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Friday, December 2, 2016

TRUMP WATCH: 12.2.16 - Post US Election Ramblings

Now that it's all over, I'm indulging in some post US election ramblings.
Indulge is the right word for it, I think. I won't have anything staggeringly wise to say that someone else hasn't already noted. No doubt many will disagree with me, and they'll probably be right. I'm just another guy with an opinion. So here I go...
When Donald Trump first announced he was running for president, I immediately shrugged it off as another publicity stunt. In fact I inserted my foot into my mouth on several forgetful occasions during conversations with my neighbor. Trump is a flash in the pan, I assured him. He was never, ever going to get the Republican nomination.
At best I thought he was indulging a whim. At worst he was a saboteur. I couldn't have been more wrong. And I wasn't alone!
Trump stood out as the wild man of the bunch. He survived a rough and bloody Republican Party presidential primary. Many called it a fiasco. What had the Republican Party descended to? Should Americans look to a fresh alternative to the GOP after the inevitable defeat? It seemed that way.
In contrast, the Democrats (in my opinion) ran a tighter race with far less infighting. There certainly were quarrels between Clinton and Sanders. But the Republican brawls made the Democrat race look almost like a Brady Bunch squabble.
The Republican spats drew attention from evangelicals who normally wouldn't have commented so directly on politics. I shared their concerns. Is this what we should expect from presidential aspirants? Clinton generally got a free pass.
Evangelicals focused on Donald Trump's public sins, past and present. It didn't matter so much that Hillary championed Planned Parenthood and the promotion of enforced homosexual-practice acceptance across the market place. Under her administration, Christian colleges would come under scrutiny for teaching biblical standards against homosexual sins.
There was also the Israeli paper which kept pushing articles which suggested Trump was anti-Semitic. Does Hillary love the Jewish State? Well, not according to her emails. But the popular thing to do was demonize Trump because he was an easy target.
Everyone did such a fantastic job that Clinton's victory was presumed a mere formality. Here, I must confess enjoying the videos of the celebrity media types who mockingly wrote Trump off. I'm just glad there isn't one around of me. Ha, ha!
Such was the confidence that even when it began looking bad for Clinton on election night, the media put on a stoic mask. Those of us who followed certain Twitter analysts got a more accurate picture of the trend. The rest is surreal history.
Then there was The Meltdown. I'm not only talking about Hillary Clinton. Some dismiss the rumors surrounding Clinton's state of mind on election night. The fact remains she didn't show herself or concede defeat until the following day. This speaks volumes.
We also saw media and celebrity meltdowns. I don't really think any fearful-tearful celebs flew to Canada, Cuba or Mexico. There were the riots...notably, neither Clinton nor Obama attempted to quell the capricious rioters who insisted that Trump wasn't their president. Some College Campuses even staged "Cry Ins."
Even the fickle Stock Markets wavered before rallying.
Fear mongering abounded. The day after the election, one gay activist claimed several transgender teens had committed suicide out of fear of Trump. There were no citations, no fact-checking. It was deceitful propaganda aimed at presenting Trump as a threat to the LGBTQI+ community.
Democrats and leftists continue wistfully wondering what could have been. The Washington Post recently opined that Sanders could have won the election had he run:
Donald Trump's stunning victory is less surprising when we remember a simple fact: Hillary Clinton is a deeply unpopular politician. She won a hotly contested primary victory against a uniquely popular candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders.
As the song goes..."I think you're just a little bit late." Anyway, didn't Clinton win the popularity vote? Isn't this why they wanted a recount? Shall we move on?
Perhaps people simply got fed up with the current preachy-condescending-nanny-state's controlling ideology. Did I use enough adjectives? I doubt Sanders could have presented himself as viably different enough from Obama to pull it off.
I find it interesting how both Obama and Trump came out of the blue to be elected. Obama was a relatively unknown junior senator and Trump a well-known tycoon. Trump's victory shocked most pundits. This shows how unpredictable and volatile our world is. It could happen again.
Mr. Obama and his ideological friends aren't going to crawl away and hide forever. Once they've licked their wounds, they'll be back at it with new people. You can be sure of it.
President Trump has four years to perform. He may ease the US economy, and he may take some pressure off Christian witness in the market place. Trump may even make America's borders more secure. Yet people can be fickle, and voters are especially. The pendulum could swing back quickly.
From a prophetic standpoint, I doubt Mr. Trump can positively influence the Middle East. The dynamics set in place with the Russian-Iranian alliance and the Syrian implosion won't go away through diplomacy. Moreover, saber rattling will only exacerbate the situation.
Mr. Trump's stated intention to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital will ignite more conflict (if he follows through). Neither can he change the hearts of those who hate Israel. What he can do is keep Israel strong, despite the misgivings of some Israeli journalists.
His victory possibly parallels a rise of the right in Europe. Europeans are growing dissatisfied with Islamic appeasement, as well as fears about Russia. This was to be expected. Is it a death-knell to globalism? How does this affect Bible prophecy?
I'm no prophecy expert, but the Antichrist globalism Scripture reveals only comes after major conflict. Look at the seal judgments of Revelation (e.g., Rev 6:4). The Antichrist reigns for forty two months after he has conquered (Rev 13:5). Are we seeing the germination of a global conflict right now? Only time will tell.
In the interim, God is always in control. Our trust is in Him only. God pulls the strings for His own purposes and glory. When He says it's time for the rapture, or the 70th week to begin, then it will all happen very quickly - like a flood!
As far as prophecy is concerned, don't look at America. Look to Israel.
Clinton joining vote recount appears to test fragile truce with Trump
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s truce and efforts to “come together” after their bitter White House race appeared to fray this weekend when Clinton joined in a vote recount effort that the President-elect assailed in a series of tweets Sunday. 

In the posts, Trump claimed that "millions" of people cast illegal votes in this month's presidential election, and claimed that the press was covering the matter unfairly. 
Trump further contended that if the popular vote determined the presidency, "It would have been much easier for me to win" it because he would have altered his campaign to pile up overall vote totals, not Electoral College votes.
The real estate mogul also tweeted part of Clinton's concession speech, when she told supporters they must accept that "Donald Trump is going to be our president," and snippets from her debate remarks, when she denounced the Republican nominee for refusing to say in advance that he would accept the Election Day verdict.
There's been no indication of widespread vote manipulation, illegal voting or hacking that materially affected the outcome one way or the other. It's that very lack of evidence that suggests Trump is likely to prevail in recounts.
Trump's social media storm came one day after a Hillary for America lawyer said that Clinton would join in a vote-recall effort by Green Party Candidate Jill Stein.
The attorney, Marc Elias, said Clinton was taking the step “to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides."
Stein has already raised at least $5.4 million in her effort to recount votes in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin -- states that were the key to Trump's upset victory. She began the process Friday by officially requesting a review in Wisconsin.
Stein has argued the recount is intended to test the integrity of the U.S. voting system, amid so-far unfounded speculation that Russia tampered with the process.
However, the effort also could undo the 70-plus electoral votes by which Trump beat Clinton.
Trump won Wisconsin and Pennsylvania and, as of Wednesday, held a lead of almost 11,000 votes in Michigan, with the results awaiting state certification Monday.
Stein received only about 1 percent of the national vote, which has prompted Trump to call her effort a fundraising “scam.”
“I would say (Trump) has been incredibly gracious and magnanimous to Secretary Clinton at a time when for whatever reason her folks are saying they will join in a recount,” senior Trump transition team adviser Kellyanne Conway said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“She congratulated him and conceded to him on election night. … The idea that we are going to drag this out now where the president-elect has been incredibly magnanimous to the Clintons and to the Obamas is incredible.”
Meanwhile, Conway refused to rule out the possibility of further investigating Clinton over her use of a private email server while secretary of state between 2009 and 2013. 
Conway made clear that Trump said only that he wouldn’t rule out another possible email probe because new evidence could emerge and he wouldn’t want to undercut the authority of federal and congressional investigators.
The FBI this summer concluded its one-year investigation into Clinton using the private server by saying she was “extremely careless” and that some of the emails included classified information.
However, the investigation was effectively closed without criminal charges being recommended to the Justice Department.
Trump, in his presidential debates with Clinton, also suggested that if elected he would appoint a special prosecutor for the matter.
Trump planned to return to New York on Sunday after spending Thanksgiving weekend at his West Palm Beach estate. His transition team said the president-elect had scheduled a series of meetings Monday with prospective administration hires.
The Associated Press contributed to this report. 
Donald Trump was elected to be the 45th President of the United States on November 8th, 2016. Almost no one believed it could actually happen. The Democrats were already preparing for their victory celebration, but around 8:00 P.M. that evening something happened. The tide began changing. Suddenly, the clouds grew darker and darker over the Clinton camp, until the realization finally sunk in, that there would be no celebration that night.
Since then, true to form, those who opposed Donald Trump for President have been whining, throwing tantrums, destroying property, attacking individuals, and making threats against Mr. Trump. We who have supported Mr. Trump may be the "deplorables," but those who are making all this 'noise' are typical of the liberal reaction in this country when they don't get their way. George Soros is behind much of this illegal activity by paying hired thugs to cause intimidation and destruction.
When we lost to Obama in 2008 and 2012 none of this garbage occurred, but look at what is happening now. Obviously, this says a great deal about the character of those who support the liberal Democratic agenda. How many will actually leave the country who promised to do so if their nominee lost? Hopefully, all of them. I would gladly help them pack.
Doesn't this sound exactly like children who are spoiled brats? They get mad, fight, threaten, and take their toys and leave. Fine, be gone with you! Do they really think they are so important that they will be missed? They probably do.
There is one absolute, positive outcome of this election. The election results were clearly by the grace of God. Many Christians were praying, and actually went out to vote. The hard-working, common folk of America had had enough, and made their voices heard. Yet, there is an equal amount of citizenry who actually wish to retain sinful ways and corrupt leaders. We need to remember that.
The election of Donald Trump made history on November 8th. I think the Lord likes to take impossible situations sometimes and show us just what He can do. This was nothing to Him. It was a piece of cake, but the message is clear. God has put Mr. Trump in office for whatever His reason may be. Perhaps it's one final opportunity to see His power and return to Him in true repentance.
Folks, we aren't out of the woods yet. Many things can happen. Mr. Trump cannot save this country or make it better, but God can, IF His people will glorify His name and continue to do so. The liberal left will not give up. Nothing they do would surprise me. They are rabidly energized by satanic forces to accomplish their evil agenda. We are in a spiritual battle.
"For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." (Ephesians 6:12 NIV)
So now what? What do we do? The election was won because God's people prayed and God granted our request. Therefore, the answer is obvious. We need to stay on our knees (metaphorically) praying for our new President and those around him. We need to be much in prayer for Congress. There are still those in Congress who hate God and are influenced by evil forces. We need to pray for each other, that we not become lazy. Satan's forces will be looking for weak spots to attack.
My prayers are that abortion will be reversed, ILLEGAL aliens will be removed and kept out of this country, the Constitution will be upheld by newly appointed Supreme Court judges that believe it means what it says, that homosexual marriage and 'transsexual' bathroom usage will be reversed, that the 1st and 2nd amendments will be honored, and all the other liberal hair-brained laws will be reversed. That's a lot to ask, but nothing is impossible with our God. The Lord God can use our new President and Congress to reverse all that is an offense. Will He? Maybe, it may depend on what we do now with the opportunity the Lord has given us.
Either way, God is always in control. Whether this is the beginning of reversing the anti-God movement in this country or if this changes nothing at all, we have nothing to fear if we are on the Lord's side. Whether the days ahead are much brighter or darkness regains control of the reigns, our God is still on His throne and nothing will happen without His permission.
We, as true Christians, just need to let our lives glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, share His Word with those who remain lost, and pray, pray, pray.
Grant Phillips
 Draining the swamp - Bill Wilson -
As news of President-Elect Donald Trump's cabinet picks come in, draining the swamp of politicos in Washington, DC would appear harder than expected. There are a lot of his picks that look like previous Republican administrations. This is an indicator of how one has to deal with getting things done in the nation's capital. You pick a senator's wife, a Goldman Sachs exec, former opponents, and some supporters for your cabinet posts. You mix it in with the reformers that can make their points and hopefully you have a winning team that can get things done. As Trump's picks roll out, it is clear that the swamp is not draining as fast as some of us had hoped, but these are qualified people that deserve a chance.
Already the markets are responding positively to the Trump presidency and he hasn't even taken office. Record gains on Wall Street speak volumes for job growth. His cabinet choice for Education, Betsy DeVos, favors charter schools and school vouchers. This is a good thing because we need to break the grip of government schools on the brainwashing of our children--a step in the right direction. Treasury nominee Steven Mnuchin is eyeing a tax cut for the middle class and more of direct talks and incentives with businesses to keep them here in the US, such as recent examples Ford and Carrier. Commerce nominee Wilbur Ross is saying he will move away from trade agreements that do not benefit the US.
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions for Attorney General is a most excellent choice. Sessions is a strong Christian. He is one of the few voices on Capital Hill who has stood consistently for secure borders and enforcing the laws on the books. In meetings with him and his staff, he is open to learn more about the issues surrounding Islamic migration as it is linked to terrorism and he would be a fierce protector of the Constitution. Under him, organized crime won't have free reign (translated: Clintons), He will also be the most controversial pick because the Democrats hate his common sense pro-American positions. Sessions is a game changer for reform from what we have had over the past decade.
On the surface, Trump's picks may look like the more things change, the more they stay the same. But with what these folks say they stand for, and what their body of work has been over the years, maybe, just maybe, this new Trump Administration will get America back on the right path. There are many detractors by those who are impatient or hate the overall agenda. At the same time, we should be vigilant in holding accountability, but we already are seeing positive things. It takes a long time to drain the swamp. And even still, the smell of it remains even longer. But it has to start somewhere. Proverbs 20:26 says, "A wise king winnows the wicked, and drives the wheel over them." Let's pray for wisdom among our leaders as there is a lot of wicked to winnow and a deep and wide swamp to drain.
 The Liberal Media Has Regained the Ability to Criticize the President - Todd Strandberg -
One of the most destructive factors about the nearly eight year Obama Administration is the protective relationship he has established with the liberal media. Every time he does something that is clearly harmful to the best interests of the American people, the press has defended his actions. Even in a case where people are suffering from some disaster and Obama is on vacation at Martha's Vineyard-the criticism-never comes from the press. They give this special treatment to all Democrats.
The night that Hillary Clinton realized she had lost, she went into a rage. Reporters and Secret Service officers confirmed that she began yelling, screaming obscenities, and pounding furniture. She picked up objects and threw them at attendants and staff. Clinton in such an uncontrollable rage, she had to be sedated by a doctor. When a reporter working for CNN described what she had witnessed, her editor banned the story from going out to the public.
Now that Donald Trump has been elected to be America's 45th president, the liberal media has gone into 24/7 attack mode. Anything they can find that is negative about Trump they will send out on the news feeds.
The Media Research Center found that 91 percent of news coverage about Donald Trump on the three broadcast nightly newscasts over the past 12 weeks has been "hostile." He's not even in office and the press had declared him a failure.
Paul Krugman, the head economist for the New York Times said "Trump is going to bring about an era of corrupt governance unprecedented in US history." American University professor Allan Lichtman had reporters salivating when he predicted that Trump will likely be impeached.
The one-sided attack on Trump has backfired on the liberal media. When CNN's Jake Tapper was trying to link Trump to white nationalist leader Richard Spence. They ran a banner that questioned "If Jews are people." The backlash against CNN for highlighting a racist statement was so strong on twitter, Tapper had to return from vacation to apologize for being so callous against Jews.
The next day on CNN Charles Kaiser used the N-word while allegedly quoting Trump adviser Steve Bannon. He was quickly found to have quoted the wrong person. His use of the N-word sent the show's host into panic mode:
All right, gentlemen. We're done. We're done. I appreciate both of your voices. The more I've sat here and listened to the fact that somebody used the N-word on the is not okay! It is not okay. Charles Kaiser, I respect you. I enjoy having you on as a guest but...not okay. By the way, the claim that Mr. Bannon used the N-word - I've never heard of this. So there's that. Take a break.
If you want to find a story that not biased against Trump, you need to turn to alternative news sources. Last week, Unionwear, the producer of political campaign material for mostly Democratic candidates, filed for bankruptcy.
The press gave coverage to the firm when it produced hats with slogans like "Make Donald Drumpf Again," (a reference to Mr. Trump's ancestors altered the family name) and "Make America Rage Again." Not a single major news organization pointed out the firm's demise from obvious poor sales.
The press may be irreparably undermining its credibility with its nonstop mud ball attacks against Trump. They have already eroded the public's trust by being so obviously biased in their coverage of the 2016 election.
If they keep labeling him as racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic Islamaphobic-in a couple years the average American citizen will be immune to believing such charges. Trump could invite the KKK to have a clan rally on the White House lawn and people would just yawn at any outrage by the press.
The liberal media's sudden role reversal may have a profound impact on the state of our nation. Come January, we will have a press that has no reason to continue hiding the fact that our national debt is growing out of control, crime is rampant in our urban cities, and the Middle East is a total mess.
The press may have the collective goal to damage Trump so that they can set-up the next Democratic candidate for the 2020 race. The rate at which the world is going downhill, I'm not sure Christians will be around to worry about the outcome.
"Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near" (Luke 21:28).
 Making Trump's refugee point - Bill Wilson -
Was the campus policeman who shot dead 18-year-old Islamic Somali refugee Abdul Razak Ali Artan a bigot, a racist, a xenophobe? He pulled the trigger. Killed a young college student armed only with his car and a butcher knife. Could there have been another way? Maybe the policeman just didn't understand the need for tolerance and acceptance of a young person in a strange new land. Or just maybe President-Elect Donald Trump's idea is not so far-fetched of stopping Islamic immigration from known terrorist countries until there is a proper and thorough vetting process. Just ask the 11 victims at The Ohio State University's campus who were run down and stabbed just because they are non-Muslim Americans.
Who is a racist xenophobe? You and me for being concerned that the US "president" is resettling terrorists in our country who will attack our sons and daughters because they are different than the Islamists that are being resettled? Donald Trump for wanting to pump the breaks and determine who is being resettled and if their beliefs align with American ideals? No, let us put aside the politically correct nonsense that people like the "president" and Hillary Clinton, and soon to be Chairman of the Democratic Party Keith Ellison (another Islamist congressman), and call a bigot a bigot. If we the people do not look at this from a critical perspective, we are endangering the lives of our children and the future of our country.
NBC News reports that law enforcement officials said that Artan was a Somali refugee who left his homeland with his family in 2007, lived in Pakistan and then came to the US in 2014 as a legal permanent resident. Interesting. Both Somali and Pakistan are terrorist supporting countries. How did this kid become a legal permanent resident coming from those areas? NBC News reports that Artan wrote on what appears to be his Facebook page that he had reached a "boiling point," made a reference to "lone wolf attacks" and cited radical cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. The post said, "America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially Muslim Ummah [community]. We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that." Trump's point made.
The politically correct crowd label people racists, bigots or xenophobes because they would err on the side of caution before allowing radicals to resettle in peaceful areas. It would be my wish that every refugee that comes to this country would come to the knowledge and acceptance of Jesus Christ. Folks like Artan need Jesus Christ. They are so passionate about their own false religion that they will kill and be killed for it. Think of how on fire they would be for the truth if they only knew it. But they generally hate us because of Christ. So who is the bigot? Keep trying to bring people to their senses. As in Romans 14:16-17, "Let not then your good be evil spoken of: For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." You are not a bigot for trying to preserve life, especially eternal life.
Hypocrisy Heights - Bill Wilson -
If you have been following the news, there is a new nationwide show called Hypocrisy Heights. It stars defeated communists, Green Party Presidential candidate Jill Stein and Democratic Party Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Clinton, if you remember, was spastic about the possibilities that Donald Trump would not accept the results of the presidential election if he lost. Stein and Clinton have decided to challenge the results of the election in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan, if they can raise enough money to do so. In reality, Clinton likely will also assist in funding the recounts initiated by Stein. This, after her fit that Trump may undermine the democratic process with a challenge if he lost.
On October 20, the news narrative was full of stories about Trump responding to a question during the third presidential debate about whether he would accept the result of the election if he lost. He responded, "I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense." Clinton tweeted that his stance was "horrifying" saying that it "was not the way our democracy works." Trump was labeled "dangerous" and damaging to democracy by the current "president." Reporters speculated for days what Trump not accepting defeat would do to the country. Political analysts at colleges and universities said it undermines the credibility of the elected president and could foment a shadow presidency by the loser, a divided nation.
Nary a mention from the news media about all the post-debate hysteria by Clinton, the Democratic Party and the "president." Clinton's camp is saying it wants to show that it is exploring all the options even though there is no "actionable evidence" suggesting foul play. Using the narrative that Russia could have hacked the US election and put Trump in office, Clinton justifies undermining the Republic. In reality, she shouldn't want a recount considering there are several experts pointing to untold millions of illegal votes cast by noncitizens and dead people who are likely to have voted Clinton. But Clinton is now exploring all options to something she called horrifying a month ago. Hypocrisy Heights.
As citizens, we all should be concerned that elections are fair and conducted without foul play. Trump should insist on a recount of all the votes in New York, California, Oregon, Washington, New Jersey, and just for kicks, Illinois, where the cemeteries are full of reliable voters. He may win by a landslide of the popular vote after all the illegal votes are thrown out. Notwithstanding, Clinton and her backers will not stop in trying to undermine our Constitutional Republic and replace it with a form of communism. As Jesus said about the scribes and Pharisees in Matthew 23:28, we can say about these hypocrites, " outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."

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