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Friday, January 15, 2016

ELECTION 2016: 1.15.16

Above the law, is Clinton above the vote? - Bill Wilson -
Heavy sigh. It seems no matter how many issues of illegality arise, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton refuses to acknowledge wrongdoing and the news media, for the most part, will not hold her accountable. Some chinks in her armor, however, have been exposed and some media are starting to wise up.'s Keith Koffler may be one of them. He wrote, "The latest batch of Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department early Friday contain what may be the smoking gun that forces the Justice Department to charge the former secretary of state with a crime, according to former federal prosecutor Joseph diGenova." Still many are skeptical that Clinton will be prosecuted.
DiGenova is not one of them. He continued, "This is gigantic. She caused to be removed a classified marking and then had it transmitted in an unencrypted manner. That is a felony. The removal of the classified marking is a federal crime. It is the same thing to order someone to do it as if she had done it herself." He concluded, "This makes it impossible for the bureau not to recommend charges. This makes it impossible not to go forward, and it certainly ties the hand of the attorney general." It appears in an exchange of emails on June 17, 2011 that Clinton illegally instructed a senior State Department advisor to change the marking on classified information so that it was no longer flagged classified.
Associated Press reports that the State Department is stonewalling regarding questions about whether the document was sent classified or unclassified. AP also asks, "And was Clinton wrong to instruct a senior aide to send it through nonsecure means, even if that request wasn't fulfilled? The department says it isn't making a judgment. Even the subject matter hasn't been revealed. The only indication in the email exchange of what the document might have been about was redacted in Friday's release of some 3,000 pages from Clinton's tenure as America's top diplomat." Clinton's legal problem is just one aspect of this issue. The ethical problem of having an unsecured email server in her house for government business is at the root of this, and it is mainly being ignored.
Despite Clinton's handling of the Benghazi terrorist massacre, the emails relating to national security on her private server, her turning a blind eye to her husband's demeaning and abusive treatment of women, and a host of other documented issues, there are Democrats, women and even Christians who intend to support her candidacy. A person of a certain political persuasion, or of a certain gender, does not a leader make. Exodus 18:21 informs us on leader selection: "Moreover you shall provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness." By these standards, Clinton is unfit to serve. She has been above the law most of her life. Is she also above the vote?

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