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Friday, July 19, 2024

WORLD AT WAR: 7.20.24 - The Israel/Hamas War: The Strategic Balance So Far & What Comes Next

 The Israel/Hamas War: The Strategic Balance So Far & What Comes Next – Eitan Shamir - Ten months after Hamas launched its surprise attack on Israel, it is possible to evaluate the achievements of the two parties to date. Unlike the State of Israel, which officially declares its war aims, we can only estimate what Hamas's aims were before the Oct. 7 attack. In addition, a war's wider effects are sometimes uncontrollable,not always predictable and can last a long time. Sometimes the indirect effects are more significant than the goals defined by the combatants. There are many examples: The United States overthrew Saddam Hussein in Iraq, but did not expect its victory to result in Iran's taking advantage of the opportunity to become a regional power.Israel did not define a peace deal for Sinai as one of the goals of the Yom Kippur War, but that is what the war eventually led to. Israel succeeded in realizing its main war objective when it went into Lebanon in 1982, which was to remove the Arafat-led Fatahorganization from Lebanon--but it did not take into account that that war would lead to the rise of the Shi'ite element in Lebanon, led by Hezbollah. In view of all this, caution must be taken in assessing the balance of achievements and failures of each side in the current war. Another difficulty is the matter of quantifying achievements--that is, how to determine the "value" or strategic weight of each achievement compared to the failures or achievements of theother side. Without the ability to give such a value or weight it is difficult to make an overall assessment. Nevertheless, it is advisable to conduct an examination of the balance of achievements. Let's start with Hamas and its allies--Iran and its proxies. The achievements of Hamas and the resistance axis Hamas managed to take advantage of the crisis in Israeli society in the months before the war to prepare and carry out a surprise attack that shocked and traumatized Israeli society to a degreecomparable to the Yom Kippur War. Some believe that due to the massacre of civilians and the taking of hostages, the trauma is even deeper. As a result of the Hamas attack, the Israeli towns around the Gaza Strip were evacuated. Fear of a Hezbollah ground attack in the north led to the decision to evacuate the northern bordertowns as well, resulting in the total evacuation of some 200,000 people. A small number of residents of the south have been able to return and a slow reconstruction process has begun, but in the north, not only are the residents unable to return to their homes,but Hezbollah has spent the months of the war systematically destroying Israeli homes and property through precise fire. It is difficult to exaggerate the magnitude of the achievement of the axis of resistance in forcing the evacuation of entire swaths of land and shrinking sovereign Israel, something that hasnot happened since the declaration of the state. The fact that the army was caught by complete surprise resulted in many casualties on Oct. 7. The hard fighting to occupy the Gaza Strip and destroy Hamas caused fewer casualties than estimated,but still, Israel's casualties have been high. Since Oct. 7, the Israel Defense Forces has lost the equivalent of an entire brigade in casualties and wounded, among them skilled special-unit fighters and prominent field commanders. The Hamas attack succeeded in mobilizing a broad and diverse international anti-Israel and indeed openly antisemitic front. The fight against Israel is being waged by states, NGOs and internationalinstitutions such as the United Nations and the Human Rights Council. Huge demonstrations against Israel and supporting Hamas have been organized in major capitals throughout the free world. Another campaign being waged against Israel is the legal campaign being conducted in the International Criminal Court and the International Court of Justice, where lawsuits against Israeland its leaders are pending. These measures are damaging and have long-term consequences for Israel's position. Another arm of this campaign is the mobilization of students in the United States and Europe for anti-Israel protests the likes of which have notbeen seen since the protests against the Vietnam War in the 1960s. At the same time, there is a strengthening of BDS organizations and a rising economic boycott of Israel by countries and companies. Various countries have banned military aid or even the transferof aid as a stopover, as did Spain, which refused to allow an Indian ship loaded with military equipment destined for Israel to dock in its territory. As an immediate result of the war and the many expenses that accompany it, Israel's economy is facing difficult challenges. This was reflected by the leading rating agencies' downward revisionof Israel's economic strength and growth forecast. The downgrade not only reflects the difficulties caused to Israel's economy by the war but also makes it harder for Israel to obtain loans to finance war-created deficits. The Hamas attack also brought the Palestinian issue back to center stage. It is no longer possible to talk about progress toward a regional settlement without addressing the Palestinian issue,which means Israeli concessions. As part of the global support for the Palestinian cause, several countries have announced their recognition of a Palestinian state. The Hamas attack mobilized several Iranian proxies to attack Israel. These attacks are primarily by Hezbollah on the northern border and by Yemen's Houthis, who attack ships in the Red Seaand have fired missiles and anti-aircraft missiles at Eilat. Iraqi Shi'ite militias also occasionally shoot at Israel. While it chose to conduct a limited campaign, Hezbollah has nevertheless caused a great deal of damage to Israel by exposing its weaknessesand inability to effectively stop Hezbollah's fire. The Houthi attacks on international shipping lanes in the Red Sea and the massive Iranian attack on Israel in response to the assassination of one of its senior officials in Syria drew relativelyweak responses from the free world. This is worrying in and of itself and has consequences for the free world's deterrence. This weakness of Israel's allies reflects back on Israel. The continuous attacks by Iran and its proxies on Israel expose a state of erosion of Israeli deterrence since Oct. 7. Despite the success of the military operation in Gaza, Israel has notrestored its regional deterrence. Ten months after the attack, the internal divisions and struggles in Israeli society are reemerging around issues that create a fault line between supporters of the coalition and the governmentand the opposition and its various groups. To the previous issues of controversy has been added the issue of the hostages and the cessation of the war versus continuation of the war and military pressure. These issues are being debated in an atmosphere ofacute crisis of confidence among large contingents of citizens, who do not believe the existing leadership is doing enough to free the hostages. Ten months after the attack, Hamas, even if greatly weakened and without its grip on parts of the Gaza Strip, remains the only ruler in the Strip. Yahya Sinwar and his deputy Mohammed Deifare still in Gaza, even if only partially functioning. They are still in control, and are still holding dozens of living hostages. Israel's main achievements Despite a high price in casualties (albeit much lower than early estimates), Israel's main achievement in the campaign is the destruction of Hamas's military capabilities. Hamas as a significantmilitary system no longer poses a threat to Israel. Israel took away its rocket capabilities and ability to carry out large cross-border ground raids. The broader meaning is the termination of a central arm of the Iranian "ring of fire" aroundIsrael. In the next confrontation against the "axis of resistance," Israel will have one less front to worry about and will be able to focus its efforts on the remaining theaters of operation. Another important Israeli achievement that should not be underestimated is the breaking of the psychological barrier of the IDF commanders and the political echelon against a ground maneuverand the use of ground forces. At least since the Second Lebanon War in 2006, there has been a reluctance to use maneuver as a decisive tool due to considerations of casualties and international pressure. As a result, Israel lost an important tool in its military arsenal and essentially gave up decisiveness, thus damaging deterrence. In this context, it is important to mention the role of thereserve forces and their return as a central force in the IDF, without which a major operation cannot be carried out. The occupation of Gaza and accompanying destruction in the Strip created a severe trauma for Palestinian society that will undoubtedly reverberate in the Palestinian and regional consciousnessfor many years to come. The Palestinians as well as other parties in the region understand the price they will pay if they attempt to repeat the Oct. 7 attack. Israeli society has proven once again that it has healthy foundations and is committed to life. The widespread recruitment into the reserves, the return of many Israelis from abroad expresslyto enlist and the mobilization of civil organizations for the war effort once again proved the resilience and solidarity of Israeli society, which enable it to face difficult challenges. The subject of the hostages is sensitive and painful. Many people see the half-empty glass--the dozens of hostages still being held alive in Gaza. But it should also be noted that about halfthe hostages, most of them women, children and the elderly, were released during the military operation at a relatively low price. Another significant achievement is the coalition led by the United States and specifically by U.S. Central Command to thwart the massive Iranian missile attack on Israel. Israel trained forseveral years and prepared with its partners for such a scenario, but until put to the test, it was hard to know whether and how such a coalition would be activated on Israel's behalf. Stopping the Iranian attack was a major success and proof of the existence of a coalition that knows how to function together on the operational level. In addition, Israel proved that itsArrow missile defense system is capable of intercepting dozens of ballistic missiles and that the Jewish state is equipped with a unique capability in this regard. American backing, and the standing of the United States on Israel's side, is a critical asset for Israel's national strength. However, the sending of U.S. aircraft carriers to the region afterOct. 7 signaled Israeli weakness. Also, the uneven messages of the Americans over the past months, such as the pressure not to enter Rafah, the halting of arms shipments and other statements, did not add to and even weakened Israel's perceived strength. TheUnited States supports Israel, but with many reservations and limitations. The Arab countries of the Persian Gulf, Jordan and even Saudi Arabia also participated in repelling the Iranian attack. This marked the peak of another Israeli achievement: the maintainingof the Abraham Accords and the potential for a settlement with Saudi Arabia, which is still on the table. The importance of this development should not be underestimated. At the same time, Israel achieved something else: curbing the eruption of additional arenas that Hamas hoped would be dragged into the conflict. Following the Oct. 7 attack, Hamas hoped theWest Bank as well as the Arab-Israeli sector would join the riots, as happened during "Operation Guardian of the Walls" in 2021. In fact, the opposite happened. For the most part, the Arab-Israeli public was shocked by the barbarity of the attack (in whichquite a few Arabs were also murdered) and expressed solidarity and a shared fate with the Jewish public. What's next Israel is in an ongoing and difficult campaign, the end of which is hard to discern. The Israeli success story of projecting regional, military, economic and political power suffered a severeblow on Oct. 7. The "axis of resistance" recognizes this weakness and is looking for another opportunity to strike Israel and weaken it further. In the background is Iranian nuclearization, which adds another dramatic dimension to the regional conflict centeredon Iran, Israel, and the Sunni-Shi'ite struggle. Israel is faced with a dilemma. It has two alternatives. The first is talks to end the war and withdraw from Gaza, as demanded by Hamas. In exchange for this and the release of all Palestinianprisoners, Hamas says it will release the hostages. Taking this option would make it possible to reach a settlement in the north, because Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has said he will stop firing if there is a ceasefire in Gaza. Israel would be free torehabilitate itself internally and improve its international position, and would also be able to prepare for the next campaign after a thorough learning of lessons and re-equipping. Israel would be able to resume the promotion of normalization with Saudi Arabia, which would open the door to a security and economic partnership and a regional alliance that would stop Iranand its proxies. Some believe the main purpose of the Hamas attack was to prevent just such an alliance, which would be a regional game-changer. On the face of it, this alternative has many advantages. It is a tempting idea and many support it. But it carries many risks. The withdrawal of the IDF from the Gaza Strip and the releaseof thousands of terrorists would in fact be an Israeli surrender and a relinquishment of most of the gains of the war. It would represent a tremendous victory for Hamas and the resistance front. It is not at all certain that Hamas would in fact release allthe hostages it holds. An Israeli withdrawal (including from the Philadelphi Corridor) would mean a rapid restoration of Hamas's military capabilities, with Iranian help. Israel, whose deterrence has been severelydamaged, would find it difficult to gather legitimacy and support either domestically or internationally for a ground campaign aimed at destroying Hamas. It would be difficult to convince evacuated Israelis to return to their homes under Hezbollah's umbrella.Israel may find itself losing in every direction. In the second alternative, Israel continues to "mow the grass" in Gaza while putting pressure on Hamas and trying to reach a hostage deal. At the same time, Israel builds a governmental alternativeto Hamas. Israel would be forced to reach a settlement in the north, and if this does not succeed, would have no choice but to launch a limited attack to drive Hezbollah away from the border. This alternative is also full of risks and is far from simple. Ithas no clear resolution, and Israel could find itself in a regional war while immersed in a long-standing guerrilla war in Gaza. Its advantage would be the extinction of Hamas in Gaza and the guarantee of its non-return to power. In both alternatives, Israel will not return to the reality of Oct. 6, and faces difficult years of prolonged existential struggle. To this end, it is imperative for the public to have broadtrust in its leadership. One more thing to remember: History is full of unexpected turns and twists. The impact of events far from the Middle East, such as the identity of the next American president, can affect Israel'sability to operate in Gaza and Lebanon and can greatly affect deterrence vis a vis Iran. Regarding the Islamic Republic, a development that leads to regime change there could be a game-changing turn. A change in other areas of crisis in the world, such as around Taiwan and the South China Sea, or continued Russian advances on the Ukraine front, could also change the picture dramatically.In those cases, we are likely to see a shift in global attention toward those crisis centers and a tightening of ranks among the countries of the free world, and as a result, more significant support for Israel and its policies. ----------------------- The Hook: What Does Israel Have That the Gog-Magog Coalition Will Covet? - TomSimcox - Sometime in the future, a war will break out. In today’s world, that would seem a normal activity, as there are always conflicts brewing somewhere. But this war will be different because itwas foretold more than 2,500 years ago by the Jewish prophet Ezekiel and is referred to as the Battle of Gog and Magog. According to the book of Ezekiel, Israel will be invaded by a confederation of nations that includes Russia, Iran, Libya, Turkey, and others. (See “The Invaders“) The big question is: Why? Why will these nations invade? What does Israel have that these nations will covet? For years, sound Bible teachers speculated that Russia’s motivation would be its desire for a warm-waterseaport it could use year-round for exporting and importing goods. Russia’s ports are often frozen due to the region’s extremely frigid temperatures. Many Bible scholars pointed to this motivation when Russia invaded Afghanistan in 1979; and the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) did so as well in a CIA report dated January 2, 1980: The Soviet military movement into Afghanistan positions USSR armed forces little more [than] 400 kilometers by air from the Indian Ocean, and it revives speculation concerning the century-oldRussian quest for a warm-water port. Other Bible teachers suggested Russia and its allies might want the minerals found in the Dead Sea. However, those minerals hardly seem significant enough to provoke an invasion of the magnitudedescribed in Ezekiel. The Bible says these hordes come “to take plunder and to take booty, to stretch out [their] hand against the waste places that are again inhabited, and against a people gathered from the nations,who have acquired livestock and goods, who dwell in the midst of the land.” What does Israel have that these nations will want? Under the Sea? The answer may lie about a mile underneath the Mediterranean Sea. The Tamar, Leviathan, and Karish natural gas fields located off Israel’s shores contain such massive amounts of natural gas that Israel could become a major exporter to Europe. Tamar beganpumping in 2013, Leviathan in 2019, and Karish in 2022. In 2022, the European Union (EU) signed a memorandum of understanding with Israel that “eventually could see significant quantities of Israeli natural gas shipped to Europe via Egypt,” wrotepolitical analyst Soeren Kern.2 He added, The EU is desperately trying to reduce its dependence on Russia, which supplied around 40 percent of the bloc’s gas imports in 2021. Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, the European Commission,the EU’s administrative arm, proposed reducing imports of Russian gas by two-thirds before the end of this year [2022]. Dr. Karolina Zielinska, a senior fellow in the Israel-Europe project, said, “Mediterranean gas has already enabled Israel to become self-sufficient . . . with regard to electricity generation:plans have been made to phase out the coal used for this purpose by 2025.” Already, others are claiming the natural gas belongs to them. The terrorist organization Hezbollah in Lebanon is putting roadblocks in Israel’s way. Zielinska said Hezbollah, “which to a largedegree acts as an executor of Iran’s will and tightens ties with Russia, is continuing to step up its rhetoric and actions. As a consequence, it is becoming the biggest threat to the implementation of the plan to export Israeli gas to Europe.” In light of these developments, it seems reasonable that natural gas could become a bone of contention, making it worthwhile for Russia (Magog), Iran (Persia), and their allies to invade Israelin hopes of seizing the gas fields as “plunder” and “booty.” Possible Land Grab? Clearly, the invaders will come from what today constitutes much of the Muslim world. Iran has been working with Russia for years to develop nuclear power and a nuclear bomb. These nations’ intense hatred for the State of Israel is legendary. The Islamic religion maintains that any land once possessed by Islam belongs to Muslims in perpetuity, no matter who precededor followed the Islamic presence. They see all of Israel as belonging to them forever. It could be that Russia’s allies join the fray, hoping to redeem the land for their god, Allah. Continued Antisemitism? The international hatred and vilification of Israel and the Jewish people continues to grow exponentially despite all the Jews and the State of Israel do to make the world a better place.Israel has pioneered historic medical and technological advances over the years and continues to be a world leader in providing humanitarian aid whenever and wherever a cataclysmic event occurs. Be it an earthquake, hurricane, or 12 young members of a soccer team trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand, Israel frequently arrives first with boots on the ground. The tiny Jewish nationsends supplies, doctors, and technology to help in a crisis. But does the world say thank you? No. Is the world grateful? Never. Instead, Israel is vilified by the United Nations; and Jewish people everywhere are hated, hounded, attacked, and killedrandomly simply because they are Jewish. The 20th century included pogroms and the Holocaust of World War II; and today, Holocaust denial grows despite all the education and facts available that tell the truth. Furthermore, sincethe Hamas massacre in Israel on October 7, 2023, antisemitic incidents have increased an unprecedented 337% in the United States alone. So, the attack by Gog and Magog may also be motivated by antisemitism, as many nations unjustifiably follow in Hamas’s wake and gather to destroy Israel. Power Play? Often the desire of ungodly leaders lost in sin involves power and world domination. It is possible the Gog–Magog invasion is part of Satan’s power-mad strategy to usurp God. God has promised that Israel will exist forever. The Jewish people are “the apple of His eye” (Zech.2:8), and Jerusalem is “the city of the great King” (Ps. 48:2). Clearly, these truths fly in the face of Satan’s plan to become God himself. When Satan rebelled against God, he brazenly declared, “I will be like the Most High” (Isa. 14:14). But the Almighty will have the last laugh: “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision. . . . I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion” (Ps. 2:4, 6). Satan’s power grab will fail. Satan will fail. Israel’s enemies will fail. Satan eventually will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for eternity (Rev. 20:10); and the Lord will triumph. The Jewish people “shall no longer be a prey for the nations, nor shall beasts of the land devour them; but they shall dwell safely, and no one shall make them afraid” (Ezek. 34:28). God willplant them in the land He promised them, the land of Israel, where they finally will dwell in peace (39:25–28). ------------------- Iran Had Big Plans, But War with Israel Isn’t Going How They Intended – By Amir Tsarfati - The world quite literally dodged a bullet when former president Donald Trump turned his head at precisely the right moment, causing the projectile that had been fired at him to take away partof his ear rather than pass through his skull. If you think mayhem has ensued since this failed attempt, imagine what would be taking place in America and around the world if it had succeeded. There is no doubt that we have God to thank that the former officeholderand current Republican candidate for president was not killed or more severely wounded. By saying that, do not read into it that I am formally endorsing Donald Trump. I am an Israeli. I don’t have a vote. After the insanity of the 2020 elections, I promised myself and my staffthat I would not get too deep into U.S. politics again, except as it relates to Israel. That is why I will limit myself right now to saying that I highly doubt that there will be prayers from the stage at the DNC in Chicago for the safe return of the October7 hostages as there have been at the RNC in Milwaukee. One more truth that I know – both Donald Trump and J. D. Vance are great friends of Israel. There is a serious investigation taking place into how the shooter was able to get such a clear shot on the former president from such an obvious perch. The leadership of the head of the secretservice, Kimberly Cheatle, has come under serious scrutiny for her commitment to equality over competency. There is one thing that we have apparently learned from the higher-ups in the organization – slopey roofs are kryptonite to secret service agents. Gaza It’s been 9 months since the war in Gaza began. Let’s look at some statistics. Half of Hamas’s military leadership has been eliminated. More than 14,000 terrorists have been killed or apprehended.There have been 37,000 targets struck from the air and 137,297 buildings destroyed, leaving 40 million tons of rubble that will need to be cleared at a cost of $500-600 million. Was all that on your Bingo card, Hamas, as you planned out your attack? And speaking of planning the October 7 attack, Muhammad Deif, head of Ezzedeen al-Qassam, the military wing of Hamas, and the architect of the massacre, was eliminated on Saturday. Like avery patient game of Whac-A-Mole, Israel waited for Deif to pop up out of the tunnels in Gaza. When he finally did last week, they bopped him on the head with some very large bombs and now he’s gone. This is a huge blow for the terrorist group. U.S. Intelligenceofficials still believe that Yahya Sinwar, leader of Hamas in Gaza, is hiding in the tunnels beneath Khan Younis. Let’s hope that he peeks his head out, also. We have a large mallet waiting with his name on it, too. For those who may think I’m being a little harsh on these terrorists, please look back and remind yourself of what they did. Actually, you don’t have to look back, because the effects of October7 are still being felt today. On Tuesday, a survivor of the Nova Music Festival massacre snapped mentally. Taking an axe, she killed her six-year-old, then walked to a mall where she attacked a security guard. Seeing her walking along the street with a hugesmile and her son’s blood on her face and on the axe is a vision I won’t soon get out of my mind. There are so many wounded survivors. Many have committed suicide, while others have lost their minds. One last story related to the Palestinian conflict. Norway’s foreign minister, Espen Barth Eide, presented a formal request to come visit Israel. That request was immediately denied. Why?Because on May 28, Norway formally recognized a Palestinian state. Sorry, Norway, we’ll happily accept your fish exports, but you can keep your politicians. Northern Conflict At least 20 rockets were fired from Lebanon toward the Israeli town of Kiryat Shmona Monday night. Most were intercepted, but some made it through and hit the ground. There were no injuries.In response, fighter jets of the Israeli Air Force hit Hezbollah targets in Houla, Kafr Kila, and Bani Haiyyan. Preparations are still being made on both sides of the border for a potential invasion south into Israel. For now, it seems like the most likelyway to avert an all-out war in the north is for the Lebanese people to find a way to take away the power Hezbollah has over their country. Houthis The Houthi rebels of Yemen continue their piratical tyranny in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. On Monday, the Greek-owned Chios Lion was struck on the port side by an unmanned water vessel.This opened up a leak in the oil tanker which has left a 220 km long slick near the coast of Egypt. The attack on the Chios Lion was the second of the day. Earlier, two manned and one unmanned craft attacked the Israeli-owned MT Bently I near Yemen. The shipwas able to fight off the Houthis who eventually abandoned the attack. United States I know we discussed the United States earlier, but that was centered around the assassination attempt on Donald Trump. However, I could not let this newsletter pass without addressing a billthat was signed here in the state which I am now visiting. On Monday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 1955, a bill which prohibits California school districts from informing parents if their child claims to have changed their gender identity. Thisoutrageous infringement on parental rights denies parents the knowledge that would allow them to address any struggles of this sort that their child may be going through. Billionaire Elon Musk went so far as to say that this bill was the final straw causinghim to move SpaceX from Hawthorne, California, to Starbase, Texas. My call to Americans throughout the nation is that you please don’t forget this when Newsom’s name potentially shows up on the presidential ballot in 2028. Next Monday will see Prime Minister Netanyahu meeting one-on-one with President Joe Biden at the White House. With the DNC coming in August and questions about the president’s health, it islikely that he will keep the prime minister at arm’s length. Then, two days later on July 24, Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress. It will be interesting to watch the reaction of some of the more antisemitic members of the UnitedStates government. France Turmoil continues to roil through the government of France. Since the divided parliamentary elections of July 7, there is no leading candidate for prime minister. Gabriel Attal, the formerprime minister, and his government resigned on Tuesday leaving all the key ministerial roles leaderless. President Emmanuel Macron has the authority to appoint the new prime minister, but there is no clear majority party or bloc. With the ethnic turmoil andgovernmental confusion, it will be very interesting to watch what happens with the Olympics when they begin in Paris a week from tomorrow. What The Future Holds I know that there are many people who are very concerned about what the future holds. I can’t say that I blame them. In a sense, World War 3 began on October 7. This fight that we are nowin is different than those of the past. This is a religious, cultural, and, above all, a spiritual war. Iran is central to much that is happening. They had big plans with Hezbollah and Hamas, but that isn’t going how they intended. Once those two terroristorganizations are defeated, Iran will be forced to look for new allies. That is when they will join a new coalition led by Russia. This will lead to the Big War. If this frightens you, let me encourage you to read Ezekiel 38. Actually, read Ezekiel 36-39 because in those chapters you will see God’s great plan from bringing Israel back to the land upuntil the time He brings the Jews back to Himself. Again, if you are just looking at the news, I understand your fear. However, if you are reading it through the lens of the Holy Scriptures, then you will quickly realize that you have no reason to worry. Godis in control, and He will work out His plans. ------------------------

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