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Friday, January 8, 2016

The Meltdown of the American Presidential Election Process

The Meltdown of the American Presidential Election Process - Todd Strandberg -
The United States stands alone in having the world's longest and most expensive presidential political race. In England, when a national election is officially set, the campaigning occurs within the space of a single month. Each party can only spend $33 million on each election.
The campaigning for U.S. president is officially ten months long. But in reality, candidates need to position themselves at least two years earlier with exploratory committees, campaign fundraisers and debates. And we spend an insane amount of money on each contestant. In the 2008 presidential race, the candidates spent a total of $1.7 billion.
I have no real excitement amount the 2016 race. The process has become so corrupt that I fear the type of candidates it will produce.
On the side of the Democrats, there doesn't seem to be a race at all. The party insiders and the media have pre-decided that Hillary Clinton is their candidate. The Democrat debates are a sham; having been buried in odd weekend hours against big television events including NFL playoff games, and ahead of the busy Christmas week.
You can't have a fair contest with Hillary Clinton's 2008 campaign co-chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz as head of the Democratic National Committee. Also the Clinton campaign renting office space in the party headquarters is a clear conflict of interest.
The liberal media has been the most disgraceful in regard to Clinton. The other day I saw a headline on a news site: "Hillary Clinton Ranked Most-Admired Woman in U.S. for Record 20th Year." What has allowed Clinton to maintain this high ranking is the media's failure to do its job. In a real world, the press would have grilled Clinton over Benghazi, her private email server, and the cozy relationship her Clinton Foundation has with foreign governments.
For the most part, Hillary Clinton runs her campaign from inside a bunker. While she hides from people that might ask embarrassing questions, her stooges are sent out to defend her. When Donald Trump is under attack, Clinton pops her head out of the bunker, makes a quick shot at him, and then she's back to the shelter.
On the Republican side, we don't have the problem of a lack good candidates. The problem is that the vast majority of the media's attention is focused on Trump. By slamming the Billionaire with negative coverage, the press has turned Trump into the ultimate alternative candidate. People are so fed up with Washington D.C. going against the will of the people, they are attracted to the guy who promises to shake-up the system.
I think Trump would make a better president than Clinton, but I'm not sure by how much. Trump never really explains how he's going to fix America, he has no experience in politics, and he has very thin skin. My greatest doubt with Trump is moral issues. In the past, he has been for abortion, gay marriage and the Legalization the drugs. The choice here for Conservative voters: Is it better to half a Republican than no Republican at all?
There is little doubt in my mind that the best candidate for President is Ted Cruz. He supports limited government, a ban on taxpayer-funded abortions, and measures that would strengthen the Constitution. Because he stands against the corporate welfare system that pervades Washington D.C., he remains a long shot at getting the nomination.
I welcome a new president that reverses the destructive policies set by Obama, but I cannot help have a fatalistic outlook on the future of our nation. If we are indeed close to the end of the last days, the quality of political leaders will degrade with time (which has happened). My greatest hope is that the Lord Jesus will come soon. I can't imagine a world where I'd reflect back on the current political arrangement as the "Good old days."
"But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived" (2 Timothy 3:13).
"Because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God" (Romans 8:7-8).

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