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Friday, July 12, 2024

Coincidental or Consequential?

 Coincidental or Consequential? – Terry James - As I compose this article from the hotel in Colorado Springs where the Prophecy Watchers Conference is being held, significant events surrounding this conference come to mind. The last Prophecy Watchers meetings I attended started on October 7, 2023, with a profound prophetic stage-setting event. On that date, of course, Israel was attacked in a brutal way by Hamas,the chief terrorist organization headquartered in the Gaza. As many as 1,400 Israelis and others were literally butchered in the most horrendous way imaginable. The details are too grisly to write of here; I’m sure many of you have seen reports ofthat blood-drenched attack and the satanic wickedness that took place. Those of us who were at that 2023 Norman, Oklahoma, conference talked among ourselves about it being significant that the attack took place at the moment we were opening the meetings. It hadto be, we concluded, more than coincidence. There had to be some providential significance to the timing. I sense the same now. I continue to believe it was prophetically consequential, not coincidental, that Hamas attacked on that celebratory get-together in Israel. Prophecy Watchers is among the Bible prophecy ministries most faithful to adhering to true biblical study of end things. It was at that conference that this heinous attack could be properlyunderstood, and thus it was during the series of lectures. And make no mistake that the attack has proven monumental in terms of setting the stage for things to come–looking toward the Tribulation era, Daniel’s seventieth week. There should be no doubt the attack has opened the doors of worldwide hatred for the nation and the Jewish people. By that, I mean Zechariah 12 has suddenly and full-in-our-faces been mademanifest. The entire world seems to have taken up anti-Semitic rage. Many young people in every major university in America, and those around much of the world, now chant the same hate-filled mantra: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” Hundreds of studies have documented the genocide perpetrated by the Nazis, and thousands books and documentaries have been written and produced telling of that Holocaust. Yet in one day, whenHamas attacked, the demonic portal seemed to be opened that again unleashed the genocidal demons across the world. Hatred for God’s chosen people and nation is on the rise to levels not thought possible just a decade or two previously. The Jews are blamedfor defending themselves against these vicious hordes from Hell. Israel and the Jews are to blame for their “occupation” of “Palestine”—a state that doesn’t exist. This matter at this late date of the Age of Grace is profound. It forewarns of development toward the time Jesus Himself said would be the worst of all human history (Matthew 24:21). It isreadying the world of rebellious humankind and God’s chosen people for the time of Jacob’s trouble (Jeremiah 30:7). And I believe, like in the case of the Norman conference of October 7, 2023, that it is not coincidental, but extremely consequential, that a profound validation of the proof of God’s propheticWord was manifested at the time of this Colorado Springs Prophecy Watchers conference I’m currently attending. The wickedness that foists evil against all of God’s truth was dealt a blow of heavenly resistance in the presidential debate of Thursday night, June 27, 2024. I am not being political in pronouncing my findings. All politics are corrupted by human incorrigibility—of fallen humanity’s rebellion against God. I’m not promoting one political party overanother. But I am trying to say the party most responsible for foisting the wickedness and evil on America and the world was in the spotlight when the cognitively dysfunctional leader of the free worldwas there for all to see. To me, it was total validation of God’s Word on those who turn their back on God—who rebel against His governance. They are turned over to a reprobate mind–that is, they are given over todoing things that are upside down from rational thought and action. Can we think anything other is true of the so-called woke mindset and the sheer lunacy we’ve witnessed in recent weeks, months, and years? Again, to me, God’s Holy Word of prophecy is validated beyond any doubt by the upside-down belief system of wokeness being exposed for all to see on worldwide TV through the often not-understandablethinking processes demonstrated by the person who has been designated leader of the so-called progressives and leader of the free world. God expressed in the most holy, caustic terms His disapproval of those who come against His divine order and His Son Jesus Christ. Here is what the psalmist says in the matter: Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. (Psalm 2:1–5) To have this display of God’s derision on the reprobate “wokeness” just as our prophecy conference was beginning is, to me, nothing less than consequential to unfolding prophecy. God the HolySpirit is still restraining evil in a mighty way. He is holding back the beginning of World War III, while the Ephesians 6:12 minions are doing all within their power to ignite the unleashing of nuclear conflict. This cannot happen until all of God’s family on earth is called to be with Jesus Christ in the clouds of Glory. Don’t miss that call. Here is how to be sure to go to Christ when the Rapture takes place–which can be at any moment. That if you will confess with your mouth the lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised hinm from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness;and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9–10)

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