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Friday, July 2, 2021

BIDEN WATCH: 7.3.21 - Biden's plan to end gun violence

Biden's plan to end gun violence - Bill Wilson – Joe Biden’s violent crime speech last Wednesday was promoted for days as announcing wonderful reforms to end violent crime. It was the same old same old. He rambled on abouthow gun shop owners who sell people guns without a background check are at fault; how violent crime is not the fault of city leaders whose cities have strict gun controls because criminals can buy guns in neighboring cities and states; how people releasedfrom prison don’t have tax assisted mental and financial support so they turn to violent crime; how gun makers should be held responsible for gun-related deaths, and so on. Biden actually said that the 2ndAmendment limited the type of people who could owna gun. WHAT? He is the leader of a political party that facilitated the early release of violent criminals from prison, released from jail illegal immigrants who committed violent crimes;open the borders to foreign drug and human trafficking gangs that commit violent crime; refuses to enforce the laws and prosecute perpetrators in cities where violent riots occur and businesses are destroyed; and defunded police departments or tied their handsfrom enforcing the law. Now crime has spiked tremendously, and Biden is blaming it on former President Trump. But it is in Democrat-run, stringent gun-controled cities and states where the violent crime has taken place—Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Portland,Seattle—just to name a few. Biden was asked by a reporter “Mr. President, what do you feel is the most effective thing that government can do to change the mindset of those who feel compelled to pullthe triggers of these guns?” His response was incredible. He said, “By being engaged in a whole range of programs. We talked today–everything from mental health programs to engaging people early on and letting them know there is other options. Making surethat when a child is young, they have access to a real education, and they get started off on the right foot. Making sure that when someone gets out of prison, they’re not denied public housing, they don’t have to go back under the bridge where they were livingbefore–that they’re able to get help for healthcare, et cetera, and reengaging them in the neighborhood, giving them some hope, some opportunity.” Biden talked about holding people accountable, such as gun manufacturers, police, young children, and mental health workers—certainly not the criminal or the politiciansthat defund the police and make their jobs impossible. Most of all, Biden wants to hold you accountable because he wants you to pay for all the “wide range of programs,” incompetence and blame shifting. Imagine taking Biden’s approach with a criminal holdinga gun on you. You ask, “Did you know there are other options?” or “Do you mind if I call a social worker to assist you?” Psalm 10:13 says, “Why do the wicked renounce God? He has said in his heart, “You will not require an account.” The wicked don’t fear God,and after hearing Biden’s plan against violent crime, the wicked know Biden and the liberals won’t hold them accountable. Say it with me…Stupidocrisy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Biden's war on children � Bill Wilson � The month of June was spent celebrating lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, queers, questioning and other nontraditional sexual orientations. White House Press SecretaryJan Psaki capped off the month-long celebration with a live stream on the White House Youtube on transgender equality. The hour and a half �convening� began with Psaki saying that President Biden believes that transgender rights are one of the most importantcivil rights movements of our lifetime. They primarily target children. The last letter in LGBTQ is �Q� for �questioning,� which is the mission�to confuse kids enough that they question their sexuality so they can be groomed and evangelized. LGBTQ Nation�s website says the live stream is convened to �highlight the hopes, joys, and success of young transgender and nonbinary people across America.� Key word hereis �young.� This is the target�young, meaning youth. Meaning minor children. Meaning your child or grandchild. LGBTQ+ activists are in the public schools with various anti-bullying programs and other social activities to evangelize minor children and groomthem for sexual purposes. The Psaki live stream featured many speakers, including high school students. One of the speakers asked a rising junior in high school how she got enough courage to �go in front of the whole country and tell your story.� My point--Ifthis was so positive and good, why would you need courage to talk about it? And the deeper question�if everybody was so proud of their choice of sexual identity at such young ages, why are LGBTQ+ pre-teens and teens 70% more likely to commit suicidethan heterosexual teens? Why do LGBTQ+ activists have to start organizations like the Trevor Project to prevent youth suicides within their own community? They will tell you it is because of non-acceptance, but the real story is far deeper. The fact is, thisgrooming and evangelizing of children by LGBTQ+ activists is sexual abuse and, in many cases, sexual assault. It must be stopped. But the Biden Administration and the LGBTQ+ activists are standing against Republican-led�and quite popular�child protection laws. In fact, at a White House hosted Pride reception, Biden said, �These are some of the ugliest, most un-American bills I�ve seen and I�ve been here a long time.� Couple thispromotion of sex in minor children with the willful lack of border control that results in huge numbers of sexual assaults and human trafficking of children, and one has to surmise that all this is intentional. As Paul wrote in Romans 1;32, ��they which commitsuch things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.� Citizens must arise like those in Loudoun County, VA, who are standing firm against this war on children by challenging the school board. The shame and guilt perpetratedon these children by this horrible political agenda is at the bottom of the pre-teen and teen suicide rate. It is a war on children and it must be stopped. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VISIT: PROPHECY WATCHER WEEKLY NEWS: HTTP://PROPHECY-WATCHER-WEEKLY-NEWS.BLOGSPOT.COM

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