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Friday, July 26, 2024

The Red Herring swimming around Biden

 The Red Herring swimming around Biden - Bill Wilson – “And now, I want to hand it to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin.” ”Look, I wouldn’t have picked vice presidenttrump to be vice president if I think she’s not qualified to be president. Let’s start there.” These two quotes are Joe Biden introducing Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the NATO Summit on July 11 and responding to the first question from Jeff Masonof Reuters in his recent solo news conference also on July 11. No matter how the “party” faithful and news media are spinning Biden’s declined state of cognitive and physical condition, it is increasingly obvious something has been amiss for a long time. The White House official transcript corrected Biden’s statement about vice president Trump by crossing his name out and replacing it with Harris: “THE PRESIDENT: Look, I wouldn’t have pickedVice President Trump [Harris] to be vice president did I think she was not qualified to be president. So, let’s start there. Number one.” Video posted on Twitter shows various reactions of cringe by Biden’s cabinet members and staffers witnessing the answer.The gaffes by Biden have been pretty commonplace since he took office, although they are increasing in frequency in recent weeks. Members of the news media and politicians on both sides of the political aisle are questioning Biden’s mental competency to runfor reelection. A contentious news briefing was held Tuesday, July 9 where there were many questions about Biden’s mental health and whether he has Parkinson’s Disease, his napping habits, whether his wifeJill makes presidential decisions, and if Hunter Biden has attended White House meetings where classified information is discussed. One interesting exchange was between Fox reporter Peter Doocy and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. Doocy asked, “So, saythat the Pentagon at some point picks up an incoming nuke; it’s 11:00 p.m. Who do you call? The First Lady?” Jean-Pierre responded: “He has a team that lets him know of any — of any news that is pertinent and important to the American people. He has someone — or — that is decided, obviously, with his National Security Council on who gets to tell him that news.” In other words, the obvious answer is that other unelected people serve as decision-makers when the “president” is not available. Commander in Chiefs should not leave such urgent nationalsecurity concerns to bureaucrats on the National Security Council. So the debate rages as to whether Biden should run for reelection. In reality, if this is the debate before us, shouldn’t the real question be: Is Biden fit to serve out his term? That is whatpeople should be asking and demanding a full scale, truthful, analysis from doctors and cognitive experts. Whether he should run for reelection is a red herring. 2 Timothy 3:13 says, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and beingdeceived.” There is a whole lot of deception going on with American politics and government.

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