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Friday, May 23, 2014

Morning Briefing: 5.23.14

Morning Briefing
For May 21, 2014

McConnell for Senate
Matt Bevin will not be the Republican nominee in Kentucky. As much as I wish he would be, all of us have to deal with reality. The reality is that it will be Mitch McConnell or Allison Grimes comes November. And I sure as hell don't want Allison Grimes.

So I will proudly support Mitch McConnell. I sent his campaign $250.00 today to help build the general election war chest. People tell me I'm a leader in the conservative movement. Sometimes leading means going where I'd prefer not to.

At RedState we are always for the conservative in the primary and the Republican in the general election. Mitch McConnell will be that Republican and we will help him. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Kingston, Hice, and Loudermilk
I had hoped that Karen Handel would be able to get into the runoff for the U.S. Senate in Georgia. She is a dear friend and was a great candidate. Though underfunded, she tirelessly built momentum in the final few weeks of the campaign. But Phil Gingrey was able to get enough support out of the metro-Atlanta portion of his district that it, among other things, held Karen back.

She and Steve are dear friends and I wish the very best for them.

Into the runoff, I will support my friend Jack Kingston. Jack is with us a thousand percent on every social issue out there. Jack has just been on the Appropriations Committee and his fiscal votes over the years have not been as good as I thought Handel's would be. So why not David Perdue? . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Assorted Notes on Last Night's Elections
One thing is clear, the establishment has not won a single victory this year running on their key priorities.  They have learned how to pick the lock.  Unfortunately, we are still learning how to pick their lock. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama poised to allow illegal aliens to enlist in the Armed Forces
Last week, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor announced he would not allow the ENLIST Act of California Republican Jeff Denham to be voted on. This was the culmination of an intense campaign by  Heritage Action and the Madison Project to stop this ill considered bill. Mr. Denham is, apparently, one of those Chamber of Commerce Republicans who are committed to "doing something" on immigration no matter how dumb "something" might be.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Running against the System
The latest bad-news poll for Democrats is a Politico poll of battleground states that shows Republicans leading by a historically wide margin on the generic ballot . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 20, 2014

Republican Tom MacArthur Uses Lawfare Against Steve Lonegan
Tom MacArthur is running against Steve Lonegan in the 3rd Congressional District in New Jersey. According to my friend Charles Johnson, MacArthur is suing Steve Lonegan, Lonegan's treasurer, secretary, campaign manager, consultants, researcher, Charles himself - everyone associated with Lonegan's campaign.

Why? It has to do with the Lonegan campaign distributing this news article. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Losing Oregon: Does the NRSC Vet Its Candidates?
I think the NRSC would much prefer beating up conservatives in 2014 than win the Senate. The NRSC has spent so much time and money attacking conservatives and running smear and whisper campaigns about them, we now have another candidate they did not vet.

We have lost Oregon with Monica Wehby. She seemed to be a good candidate with a great ad that neutralized her pro-choice positions. She was impressive. In fact, with a mail in election, Monica Wehby is going to be the GOP's nominee in Oregon.

Center For American Progress demands Sustainable Racism in education
Over the weekend we posted about the effort of Democrat elites to achieve 47. This would enable race baiting and racial animosity to be preserved as a governmental goal and a lucrative career path.

As this year is the 60th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court decision that outlawed racial segregation in schools based on the "separate but equal" doctrine we will undoubtedly see a bumper crop of pleas for Sustainable Racism.

An early entrant is a report from the left wing Center for American Progress called Teacher Diversity Matters: A State-by-State Analysis of Teachers of Color. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Latest Bogus Obamacare Spin: The Ad Gap
Has Obamacare been outspent on the airwaves? Only if you don't count the biggest source of Obamacare ads.

The last diehard supporters of Obamacare have a new excuse for its pervasive and persistent unpopularity: that there are just too many negative ads out there convincing Americans that Obamacare is a bad idea. But this argument is based on obviously misleading statistics.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Thad Campaign & NRSC Had Weeks to Coordinate McDaniel Attack
"It's unclear why Cochran's attorney, Don Clark, held the information for two weeks before alerting police. Clark did not respond to a request for comment." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Michelle Nunn Refuses to Say She Would Have Voted for Obamacare
Straight from the Fortress of Sanctimony, Michelle Nunn has flown out to talk about Obamacare. She says absolutely nothing other than showing her poindextery self to be one of the few Americans who comfortably uses the word "architect" as a verb. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Vine
Across the United States, the influence of the pro-abortion lobby can be seen more clearly now than ever before. In the case of newly elected Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, the investment made by Planned Parenthood is being rewarded with no attempt to hide the relationship.'s Kathryn Watson has the details on McAuliffe's move to loosen abortion clinic standards in the state after his win, which was helped by over $1.7 million in contributions from Planned Parenthood. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 19, 2014

The Rundown on the Georgia Runoff
Most political eyes will be focused on Georgia's Republican primary on Tuesday. With Mitch McConnell a sure thing for re-election at this point (though see if Bevin can break 40%, which I think he can), Georgia is where the great unknown is.

In fact, there are only three things known about Georgia's elections right now. One, the Democrats are not going to win the state in 2014. Look no further than DailyKos for the reason why. Two, David Perdue is going into the runoff. Three, turnout is going to be very low. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

People Read Blogs in Mississippi. NRSC Blames Chris McDaniel For Mississippi Literacy.
Thad Cochran is getting his butt kicked in Mississippi by conservative challenger Chris McDaniel. That has sent the NRSC and its friends into a tailspin and they are desperate to tar and feather Chris McDaniel.

Some freak in Mississippi has handed them their latest tool. By willfully ignoring the real timeline and facts, the NRSC wishes to drag Chris McDaniel into scandal and, they no doubt hope, down in the polls. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

It Is Time for Ted Cruz to Leave the National Republican Senatorial Committee
Ted Cruz is the Vice Chairman for Grassroots Outreach of the National Republican Senatorial Committee ("NRSC"). It is through that appointment that the NRSC hoped to patch up its differences with conservatives.

Instead, it is more and more clear the NRSC is both at war with those groups who support Ted Cruz and at war with those candidates most likely to assist Ted Cruz in the Senate. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Was This a Coordinated Hit on Chris McDaniel?
The Cochran campaign, DC reporters with a close relationship to the NRSC, and the Mississippi press all worked very fast to tar and feather the McDaniel campaign.

I have to wonder if this was coordinated. I ask because the situation came to light due to a press release from the Madison, MS police department. But the Madison Police Department does not issue press releases with any regularity.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

97 Days in 2 Years: Pat Roberts Rarely Goes to Kansas
"Senate records show Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., spent less than 100 days in his home state using official funds over the course of two years, an issue analysts say could inflame voters as he seeks re-election." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?'s Max Fisher: Obama's Ukraine policy is a solid B+
One of the few bright spots in the perpetual darkness (can I say that anymore? or does this doom me to a reeducation camp) that has descended on America under the kleptocratic regime of Barack Obama is watching his defenders tie themselves into knots justifying each and every boneheaded move that he makes. Benghazi, Syria, Obamacare, the IRS, the VA have all produced great examples but Ukraine tends to be the location of the Q source for lefty journalists beclowning themselves. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Michelle Obama and Eric Holder decry dangers to Sustainable Racism
Sustainable Racism, along with Cargo Cult Economics, are the philosophical mainstays of modern liberalism. What Sustainable Racism seeks to do is to keep fanning the flames of racial discord in order to provide jobs and political power for a handful of 1%, mostly very privileged blacks and Hispanics, by allowing them to act as Christ-like mediators between the average black and Latino and a system they revile as unjust. Rather than pursue that society where people are not judged by skin color, the advocates of Sustainable Racism insist that everyone is completely defined by their skin color. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 23, 2014

The World Pierces In
In 1540, Hernando de Soto marched through Middle Georgia not far from where this column originates. Just down river from where I am in Macon, Georgia, de Soto performed the first baptism in North America on the banks of the Ocmulgee River. That river cuts a lazy path through Macon and Middle Georgia.

The Ocmulgee Indian natives, over time, migrated out of the area under force from the new natives, the Americans. Those new natives lived a quiet existence where rarely, like de Soto marching through, the outside world pierced in. When Sherman marched through in the Civil War, one house in Macon suffered damage from a stray cannonball.

Before Sherman arrived, Presbyterians built their church and towering steeple, which remained the highest point in Macon until the Catholics built their beautiful gingerbread house like church, St. Joseph's. The Catholics laid early roots in the area. In 1871, five Sisters of Mercy started the Academy of the Sacred Heart Jesus, a school to teach Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish children. Their educational efforts preceded a public school system in the area. The school the Sisters of Mercy founded changed names to Mount de Sales Academy in honor of Saint Francis de Sales in 1876.

The world pierced in again in Middle Georgia at Mount de Sales Academy last week. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Tea Partiers Can Be Idiots, But McDaniel Camp Not Involved
Tea party folks in Mississippi are being rounded up for being freaking idiots. My great regret is that we do not publicly flog people anymore because these people deserve it.

But as much as the NRSC might hype this story, they will overlook one big detail:

"Michael Guest, the district attorney for Madison and Rankin counties, told Simmons that he doesn't believe anyone with the McDaniel campaign is involved." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Send In The Clowns: 84% of McDonald's Protesters Were Not McDonald's Employees
On Wednesday, the Service Employees International Union, as part of its four-year old plan to unionize the nation's fast-food workers, launched a frontal assault on McDonald's corporate headquarters in Oakbrook, Illinois.
During the event, over 100 protesters, as well SEIU boss and fast-food unionization architect Mary Kay Henry, were arrested. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Will Children be Banned From Praying at Their Graduation?
If angry atheists have their way, that's exactly what will happen.

The American Humanist Association, an angry atheist group that peruses the country for a small town to attack in its attempt to eviscerate faith from public life, has sued a Greenville, South Carolina school over a 5th Grade graduation ceremony.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama and Hillary's great Libyan adventure melts down
Obama's great Libyan experiment is taking on the air of a geopolitical Chernobyl. As we speak, US forces are being assembled to evacuate American citizens from that country . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Will John Cornyn Unite his Faction of the Party Behind GOP Platform?
With some of the primaries behind us, many within the Republican Party are calling for a unity effort to help win back the Senate in the fall.  Undoubtedly, we need to defeat Harry Reid, the worst leader of the Senate in modern history.  But we also need to unite behind the Republican platform and not use that new GOP majority to promote Obama's lame duck agenda. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 22, 2014

A Small Prayer Request
Just after the new year, I tried to explain why I write about faith more and more here at RedState. As I noted at the time, the reason I write about faith is because I need to. I spend my day being told in equal parts how awesome I am and how awful I am. I get told I need to do bigger and better things and I should be murdered on a near daily basis. I find myself often surrounded by people and things that would pull me more into the World and away from God. So I write for me and because it helps me put the world in perspective and because it puts me in perspective.

But I should admit there is a bit more to the story.

For the last two years I have felt strongly called to go to seminary. Over the past two years the number of invitations to speak at churches and to faith groups has increased along with my writing on faith issues. While the Baptist in me is always happy to get behind a pulpit, the Presbyterian (PCA) in me feels a bit awkward. And I must have an undiagnosed bit of Catholic in me because I feel a bit guilty getting behind a pulpit without an M.Div despite also wanting to be there.

I have put off the idea of going to seminary each time it has popped into my head. But in the last few months have felt more strongly convicted than ever. So I applied. Yesterday, the Reformed Theological Seminary's Atlanta campus accepted me as a student and I will begin work on my Masters in Biblical Studies. I would value and appreciate your prayers. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Jay Carney lies about the Veterans Affairs scandal
Jay Carney's smarmy mendacity is wearing on the White House press corps to the degree that one or two of them are threatening to commit journalism instead of staying in the stenographer's pool. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama: Shinseki and another incompetent boob are in charge of fixing the VA
While the Obama regime has tried to ignore its role in precipitating the massacre of Americans at our Benghazi consulate, it is having a lot less luck evading the consequences of its own incompetence in the rapidly snowballing Veterans Affairs scandal. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Does The Tea Party Need More Experienced Candidates?
This election season's primary results, in particular Mitch McConnell's lopsided trouncing yesterday of Matt Bevin, have produced their share of obituaries for the Tea Party. But the experience so far of Tea Party and other insurgent showdowns against the GOP establishment just goes to show that candidates and campaigns still matter - and that's not likely to change. While both "Establishment" and Tea Party campaigns have gotten savvier in learning how to play the primary game, we are likely for the foreseeable future to see Tea Party challengers win when they are good candidates, with some prior political experience, talent and funding - and lose when they lack one or more of those attributes. I'd like to look here in particular at the importance of political experience, and whether Tea Party campaigns has been losing races because it was running complete political novices.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Is the State Department Abandoning an American Toddler Imprisoned in Sudan?
Martin Wani, a 20-month-old American boy, is suffering in prison as his mother, Meriam Ibrahim, is shackled on death row in Sudan because she is a Christian.

Martin is a U.S. citizen, but the U.S. State Department refuses to even acknowledge this fact.  It's an unbelievable outrage on top of an already devastating situation. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Accountable government is impossible, according to liberals
No sooner did I encourage Republicans to make accountability one of their primary campaign themes then I came across Ron Fournier at National Journal tearing into lefty Ezra Klein for arguing that accountable government is a superhero fantasy . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Chamber of Commerce and Obama agree cheap foreign labor is a great idea
If you have any doubts about the reason behind the push for "comprehensive immigration reform" just look at who is pushing it. Anytime the Chamber of Commerce and the Democrat party team up the American consumer and taxpayer had better hang onto their wallets. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

If You Like the Political System You Can Keep it
The current debate within the Republican Party boils down to one question: is politics a means for promoting liberty and economic growth through the confines of the U.S. Constitution or is it an end to itself?

Democrats don't have to answer this question because their policies of creating dependency, paying off special interests, and class warfare also benefit their individual members politically and help cement their power.  They can have their cake and eat it too.. . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

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