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Friday, July 26, 2024

Biden’s Judicial Reject

 Biden’s Judicial Reject - Bill Wilson – Southern District of New York Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn was nominated on April 30 by Joe Biden to a seat on the US District Court for the Southern District. She then became the only Bidennominee for the federal courts to be rejected by the Senate Judiciary Committee. It also marked the first time in this current congress that a Democrat changed sides and voted with Republicans to reject a judicial nominee. In a 10-11 vote, Netburn went downin flames after Senator Jon Ossoff (D-GA) defected the party line joined a unified Republican contingency. The vote underscored so many very wrong things about the Democratic Party and the political nomination of radical extremists to the federal court system Netburn was rejected because she ruled to transfer a biological male identifying as a transgender woman to a prison that house biological women. July Justine Shelby, born William McClain,a male posing as a woman, pleaded guilty of molesting a nine-year-old boy and raping a 17-year-old girl and spend 18 years in prison, then violated parole and spent another six years in prison before being released in 2015. In 2017 the transgender pleadedguilty for distributing child pornography. After being transferred to the women’s prison, Shelby complained that the women made it clear that he was not welcome at the prison and he feared being attacked by the “violent females” there. Of the 18 Magistrate Judges in the Southern District, Netburn is the only one with a warning notice on her contact page. It reads:” *** NOTICE*** Members of the public are prohibited fromcontacting Judge Netburn’s Chambers about matters pending before the Court. It is a federal crime to communicate with the Court with the intent to influence, intimidate, or impede a judge in the discharge of her official duties. Any communications interpretedas such will be immediately reported to the U.S. Marshals Service for further investigation.” All the other Magistrate Judges’ pages just have their contact information. It would appear that the District Court is trying to protect Netburn from the public backlashof her extremist judicial activism that the Senate Judiciary Committee exposed during its confirmation hearing. Here is a situation where a misguided and extremist judge placed a biological male with numerous sex offenses with both male and females into an all-female prison. All but one democrat onthe Senate Judiciary Committee thought Netburn’s decision was fine. Moreover, Joe Biden nominated this extremist to the Federal court. Her and scores of other extremists approved to the bench are the reasons why the law and the Constitution are being twistedto persecute people who resist or dissent the leftist Marxist agenda promoted by the Democratic Party. Isaiah 10:1-2 says, “Woe to those who enact unjust statutes and issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of fair treatment and withhold justice fromthe oppressed of My people, to make widows their prey and orphans their plunder.” From top to bottom this is, say it with me, Stupidocrisy.

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