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Friday, July 12, 2024

Iran’s New President Is Anything But ‘Moderate’

 Iran’s New President Is Anything But ‘Moderate’… But The Western World Prefers The Illusion – By Erick Stakelbeck - A new so-called “moderate” Iranian president has been chosen, “voted freely” by the people… or not. There are two things to know about any presidential election in Iran. Number one, you can have the charade, but any winner in the Iranian presidential elections is handpicked by the SupremeLeader of Iran. If Ayatollah Ali Khamenei doesn’t want you, you are not getting in that slot as Iran’s president. Remember, the supreme leader of Iran is exactly what his name suggests: he is the “supreme leader” who rules over the nation with an iron fist. The Iranian president is essentially a figurehead in charge of the day-to-day “political game,” and, in some respects, he is the regime’s face to the world. Iran’s new face is Masoud Pezeshkian. The second thing to know about Iran’s elections is that if the mainstream media is hailing the victor as a “moderate” or “reformist,” then you can bet your bottom dollar that he is anythingbut. Masoud Pezeshkian keeps to the same old radical standard of every one of his predecessors, including the Butcher of Tehran, Ebrahim Raisi, who was killed in a helicopter crash in May alongside Iran’s Foreign Minister. There’s a great song by The Who, “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” One of the closing lines was, “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” That gives you a pretty good idea of what we are lookingat with Iran and the presidential landscape. A true so-called “reformer” would have to abandon Iran’s Terror proxies. Right? How can you call someone a “moderate” when they still desire the destruction of Israel and wholeheartedly supportthe likes of Hezbollah? The mainstream media has swallowed the Kool-Aid. They desperately want some great moderate Iranian reformer to take the helm. We’ve seen this script before. Mohammad Khatami was Iran’s president from 1997 to 2005. They hailed him as a reformer and a moderate. Hassan Rouhani, who was at the helm from 2013 to 2021, apparently was also a moderatereformer. Khatami and Rouhani were both imams who smiled for the cameras and often cloaked their radical beliefs in more pleasing-sounding language. They knew how to play the game. Sandwiched in between them was the notorious radical Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from 2005 to 2013, and after them, the Butcher of Tehran from 2021 until his demise in May 2024. They are going backand forth. A so-called “moderate reformer” followed by a hardcore fire-breathing radical. Why would Iran do this? Again, it’s all up to the Supreme Leader. When the supreme leader wants to present a certain face to the world, that will be reflected in the Iranian president. This time around is telling because Iran is sprinting to the finish linein its nuclear program. If they have a fire-breathing radical at the helm, it may result in more scrutiny of the regime. Masoud Pezeshkian is pretty much a no name with not much of a history. We don’t know a whole lot about him. He’s a 69-year-old heart surgeon, and he hates Israel—more on that in a minute. Pezeshkian is seen as a more moderate face, and Western diplomats, in addition to their compadres in the mainstream media, are ready to roll out the red carpet, “Gee, look! The Iranian regimehas moderated. They’re pretty reasonable. Pezeshkian is a nice guy; they wouldn’t want to develop nuclear weapons!” This plays right into the regime’s hands. While Pezeshkian grinning at the UN General Assembly and elsewhere in Brussels, the centrifuges are spinning in Iran’s nuclear program. The game of chess was invented in ancient Persia—modern-day Iran. The Iranians are the craftiest, dirtiest players in the game. Every move is calculated, and no one ascends to the presidencyof Iran without the blessing of the very radical, fire-breathing, apocalyptic supreme leader. The one place where these Iranian presidents will drop their guard is talking about Israel. There’s no semblance of moderation, charade, or facade when it comes to their rhetoric against theJewish State. However, Iran’s radical anti-Israel stance doesn’t seem to bother the mainstream media. You have got to love the way this article in the UK Telegraph starts, “Iran’s new moderate presidenttold Hezbollah’s leader that he will continue to support the terror group and other regional ‘resistance movements’ against Israel.” How could Akhtar Makoii, the author of this piece in the Telegraph, write that? How do you write “moderate” in the very same sentence that you say he pledges to support Hezbollah and otherterror groups against Israel? If that’s the case, then he can’t be moderate. Moderate in comparison to Ebrahim Raisi, perhaps, but radical in contrast to 99.9% of the world. The Telegraph continued, In a letter to Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader, Masoud Pezeshkian said: “The Islamic Republic of Iran has consistently supported the resistance of the regional people against the illegitimateZionist regime [Israel].” He emphasized that the support is “deeply rooted in the fundamental policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the ideals of Imam Khomeini, and the guidance of the Supreme Leader.” It marks Mr Pezeshkian’s first public statement on foreign policy since his election on Saturday. The letter suggests that Iran’s approach to regional politics and its relationship with Israel is unlikely to shift under the new administration despite Mr Pezeshkian’s moderate stance. I haven’t read anything about Pezeshkian that suggests that he is remotely moderate. He is committed to the destruction of Israel and America—you can’t be moderate and hold those views. Pezeshkian went on to say, “I am confident that the resistance movements in the region will not allow this regime [Israel] to perpetuate its warmongering and criminal policies against theoppressed people of Palestine and other nations in the region.” By “resistance movements,” he means Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, Islamic Jihad, and the Shia militias in Iraq and Syria. AKA terrorists, not resistance movements. How did he possibly gain this “moderate” and “reformist” moniker? If you’re sitting in a Western capital right now, by and large, whether it’s the UK, France, Germany, or Washington DC, you want nothing more than to appease the Iranian regime. In their heartof hearts, they know that Iran is not going to stop at its nuclear program. They know Iran has nefarious, wicked, and demonic intentions to develop nuclear weapons to destroy Israel and destroy the West. Nonetheless, the illusion of “moderate” makes them feelbetter. It’s much more pleasant to convince themselves that the threat of Iran has diminished with its new president. Western leaders are more concerned about what’s going on in the world when it fits into their great reset narrative. They would much rather enthusiastically focus their attention on proppingup the secular, socialist, and radical left-wing movements globally gaining steam. The gathering storm involving Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and terrorism is all a distraction from the greater goal of fundamentally transforming the West. The elections in Iran, the UK, France, and the United States and the move toward radical leftism hold severe ramifications for the Western World and, no doubt, Israel as well. Keep it allin prayer. In an upside-down, dark world, as believers in Jesus Christ, we need to shine light in the darkness.

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