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Saturday, December 31, 2016

C'mon Man, Really? Top 10 Awards 5 through 1

C'mon Man, Really? Top 10 Awards 5 through 1 - Bill Wilson -
There were a lot of statements made and deeds done in 2016 that are deserving of a slap on the forehead followed by the words "C'mon Man, really?" As the year draws to a close, The Daily Jot wanted to just step outside its regular analytics and provide you what we thought were some of the most foolish statements and actions that characterized 2016. You may agree or not, but they should serve as a reminder of what not to do and how common sense is lacking within our contemporary society. These are things we may want to forget, but for wisdom's sake, should be remembered. So as we count down to the new year, here are The Daily Jot "C'mon Man, Really?" Top 10 Awards, with 5 through 1 going to...
Number 5: After spending 9 months drawing polling samples purposely skewed by at least 12 points in favor of Democrats, reporting that Hillary Clinton would win the election hands down, and ignoring the thousands showing up in favor of Donald Trump when only dozens were attending Clinton campaign rallies, the news media blamed "fake news" and the Russians for trying to mislead the American people. C'mon man, Really?
Number 4: The CIA, Hillary Clinton and the "president" conspiring to say that Russia hacked Democratic National Committee and Clinton's unsecured home closet email servers to influence the election. It was the classic "look, there's a squirrel" attempt to divert public attention to the unethical and possibly illegal content of the emails themselves. C'mon man, Really?
Number 3: The "president" repeatedly said that he was a friend to Israel. That's why he made Israel's Prime Minister exit the White House where the trash was thrown after making him wait hours for a meeting. But even more recently, he directed the US to abstain in a UN vote condemning Israel after President Elect Trump got Egypt and others to change their minds. The US move sent ripples throughout the Middle East. Friend to Israel, yet supporting Israel's enemies? C'mon man, Really?
Number 2: In the third Presidential Debate, Donald Trump said he would keep people in suspense about accepting the results of the election if he lost. Hillary Clinton immediately went in "aghast" mode and said this would be horrible and damaging to America's democracy. Then she bankrolled the Green Party's challenge of election results; her campaign chairman refused to say the election was fair and accurate; and Clinton tried to undermine the election results after she lost. C'mon man, Really?
Number 1: The occupant of the Oval Office giving an interview to a former staffer now working for CNN (go figure) and talking trash about the election. He said if he had a third term, Americans would have elected him based on his vision which has worked for the nation. The "president" obviously doesn't get it that Hillary Clinton ran on his platform and Americans overwhelmingly rejected it. C'mon man, Really? Jesus said in John 8:32, "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." And that's how we at The Daily Jot really see the lies and how they were reported as truth in 2016. May your 2017 be blessed!
"C'mon Man, Really?" Top 10 Awards 10 through 6 - Bill Wilson -
There were a lot of statements made and deeds done in 2016 that are deserving of a slap on the forehead followed by the words "C'mon Man, really?" As the year draws to a close, The Daily Jot wanted to just step outside its regular analytics and provide you what we thought were some of the most foolish statements and actions that characterized 2016. You may agree or not, but they should serve as a reminder of what not to do and how common sense is lacking within our contemporary society. These are things we may want to forget, but for wisdom's sake, should be remembered. So as we count down to the new year, here are The Daily Jot "C'mon Man, Really?" Top 10 Awards, with 10 through 6 going to...
Number 10: After Attorney General Loretta Lynch meets with former President Bill Clinton in the back of an airplane, her charge, FBI Director James Comey, announces there was a lot of possible violations of the law, but a lack of intent regarding Hillary Clinton's illegal handling of secret information. Most government sources of The Daily Jot said they would have been prosecuted if they handled information in that manner. Then Comey says the investigation is reopened because Clinton's national secrets were found on Huma Abedin's and her pervert husband's computers. Then he says after reviewing hundreds of thousands of emails in just a couple of days, "nothing to see here." C'mon man, Really?
Number 9: Hillary Clinton said that those who would vote for Donald Trump were "unredeemable" and "deplorables." She called Bernie Sanders' socialist supporters "basement dwellers". If you take out the leftist votes of California and New York, Clinton was demeaning the majority of the US voting population. And she thinks she should be president? C'mon man, Really?
Number 8: The Islamic State is burning Christians alive, crucifying them, beheading them irrespective of man, woman or child, yet the "president" refuses to designate Christians in hostile Islamic areas as refugees. Instead, he allows hundreds of thousands of Islamists from terrorist-sponsoring nations into the US and resettles them as "refugees." C'mon man, Really?
Number 7: The "president" blames the lack of gun control for the spike in murders in Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit, and for terrorist attacks by Islamists across the country-at least one a year during his 8 year tenure. Yet the highest murder rates are committed in places with the strictest gun control and the terrorist attacks are the result of his lax or non-existent immigration security. C'mon man, Really?
Number 6: Hillary Clinton, the current "president" and the Democratic Party claiming that Clinton was the most qualified person to be president in the face of extraordinary charges of dishonesty, criminality, and the inability to protect important national security information on unsecured private servers in a home closet. Who cares who hacked the information? It was handled with extreme incompetency or lack of caring. And Clinton is qualified to be president? C'mon man, Really? What does the Bible say? Zechariah 8:16 says, "These are the things that you shall do; Speak you every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates."

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