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Saturday, December 31, 2016

OBAMA WATCH: 12.31.16 - Obama Takes Giant Step Toward Armageddon

Obama Takes Giant Step Toward Armageddon - By Daymond Duck -
God clearly made an unconditional covenant to give all (not part) of the land of Canaan to Israel for an everlasting (forever) possession and He also promised to be Israel's God (Gen. 17:7-8).
Following the return of Israel at the end of the age, God clearly said, "I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people andfor my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land" (Joel 3:2).
In the last half of the Tribulation period, God will drag the nations into the Valley of Jehoshaphat for the battle of Armageddon because they have scattered the Jews (forced some of them off of the West Bank) and divided their land (created two-states out of the land of Israel; see Matt. 24:15-16).
In the last several weeks, there have been dozens of reports that Pres. Obama was scheming to stab Israel in the back before he left office. His sinister scheme has now come to fruition no matter how hard he and his anti-Semites pretend that they didn't want to do it.
But he did more than stab Israel in the back. He stabbed God in the back by calling His Word a lie and saying that the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, belongs to the Palestinians and not Israel.
He stabbed every American in the back by exposing the U.S. to the judgment of God for Mr. Obama's deliberate act of revenge (Obad. 1:15).
Christians need to pray that Donald Trump and a coalition of Republicans and Democrats can quickly reverse this global atrocity. That is a possibility because many prominent Democrats have rightly denounced Mr. Obama's ungodly action.
He stabbed the world in the back by making it a more dangerous place and dooming the armies of the world to destruction at the battle of Armageddon.
He stabbed the Palestinians in the back because they no longer have to negotiate with Israel and they will have to be defeated on the battlefield.
He stabbed Donald Trump in the back by making the Middle East problem worse than ever and harder to solve.
He stabbed himself in the back by doing something that the Bible clearly says will come back on him and there is plenty of solid evidence to show that it will happen.
The terrible deed of this servant of Satan was a previously planned Bible denying resolution in the UN Security Council on Dec. 23, 2016 demanding that Israel immediately and completely cease all settlement activity in occupied Palestinian territory. It said Israel's settlements are not legal and they are putting the two-state solution in jeopardy.
The way God sees it He gave the land to Israel and the Palestinians are the occupiers (Deut. 32:8-9). He knows the Palestinian Authority came into being in 1967. He knows that in the history of the world there has never been a Palestinian state and there will ultimately be one state not two when He gets through dealing with Israel's enemies for rejecting His will.
Pres. Obama could have vetoed this satanic document, but he contributed to its passage by having the U.S. Ambassador to the UN abstain. His decision to not vote was a decision to let it pass.
Understand that this is not the seven year covenant that begins the Tribulation Period (Dan. 9:24-27). It is interesting because of something the UN Ambassador said when she abstained, but there is nothing in the resolution about 7 years.
She said "We cannot stand in the way of this resolution in the quest for two states living side by side in peace and security." Saying "peace and security" is the same thing as saying, "peace and safety."
Understand that the Temple will still be rebuilt, the animal sacrifices will still resume, the Antichrist will still sit in the Temple, still say that he is God, and every jot and tittle of the remainder of God's Word will be fulfilled. But this is a giant step in the direction of the battle of Armageddon.
It is undeniable evidence that Jerusalem is a burdensome stone for the world (Zech. 12:2), a major sign that the Tribulation period is getting close, and by implication, solid evidence that the Rapture is not far off.
It is also important to note that Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "We do not accept, nor can we accept, this resolution." This implies more problems in the future, possibly war and more and greater judgment from God.
Finally, Donald Trump and several politicians have signaled their displeasure with the UN. The U.S. needs to stop throwing money down that corrupt rat hole and get out. January 21, 2017 would not be too soon for many Americans.
Prophecy Plus Ministries
Our World: Obama's war against America - Caroline B. Glick -
In 1989, following her tenure as President Ronald Reagan's ambassador to the United Nations, Jeane Kirkpatrick described how the Palestinians have used the UN to destroy Israel.
Following outgoing US President Barack Obama's assault on Israel at the UN Security Council last Friday, longtime UN observer Claudia Rossett wrote an important article at PJMedia where she recalled Kirkpatrick's words.
In "How the PLO was legitimized," published in Commentary, Kirkpatrick said that Yasser Arafat and the PLO worked "to come to power through international diplomacy - reinforced by murder."
Kirkpatrick explained, "The long march through the UN has produced many benefits for the PLO. It has created a people where there was none; a claim where there was none. Now the PLO is seeking to create a state where there already is one. That will take more than resolutions and more than an 'international peace conference.' But having succeeded so well over the years in its campaign to delegitimize Israel, the PLO might yet also succeed in bringing the campaign to a triumphant conclusion, with consequences for the Jewish state that would be nothing short of catastrophic."
As Rossett noted, in falsely arguing that Obama's support for Friday's UN Security Council Resolution 2334 is in line with Reagan's policies, Obama's UN Ambassador Samantha Power deliberately distorted the historical record of US policy toward Israel and the PLO-led UN onslaught against the Jewish state.
As Rosett noted, in stark contrast to Power's self-serving lie, neither Reagan nor George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton nor George W. Bush would have ever countenanced a resolution like 2334.
Obama's predecessors' opposition to the war against Israel at the UN was not merely an expression of their support for Israel. They acted also out of a fealty to US power, which is directly targeted by that war.
It is critical that we understand how this is the case, and why the implications of Resolution 2334 are disastrous to the US itself.
Resolution 2334 is being presented as an "anti-settlement" resolution. But it is not an anti-settlement resolution.
Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and neighborhoods in Jerusalem are being used - as they always have been used - as a means of delegitimizing the Jewish state as a whole, and legitimizing Palestinian terrorists and Islamic terrorists more generally. Resolution 2334 serves to criminalize Israel and its people and to undermine Israel's right to exist, while embracing Palestinian terrorists and empowering them in their war to annihilate Israel.
America's historic refusal to countenance such actions at the UN Security was never a purely altruistic position. It was also a stand for American power and the inherent justice of American superpower status and global leadership.
Throughout most of its history, the UN has served as a proxy battlefield first of the Cold War, and since the destruction of the Soviet Union, for the war against the US-led free world. Beginning in the early 1960s, the Soviets viewed the political war against Israel at the UN as a means to undermine the moral basis for the US-led West. If Israel, the only human rights defending state in the Middle East, and the US's only stable ally in the region could be delegitimized, then the very coherence of the US-led Western claim to moral superiority against the totalitarian Soviet empire would be undone.
Hence, the first Soviet attempt at the UN to castigate Zionism, the Jewish national liberation movement, as a form of racism was made in 1965, two years before Israel took control of Judea and Samaria and united Jerusalem in the Six Day War.
That attempt failed. But nine years later the wording first raised in 1965 was adopted by the UN General Assembly which passed resolution 3379 slandering libeled Zionism as "a form of racism."
With their automatic majority in the General Assembly and all other UN organs, the Soviets used the Palestinian war against Israel as a proxy for their war against America. After the demise of the Soviet Union, the Islamic bloc, backed by members of the former Soviet bloc, the non-aligned bloc and the Europeans continued their campaign. The only thing that kept them from winning was the US and its Security Council veto.
When Obama chose to lead the anti-Israel lynch mob at the Security Council last week, he did more than deliver the PLO terrorist organization its greatest victory to date against Israel. He delivered a strategic victory to the anti-American forces that seek to destroy the coherence of American superpower status. That is, he carried out a strategic strike on American power.
By leading the gang rape of Israel on Friday, Obama undermined the rationale for American power. Why should the US assert a sovereign right to stand against the radical forces that control the UN? If US agrees that Israel is committing a crime by respecting the civil and human rights of its citizens to live in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, then how can America claim that it has the right to defend its own rights and interests, when those clash with the views of the vast majority of state members of the UN? Following Obama's assault on Israel Friday, Senators Lindsay Graham and Ted Cruz called for the US to end its financial support for the UN at least until the Security Council abrogates Resolution 2334. They are correct.
But it isn't anger at how Obama has and is expected to continue to use the Security Council to imperil Israel that should inform the incoming Trump administration's actions. Rather a determination to maintain US power and secure its national security requires that the UN be permanently defunded and defanged.
For eight years, through his embrace and empowerment of US enemies, betrayal and weakening of US allies, emaciation of the US armed forces and repeated apologies for America's past assertions of global leadership, Obama has waged a determined war against US superpower status. The last vestige of the strategic and moral rationale for US power was the protection America afforded Israel at the Security Council.
Now with that gone, it has become a strategic imperative for the US to render the UN irrelevant. This can only be undertaken by permanently defunding this corrupt institution and using the US's Security Council veto to end the UN's role as the arbiter of international peace and security, by among other things, ending the deployment of UN forces to battle zones.
Only by stripping the UN of its financial wherewithal to assault US allies and American interests and by denying it the institutional and operational capacity to serve as an arbiter of disputes morally and legally superior to the US can America protect its sovereignty and advance its interests.
Only by denying those associated with the UN the prestige that confers to an institution legitimized by democrat and autocrat alike can the incoming Trump administration rebuild America's reputation and power.
It is not surprising that Obama is carrying out the final act of his presidency at the UN. Obama has made no attempt to hide his desire to eliminate America's independence of action. By elevating the post of UN ambassador to a cabinet level position at the outset of his presidency, Obama signaled his conviction that this corrupt institution is the equal of the US government.
This early signal was transformed into an open policy when Obama used the Security Council as a means to bypass the US Senate in implementing his nuclear deal with Iran.
Now, by ignoring the near consensus position of both parties that the US should block anti-Israel resolutions from being adopted at the Security Council and plotting further action against Israel at the Security Council in his final weeks in office, Obama has made clear his position and his aim.
Obama is not leading the war against Israel at the Security Council simply to advance the PLO's war for the annihilation of Israel. He is acting in this manner to undermine the legitimacy of American power.
Obama's strategic campaign against his country can only be defeated by a counter campaign by his successor.
Luckily, by eschewing multilateral entanglements in favor of bilateral partnerships during his presidential campaign, President-elect Donald Trump has demonstrated that he understands the threat and will adopt the only possible means of countering it. To reassert and rebuild the rationale for American power, the Trump administration must permanently defund the UN and reject its legitimacy as an institution of global governance.
Obama and Israel, strike and counter-strike - By Caroline B. Glick -
UN Security Council Resolution 2334 was the first prong of outgoing President Barack Obama's lame duck campaign against Israel.
US Secretary of State John Kerry's speech on Wednesday was the second.
On January 15, stage 3 will commence in Paris.
At France's lame duck President François Hollande's international conference, the foreign ministers of some 50 states are expected to adopt as their own Kerry's anti-Israel principles.
The next day it will be Obama's turn. Obama can be expected to use the occasion of Martin Luther King Jr. Day to present the Palestinian war to annihilate Israel as a natural progression from the American Civil Rights movement that King led 50 years ago.
Finally, sometime between January 17 and 19, Obama intends for the Security Council to reconvene and follow the gang at the Paris conference by adopting Kerry's positions as a Security Council resolution. That follow-on resolution may also recognize "Palestine" and grant it full membership in the UN.
True, Kerry said the administration will not put forward another Security Council resolution.
But as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu explained in his response to Kerry's address, there is ample reason to suspect that France or Sweden, or both, will put forth such a resolution. Since the draft will simply be a restatement of Kerry's speech, Obama will not veto it.
Whether or not Obama gets his second Security Council resolution remains to be seen. But whether he succeeds or fails, he's already caused most of the damage. A follow-on resolution will only amplify the blow Israel absorbed with 2334.
Resolution 2334 harms Israel in two ways. First, it effectively abrogates Resolution 242 from 1967 which formed the basis of Israeli policy-making for the past 49 years. Second, 2334 gives a strategic boost to the international campaign to boycott the Jewish state.
Resolution 242 anchored the cease-fire between Israel and its neighbors at the end of the Six Day War. It stipulated that in exchange for Arab recognition of Israel's right to exist in secure and defensible borders, Israel would cede some of the territories it took control over during the war.
Resolution 242 assumed that Israel has a right to hold these areas and that an Israeli decision to cede some of them to its neighbors in exchange for peace would constitute a major concession.
Resolution 242 is deliberately phrased to ensure that Israel would not be expected to cede all of the lands it took control over in the Six Day War. The resolution speaks of "territories," rather than "the territories" or "all the territories" that Israel took control over during the war.
Resolution 2334 rejects 242's founding assumptions.
Resolution 2334 asserts that Israel has no right to any of the lands it took control over during the war. From the Western Wall to Shiloh, from Hebron to Ariel, 2334 says all Israeli presence in the areas beyond the 1949 armistice lines is crime.
Given that Israel has no right to hold territory under 2334, it naturally follows that the Palestinians have no incentive to give Israel peace. So they won't. The peace process, like the two-state solution, ended last Friday night to the raucous applause of all Security Council members.
As for the boycott campaign, contrary to what has been widely argued, 2334 does not strengthen the boycott of "settlements." It gives a strategic boost to the boycott of Israel as a whole.
It calls on states "to distinguish in their relevant dealings, between the territory of the State of Israel and the territories occupied since 1967."
Since no Israeli firm makes that distinction, all Israeli economic activity is now threatened with boycott. Tnuva is an "occupation" dairy because it supplies communities beyond the 1949 lines.
Bank Hapoalim is an "occupation" bank because it operates ATM machines in post-1967 neighborhoods in Jerusalem. The Fox clothing chain is an "occupation" chain because it has a store in Gush Etzion. And so on and so forth.
Resolution 2334 gives Europe and its NGOs a green light to wage a complete trade and cultural boycott against all of Israel.
Obama is not using his final weeks in office to wage war on Israel because he hates Netanyahu.
He is not deliberately denying 3,500 years of Jewish history in the Land of Israel because the Knesset is set to pass the Regulations Law that will make it marginally easier for Jews to exercise property rights in Judea and Samaria, as Kerry and UN Ambassador Samantha Power claimed.
Obama's onslaught against Israel is the natural endpoint of a policy he has followed since he first entered the White House. In June 2009, Obama denied the Jews' 3,500 years of history in the Land of Israel in his speech in Cairo before an audience packed with members of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Instead of the truth, Obama adopted the Islamist propaganda lie that Israel was established because Europe felt guilty about the Holocaust.
Throughout his presidency, Obama has rejected the guiding principle of Resolution 242. His antisemitic demand that Israel deny its Jewish citizens their civil and property rights in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria simply because they are Jews is just as antithetical to 242 as is Resolution 2334.
In his speech, Kerry repeatedly castigated the government while flattering the Israeli Left in yet another attempt to divide and polarize Israeli society. Kerry's professed support for the Israeli Left is deeply ironic because Israeli leftists are the primary casualties of Obama's anti-Israel assault.
In the post-242 world that Obama initiated, the UN makes no distinction between Jerusalem and Nablus, between Gush Etzion and Jenin, or between Ma'aleh Adumim and Ramallah. In this world, Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog's plan to retain a mere 2-3% of Judea and Samaria is no more acceptable than Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett's plan to apply Israeli law to 60% of the area or to other plans calling for Israeli law to be applied to all of Judea and Samaria. All are equally unlawful. All are equally unacceptable.
For the next three weeks, the government's focus must be centered on Obama and minimizing the damage he is able to cause Israel. Since Israel cannot convince Hollande to cancel his conference or Obama not to give his speech, Israeli efforts must be concentrated on scuttling Obama's plan to enact a follow-on resolution.
To scuttle another resolution, Israel needs to convince seven members of the Security Council not to support it. Only measures that secure the support of nine out of 15 Security Council members are permitted to come to a vote. The states that are most susceptible to Israeli lobbying are Italy, Ethiopia, Japan, Egypt, Uruguay, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Russia.
Netanyahu's furious response to 2334 advance the goal of blocking a vote on a follow-on resolution in two ways. First, they create Israeli leverage in seeking to convince member states to oppose voting on an additional resolution before January 20.
Second, Netanyahu's seemingly unrestrained response to the Obama administration's onslaught enables Donald Trump to join him in pressuring Security Council members to oppose bringing a new resolution for a vote.
By taking an extreme position of total rejection of Obama's actions, Netanyahu is enabling Trump to block a vote while striking a moderate tone.
In three weeks, Obama's war with Israel will end. His final legacy - the destruction of the landfor- peace paradigm and the two-state policy-making model - obligate Israel, for the first time in 50 years, to determine by itself its long-term goals in relation to the international community, the Palestinians and Judea and Samaria.
Regarding the international community, the Security Council opened the door for its members to boycott Israel. As a result, Israel should show the UN and its factotums the door. Israel should work to de-internationalize the Palestinian conflict by expelling UN personnel from its territory.
The same is the case with the EU. Once Britain exits the EU, Israel should end the EU's illegal operations in Judea and Samaria and declare EU personnel acting illegally persona non grata.
As for the Palestinians, Resolution 2334 obligates Israel to reconsider its recognition of the PLO. Since 1993, Israel has recognized the PLO despite its deep and continuous engagement in terrorism. Israel legitimized the PLO because the terrorist group was ostensibly its partner in peace. Now, after the PLO successfully killed the peace process by getting the Security Council to abrogate 242, Israel's continued recognition of the PLO makes little sense. Neither PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas nor his deputies in Fatah - convicted, imprisoned mass murderer and terrorism master Marwan Barghouti, and Jibril Rajoub who said he wishes he had a nuclear bomb so he could drop it on Israel and who tried to get Israel expelled from FIFA - has any interest in recognizing Israel, let alone making peace with it. The same of course can be said for the PLO's coalition partner Hamas.
An Israeli decision to stop recognizing the PLO will also have implications for the Trump administration.
In the aftermath of 2334, calls are steadily mounting in Congress for the US cancel its recognition of the PLO and end US financial support for the Palestinian Authority. If Israel has already ended its recognition of the PLO, chances will rise that the US will follow suit. Such a US move will have positive strategic implications for Israel.
There is also the question of the Palestinian militias that are deployed to Judea and Samaria as part of the peace process that Obama and the PLO officially ended last Friday. In the coming months, Israel will need to decide what to do about these hostile militias that take their orders from leaders who reject peaceful coexistence with Israel.
Finally, there are the territories themselves. For 50 years, Israel has used the land-for-peace paradigm as a way not to decide what to do with Judea and Samaria. Now that 242 has been effectively abrogated, Israel has to decide what it wants.
The no-brainer is to allow Jews to build wherever they have the legal right to build. If the UN says Israel has no rights to Jerusalem, then Israel has no reason to distinguish between Jerusalem and Elon Moreh.
More broadly, given that for the foreseeable future, there will be no Palestinian Authority interested in making peace with Israel, Israel needs to think about the best way to administer Judea and Samaria going forward. The obvious step of applying Israeli law to Area C now becomes almost inarguable.
Shortly before Obama took office eight years ago, he promised to "fundamentally transform" America. Trump's election scuttled any chance he had of doing so.
But by enabling Resolution 2334 to pass in the Security Council, Obama has succeeded in fundamentally transforming the nature of the Palestinian conflict with Israel. Israel's actions in the coming weeks will determine whether it is fundamentally transformed for better or for worse.
'Shameful' - By Hal Lindsey -
The Drudge Report headline read, "OBAMA BACKSTABS ISRAEL."
The New York Post titled their editorial on the subject, "Obama's appalling UN betrayal."
It happened on the Friday afternoon before a Sunday Christmas.  The United States allowed passage of a UN Security Council resolution that condemned Israel's settlements and, in effect, proclaimed that every bit of land beyond the 1967 borders already belongs to the Palestinians.  That includes East Jerusalem with the Temple Mount and the Wailing Wall.
The original resolution had been sponsored by Egypt and scheduled for a vote on Thursday the 22nd.  But a phone call from President-elect Trump to Egyptian President el Sisi convinced Egypt to withdraw the resolution from consideration.  Trump persuaded Sisi that the new U.S. Administration should be given the opportunity to work on the problem without such a constraint.
Then on Friday the 23rd, New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal jointly sponsored the same resolution.  Any of the permanent members of the Security Council - Russia, the UK, France, China, or the US - could have vetoed it.  The Council voted 14-0 in favor of the resolution.  The United States chose abstention.
The best chance for peace clearly lies with the next U.S. Administration.  After all, this one only has three weeks left in office.  Egypt recognized this, and decided not to harm the incoming Administration's efforts toward peace.  But President Obama and his team seem intent on undermining the Trump team's ability to get the job done.
Think about this.  They say they want peace.  They know it will not come during their time in office.  But instead of supporting the next Administration's efforts, they throw a bomb in the mix.
It gets worse.  Israeli officials blame President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry for behind-the-scenes maneuvers to bring the resolution before the Council in the first place.  When Egypt wisely decided to pull back, the U.S. made sure other sponsors took up the cause.  Israeli officials say they have "ironclad information" proving the U.S. government's involvement.  They say they will present their proof to the new Administration, and let it decide whether to make that data available to the public.
Prime Minister Netanyahu said, "The Obama administration not only failed to protect Israel against this gang-up at the UN, it colluded with it behind the scenes."
One Israeli official said, "President Obama and Secretary Kerry are behind this shameful move against Israel at the UN.  The U.S administration secretly cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme anti-Israeli resolution behind Israel's back which would be a tail wind for terror and boycotts and effectively make the Western Wall occupied Palestinian territory."
Ron Dermer, Israeli ambassador to the United States told CNN's Jake Tapper, "The Palestinians want... to wage a diplomatic and legal war against Israel.  They don't want to negotiate peace.  You know why?  Because when you're negotiating a peace there's give and take.  What they want is take and take.  And the way that you do that is to try to internationalize the conflict, to put more and more pressure on Israel, to call for boycotts and sanctions, to take our soldiers to the international court, something they're already calling for."
It's important to understand that, unlike many UN resolutions, this one carries real world consequences.  It puts peace even further out of reach. Ambassador Dermer said, "The one negotiating chip that we have at the peace table is that territory.  If the UN Security Council says that that territory actually belongs to the Palestinians - which it does not and which we reject - that's going to make actually achieving peace much harder."
Washington usually lines up according to party.  But not this time.  Both Republicans and Democrats are condemning the Administration's actions.  For instance, Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer, tweeted, "Extremely frustrating, disappointing & confounding that the Administration has failed to veto the UN resolution."
Bob Casey, Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, tweeted, "Resolutions like the one offered at the UN Security Council this week have the potential to move peace further from our reach."
Republicans used stronger words in condemning the Democratic Administration.  House Speaker Paul Ryan said, "This is absolutely shameful."  Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman, John McCain, called it an "outrageous attack" on Israel.
Senator Lindsey Graham said the abstention "empowers evil."  Graham, who chairs the Senate Appropriations subcommittee, which deals with foreign aid, threatened to reduce U.S. contributions to the UN and to any country that voted for the resolution.  But even with that kind of leverage, getting the Security Council to back down from this awful resolution would take a miracle.
The worst may be yet to come.  Washington, New York, and Jerusalem are rife with rumors that the Obama Administration is planning an even more devastating Security Council resolution before Donald Trump's inauguration.  The rumors say that, with the next resolution, the Council will impose sanctions.
 Remember, that in Genesis 12:3, God promised to Abraham, "I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse." (NASB)
President Obama is causing America to tread on very thin ice.
There are consequences for our actions, and on a national level, we are going to experience tremendous consequences for the very foolish decisions of our national leaders. When Barack Obama decided to betray Israel at the United Nations, he made the most fateful decision of his entire presidency. Because the Scriptures tell us that those that curse Israel will be cursed, and so America is now under a great curse due to what Barack Obama has done.
All throughout the Scriptures, there are equations. What I mean by that is there are many passages that tell us that if we do things God's way, we will get one result, and if we do things another way, we will get another result. One of my favorite examples of this is Matthew 5:19. I have been on both sides of that particular equation, and being on God's side of the equation is much better by far.
As far as Israel is concerned, all throughout the Bible we see the principle that those that bless Israel are blessed and those that curse Israel are cursed. The very first place where we find this is in Genesis 12 where God makes his famous promise to Abraham. The following is what Genesis 12:1-3 says in the Modern English Version:
Now the Lord said to Abram, "Go from your country, your family, and your father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth will be blessed."
In the book of Numbers, we see almost the exact same wording being used. In this case, Balaam had been summoned to cast a curse on Israel, but God had him deliver a blessing instead. This is what Numbers 24:9 says...
"He crouches, he lies down as a lion, and as a lion, who will stir him up? 'Blessed is he who blesses you, and cursed is he who curses you.'"
So how does one curse Israel? There are lots of ways to do that, but one thing that God really doesn't like is when someone tries to divide up His land. In Joel 3 we find a prophecy about the last days, and one of the things that God says He will really be upset about is the fact that the nations have "divided up My land."
"In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. I will enter into judgment with them there regarding My people and My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land" (Joel 3:1-2).
This warning has been around for well over 2,000 years, but our leaders are completely ignoring God's warning that He will judge them for dividing up His land. On Friday, U.N. Security Council Resolution 2344 declared that all Jewish settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank are illegal, and it gave the Palestinians legal ownership of those territories.
Is this the dividing of the land that Joel 3 warns about? If not, it is pretty close. Many are still anticipating that there may be another U.N. Security Council resolution that would formally establish a Palestinian state, and if that happens, it would definitely fulfill Joel 3.
In Zechariah 12, we are told that the city of Jerusalem will be particularly troublesome in the last days. The following is what Zechariah 12:3 says in the Modern English Version:
"And it will be on that day that I will set Jerusalem as a weighty stone to all the peoples. All who carry it will surely gash themselves, and all the nations of the land will be gathered against it."
And of all the issues that separate the Israelis and the Palestinians, the status of Jerusalem is perhaps the most controversial. You see, the truth is that the Palestinians will never accept any solution that does not give them East Jerusalem as their capital, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pledged that the city of Jerusalem will remain undivided forever.
By attempting to divide God's holy city, Barack Obama and the United Nations are setting themselves against God, and the consequences are likely to be quite dramatic.
Sadly, relatively few Christian leaders are speaking out about this. There has been only a limited uproar against this betrayal of Israel, and this is something I simply do not understand.
Fortunately, there are a few who are speaking out. One of them is Franklin Graham, and I really like what he had to say about this crisis on his Facebook page.
Israel is America's closest ally in the Middle East and the only true democracy in that region of the world. I'm disappointed that the current administration in Washington seems to have such contempt for this nation and its elected leaders. For the U.S. not to stand with Israel is shameful.
Without a doubt, what we have done to Israel is shameful. And now that we are on the wrong side of the equation, we will most definitely be cursed.
Nothing extremely dramatic has happened so far, but there have been some rumblings. For example, it is being reported that there have been nearly 700 earthquakes in California and Nevada over the past week.
A reporter for KWTV News tweeted that there have been at least 28 reported earthquakes since the early morning hours in California and Nevada.
A map put out by the Southern California Earthquake Data Center shows that in the last week that have been almost 700 light-to-moderate tremors in the area.
And on the east coast, a horrible winter blizzard is set to dump nearly two feet of snow on some areas of New England.
A powerful winter storm will unleash heavy, wet snow and howling winds across portions of New England from late Thursday through midday Friday, with blizzard conditions possible in some areas.
Much of New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine should see a foot of snow, with nearly two feet expected in some spots, the National Weather Service said. "This looks to be a high-impact storm with power outages and significant drifting issues likely," the weather service warned.
But if God continues to respond to U.S. moves toward diving the land of Israel as He has in the past, we could potentially see something much more dramatic happen in the days ahead. In a previous article, I detailed 10 of the most striking examples of how God has hit America with disaster when our government has cursed Israel.
1. The last time the U.S. government refused to veto an anti-Israel resolution at the UN Security Council was in 1979. On March 22, 1979, the Carter administration chose not to veto U.N. Resolution 446. Four days after that on March 26, the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty was signed in Washington. As a result of that treaty, Israel gave up a tremendous amount of territory. Two days later, on March 28, the worst nuclear power plant disaster in U.S. history made headlines all over the globe. The following comes from Wikipedia:
The Three Mile Island accident was a partial nuclear meltdown that occurred on March 28, 1979, in reactor number 2 of Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (TMI-2) in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States. It was the most significant accident in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant history.[2] The incident was rated a five on the seven-point International Nuclear Event Scale: Accident With Wider Consequences.[3][4]
2. On Oct. 30, 1991, President George H.W. Bush opened the Madrid Peace Conference which brought Israelis and Palestinians together to negotiate for the very first time. In his opening speech, Bush told Israel that "territorial compromise is essential for peace." At the exact same time, "the Perfect Storm" was brewing in the north Atlantic. This legendary storm traveled 1,000 miles the wrong direction and sent 35-foot waves slamming directly into President Bush's home in Kennebunkport, Maine.
3. On Aug. 23, 1992, the Madrid Peace Conference moved to Washington, D.C., and the very next day, Hurricane Andrew made landfall in Florida, causing $30 billion in damage. It was the worst natural disaster up to that time in U.S. history.
4. On Jan. 16, 1994, President Clinton met with President Assad of Syria to discuss the possibility of Israel giving up the Golan Heights. Within 24 hours, the devastating Northridge earthquake hit southern California. It was the second worst natural disaster up to that time in U.S. history.
5. On Jan. 21, 1998, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived at the White House but received a very cold reception. In fact, President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright actually refused to have lunch with him. That exact same day the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke, sending the Clinton presidency into a tailspin from which it would never recover.
6. On Sept. 28, 1998, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was working on finalizing a plan which would have had Israel give up approximately 13 percent of Judea and Samaria. On that precise day, Hurricane George slammed into the Gulf Coast with wind gusts of up to 175 miles an hour.
7. On May 3, 1999, Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was supposed to hold a press conference to declare the creation of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as the capital. On that precise day, the most powerful tornadoes ever recorded in the U.S. ripped through Oklahoma and Kansas. At one point one of the tornadoes actually had a recorded wind speed of 316 miles an hour.
8. On April 30, 2003, "the Road Map to Peace" that had been developed by the so-called "Quartet" was presented to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon by U.S. Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer. Over the next seven days, the U.S. was hit by a staggering 412 tornadoes. It was the largest tornado cluster ever recorded up to that time.
9. In 2005, President George W. Bush (son of George H.W. Bush) convinced Israel that it was necessary to remove all of the Jewish settlers out of Gaza and turn it over entirely to the Palestinians. According to the New York Times, the very last of the settlers were evacuated on Aug. 23, 2005. On that precise day, a storm that would be given the name "Katrina" started forming over the Bahamas. The city of New Orleans still has not fully recovered from the damage that storm caused, and it ranked as the costliest natural disaster in all of U.S. history up to that time.
10. On May 19, 2011, Barack Obama told Israel that there must be a return to the pre-1967 borders. Three days later on May 22, a half-mile-wide EF-5 multiple-vortex tornado ripped through Joplin, Missouri. According to Wikipedia, it was "the costliest single tornado in U.S. history."
Barack Obama is scheduled to leave the White House on Jan. 20, and many are hoping that the new Trump administration will rapidly repair the damage that has been done to our relationship with Israel. One of the things that is already being discussed is cutting off U.S. funding for the United Nations.
Congress is already setting the stage to cut off U.S. funding to the United Nations in the wake of a contested vote last week in which the Obama administration permitted an anti-Israel resolution to win overwhelming approval, according to congressional leaders, who told the Washington Free Beacon that the current administration is already plotting to take further action against the Jewish state before vacating office.
Other punitive actions by Congress could include expelling Palestinian diplomats from U.S. soil and scaling back ties with foreign nations that voted in favor of the controversial measure, according to multiple sources who spoke to the Free Beacon about the situation both on and off the record.
Hopefully members of Congress will take very swift and decisive action once they return to Washington in early January. Because at this moment, we are definitely under a curse, and we need to do whatever we can to change direction.
And let us pray that the Obama administration will not betray Israel again by supporting a U.N. Security Council resolution that would officially establish a Palestinian state before Jan. 20. If that happens, all hell is going to break loose in America.
Obama's Betrayal of Israel at the UN - By Matt Ward -
Friday 23rd December, 2016, will go down in history as a day of infamy for the United States. America, under the leadership of Barack Obama, have finally, and irrevocably, betrayed Israel. Choosing to abstain from a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Israel, which declares all settlements outside the 1967 borders as illegal, Obama has effectively  offered up Israel on a plate to her enemies at the United Nations.
How cruel, how tyrannical, that this lame duck president chooses to use his few remaining  days in office to curse Israel. In defiance of all diplomatic protocol, Obama is hoping to present Donald Trump with a fait accompli when he assumes office in late January. At this point, there is nothing President Trump can do to aid Israel. The damage is already done.
Yet the betrayal goes deeper than merely a vote to abstain. Much deeper. The original motion of condemnation against Israeli "settlements" was tabled by Egypt, who quickly withdrew it due to pressure from president-elect Trump.
However, Obama and his team worked to out flank Trump. Obama went instead to New Zealand and Malaysia, getting them to table the motion in Egypt's stead. Trump was powerless to stop it.
The motion of condemnation was then tabled, the United States abstained, and the remaining UN Security Council members, sensing blood, pounced on Israel.
Israel are now completely isolated, they are legally exposed and have been wholly condemned by all the world. All of this to Obama's eternal shame.
Amongst other things this vote now means that the Wailing Wall, currently the most holy site in modern Judaism, this morning stands firmly on Palestinian land. The Temple Mount has been ripped from Israel's grasp and has been given to Islam.
It means that Jews living in Jewish East Jerusalem can now no longer build any homes and occupy their own ancient capital city. It means that Obama, and America because he leads them, have effectively divided the land God gave to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
The so called "peace process" is now dead. This vote has ensured the failure of all potential future negotiations. This vote means that the Palestinians will now demand all settlements as their legal land, and that will be the starting point for all their negotiations. All future negotiations for peace will now begin with the understanding that the 1967 lines are the starting point, not the end point.
Before this vote, the best the Palestinians could have hoped for would have been an Israeli retreat to the 1967 borders.
Israel will now be expected, by the international community, to retreat back to the 1948 lines, not the 1967 borders. In international diplomacy, and Obama knows this well, this 1948 line is known by another term; it is known as the Auschwitz line. Any retreat behind this Auschwitz line is militarily indefensible.
Obama, in allowing this vote to progress without a U.S. veto, has knowingly endangered the continued existence of Israel itself as a viable state. He no doubt hopes that one day soon Israel will be forced to retreat behind a border that will not allow for the adequate protection of the Jewish State.
Obama has actively sought to bring about the conditions necessary for Israel's final destruction.
Barack Obama has cursed Israel. He hasn't simply abstained from a UN vote; he is actively attempting to seal Israel's future doom.
God is clear. Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, whoever curses Israel will be cursed. America, under Barack Obama's leadership have now, for the very first time actively cursed Israel. A red line has been crossed.
In my opinion, all we can now do  is wait for the judgment that will now fall. It will fall on Barack Obama personally, and terrifyingly, on the United States corporately because he leads them, and there is nothing that  Donald Trump can do to stop it.
The tale of two Americas - Bill Wilson -
The lame duck "president" is off on his last million-dollar-plus vacation at taxpayer expense. Against the backdrop of golfing, he talked some trash about the election. He told CNN, "'You know, I am confident in this vision because I'm confident that if I - if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it...they would say, "The vision, the direction that you point towards is the right one".' In other words, he's taunting President Elect Donald Trump, saying that he could have beaten Trump. He refuses to believe that it was his "vision" that America soundly rejected. Herein is a tale of two America's: the one of the Marxist Islamist "president" and the real America.
Here's a "president" who has run up the national debt to $19 trillion and change, a doubling of the debt since he took office. Record numbers of people have fallen out of the job market since he took office-some 14 million. Over 45 million people are receiving some form of government assistance, also a record. Record numbers of Islamic "refugees" and "immigrants" have entered the US via terrorist-sponsoring nations. Hundreds of thousands of people continue to illegally cross America's unsecured borders. Race relations have deteriorated. Laws have gone selectively unenforced. People are now without affordable health care. And the "president's" policy on and actions toward Israel is a disgrace.
Already, the President-Elect seemingly has done more for America in just a month of transition than the lame duck has done in eight years. His meetings have resulted in commitments for nearly 100,000 jobs, with tycoons from China and Japan bringing jobs to America, and Carrier, Ford, Panasonic, Tesla and a number of small businesses are gearing up to either keep jobs in America or create new ones under the optimism of Trump's economic plan. Meanwhile, the outgoing occupant of the Oval Office is preaching the socialist mantra that Americans better get accustomed to their jobs being taken by robots. Trump has also reassured Israel that things will change in American foreign policy when he takes office.
An AP poll indicated Americans weren't thrilled with 2016. "Only 18 percent said things for the country got better, 33 percent said things got worse, and 47 percent said it was unchanged from 2015." Fifty-five percent, however, said they believe things will be better for them in the coming year--a 12-point improvement from last year's poll." They cited the hope of more and better jobs as reasons for optimism. Many have expressed that it feels like a tremendous burden has been lifted in that the nation will not continue under the oppressive socialistic policies of the past 8 years. The lame duck "president," however, deceives himself and others. Proverbs 14:8 says, "The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit." And, hence, we have the tale of two Americas. 
The Aha! Moment - By Cynthia Nuara -
"Let them not rejoice over me who are wrongfully my enemies; Nor let them wink with the eye who hate me without a cause. For they do not speak peace, but they devise deceitful matters against the quiet ones in the land. They also opened their mouth wide against me, and said, "Aha, aha! Our eyes have seen it" (Psalm 35:19-21).
Barack Hussein Obama and his Demonicrat party have cursed the US with his last days in office backstabbing of Israel at the United Nations Security Council. His "Aha moment" for Israel was to abstain, knowing full well that anything short of a veto by the US allowed the council to pass its resolution denying the right of what it calls Israel's "settlements." Already the Arab-dominated UN's agency UNESCO had recently won the vote to claim that the Temple Mount and holy sites in Israel are all Arab history, not Jewish history. Has this latest affront to Israel assisted the UN in driving the final nail in Israel's coffin? No.
"For I am with you (Israel),' says the Lord, 'to save you; 'Though I make a full end of all nations where I have scattered you, yet I will not make a complete end of you. But I will correct you in justice, and will not let you go altogether unpunished... I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,' says the Lord, 'Because they called you an outcast saying: 'This is Zion; No one seeks her' ... Behold, the whirlwind of the Lord goes forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind; It will fall violently on the head of the wicked. The fierce anger of the Lord will not return until He has done it, and until He has performed the intents of His heart. In the latter days you will consider it" (excerpt Jeremiah 30).
God is without a doubt allowing Islam to wreak havoc in the world...for now. All through the Bible God uses the enemy to punish nations for their sins, while calling them to turn back to Him in repentance, and then He destroys the enemy.
Who would have thought that only seven years after 911, the US would elect a man with deep Muslim roots & even a Muslim name to run our country. The ideals of Islam are polar opposite to Judeo-Christian values, and we are considered infidels to be conquered in Islam's quest to take over the world through infiltration, over-population, subjugation, and murder.
Did you know there are even Muslims who see Obama as the sign to them that their Mahdi is coming soon, due to an old Shiite prophecy? The Mahdi, as believed by Muslims, is their Savior who will arrive around the same time as the Second Coming of Jesus. As I've said before, according to Islam Jesus is only a messenger and not the Son of God, but one who will assist the Mahdi in ridding the world of the Jews and Christians and in taking over the world for Islam; and then 40 years later their version of Jesus dies and is buried next to their esteemed prophet Muhammad. Needless to say, that's not our Jesus!
The following is an excerpt from a Forbes article several years ago: According to the tradition, Imam Ali Ibn Abi-Talib prophesied that at the End of Times and just before the return of Islam's Mahdi, a "tall black man will assume the reins of government in the West." Commanding "the strongest army on earth," the new ruler in the West will carry "a clear sign" from the third imam, whose name was Hussein Ibn Ali. The tradition concludes: "Shiites should have no doubt that he is with us."
In a curious coincidence Obama's first and second names-Barack Hussein-mean "the blessing of Hussein" in Arabic and Persian. His family name, Obama, written in the Persian alphabet, reads O Ba Ma, which means "he is with us." --- from, Oct.28, 2008 "Obama and Ahmadinejad"
Let me just say that Satan knows Bible prophecy, and he is a sneaky counterfeiter of God's Word, who has helpers in this endeavor. Muhammad, for example, who invented Islam several hundred years after the Bible was written, twisted Scripture from it for his own purposes, and completely made up many other verses from scratch. If only Muslims who follow the Qur'an to the letter would realize that they don't have to kill for the god they worship in order to be guaranteed a spot in heaven. The true God of the Bible came to earth in the flesh and died for us so that we could be saved who believe in Him.
Barack Hussein Obama has been bad news from day one & has followed the agenda of his Marxist beliefs, of Islam, and of globalists ---to destroy the US. There were clues from the start to let the US know what a mistake it was making. Here are some interesting FACTS concerning this man who did nothing of note to deserve the presidency, but rather was relatively unknown until he burst onto the scene promising "change" and "to fundamentally transform America." Only his idea of transforming the US is to bring it down.
The day after his election, his home state of Illinois' pick 3 lottery was 666 & the pick 4 was 7779. The number seven in the Bible indicates completion, and so does nine, even finality. During the seven-year Tribulation there will be three sets of seven judgments: 7 trumpet judgments, 7 seal judgments & 7 bowl judgments, each one worse than the other to be poured out on an unbelieving world.
Other indicators that turning the US into an Obama Nation would be an abomination: The security code name Obama chose was "Renegade," which means "lawless one," also "a deserter from one faith or allegiance to another." His steel-plated limousine was dubbed "The Beast."
He got his start in Chicago as a community organizer, working closely with ACORN Housing Corporation in Chicago IL 60606. (It is said that he represented zip code region 60606 when in the Illinois Senate. I do know that is a Chicago zip code). The phone number of his campaign headquarters began with the toll-free area code of 866, with the first number after that also being six. (I don't think the phone number for his campaign headquarters in Chicago exists anymore).
I'm not making this stuff up. I did a lot of research on him when he first became president, and I'm sure you can still find this information online from "reliable" sources. I've listed some of the sources in this article and at the end.
During his candidacy & election as president, some celebrities & mainstream media were so mesmerized by him, they referred to him as a Messiah or the Messiah. The Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan said that when Obama talks"the Messiah is absolutely speaking." Mainstream publications depicted him in photos with light surrounding him. And when he was re-elected, Newsweek titled its cover "The Second Coming."
Here's a huge one: He finally visited Israel as president in his second term during the Jewish Passover week in March 2013. The day B.O. & his donkey party arrived in Israel for meetings with the leaders and stayed at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, was the exact number of days before Passover (5 days) as when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey & allowed his followers to proclaim him to be the Messiah. Was that day picked on purpose, either in jest or because Obama really began to believe the Messiah hype?
Interestingly, just a week before that, the papacy was taken over by a man who appears like a lamb, but more and more speaks like a dragon, who promotes global government & a global religion. He insinuates that "all paths lead to God." He made that very clear in a video for all the world to see.. This is unbiblical and will lead many down the path of destruction. Jesus is the only way! (John 14:6). As you've heard by now, unless you're a cave dweller, global government and global religion will be the sinister case during the Tribulation. Read Rev.13 and Rev.17. But I digress. Let's get back to the infamous man of the hour.
Just ahead of Obama's March 2013 visit to Israel, the Middle East was hit with a 30-million strong plague of locusts. On the last day of Obama's visit, Israel was hit with a sandstorm that grounded his helicopter. So he had to ride in his limousine, The Beast (an identical backup to the one that "broke down" two days earlier), in a slow-moving convoy through an Israel checkpoint to Bethlehem. This shortened his visit to Bethlehem from 50 minutes to 15 minutes. The winds were so fierce at Ben Gurion Airport where Obama's departure ceremony took place, that the staff had to take down the flags.
That brings to mind the fact that the White House became infested with flies upon Obama's moving into the building. All the staff had to be issued flyswatters. It was reported, oddly enough, by the "liberal" New York Times in an article titled "What Has 132 Rooms and Flies?" And who can forget the flies that seemed to follow him in public forums and land on his face. Then there's at least two incidents of him being surrounded by bees that made the news. One of them was when he was leaving the White House to attend some function, when a swarm of bees suddenly appeared around him. Another was when he was reading to a group of children at an egg roll event on the White House lawn. The title of the book he was reading was "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak.
What about Obama's claim to be Christian and his membership in Jeremiah Wright's Christian church? Well, he's not and it's not! And have you heard the lowdown on Wright's "Down Low Club?" Um um um! Well, you'll just have to read WND's exclusive article "Obama Didn't Join Wright's Church to Follow Jesus." It is an expos� that some may find shocking, but it connects the dots to the hows and the whys for "what pools he swims in" so to speak-on a number of levels. Here is the link to the expos�:
Obama must be laughing with delight right now at the "Aha moment" he's been waiting to spring on Israel. But his day is coming when he will reap what he has sown, and he won't be laughing then. The other world leaders on the UN Security Council who voted against Israel (all 14 of them did) will receive their comeuppance as well.
"Let them be desolate for a reward of their shame that say unto me, Aha, aha!" (Psalm 40:15).
France actually has the gall to call the world leaders to Paris again on January 15th for another Middle East "peace" conference aka another "let's force Israel to divide" conference. When they held one in June, various parts of the world were deluged with massive floods at the same time, with Paris getting the worst of it-so much so that the conference ended early. But the world at large, being blinded by the god of this world (Satan), doesn't connect the dots and see that God does not want His Promised Land divided.
"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it" (Zechariah 12:3).
God will have the last "Aha" moment, and His Word says that mankind is without excuse. The nations have turned against God, and despite His chastisements, they refuse to repent and turn back to Him. They would rather worship false gods and created things instead of the Creator. (See Romans 1).
Many pastors do not teach Bible prophecy because it's easier to fill the church pews by tickling people's ears, telling them what they want to hear instead. Apostasy is rampant now, and many false prophets are filling their pockets, using the pulpit for monetary gain and telling lies to their congregations. More and more churches have become nothing more than entertainment-and worldly entertainment at that!
"And do not become idolaters as were some of them. As it is written, 'The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play'" (1 Corinthians 10:7).
But we watchmen and women on the wall, who have included last days' Bible prophecy in our study of God's Word, will keep urging people to turn to Christ and will keep warning them of what is soon to come. Many will scoff at this, but there has never before been a time in history like now when we are seeing all the signs CONVERGING that Jesus and His prophets told us to watch for occurring with greater frequency and intensity by the day-that tell us it's almost time for the False Prophet's partner, The Antichrist, to step onto the world stage and confirm the so-called "peace covenant" the world is forcing Israel into, which will divide Israel and which will turn out to be a false peace covenant. (Daniel 9:27).
But first the trump of God will sound, and Christ will "catch away" his true followers in the twinkling of an eye. Then, seven years later we will come back with Him when He returns at Armageddon to judge the nations and set up His kingdom on Earth for the next 1000 years. Here is an excerpt from Joel 3 that speaks of the final battle before Christ's return:
"For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; (Battle of Armageddon) and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; They have also divided up My land...Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war!... Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe. Come, go down; For the winepress is full, the vats overflow-for their wickedness is great. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will diminish their brightness. The Lord also will roar from Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; The heavens and earth will shake; But the Lord will be a shelter for His people, and the strength of the children of Israel. So you shall know that I am the Lord your God, dwelling in Zion My holy mountain. Then Jerusalem shall be holy, and no aliens shall ever pass through her again."
Cynthia Nuara
John Kerry Is Working on Another UN Resolution That Would Officially Recognize a Palestinian State -
Multiple media outlets are reporting that U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is finalizing a document that the Obama administration hopes will form the basis for a U.N. Security Council resolution that officially recognizes a Palestinian state before the end of Barack Obama's term on Jan. 20.
This comes on the heels of the U.N. Security Council's adoption of resolution 2334 on Dec. 23. That resolution declared that all Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal, it stated that the Security Council recognizes the 1967 ceasefire lines as the border between Israel and "Palestine," and it officially gave East Jerusalem to the Palestinians. But it stopped short of formally recognizing a Palestinian state. Resolution 2334 speaks of a Palestinian state in the future tense, but this new resolution John Kerry is reportedly working on would give immediate and permanent U.N. Security Council recognition to a Palestinian state.
If there is a U.N. Security Council resolution that officially establishes a Palestinian state prior to Jan. 20, there will be no question that it will represent "the dividing of the land of Israel" at the United Nations that so many of us have been watching for.
According to The Times of Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is anticipating precisely this kind of move at the U.N., and he is reaching out to Donald Trump for assistance:
Amid escalating fallout from the U.N. Security Council vote Friday that condemned Israel's settlement activities, a furious Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was reported on Sunday night to be attempting to "recruit" the incoming Trump administration and the U.S. Congress to block a feared bid by the outgoing Obama administration to have the Security Council approve principles for a Palestinian state.
It is being widely reported that John Kerry will deliver a speech within the next few days that will set out a specific plan for a "two-state solution." That same article from The Times of Israel says that Netanyahu is deeply concerned that Obama "will seek to have a resolution enshrining those parameters adopted by the U.N. Security Council" before the end of his term on Jan. 20:
Netanyahu's fear is that Secretary of State John Kerry will set out principles or parameters for a Palestinian state in a speech that he has said he will deliver in the next few days on his Middle-East vision. The prime minister fears that, in its final days, the Obama administration will seek to have a resolution enshrining those parameters adopted by the U.N. Security Council, the report said.
France is to hold a conference on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Jan. 15, and Netanyahu expects that Kerry will attend, that the Middle East Quartet-the U.S., U.N., Russia and EU-will coordinate their positions at that summit, and that they will then turn to the Security Council in the very last days of the Obama presidency, a Channel 10 report further suggested.
If John Kerry simply were to get up and give a speech about what he thinks the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should be, that would be rather meaningless. In fact, there would be little point in doing that unless action was going to be taken at the U.N. Security Council before the end of Obama's term.
Earlier today, Israeli-French anchor and reporter Julien Bahloul sent out the following message on his verified Twitter account: "#Breaking: le Secr�taire d'Etat John Kerry travaillerait sur un texte reconnaissant l'Etat de Palestine".
When you hit the translate button, this is how that tweet gets translated: "#Breaking: Secretary of State John Kerry would work on a text recognizing the State of Palestine".
When I first saw that, it sent chills through me.
According to i24news, this document that Kerry is working on would use the 1967 ceasefire lines as the basis for the borders between the two states, but it would also incorporate "land-swaps" so that most of the Jewish settlers in the West Bank could stay where they are:
United States Secretary of State John Kerry is preparing a document which will form the basis for final negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians to be presented next month before President Barack Obama leaves office, the Palestinian al-Quds newspaper reported Monday.
The document will outline the establishment of a future Palestinian state according to the internationally recognized 1967 borders, with land-swaps leaving approximately 75 to 80 percent of Israeli settlers living in the West Bank under the sovereignty of Israel, the report states.
The principles will also set out requirements for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a Jewish State, and Israel's required recognition of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, al-Quds says.
It would be hard to overstate how dangerous this is. As I explained yesterday, when Barack Obama decided to betray Israel at the United Nations, he cursed America. And a resolution that would officially recognize a Palestinian state would be an even bigger betrayal than resolution 2334 was.
Back in August, I went on one of the biggest Christian shows in America and specifically warned that Barack Obama would betray Israel at the United Nations. I have also repeatedly pointed out the pattern of judgment we have seen over the last several decades whenever the U.S. has made moves toward dividing the land, and I have repeatedly warned about what will happen when our government is involved in officially dividing the land of Israel and establishing a Palestinian state.
I cannot understand why more Christian leaders are not getting extremely upset about this. They know the Bible says that God will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.
Many of those leaders also know there will be extremely severe consequences for the United States once a Palestinian state is declared.
So why aren't they saying something? Why aren't they warning the people? Why are they just going about business as usual as if nothing is going to happen?
This past weekend, preachers all across America should have been preaching fiery sermons about Obama's betrayal of Israel on Friday. But that wouldn't have been politically correct to preach during the Christmas season, and so in most churches, nothing was said.
The passing of U.N. Security Council resolution 2334 was the most prophetically significant event in at least 40 years, and another resolution that would officially recognize a Palestinian state would be even more important.
America is already under a curse due to the passage of resolution 2334. If another resolution is passed that formally establishes a Palestinian state, our nation will experience a shaking unlike anything we have ever known before.
Let us pray that the Obama administration is not successful in getting this resolution passed before Jan. 20, because if it happens, all hell is going to break loose in America.

Netanyahu blames Obama for UN resolution, summons ambassadors - Herb Keinon -
"We have no doubt that the Obama Administration initiated it, stood behind it, coordinated the texts, and made sure it passed."
Sunday morning's cabinet set the stage for several strong comments from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but the major one was that the prime minister has instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to summon the ambassadors of the 12 countries in the Security Council with whom Israel has diplomatic ties for a talk in which Netanyahu is expected to reprimand them for the anti-Israel resolution that was passed on Friday.
The summoning of the representatives, though expected, was unusual at is took place on Christmas Day.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already summoned the ambassadors from China, Russia, France, the UK, Spain, Egypt, Japan, the Ukraine, Angola and Uruguay. Seeing as this summoning is taking place on Christmas, the majority of the ambassadors are on vacation in their countries and in some of the cases, their deputies or lower ranks are expected to come in their place.
Another topic that was introduced in the cabinet meeting was Netanyahu's accusations against the Obama administration.
The anti-settlement resolution passed by the UN Security Council on Friday may have been initiated by New Zealand, Senegal, Venezuela and Malaysia, but US President Barack Obama's administration initiated it and shepherded it through, Netanyahu stated.
Stepping up angry rhetoric against the administration, he said at the outset of Sunday's cabinet meeting that he shared the "anger and frustration" felt by the ministers around the table at the "imbalance and "very hostile resolution" against Israel.
"We have no doubt that the Obama Administration initiated it, stood behind it, coordinated the texts, and made sure it passed," he said. "This is  of course, in complete opposition to traditional US policy which committed itself to not trying to impose permanent agreement conditions, or anything connected to them,  in the UN Security Council."
Netanyahu said this was also a clear contravention of Obama's own commitments on the matter made publicly in 2011.
Turning to English, in his first English comments on the matter, the prime minister said he spoke to US Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday and said "friends don't take friends to the Security Council."
"US administrations and Israeli governments have disagreed about the settlements for decades, but there was an agreement that the Security Council was not the place to resolve this issue," he pressed on.
"We knew that going there would make the negotiations harder, and drive peace further away," he said. The premier said he was "encouraged" by the statements being made by both Republican and Democratic friends in the US, though he did not specify whom he was referring to.
"They understand how reckless and destructive this UN resolution was, they understand that the Western Wall isn't occupied territory," he said. " I look forward to working with those friends and the new administration when it takes office next month."
Netanyahu said the government would do "everything needed to ensure that Israel is not harmed by this shameful resolution." He called on the Foreign Ministry to present an action plan within a month of steps that can be taken toward the UN and other international organizations.
At the same time, he urged his ministers to act "wisely, responsibly and calmly." He said that the security cabinet would meet Sunday afternoon, and that the ministers should act on this issue according to directives that will come out of that meeting.

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