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Friday, July 12, 2024

Ezekiel's Prophecy being Fulfilled?

 Are the Global Election Results Leading Toward Ezekiel's Prophecy being Fulfilled?- Olivier Melnick - For decades now, we have been hearing that we are in the end times, so much so that the topic of eschatology isn't taken very seriously anymore. It is true that even Yeshua spoke of the lastdays during His short ministry on earth, and His audience might have also thought that they were around the corner. Fast-forward to 2024, and we are still talking about the last days. What has changed, if anything? Biblically speaking, many–including myself–believe that the next event on the prophetic calendar is the Rapture of the believers. It will be a sign less event, meaning that nothing needs toprecede it as a sign of its soon occurrence. It is also known as an imminent event. Yeshua will come to get us "like a thief in the night," as we can read in 1 Thessalonians 5:2. Once the Rapture takes place, the Antichrist will sign a pseudo-peace treatywith Israel (Daniel 9:27), and that will start the period of turmoil known as the Time of Jacob's Trouble" also known as the Great Tribulation (Jeremiah 30:7.) Regarding that specific time in history, people start looking at the rest of the events and disagree on the timing. When will the Ezekiel 38 war of Gog and Magog take place? What about thedestruction of Damascus? Is the Psalm 83 War a real war, and could it happen soon? Don't forget the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37! For a while now, I have been convinced that the ONLY end times prophecy that we can claim with certainty is happening in front of our eyes, is the return of the Jews to Israel in unbelief.That is an event spoken of in Ezekiel 36. Spoiler Alert: Ezekiel 36 comes before 37 (valley of dry bones) and 38 (Gog and Magog)! It is well worth our time to look at a few critical verses in Ezekiel 36:24-29, 24 And I will take you from the nations, gatheryou from all the lands, and bring you into your own land. 25 Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your uncleanness and from all your idols. 26 Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spiritwithin you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to do My judgments. 28 And you will inhabit the land that I gaveto your fathers; so you will be My people, and I will be your God. What an incredible promise from the God of Israel! None of it could happen without the birth of the modern state of Israel in 1948. That was the only pre-requisite. Israel had been in theDiaspora since AD 70, when the destruction of the Temple by the Romans occurred. Jewish people can still be found from all over the globe. While the Jewish Diaspora went unnoticed by most, it is interesting that Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, caught thevision and started a Jewish Study program to train pastors and workers to share the Good News with the Jewish people. The year was 1922, twenty-six years before the rebirth of Israel. They believed that the Jewish people would indeed return to the land ofEretz Yisrael in unbelief. They were so right! Ezekiel 36 tells us four things. First, God will take the Jews from the nations, which means that the Jews will come from the Diaspora that started almost 2,000 years ago. Next, God will gatheryou from all the lands, which means that the regathering is not a fluke of history but very much part of God’s plan for the end times. Then, God tells the Jewish people that He will bring you into your own land. For that to be possible, Israel has to existand that started on May 14, 1948. The final event developed further in the prophecy of the valley of dry bones in chapter 37, is that Israel will be cleansed and given a new heart. This means total regeneration by God. The point here is that none of that can happen until the Jewish people are in Eretz Yisrael. About half of the Jewish people are still in the Diaspora, and the vast majority have establishedroots, invested in property, and built lives wherever they are. Making aliyah is not quite yet in the heart of all Jews. Is it possible that God is allowing things to change so that Jewish people would move faster back to the land of Israel? I believe it is,and this is why: Labour Party elected in the United Kingdom: Recently, the United Kingdom had elections and the Labour Party took power. This is the party of antisemite Jeremy Corbyn. It has a reputation ofbeing pro-Palestinian, which unfortunately always comes with an anti-Israel position, while the opposite is seldom true. This is giving regular antisemites the additional boldness they needed to be more open about their Jew-hatred like in the recent case ofan AirBnB canceled because the renter was an Israeli citizen and the owner was a Muslim who declared they couldn't "support what was taking place against the people of Gaza." Left elected in France: In an unprecedented upset, France gave power to the Left/Far Left when all believed that the Far Right Party of Marine Le Pen would win. The antisemitism spewed fromthe French Far Left is not even cloaked in anything else. Jean-Luc Mélenchon is openly antisemitic. To stop the Far Left, which they falsely painted as being a revival of the 1930s Vichy Government, France elected the Far Left, putting the third largest Jewishcommunity in the world at significant risk for their lives. It is true that Le Pen's party is n to the greatest friend of the Jews, but they are quite removed from the diatribes of her dad Jean-Marie Le Pen. After the results were published, Rabbi Moshe Sebbag,from the Grand Synagogue of Paris, claimed, “France has no future for Jews." Incidentally, over 2,000 French/Jewish families have opened files to make aliyah in the last 72 hours. Far Left Pushing anti-Israel agenda in the USA: It is evident that since October 7, 2023, the Far Left has promoted the Palestinian narrative. The Campus intifadas and violent street protestsin favor of the terrorist group Hamas have been off the chart. It seems that the enemies of Israel have been given carte blanche with no fear of legal retaliations. The rest of the world doesn't look much more favorable, either. While God never has and never will condone antisemitism, the Bible is replete with examples of Him allowing other people groupsto interact with Israel and forcing Jewish people into decisions they would have not made otherwise (Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans and many more.) These changing governments might become the catalyst to the fulfillment of the Jewish return to Israel in unbelief according to Ezekiel, in preparation for the final chapter of human historyand the final salvation of Israel. Just remember that God allowing is very different from God condoning. My people need Yeshua more than ever, and while the 144,000 Jewish men of the Tribulation will play a huge part towards that goal, we are not there yetand God wants to utilize you and me right now!

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