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Friday, May 30, 2014

Morning Briefing: 5.30.14

Morning Briefing
For May 28, 2014

Good morning,

Well, the Morning Briefing certainly looks different this morning.  My computer had some "issues" and would not give me the template I always work from.  So you'll have to forgive me shaking things up a bit this morning. 

You're going to need to click either the linked text or the word "link" to get through to the story.  But you guys know that anyway.  Here now are those things I think you'll want to pay attention to:

>> Today's Sponsor
1.  The online world often gets whipped up into a frenzy that never translates offline.  But if all you do is follow twitter, you probably thing some small matter is a #REALLYBIGDEAL.  It's not. (Link)

2.  Why hasn't our managing editor, Aaron Gardner, committed mass murder.  If you believe the internet, he fits the pattern.  Except for that one thing. (Link)

3.  Believe it or not, John McCain has a good proposal to reform the Department of Veterans Affairs.  I bet Meghan McCain had nothing to do with it.  (Link)

4.  The President of Planned Parenthood thinks you should say "yes" to life, but only if you make it out of the womb alive and, probably, safely home from the hospital.  (Link)

5.  So . . . Detriot.  It's kind of like our own little third world country that we can tour without vaccinations and passports.  (Link)

6.  The Establishment's campaign strategy is pretty simple: sound like a tea party activist.  Lie through your teeth if you have to.  Just stop the tea party. (Link)

7.  The Christian lady sentenced to death in Sudan has given birth in prison.  Praise God. (Link)

8.  Breeanne Howe has another edition of the Vine out. The Vine is a great way to stay up to date on pro-life news. (Link)

Before I get out of here, congrats to John Ratcliffe, who RedState backed in Texas's 4th Congressional District.  Last night in Texas, Ratcliffe beat Congressman Ralph Hall in their runoff. It is truly the passing of an era. With Congressman Hall's departure there will be no more veterans of World War II in Congress. It's also worth noting that every candidate Sen. Ted Cruz supported in Texas won.

Okay my people.  I'm going back to bed now.  I have the shamans and the seance going on in the home office and hope to retrieve my Morning Briefing template at some point today. With my luck, that means you guys will decide you prefer this format instead.
Morning Briefing
For May 27, 2014

Another Young Man Turns Violent
Another young man has turned to violence. Stabbing some and shooting others, he wanted to exact revenge for some rejecting him.

In a "war on women" culture, some vocal voices have seized on this as what happens to men questing for a fully masculine culture. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Incompetence of Barack Obama: Outed CIA covert officer edition
This weekend Obama made a completely unnecessary trip to Afghanistan to "thank the troops." Given that Afghan President Hamid Karzai refused to meet with him, one is left with the feeling that the trip was to divert attention from the burgeoning VA scandal that has killed dozens, if not hundreds, of veterans who were unwary enough to depend upon this administration for some semblance of competence.

But the administration was given an additional chance to demonstrated its utter incompetence. The White House outed the CIA's chief of station in Kabul. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Professional Veterans and Sen. Richard Burr in cage match
North Carolina Senator Richard Burr has set off a minor firestorm by chastising the professional staff of several major Veterans Service Organizations over their lack of outrage about Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki's grotesque mismanagement of that organization. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Peter Beinart gaslights us on the attack on religion
Gaslighting: a form of psychological manipulation that occurs when an abuser makes a victim doubt their own perceptions, memories, and sanity.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Snakes On A Plane: Obama in Afghanistan edition
The sorry spectacle of Obama visiting the site of a war he chose deliberately to lose, and a country that he is willing to turn over to Islamofascist extremists, to visit troops for which he holds scarcely concealed contempt is enough to gag a maggot on a gut truck. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Anti-Science Left Keeps On Keeping On
The left often calls conservatives "anti-science." This is simply an demonstration of the psychological phenomenon of transference when a person attributes their own feelings to another. A great example of this, also from the left, is their insistence on accusing their opponents of racism while being utterly racist themselves. It is the left that does not believe life begins at conception. The left continually harangues against GMO crops which prevent massive starvation. The left seems to think that electric cars are environmentally sound despite the fact that electricity has to be generated and the batteries used in these cars creates toxic by products. The left still buys into Rachel Carlson's fradulent "Silent Spring" even though their campaign against pesticides has killed millions of people via malaria. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Thomas Piketty's book is declared Fake But Accurate
Last month the left was all abuzz about a new book written by a French (I am not making this up) economics professor who attacked wealth "inequality" as the root of all evil and prescribed confiscatory taxes on individual wealth to ensure everyone gets poorer except, presumably French economics professors and other plutocrats. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

RedState Weekly Briefing: Cochran/McDaniel Edition
In this episode of the RSWB we discuss the shennanigans over the last few weeks in the Mississippi GOP Senate primary between incumbent Senator Thad Cochran and insurgent challenger and State Senator Chris McDaniel.. . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 23, 2014

The World Pierces In
In 1540, Hernando de Soto marched through Middle Georgia not far from where this column originates. Just down river from where I am in Macon, Georgia, de Soto performed the first baptism in North America on the banks of the Ocmulgee River. That river cuts a lazy path through Macon and Middle Georgia.

The Ocmulgee Indian natives, over time, migrated out of the area under force from the new natives, the Americans. Those new natives lived a quiet existence where rarely, like de Soto marching through, the outside world pierced in. When Sherman marched through in the Civil War, one house in Macon suffered damage from a stray cannonball.

Before Sherman arrived, Presbyterians built their church and towering steeple, which remained the highest point in Macon until the Catholics built their beautiful gingerbread house like church, St. Joseph's. The Catholics laid early roots in the area. In 1871, five Sisters of Mercy started the Academy of the Sacred Heart Jesus, a school to teach Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish children. Their educational efforts preceded a public school system in the area. The school the Sisters of Mercy founded changed names to Mount de Sales Academy in honor of Saint Francis de Sales in 1876.

The world pierced in again in Middle Georgia at Mount de Sales Academy last week. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Tea Partiers Can Be Idiots, But McDaniel Camp Not Involved
Tea party folks in Mississippi are being rounded up for being freaking idiots. My great regret is that we do not publicly flog people anymore because these people deserve it.

But as much as the NRSC might hype this story, they will overlook one big detail:

"Michael Guest, the district attorney for Madison and Rankin counties, told Simmons that he doesn't believe anyone with the McDaniel campaign is involved." . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Send In The Clowns: 84% of McDonald's Protesters Were Not McDonald's Employees
On Wednesday, the Service Employees International Union, as part of its four-year old plan to unionize the nation's fast-food workers, launched a frontal assault on McDonald's corporate headquarters in Oakbrook, Illinois.
During the event, over 100 protesters, as well SEIU boss and fast-food unionization architect Mary Kay Henry, were arrested. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Will Children be Banned From Praying at Their Graduation?
If angry atheists have their way, that's exactly what will happen.

The American Humanist Association, an angry atheist group that peruses the country for a small town to attack in its attempt to eviscerate faith from public life, has sued a Greenville, South Carolina school over a 5th Grade graduation ceremony.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama and Hillary's great Libyan adventure melts down
Obama's great Libyan experiment is taking on the air of a geopolitical Chernobyl. As we speak, US forces are being assembled to evacuate American citizens from that country . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Will John Cornyn Unite his Faction of the Party Behind GOP Platform?
With some of the primaries behind us, many within the Republican Party are calling for a unity effort to help win back the Senate in the fall.  Undoubtedly, we need to defeat Harry Reid, the worst leader of the Senate in modern history.  But we also need to unite behind the Republican platform and not use that new GOP majority to promote Obama's lame duck agenda. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 29, 2014

Bipartisan Corruption in the Texas Legislature the Media Mostly Ignores
Wallace Hall is a University of Texas Regent appointed by Gov. Rick Perry. He is presently facing impeachment and possible jail time for uncovering systematic corruption in the enrollment process of the University of Texas system due to interference from members of the Texas legislature. The Speaker of the Texas House is implicated. The Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee has been forced to resign. A powerful state senator is in the crosshairs. The heads of the University of Texas may be involved. And the media, both in Texas and nationally, is largely silent. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Obama's Speech at West Point: Lies, Deceptions and Delusions
Barack Obama gave the commencement address at the United States Military Academy at West Point. While the address was billed as his "foreign policy vision" it was vintage Obama: banal, deceptive, self-serving, and partisan to the very core. Sort of a metaphor for them man himself. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

The Caged Bird Sang to Me
I never met Maya Angelou. But I admired her from afar. Some people are just worthy of praise, regardless of their positions, convictions, or titles. We should not be so counter-cultural to the present culture and politics that we as conservative are not willing to recognize that caged bird sang a melody worth humming along to even when we didn't care for the words.

The Democrats' Tactical Retreat
The Democrats have been signalling for a while now that they really have no intention to truly fight, as a party, against the Republicans. Going into the political season, they had two strategies they could have chosen from, and they chose to play it safe. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Orrin Hatch Speaks for the French Republicans
I'm sure Senator Orrin Hatch would have had the courage to make the following statement in 2012 during his contentious primary challenge.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Sudan: Torturing and Executing a Woman for Her Faith Is No Big Deal
The Embassy of Sudan has release an official public statement that torturing and executing a woman for her Christian faith isn't "violating human rights."

Earlier this month a Sudanese judge sentenced Meriam Ibrahim to be flogged and executed for her Christian faith.  She is currently on death row and just gave birth to an American girl.  Her son, an American toddler, is also imprisoned with her. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?
Morning Briefing
For May 30, 2014

Leslie Rutledge Thinks Hiring Conservatives is Discrimination
Leslie Rutledge has worked for the RNC and the NRCC. She has worked for Mike Huckabee. She's a Republican. But a lot of conservative lawyers are skittish about her being the Republican nominee for Attorney General in Arkansas.

Rutledge has, five times, voted in Democratic primaries in Arkansas. She's running against David Sterling, who never left Arkansas for the greener pastures of the RNC, and who is a committed conservative. And that is where a lot of conservatives have concerns with Rutledge.

Sterling recognizes the importance of having conservative attorneys general around the nation. He wants to make sure the Arkansas AG's office is well stocked with conservatives. But Rutledge has raised a red flag over having an AG's office stocked with conservative attorneys. She thinks it would be discrimination. Seriously. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

'She Gets Everything She Wants'
"She gets everything she wants," Jack Abramoff said in an email. He was referring to Ann Copland who spent 29 years working for Thad Cochran, working her way into the position of his Executive Assistant. An Abramoff associate was complaining that Ms. Copland wanted to see Paul McCartney, Green Day, and others. She was demanding. But she got everything she wanted because she delivered Thad Cochran's support for tax payer dollars funneled to Abramoff clients. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Media: VA Health Care is a model for the United States
This week we have seen the Inspector General of the VA deliver a devastating critique that lays direct blame for the death of some veterans on the VA's practice of denying care to veterans for prolonged periods of time in order to make their appointment wait-times look better. A whistleblower in Texas equates the VA management with a crime family. Despite the avalanche of evidence now tumbling down the figurative mountain to grim justice at the bottom, old habits on the left die hard. Yet only two days ago a seeming moron named Suzanne Gordon wrote an op-ed in the Boston Globe defending the VA. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

America is not a Dumping Ground
Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson testified yesterday before the House Judiciary Committee on issues related to immigration and border security.  There is probably no department through which Obama has pushed his lawlessness more than Homeland Security, as he has completed shredded our immigration laws and erased our borders.  . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

PatientCare: Patient-centered, market-driven healthcare
The verdict is in. Americans want full repeal of ObamaCare. We have seen the future of government-run healthcare. It is a VA hospital where even our nation's heroes learn the hard way that healthcare delayed is healthcare denied. This is the future of ObamaCare and we must repeal every single word of it. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?

Colorado's 4th CD Must Do Better Than State Sen. Scott Renfroe
Colorado's 4th Congressional District covers most of the eastern half of Colorado. It is a +12 Republican district. And frankly, it deserves better than State Senator Scott Renfroe. While there are a variety of issues with Renfroe, the largest issue for those in the rural farm land that makes up the district is the connections to New Frontier Bank [NFB] and its failure in 2009. . . . please click here for the rest of the post ?





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