rubble for Bashar Assad and make a bold statement about what Russia will and won't do against future threats.
Natural Gas
Several years ago, I speculated that Israel, Cyprus, and Greece would come together to exploit the recent natural gas finds off the coast of Israel into an energy producing/exporting business together.  My reasoning then was Greece was out of cash and almost out of friends.  Israel has cash but their list of BFFs was quickly dwindling down into the single digits. So why not work together?
While Greece lacks the expertise or the cash to finance such an endeavor, they do have something far more important, location.  Were they to allow Israel and energy companies to run pipelines through their country into the European Union, this would give the EU a much needed alternative to Russian natural gas.  News reports from 2015 were that these discussions are set to happen in 2016  and I think something will be formalized in a more significant way.  Of course. this will make Russia, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria none too happy.
As we've recently come to understand (H/T Vladimir Putin) (Link) about Turkey's illicit involvement in illegal oil sales from ISIS to the rest of the world, expect oil prices to go through the roof in 2016.
The Saudis are trying to drown the market in excess oil which has put Russia, Iran, ISIS and the American Shale industry in the financial hurt locker.  They were able to do this because they thought they could weather the storm.  But the Saudis are blowing through money at a pace a lot faster than what they really want to. This will cause them to slow production considerably thus bringing the price per barrel back up to what it had been for most of Pres. Obama's presidency.
I've long talked about the necessity for the American Dollar to collapse in order for a global reset to occur and a new currency (possibly digital) to be introduced to the world stage.  It's not that I'm cheerleading for that to happen or wanting our currency to collapse, it is just an inescapable inevitability that we have to come to grips with.
According to Revelation 13 by the time the Antichrist comes to power he is able to implement some global system of commerce that requires everyone to participate in.  But that doesn't happen overnight.  There are stages to this coming to pass and with the global reserve currency sitting on nearly $20 trillion of debt (largely to ourselves at the expense of future generations), paying it off is simply a mathematical impossibility.
Look at this way, we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 320 million Americans.  Out of that 320 million maybe half are paying into the system.  At the current rate each American man, woman, and child is on the hook for $62,500.  If we took the broadest definition of currency that Americans possess (M3) it would still only account for $17T in "currency".  That would include all coins, bills, checks, credit, shares, investments, stocks, and bonds, and tangible goods.  That would mean that zero dollars went to pay anything else (MEDICARE, MEDICAID, Welfare, Social Security, Military, etc.), and we put everything into paying off the debt, we'd still be $3T short, which still doesn't cover the interest accrued.
That might sound doom and gloom but the truth is, the world is heading straight for a global currency that can be controlled and manipulated by the final kingdom and its leader, the Antichrist.  It is going that way because God said it would.  So what options do we as a nation have left at our disposal?
Seeing as the world has/is relying on the US Dollar (H/T Petro-Dollar status) as the main Reserve Currency our actions/inactions will have global ramifications.  Really, the only viable option we have is to hit some sort of global reset button and introduce a new, global currency that will necessarily equalize the playing field.  That will only come about by some global catastrophic event that will force the world to realign...which is what the Rapture of the Church will introduce.
So not predicting the dollar will collapse this coming year, but that serious dialogue will grow louder and louder in how we have to 'diversify' away from the US Dollar. What we will see is more and more signs that our currency is becoming increasingly unstable as inflation and deflation continues to rise.  How is that?
Inflation will affect the price of must-have goods (food, medicine, fuel, energy) and deflation will kick in on the price of non-necessity goods, or luxury items (cars, televisions, computers, games, etc.) because people will start to have to choose between eating, and having new, shiny things.  This, of course will cause the price of those luxury items to continue to drop, hurting those specific industries which has a ripple effect on a lot of other factors.  (See also Revelation 6:1-8)
Look to see a marked increase on the call for dialogue, or "conversations" with non-Christian belief systems as part of the overarching ecumenical-itis that is sweeping through our politically correct landscape.  I expect a lot more traction to be gained for the promoters of both Chrislam and Hebrew Roots as well as more concerted effort by the Roman Catholic Church to wrangle Protestants back in through Emergent Church, Seeker Friendly, and the Social Gospel.
Trends are showing within Evangelical circles of an increasing approval rating for LGBT lifestyles.  This will be as such, that if we don't embrace these as brothers/sisters in Christ than we are hateful bigots.  What this means for the New Year, is that we should expect more and more prominent 'Evangelicals' to come out of their 'Evangelical' closets in support of these deviant lifestyles.  Welcome to the new normal.  The only positive I see in all this is at least the wolves will finally start showing their true colors.  (See 2 Timothy 3; 2 Peter 3)
EU Army
More prominent writers, thinkers, legislators, and commentators are more provocative in their speculations than I am, linking the refusal of our dismantlement of NATO, as step toward World War III.  (Link)  What I've said in the past, and will continue to say, is that NATO is the pre-cursor to the EU Army that will rise to power in the last days.  The infrastructure is all in place they just need to change the name and the patches and they will have the Army that they've been wanting/needing in order to take on that mantle as the final global Superpower.  Expect that 2016 will be a significant year for this dream of an EU Army to finally gain some serious traction. (See Revelation 13:1-4)
2015 proved a remarkable year for the acknowledgment of the threat of Artificial Intelligence (AI).  Bill Gates, Ellon Musk, Eric Schmidt (Google), and Ray Kurzweil have all been talking very publically about the threat that the new race to Artificial Intelligence poses to humanity.  Add to the 'new arms race' in developing quantum computers which should expedite the speed at which AI is achieved.  This has prompted calls for both more regulation in how AI is developed, and also to the development of the 'trans human' who is able to biologically incorporate tech into the human body.  I believe this is how the 'mark of the beast' will come to be as a type of bio-tech that is permanently affixed and linked to the wearer's DNA as both a sign of loyalty and functionality.  I expect new breakthroughs this coming year that will have seemed impossible only this past year. (See Revelation 13:14-15)
While I'm not able to incorporate everything into this brief. These are just a few of the things we should keep on our radar of this coming year.  Like I said at the outset, I may very likely be wrong on some or all of these. We will just have to see how this next year plays out.  In the meantime, remember that no matter what comes our way God is still in control and if He allows these things to happen as such it is only because they work according to His ends, ways, and means.  While I don't know the future, I worship the God who does.
Remember the former things of old,
For I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like Me,
Declaring the end from the beginning,
And from ancient times things that are not yet done,
Saying, 'My counsel shall stand,
And I will do all My pleasure,' Isaiah 46:9-10 NKJV
Four realities of a prophetic 2016 - Bill Wilson -
At the risk of stepping on some toes, there are at least four things that we should be aware of during 2016--false prophets, the economy, Islam, and the Lord's mission. Number 1: Many self-proclaimed prophets are prophesying for the new year. Some are hanging on to the same themes from previous years, adding to them descriptors such as "super" this or that. They didn't come true maybe this year. Some are wrapped in words of intrigue such as "discover the mystery." Others want you to attend conferences to "hear God's voice," or receive a "mandate from heaven." A lot of them seem to be about money and selling things. The Lord said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you."
Number 2: It doesn't take a prophet to look at the circumstances with which we are faced at the beginning of 2016 and see where things could head. For example, the economy is weighted down with over $18 trillion in debt, millions of people unemployed and having given up on finding a job, and an influx of illegal aliens and government-forced repopulation efforts that will put more pressure on the job market and on taxpayers. Add to that the weight of welfare programs and socialist healthcare, and we have a perfect economic storm in the making. Something has to give at some point along the way. These are the consequences of bad leadership and bad choices.
Number 3: There will be terrorists among the thousands of immigrants permitted to come into the United States and Europe from terrorist-sponsoring states. Islam is a terrorist entity. Its holy book, the Koran, instructs its disciples in over 100 verses to kill infidels and bring them under submission. There will be more and more terrorism against innocents in nations who welcome Islamists into their countries. This is common sense. Along with this colonization will come the same kind of violence, crime, human trafficking, drug smuggling and poverty that is the hallmark of Islam throughout the world. We must ask: How does a prophetic people respond to this? Politically, we work to stop it. Spiritually, we work to bring these folks into the full knowledge of the one true God and his son Jesus Christ.
Number 4: The consequences of bad leadership and bad choices are not wholly derived from political leaders, but also church leadership. The condition of our nation is directly related to the pulpit and our still majority Christian community. As a prophetic people, we must understand the standards of God and adhere to them--in holding both accountability and love. Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-40, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Our choices as a person and as a people determine our place in prophecy. Choices will also determine consequences, good or bad, for individuals and nations.
America 2016: Echoes of Nazi Germany, Star Wars Force & Awakening - By Paul McGuire -
America has entered into some time machine and is playing with technologies and multi-dimensional realities that it does not understand. It's as if we have activated live streaming from the fourth dimension, which has brought back the ghosts of the past into our present reality. The fleeting images of Nazi Germany keep entering a kind of collective consciousness in the American soul with major motion pictures like Star Wars, with what look like Nazi storm troopers in white body armor gathering at a massive Hitler rally with a giant symbol that looks like a Swastika. Countless other movies and television shows churn out a 24/7 cycle of cop shows, surveillance shows, military and "special ops" and spy movies, so that all you see is a stroboscopic bombardment of images of guns, surveillance technology, large black Suburban SUVs with dark tinted windows, terrorists, militarized police, bomb plots, and suitcase nukes.
The Hunger Games movies, including the latest, Mockingjay, whose title is a subliminal wink to the CIA's Operation Mockingbird, which involves planting information, themes, and messages into films, entertainment, music, and television, shows Nazi motifs very similar to the latest Star Wars movie. What we have is the militarization of American consciousness and the revving up of a "will to power" to confront ISIS and the hordes of Hell getting ready for their orgy of slaughter, death, and destruction across Europe and America. In the book Mass Awakening I outline the dynamics of both evil and good mass awakenings.
Storm clouds from Hell are blowing over the soil of the America first planted by Native Americans, Pilgrims, and Puritans and then toiled upon by slaves from Africa brought here by "Christian" plantation owners. Digital American generations blinded to reality by their social media, cell phones, and iPods cannot see what the Indians, Pilgrims, and slaves knew: what you say, think, and do matters. Deceived by their unseen puppet masters they think that they are they are gods of their own universe and the center of the world. When multiple nukes go off on this precious American soil and human bodies light up like the Christmas trees they have censored from the public square, they are going to have what they call in the American secular corporate world a "come to Jesus meeting."
2016 will be the most pivotal year in the history of America. In 2016 America will either experience some form of Great Awakening or America as we know it will die. We are one mass terrorist event away from a police state. The seismic pressures upon America are about to erupt with volcanic force, and as they do America as a free nation will be plunged into chaos and totalitarianism.
The seductive, magnetic power of this Nazi nightmare pulls upon each of us, and if we yield to it we will enter destruction. Is our destiny to be inevitably pulled into the chaos with no way out or do we have some degree of choice? The newly released movie, The Force Awakens, sends out a duality of messages. George Lucas, the film's creator, was clearly depicting a mystical force with its roots in Hinduism, Shamanism, Taoism, and witchcraft. The "Force," according to Lucas, is neither good nor bad; it is a duality. It is the Yin and the Yang in Taoism. While acknowledging the intent of Lucas, it is possible to lift the words and change the narrative of the film. This is not a blending or synthesis of New Age and Biblical thought. It is simply a technique of communication, borrowing a term from popular culture or "jacking" the narrative. Just as when in corporate culture they talk about a "come to Jesus" meeting, it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; it is simply using revivalist language to communicate.
 Thus, the term "the force awakens," although intended to be mystical, can be used to illustrate the spiritual concept of a Biblical revival or "Great Awakening." There is a power that can be accessed that is more powerful than nuclear weapons, terrorists, the schemes of the banking cartels, shadow governments, social engineering, and the seduction of totalitarianism. What power is this?
The teachings of Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and the Old Testament were never meant to be the tidy, impotent and two-dimensional machinations of bean counters, bureaucrats and feminized and frightened preachers, whose greatest fear is to actually think outside the box of religious delusion. Although the Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe is pure and holy, the greatest perversion is not sexual in nature; it is the perversion of the Power, Majesty, Presence and Glory of God. It is the deliberate twisting of God into something He is not, which is this mundane and powerless American synthetic religion, which is the spiritual equivalent of GMO food.
The Apostle Paul said "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but power." Paul was talking about power of God, which comes from the word dunamis, which means the true explosive force of God which awakens during a revival or a Great Awakening. It is capable of pouring out the wrath of God on Planet Earth, and yet can be as tender and innocent as the baby Jesus in a manger. In our modern culture the "keepers of the flame," the ones charged with the duty of making sure the power of God is released upon a nation, no longer remember how to activate the switch. Thus in the time of America's crisis, there is a paralysis in American Christianity.
However, when we revisit The First Great Awakening in America that took place just before the American Revolution, we see men who knew how to throw the switch of the power of God on a nation. The father of the First Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards, was in distinct contrast to the majority of Christian leaders in America today. Although there are significant and notable exceptions, as a whole the Church leadership in America has produced a powerless Christianity with the intellectual force of the Cartoon Channel. According to Kenneth Minkema, the executive director of Yale's Jonathan Edwards Center, in an interview by Jim Shelton in the New Haven Register News, May 15, 2010, "Jonathan Edwards combined the strict Calvinist beliefs of his puritan forebears with a cutting-edge knowledge of physics, history, psychology and other disciplines." In Jonathan Edwards' life, we see the cosmic trigger for a Great Awakening. First, Edwards preached a completely non-politically correct sermon called "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God," with a monotone voice. But when Edwards preached people literally shook and trembled with the power of God. Secondly, Jonathan Edwards was a brilliant philosopher and intellectual who understood the beginnings of atomic physics, psychology, history, and culture. Men like Edwards demonstrate how the power of God can be released into a nation, when spiritual power is merged with the intellectual power of reason and knowledge.
Contemporary Christianity, for the most part, cannot find the cosmic trigger to pull down the power of God out of Heaven, even though Jesus Christ said in the Lord's Prayer "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." In addition, although there are exceptions, the intellectual force that should be developed in any true leader must involve the marriage of the Spirit of God, the Word of God, and a deep knowledge of history, philosophy, culture, science, and myriad other disciplines. It was this combination that allowed Edwards' message to set the 13 original colonies on fire with the power of God and resulted in the birth of America.
Charles Finney, a lawyer and father of the Second Great Awakening, would vigorously and intellectually confront the Universalist religion of the wealthy New England elite. Although Finney's theology was somewhat different from the Calvinist theology of Jonathan Edwards, Finney openly repented of his involvement in Freemasonry, which ignited revival among the Baptist leaders, many who were secretly involved in Freemasonry. The power of God began to erupt across America and was responsible for freeing the slaves. Edwards and Finney were not products of this "Cartoon Channel" Christianity prevalent today in America. Their messages called down power from on high on the Earth and shook America!
Conservatives, Republicans, Libertarians, and even Democrats make a fatal strategic error as they attempt to lead Americans in a new direction. Men and women are spiritual beings and they are won over by the power, passion, energy, and ultimately "spiritual force" of the leaders of a movement. Like it or not, the leaders of the radical left in the 1960s were energized by a spiritual force which produced passion and transformation although they never acknowledged the spiritual nature of this force. A spiritual force embodied by Martin Luther King, Jr. energized the power of the Civil Rights Movement. Throughout history it has always been powerful spiritual forces that have brought about transformation. Some of these spiritual forces are evil and some are good. For example, evil spiritual forces raised Lenin and Hitler up. The human soul was designed by God to be filled with passion, and that passion will be driven by good or evil. There are very powerful spiritual forces that operate in this world and these forces can change the direction of destinies and history. The Bible identifies these forces and describes how the power of God can be released in a nation. In addition, there are occult and scientific forces that can also be released. Carl Jung pointed to the "collective unconscious," and Nicola Tesla learned to tap into unlimited energy that was so powerful that industrialists and governments have attempted to keep it secret to this day. Tesla not only personally tapped into information from the fourth dimension, but he invented technology based on the information.
What has been called "The Pentecostal Movement" represented a global release of spiritual power that has impacted over a billion people. In 1906 what was known as the Azusa Street Revival began under the leadership of an African-American preacher named William Joseph Seymour in a small church in Los Angeles. The Pentecostal Movement exploded from Azusa Street, emphasizing holiness, what is called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, miracles, and speaking in tongues. Later the Pentecostal Movement morphed into what was called the Charismatic Movement and Jesus Movement. While old time Pentecostals referred to the Holy Spirit as the "Holy Ghost," the Charismatic Movement eventually preferred the softer term, "Spirit Filled." These Christian movements, along with the more Evangelical-style Christians, who shunned things like "tongues," eventually became the base of the Republican Party. Savvy Politicians like George H.W. Bush, one of the most powerful Freemasons in the world (he also belonged to the sinister Skull and Bones society and attended Bohemian Grove meetings and was a vocal proponent of the New World Order) strategically mobilized "born-again" Christians to support his presidential election and the Republican Party. Interestingly enough, as Dr. Thomas Horn points out:
"For our purposes, the connection between Freemasonry, Skull and Bones (which George W. Bush is also a member of), and the knowledge that 'Moriah Conquering Wind' is a title by which the occult insiders identify themselves, is notable. Moriah is an ancient term and its connection to "divine wind" as a vehicle for God and angelic war is important to Jewish Apocalyptic and mystical literature as well as to mainstream religious and esoteric minded peoples for different reasons."
Even George H.W. Bush, former head of the CIA, and apparently a very pragmatic and rational man, acknowledges the reality of powerful supernatural forces, as in "Moriah Conquering Wind." But "born-again" Christians, who had their roots in supernatural revival, allowed themselves to become the unpaid mistresses of the Republican Party, with almost nothing to show for it. The Pentecostal Movements and Charismatic Movements have never made the profound and lasting impact on America that the Great Awakenings of Edwards and Finney produced. During the First Great Awakening, not only a powerful spiritual revival was released, but a robust intellectualism and statesmanship, which allowed for the most important principles in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The belief that it was the Creator who gave us certain inalienable rights such as "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" and things like freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion, among other rights is completely unique in human history!
But the power of a true Biblical revival and a genuine Third Great Awakening was short circuited in Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity because, like the Evangelical Movement at large, they rejected intellectualism, art, creativity, history, philosophy, science, and geopolitics, and the results are all around us. Atheists, skeptics, agnostics, and people from other religions look upon the American Christianity (as it is practiced today) and see its lack of any connection with reality, and so it has a waning impact upon the culture.
Americans...including a majority of those who call themselves "Christians"...are sinking into a kind of cultural quicksand. A fog has covered America and in the darkness of this fog a secretive elite, which we discuss in the book The Babylon Code has constructed an architecture of evil which is openly planning the destruction of America. There is only one force on Earth strong enough to withstand it, and it is not the "force" in Star Wars, or pre-packaged sound-bytes from most politicians, who are nothing more than the lackeys of the kings and queens of this new global feudal state.
The force that must be released, and the only force powerful enough to change the direction of history, is genuine power from on high, the kind that produced the First and Second Great Awakening. It was the release of this spiritual energy, which changed the landscape of America.
It is the power of revival wedded with intelligence, knowledge, and the ability to think deeply and strategically. Make no mistake about it; the power of this revival and the movement that will arise from it is being summoned now. At a certain point, America will see a tipping point and then the game changer. The question is: what part will you play in the most important time in America's history? Make no mistake about it, each of us will be directly responsible for the future that comes and you and I, along with our children, will live in it.
Are you so naive to think it can't happen here? It is already happening here my friend and there is not much time left to change it!
2016: A Year for Living with No Fear - By Michael Snyder -
2016 is just a few days old, and already there has been a tremendous amount of shaking. Stock markets all over the world are crashing, a huge earthquake just hit India, the middle portion of the United States is dealing with record flooding, Islamic terror continues to spread in the Middle East and elsewhere, and Saudi Arabia has suddenly cut off relations with Iran. Our world is becoming increasingly unstable, and I believe that this is just the beginning. In fact, I am fully convinced that 2016 is going to be an incredibly chaotic year.
So does that mean that we should all cower in fear and try to find somewhere to hide?
Not at all.
My wife and I seek to live our lives in a constant state of "shalom", which is the Hebrew word for peace. And we believe that 2016 is a year to be lived with no fear whatsoever. Yes, immensely great challenges are coming to this nation. But with great shaking comes great opportunity. In 2016 we believe that there will be incredible opportunities to be a light in the darkness.
We are moving into a time when so many of the things that we have become preoccupied with will fall to the wayside and we will start focusing on what really matters. Many of you have been preparing for the future for many years, and this is going to be the year when those preparations begin to pay off.
When great challenges come, they reveal the true nature of our character. And as things fall apart all around us, people are going to be looking for leaders. To be a leader, sometimes you don't even have to say anything. People are going to be watching how we respond to the events that are going to be happening this year, and we need to decide right now whether we are going to respond with strength or fear.
If you want to be a leader, you need to be ready to be a rock in the storm. When the waves start crashing all around you, that is the time to set your face like flint and choose not to be moved. Many are going to want to dig a hole and try to hide from the world, but those with courage are going to be running to the front lines instead.
This is what we have been training for.
This is what we have been preparing for.
You were born for such a time as this.
If you look back throughout history, almost all of the heroes that we greatly admire were birthed during times of great crisis. It is when times are the darkest that the light is needed the most. And the hard times that are coming are going to be crying out for strong men and women to arise.
For years, "watchmen on the wall" such as myself have been relentlessly warning about what is coming. In fact, I have been sounding the alarm so loudly and for so long that some of my readers are probably sick of it. But the purpose has never been to "create fear". I believe that there is hope in understanding what is happening, and I believe that there is hope in getting prepared.
And the truth is that there is very much a spiritual dimension to all of this. For decades, God has been calling America to return to Him, but instead this nation has been feverishly running the other direction. Now a day of reckoning is upon us, and we are going to experience the consequences of decades of very foolish decisions.
In the legal world, there is always a pronouncement of guilt before a judgment is administered. And in 2015 I believe that we were very clearly shown our guilt in a myriad of ways. Some examples include the gay marriage Supreme Court decision, the Ashley Madison scandal, and the undercover Planned Parenthood videos. I don't believe that it was any accident that those videos came out exactly when they did. The whole world got to see that we are murdering millions of babies, harvesting their body parts and organs, and selling those body parts and organs off to the highest bidder. Those body parts and organs are then used in bizarre scientific experiments, and the federal government is funding the entire thing.
But instead of repenting, Congress just authorized hundreds of millions of dollars of funding for Planned Parenthood for the coming year, and surveys have found that the American people approve of federal funding for Planned Parenthood by about a 2 to 1 margin.
I believe that we were given one last chance to repent in 2015, but instead we chose to shake our fist at God.
Now a great shaking is coming, and I believe that it has already started. Since September, we have seen a very highly unusual series of disasters in America. We have seen horrific flooding in Missouri, South Carolina, Texas and Oregon, a nightmarish wave of wildfires starting at the end of the summer resulted in more acres being burned in this country than ever before, the state of Oklahoma set a brand new all-time record for earthquakes in a single year, a series of very unusual tornadoes just ripped through areas near Dallas, and much of California continues to suffer through the worst multi-year drought in the history of the state.
When we look at the Bible, we see that there is often a progression to judgment. For example, frogs and lice were a couple of the early plagues that hit Egypt in the book of Exodus, but by the end all of the firstborn of the Egyptians were dead. A similar pattern exists in the book of Revelation. Each "shaking" is intended to bring about repentance, and if there is no repentance then more shakings come.
We should be happy that shaking is coming to America, because without shaking I don't believe that there would be any widespread repentance.
God has been warning us about what is coming, but most of us don't want to listen.
God sends warnings because He does not want us to fear. He knows everything that is going to happen in advance, He is in control, and He has a plan.
And even in the midst of all the chaos and darkness that is beginning to engulf the world, God is raising up a Remnant.
This Remnant is going to be the army of the last days. It will walk in faith and not in fear. It will boldly take action while others cower. This Remnant is going to become what God always intended His people to be, and it is going to do things that are going to shock the world.
The greatest move of God and the greatest harvest of souls that the world has ever seen are coming. But just because we know what God is going to do in these last days does not mean that we automatically get to be part of it. Now is a time to press in and seek Him like never before. We need to pray that God will pour out His fire on our lives and equip us to be warriors of light in a world that is filled with darkness.
Jesus is coming back for His bride, but right now we are not ready.
Jesus deserves the greatest bride of all. He deserves a bride without spot or wrinkle and that is madly and wildly and passionately in love with Him.
Without Him nothing is possible, but with His help we can become the bride that we were always intended to be.
In 2016, everything changes.
Are you ready? 
 Piercing the Perils of 2016 - Terry James -
Never in my own memory has a new year appeared at its beginning to be more prophetically interesting. Never--in my thinking, at least--has one portended more perilous times, as the apostle Paul would have it. Yet I wouldn't trade my time on this darkening planet with anyone of any other generation.
The fact that the Lord of Heaven has put me here at this strange, ominous, yet immensely fascinating time in history makes it all the more intriguing--even riveting, in terms of wanting to know what happens next. He has put you here, too, at this time when the final curtain is about to fall. He has trusted you to be an actor in at least part of the final scenes of this great, cosmic play called human history. No illustrious personages of the past--not Julius Caesar, not Napoleon Bonaparte, not Alexander the Great, not even Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, or Ronald Reagan were so privileged. We are about to serve as active members of a most especially commissioned cast who populates the end-times stage.
There is about to occur a schism--a separation--of cataclysmic proportion. It will rend one part of humanity from the other. It will not be a natural catastrophe that will inflict the humanity-dividing rift. It won't be great political upheaval in America and around the world that will cause the tearing apart of life upon the troubled planet. Those things will certainly happen. But it won't be acts of nature or of man that will bring about the very last scene of the age. That last act will be orchestrated by the Master Director of all Creation--by the Lord God of Heaven who is the final judge of good and evil.
The excitement presaging that grand climax of the age is building. Momentous events, written on the pages of Holy Scripture, are about to come alive. The final curtain will rise when Jesus steps out on the clouds of glory and calls all believers--His Bride, the Church, to Himself. If you are a believer in Christ alone for salvation, you will catch the grand finale as you watch from the luxuriant balconies of Heaven.
We see the drama building all around us for the tumultuous scenes set to play out during the times just ahead. The year 2016 is cloaked in the fog of malevolence this world continues to wrap itself in--an increasingly anti-God, anti-Christ vesture that embraces humanism forewarned about by the psalmist.
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. (Psalms 2: 1-3)
A quick scan of the news just the past week exposes, I believe, the arrogance of those the Scriptures call "earth-dwellers" who incessantly strive to break asunder the governance God rightfully placed upon His creation called man. The reports are laden with prophetic indicators.
One such report is seen in the prideful claims by a U.S. State Department spokesman, as the boast involves the increasing call for "peace and safety," While the situation in Syria grows intensely worse by the hour, with the Syrian people torn violently between the forces of Syrian dictator Basher Al-Assad and the hordes of ISIS murderers, Secretary of State John Kerry is lauded as bringing about a peace that just isn't happening and will never come to pass.
State Department spokesman John Kirby wrote under the headline, "Bringing peace and security to Syria": "Under Secretary of State John Kerry's stewardship the United Nations passed a U.S. sponsored resolution to create a road map for Syria." Again, the problem is that like in all of the humanistic efforts at bringing true peace, the only "peacemaker" is kept out of the peacemaking. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, is denied at every turn by the president of the very country that speciously purports to be making the peace. (President Obama, remember, upon his very first week in office, proclaimed that the United States is not a Christian nation.)
The president of the United States of America, in effect, proclaimed regarding the governance of the God of Heaven: "Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us."
We can believe what that omniscient, omnipotent, governing authority has to say about such arrogance and willfulness. The message is chilling for the planet's inhabitants who will be left behind when the great schism aforementioned takes place.
He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. (Psalms 2: 4-6)
Details of what is about to take place in 2016, of course, lurks in the murkiness of an ever-increasing pall of trepidation. But, for those who are secure within the unshakable, impenetrable shelter of their Lord and Savior, there is no reason to fear. Piercing that black uncertainty is an effulgence that lights the path to the brightest of all possible futures. It is that Blessed Hope of Titus 2: 13! --Terry James
'The Hal Lindsey Report'   "2015: Prophetic Year in Review."- Hal Lindsey -
Please join me this week for Part One of "2015: Prophetic Year in Review."
From the perspective of Bible prophecy, 2015 may be remembered at the year Satan's key project began to rise.
Since at least the time of Nimrod, Satan has been laying the groundwork for a one-world government, with his man in charge.
Through the millennia since, he's had successes and setbacks. But in 2015, the foundation became complete enough for him to begin building the actual edifice. The past year seemed to bring us to the critical time when Satan's one-world order got on final track.
2015 showed us that the Antichrist may not establish his power through a dramatic military coup or the takeover of a particular national government. Instead, it may well come through his control of a global, trans- and supra-national governing body.
And we witnessed in 2015 the breathtaking birth of those bodies that may control the world one day.
Surprisingly, a major culprit may be the Republican Congress that handed the President sweeping new powers to negotiate trade deals.
On October 5, 2015, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was formed by 12 Pacific Rim nations. It will be an unbelievably powerful governing regime that can change the rules however it wishes and there is nothing the participants can do about it.
Though supposedly formed to regulate and facilitate trade between the 12 nations, the TPP Commission will be granted power and authority that is almost unbelievable. Here are just a few of the things that the TPP will have dictatorial power over: immigration, wealth redistribution, education, human rights, gay rights, same-sex marriage, gun control, health care, women's reproductive rights, abortion, sustainable development, pollution, wildlife and wetlands, and the authority to give foreign nations complete access to American markets. It will be able to punish nations with multi-billion dollar fines and punish individuals who organize boycotts against products. It is also going to make it illegal to mark a product as "Made in the USA."
And its companion treaty is The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Very little about trade, but a lot about global control.
But in 2015, TPP was not the worst deal of the year. In fact, it wasn't even second worst. That distinction falls to the Iran nuclear deal.
The worst international agreement of 2015 was approved unanimously by every member of the United Nations General Assembly. It is a so-called "climate" agreement known as Agenda 2030.
Supposedly created to deal with climate issues, the agreement includes items like plans to "reduce... violence and death rates." And, "provide justice for all." And "provide legal identity for all including birth registration."
That seems like a lot of stuff that has little to do with the climate! This pact will lead to the most extreme totalitarian regime ever conceived and, eventually, to the "Mark of the Beast."
Very little about the climate, but a lot about global control.
In 2015, Pope Francis jumped wholeheartedly on the climate change bandwagon. Throughout the year, he chastised individual nations that place their national interests above the common global good and stand in the way of international progress toward climate control. He thinks that's a bad thing. And he called for governments to cede their authority to a higher agency -- and he wasn't talking about Almighty God, either.
The Pope has been hoodwinked by the secular agenda of those working toward a one-world government. He seems not to understand that Agenda 2030 is not about the climate. It never was. It is about the politics of the New World Order.
In 2015, European leaders welcomed massive numbers of Muslims into their countries. It has now accelerated from immigration to invasion.
And while the United States has been fairly focused on ISIS, al-Qaeda and the Taliban have been re-establishing themselves in Afghanistan. During the 2012 campaign, President Obama disingenuously bragged that "al-Qaeda is on the run." But at the moment, al-Qaeda is preparing to run Afghanistan.
In 2015, ISIS proved that its tentacles now reach into much of the world, including the United States. I guess they are no longer President Obama's "J.V. team."
In America, 2015 saw acceleration of the brutal new despotism known as Political Correctness.
"Tolerance" used to mean "forbearance," or "to allow," or "to agree to disagree," or even, "to endure what you don't like." No longer.
American schools today teach our children that "tolerance" means "full endorsement" and that anything less than "full endorsement" means "intolerance."
It started with the issue of homosexuality. Children are being taught that if you don't endorse and promote homosexuality, then you must be an intolerant bigot.
That same absurd thinking has now spread to the subject of Islam. So, to teach our schoolchildren tolerance of Islam, they are taught to embrace Islam.
Ironically, the Muslim faith is the most "intolerant" of all major religions.
And just before Christmas of 2015, Disney released the seventh Star Wars movie: "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Like the original "Star Wars" in 1977, they are both extremely "spiritual" movies. They feature a spirituality that loosely resembles Christian faith. It's not real Christianity, but it is vaguely spiritually comforting.
Revelation predicts the coming of a world religion. I'm not saying that it will be based on "Star Wars," but the mythology of "The Force" is one of many elements laying the groundwork for that coming religion.
People are hungry for meaning. They're spiritually destitute. They don't know it, but they feel it. They are searching for something to fill the void.
In the movie, one of the characters tells another that "The Force is calling to you. Just let it in." That's scary because "The Force" of "Star Wars" is not the one true God. And if you just "let it in," you will be in for a world of hurt.
But in these last days, people are desperate to find something to fill the God-shaped void in their lives. The coming false religion will flood that void for many of them.
Please join me this week for Part One of "2015: The Prophetic Year in Review."
Don't miss this week's Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations,  or . Check your local listings.
I want to wish all of you a wonderful, blessed, and happy new year. Thanks again for your faithful prayer and financial support during 2015. I pray that God will bless all of your endeavors in 2016.
Happy New Year!
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey

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