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Friday, January 15, 2016

OBAMA WATCH: 1.15.16 - SOTU viewership down, Americans fed up with the lies

SOTU viewership down, Americans fed up with the lies - Bill Wilson -
The "president's" State of the Union (SOTU) address was viewed by the fewest number of people compared with his other addresses, which also declined from his first one. According to, among adults 18-49, early numbers indicated NBC's coverage of the SOTU even with last year's, but the other networks declined. ABC and CBS both were down 9% and 23% respectively from 2015. Fox saw its SOTU coverage fall 30%. The cumulative demographic rating is down 14% from 2015. It is clear that most Americans are fed up with the "president's" lectures and prefer watching reruns of home and garden shows to listening to political spin that has little to do with real life in America.
Many Daily Jot readers were representative of Americans who tuned out. CD wrote, "For [sic, the "president"] there is no truth, only lies, because he lives in an alternate reality with his Marxist cohorts. Unfortunately this nation has to suffer through his lies and deal with the reality his lies have created." SW wrote: "Very difficult to keep a liar from lying.  It is a habit and a commitment and a strategy... We know they are lying and we do nothing to stop them because while they are lying, we are sleeping...I could not watch another hour of O telling lies so I read my book instead. I am much happier in the knowledge that, for a short time at least, I can still stop watching liars lie. Someday that may not be an option."
From Africa, WD commented: "Thank God he is not the president of an African or a 3rd world country. If he were, he would indisputably end up to be the most notorious dictator ever in the world!" HB wrote: "We can't stand to look at him let alone a listen...Proverbs 14:7, "LEAVE the presence of a fool or you will not discern words of knowledge." Proverbs 17:7: "Excellent speech is not fitting for a fool, much less are lying lips to a prince."" EM added: "He is a monster who works for monsters who hate America. This kind of orchestrated evil is happening all over the world. It is baffling...It really appears like there is a worldwide mental illness that has taken hold of the leaders of the nations."
ES wrote: "I'm going to forward this to several - see if I can get SOME kind of response from some of my liberal relatives - open some kind of line of dialogue. Thankfully above many other things, and barring something highly unusual, we won't have to endure this kind of lying mockery from our so called "president" ever again, so in my view, things are actually already starting to look up, even if just in some small way. Oddly, I feel so much peace just at that thought alone, though I know we are far from out of the woods. But it's a blessed opportunity for me to stop and take just a moment to say "Thank you Jesus!!!!!" Yeah, brother...That was worth five exclamation points." There were many more, but you can see from the comments why people are disconnecting. Let us all remember to reconnect as we choose our leaders wisely.
Obama's State of Delusion Address - Biblical Perspective - David Pepe -
My dear friends, we as "Christians first and conservatives second" continually offer great solutions, ideas and suggestions based in TRUTH and REALITY to our nation which would bring ETERNAL liberty (John 1:12, 8:32,36), fiscal soundness and relief, moral and social healing and the restitution of liberty until the Lord comes, but tragically these truths and suggestions - which are rooted and based on Almighty God's Word and moral absolutes - are scoffed and slandered at as evil by the majority of Americans, the GOP and Progressive Democratic Party (Isa. 5:20).
In light of the moral relativistic, decadent and lawless mindset which now FULLY dominates our nation's inhabitants, President Obama has not wasted any time in subtlety using and exploiting these reprobate masses as a firewall to protect his Marxist agenda and as a sword to push forth at breakneck speed. In this second term "president" Obama has continued to rapidly work outside the rule of law and our constitution and use any tragedy, victim, and crisis to bring about his secular and lawless ambitions knowing full well that very few will and can oppose him. The 2012 re-election of this man now have even more horrific consequences tied to them (fiscally and socially) then imagined by many. The dam of "the rule of law" has now burst and nothing will stop the flood of totalitarianism, secularism, anarchy, godlessness, tyranny. decadence, high tech police state government and the horrific consequences of these from totally dominating and affecting ALL Americans. All who will oppose Obama will now somehow find themselves labeled enemies of the state by the main stream media and handed over to the blinded brainwashed subjective lawless masses to be fodder for their lawless rage and vindictive appetites.
The President Obama's State of the Union address had no reality, life or substance to it at all. He is a punk and and portrayed himself as one for all to see. Be not deceived Obama has zero love for the middle class or civility. He seeks only divide and to reduce us to subjects in his lawless kingdom. Obama's speech was a delusion peppered will lies and half-truths and the subtle marketing of a vain and godless dream, full of utopian ideals which can NEVER be (Eccl. 1-12, Jude 1:8, 10-13). You cannot implement euphemistic lawlessness and godlessness and expect to reap, bliss, harmony and peace for Americans no matter how sincere you come across. This mindset is one of the greatest lies and deceptions that has never gone away since the fall of man (Gen. 3, Rom. 1:18-32, 5:12-21). It is the vain hope and dream of all godless men to establish a world order which EXCLUDES Almighty God, His RIGHTEOUS ETERNAL spiritual absolutes and moral absolutes for time (Gen.11, Rom. 1:18-32, Rev.13),  and President Obama's vision for our nation and world tonight fits this mold to a tee.
President Obama is lawless in the majority of ALL his doings. Behind that media crafted image of compassion, godless euphemisms and great intellect, lies a godless, cold, vindictive, narcissistic relativist and reprobate only interested in destroying anything that has to do with the laws of nature and of nature's God (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10). President Obama is anti-constitutional, anti-founding fathers, anti-morality, anti-life, anti-conservative, anti-business, anti-capitalist, anti Judeo/ Christian values, anti-Bible and thus anti Almighty God (Rom. 1:18-32). He is pro-abortion, pro partial birth abortion, pro homosexuality, pro secular agenda, pro 60's radical, pro globalism, pro socialist, pro secularist, pro Frankfurt and pro Alinsky. My dear friend, please tell me what virtue is found in that list (Matt. 7:15-17)?
So when we put all the evidence on the table and examine it in the light of Almighty God's ETERNAL revelation and standard (His infallible Word), we can see that when ANY individual applies godlessness in one's life there is NO limit to the amount of evil one can do (Gal. 5:19-21). The sky is the limit my dear friend until Almighty God intervenes and puts an end to it. Evil is ALWAYS masked in deception and lies rapped in partial truths. Tragically, after years of the application of lawlessness in one's godless life an individual becomes very callus and hardened to things which should arose one's compassion, sympathy and mercy. Sadly all is lost as the individual goes ever deeper into the darkened abyss of the subjective regions of the vanity of their own godless delusional mind. The most horrific state for any individual to abide - next to the ETERNAL Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:11-15) - is for Almighty God to give that individual over to a godless reprobate mind with its delusional thinking and horrific consequences (Rom. 1:18-32). It is this mindset that is fatalistic, cruel and there are no moral boundaries.
To go right to the heart of the condition it would seem that our president has passed this point and is driven and motivated by a subjective vindictive hatred towards Almighty God, His laws of nature, His moral absolutes and those that represent Him. It is from that foundation which springs forth ALL of his anti-conservative and anti-American hatred and policies. Obama's TRUE war is with his CREATOR and His RIGHTEOUS PERSON (Rom. 1:18-32).
Here at the IFB it has been our sincere desire that President Obama and the oppressing secular elites and ruling class of this world would see the ETERNAL big picture and their desperate need for Almighty God's saving grace, which is found ONLY in the Savior of the world (the Lord Jesus Christ), Who ALONE is KING of kings and LORD of lords of time and ETERNITY (John 3:16-17, Rom. 10:2-4, 1 Tim. 2:1-7).
Indeed a Great Day of ETERNAL JUDGMENT is coming in which ALL people, great and small will stand before the Son of God to give a FULL account for ALL of their deeds in the flesh; their rejection and rebellion against the ETERNAL RIGHTEOUSNESS of Almighty God (Matt. 12:36-37, John 3:36, Rom. 10:2-4, Phil. 2:10-11, Gal. 2:16, Rev. 20:11-15). While there is yet time and breath left in President Obama's nostrils, may he and ALL human beings (conservative to progressive) who KNOW NOT the Savior of the world) cry out to Him in genuine repentance and with a contrite heart to be delivered from that DAY (Acts 16:28-31, Rom. 2:4, James 5:5, Rev. 19:15-21. 20:11-15)! A few moments of human glory, fame and position in this fallen damned world are not worth ETERNITY'S damnation (Matt. 16:26, Luke 9:23-25, 1 John 2:15-17, Rev. 20:11-15). That is not Almighty God's will for ANY as a fallen son of Adam (Rom. 5:12-21).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!
 "President's" last State of the Union endured by Americans - Bill Wilson -
He took over an hour to lecture Americans on the reason that his policies are not working is because of us, not him. The "president" was hard set on telling Americans that what they fear most is best for them, that change and progress is hard, especially if you fear it. Mr. "president," Americans do not fear the future. They don't fear you. They do have a healthy understanding of the consequences of bad leadership--they have seen it over the past decade. Fear isn't the reason there is so much push back from the Islamic Marxist agenda of this "president." The push back is because Americans know deep down in that it is bad for them, bad for their children, and the wrong direction for the country.
His claims that student loans are more affordable, that healthcare is more affordable, that the Islamic State is not a dire threat, that immigration isn't an economic threat, that the economic and job situation is thriving, and so on, can be countered with the facts. Over and over again, we are told that what we are experiencing in our every day lives, is not real. That the crime and mass murders and terrorism is the fault of a lack of gun control doesn't even pass the straight face test. His horrible and destructive policies of allowing undocumented aliens from terrorist sponsoring nations into this country at will is the hallmark of his legacy, the full measure of the type of change only an enemy would bring.
When he speaks of religious freedom, he is speaking of not criticizing Islam. When he speaks of marriage, he is speaking of homosexuals. He listed the things that "give us everything we need to ensure prosperity and security for generations to come." Among them were economic recovery, a reformed healthcare system, a reinvented energy system, and homosexual marriage. The reality we face every day is $18 trillion dollars of debt (over $8 trillion added in the past seven years), nearly 20 million people who want a full-time job and still cannot find one, a record number on food stamps--12.27 million more Americans than when he took office. Healthcare is unaffordable and he wants to tax us for climate change, something that is documented to be fabricated by unethical scientists. His world is fiction. The one we face is reality.
This kind of change is not something American's fear. They dread it. Deep down in they know it will bring disaster. The basis of survival for any nation is a secure border, for example. This "president" has purposely made our border insecure. He has pitted Americans against one another. Our nation lacks ethical, moral and spiritual leadership. We have endured seven years of this purposeful dismantling of our society. It is time for change--to the God-fearing, common sense we once had. Proverbs 29:2 says, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bears rule, the people mourn." We are a nation in mourning for bad choices in leadership. If only we can know it and change it.

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