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Friday, July 5, 2024

The Rescue of The Rapture

  The Rescue of The Rapture – Bill Perkins - Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come. 1Thes. 1:10b Today ads still run in Santa Clara County, California, pushing the Covid va((inations. Let me repeat, the local county public health is still advertising for its citizens to take multipleCovid va((inations. Those who have followed Compass eNews know full well taking any Covid or mRNA va((nation is ludicrous. But guess what, so do the employees in Santa Clara County. Their own data shows thatif you take the shot, you are more likely to get Covid.(1) Not to mention it could cause disability or even death. So you have a public health department that knows 100% that it’s dangerous to get the va((ine, but it’s not warning anyone of that danger. Why in the world do we have public health departments? Shouldn’t one of their responsibilities be to warn citizens of a deadly dangerous drug—and not to encourage taking it? Shouldn’t theydemand that a dangerous drug be taken off the market to protect its citizenry? Facts don’t seem to matter. Bizarre health decisions, like from Santa Clara County, are still happening all over the earth. Worldwide, the leaders who have control are hiding the death and disabilities of all the peoplewho have taken the Covid shot(s). For four years we’ve shown in this eNews scores of studies and surveys proving millions have already been disabled or have died around the world from the Covid mRNA va((ines. Recently, the certifiably brilliant Dr. Peter McCullough wrote: “Serial injections of lipid nanoparticles laced with pseudouridinated mRNA coding for the Spike protein of a coronavirus sounds like a bad idea from the description. “Now four years into the mass vaccination debacle, more manuscripts have emerged describing the broad and long-lasting effects of these injections on the human body. “It should be no surprise that allergic dermatitis, mast cell activation syndrome, asthma, increased frequency of upper respiratory illnesses, and other syndromes consistent with immune systemdysregulation occur after COVID-19 vaccination.” Dr. McCullough made these comments after researching a study(2) on the immune system deregulation and inflammatory signatures left by the vaccines in the human body. The study showed substantial evidence that COVID-19 vaccines exposed people to an increased risk of immune deregulation. When your God-designed immune system is compromised, cancer and autoimmunediseases flourish in the human body. The killer (pun intended) is that the Globalists/Satanists in control worldwide knew they were dangerous before they were distributed worldwide. That’s called premeditated murder. It was only because the bad guys had control of most news and social media that the Globalists/Satanists were able to pull off the ruse. As evidence leaked out showing problems of disability and death with the va((ine rollout, it’s been proven that it was covered up as much as possible …in order that the poisonous shots couldcontinue to be given. (They even duped a lot of Christians.(4) And I’ve not heard one apology from one well-known Christian admitting they were duped and were sorry for what they advocated. Hopefully I missed someof those apologies.) I’ve often wondered what Christian ministries received wads of money to encourage the death shots? None have admitted their guilt, but God knows who they are and they need to come clean. Using underhanded tactics to coerce people into taking va((ines was stated by none other than the head-demon in charge of the death-shot rollout, Dr. Fauxi himself, in his recent congressionaltestimony. Fauxi ADMITTED he and the Medical Industrial Complex exploited the COVID-19 crisis for profit and control. Fauxi ADMITTED that when lawsuits dismantled his original “legal basis” for an mRNA vaccine mandate, he helped orchestrate the private sector to implement baseless over-reaching Covid vaccinemandates. And to repeat Fauxi’s now famous quote: “When you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullsh**t.” The only thing you can conclude from all these verifiable facts is that the vaccines have a larger, worldwide, sinister purpose. And, as we already know, this fits like a glove with Bible prophecies that declare billions of people will die during the tribulation—tied majorly to the use of “pharmakeia”; i.e., drugs. …they did not repent of their sorceries [drugs] (Greek word—“pharmakeia”) Rev. 9:21 And if in fact Babylon is the USA in the latter days, and I contend it is(3), God says: …all the nations were deceived by your sorcery [drugs]. [Greek word “pharmakeia”] Rev. 18:23 Don’t miss the “all”… meaning worldwide. I wonder which nation has been distributing poisonous drugs worldwide? Hmmm… And if billions are to die right after the Rapture, if we’re close to our exciting exit, it shouldn’t surprise us to see the worldwide deaths begin to escalate before the Rapture. “…He who now restrains [God's Holy Spirit present on earth] will do so until he is taken out of the way.” 2Thes. 2:7 And once the devil is unrestrained, he will gleefully usher in unimaginable death and destruction. All this is painfully obvious to any Believer with two brain cells. It’s clearly laid out in the Bible for those who have Holy Spirit illumination. The rest of the non-Believing world (andeven some Believers) will be caught totally flat-footed. God is revealing this information to his Church so that we will not be distraught over watching what is happening all around us. He knew we would get nervous watching all that's coming. Rather, we are to comfort one another that we are getting closer and closer to the rescue of the Rapture. Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1Thes. 4:18 How close we don’t know. If I had to guess, the last years of the Church Age are down to single digits. And, of course, the Bible has always said our rescue could happen at any moment. It’sreferred to as the “Doctrine of Imminency.” (I would argue that Israel had to have returned to their homeland before the Rapture, but most Bible experts disagree. Not a hill to die on.) And it’s interesting that the Greek word translated “rescue” in 1Thes. 1:10b is the same word used here: He rescued us from the domain of darkness,… Col. 1:13b The Greek word translated “rescue” in both Col. 1:13 and 1Thes. 1:10 is the word “rhoumai.” It means to “draw to oneself.” It may be cleverly connected to the Rapture when Jesus removes/rescuesus to Himself in the sky. It is an amazing privilege to be alive at a time like this! Jesus compared today to being just like before Noah’s flood. Things were normal, even though the world was very wicked. Right up to the time when the fountains of the deep were opened and the rain came from above causing the global flood, people had no clue what was coming. all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened. Gen. 7:11b In those days people were buying, selling, eating, drinking, building and having weddings (Matt. 24/Luke 17), then suddenly all Hades broke loose. Jesus said the days before the Rapture will be "just like" the days of Noah before the flood. “For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah. Matt. 24:37 “And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: Luke 17:26 So this is what it will look like: "Just like" means "just like!" Most people will have no clue. As you can conclude from the charts above, Noah represents the Church, the Body of Christ. "Just like" Noah, we're taken up and over the Tribulation. And like Noah, we'll return to the earth and a new time period will begin. So if Noah represents the Church, what was he doing right before the flood? Peter gives us some insight... Noah, a preacher of righteousness 2Pet. 2:5b The word "preacher" in the Greek means "herald, of divine truth."A herald is a messenger, an announcer, a bearer of a town crier. My dictionary says a herald also denotes a signalor forewarning. Hence, Noah was busy warning the world about what was coming—a world disaster, a worldwide flood where most air-breathing humans, animals and birds would die. Noah would also have been ridiculed for saying water would flood the earth over the tops of the highest mountains when it had never rained a drop anywhere in the world! But a mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground. Gen. 2:6 Noah did his best to warn a wicked world of a coming worldwide event that had never happened before. We too are placed here by the Lord in this day to warn a wicked world of a worldwide eventthat's never taken place before. We are to be heralds to our friends, family and coworkers, boldly forewarning of what's coming. And for those who, like in Noah's day, laugh and ridicule us, we need to share with them that if we're right, and the Rapture does happen, and they are left behind, that they can still goto heaven. We’ve said many times that the only thing that matters on this earth for eternity is who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. And since there will be an uncountable number who get saved inthe Tribulation, that's huge information to leave behind. After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palmbranches were in their hands; Rev. 7:9 ...these who are clothed in the white robes, who are they, and where have they come from?" I said to him, ...“These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washedtheir robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. For this reason, they are before the throne of God; Rev. 7:14b-15a So we have to keep the main thing the main thing as we live out the last days of the last days—planting seeds of hope. Forewarning people of the impending disaster. And even more boldly aswe see the day approaching. CQLJ! BP 1) 2) 3) 4) Resource:

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