Nearing Midnight: Islam's Brutality
Toward Women - Todd Strandberg -
The kidnapping of over 200 preteen girls from a school in Nigeria has sparked international outrage. The Boko Haram Islamic terrorist group triggered a global uproar when its leader, Abubakar Shekau, bragged about his plans to sell these young girls "into the marketplace" as slaves, or force them to marry by age 12.
For five years, the liberal media has largely ignored the brutal attacks that Boko Haram have been perpetrating against Christians in the northern region of Nigeria. It doesn't matter that Nigeria is Africa's most sub-Saharan populace nation, and that we import a large portion of our oil from that nation.
What forced them to take notice were protests in capitals around the globe, and a social media push that included a viral Twitter: #Bring BackOurGirls campaign.
The press is doing everything it can to isolate Islam's connection to this event. They are giving Boko Haram labels like: terrorists, extremists, and militants. Islam is the core reason why these girls were abducted. They were being educated in a school and this outraged Boko Haram, which sees the practice as a violation of Islamic law.
I do not believe there is a religion on the planet that is more brutal toward women. If I were a member of the opposite sex, my worst nightmare would be to wake-up as a victim of the Islamic world.
Feminists should be crying out from the rooftops against this sadistic faith. I can't count all the times I've seen some brainwashed mouthpiece go onto a liberal program and brag about how happy she is to be a Muslim. Surprisingly, it is atheists that are the most likely to call nonsense to this lie.
There is nothing liberating about being forced to wear a dark colored bag over your entire body, and in of all places, the hottest region on the planet. Women are not allowed to be seen in public with anyone other than their husbands or relatives. In court, a woman's testimony is worth only half of that of a man's. They are also widely barred from driving cars.
Keeping women as second class citizens requires brute force. Islamic clerics love talking about the proper way to beat their wives. If you go to YouTube and type in "Islam: How to beat your wife," you will find dozens of videos on the subject. I found one with two Arab guys claiming that women like to have a dominant male that will set them right. They even claimed that 90% of women in Britain long for a strong man to take charge. You can view the video at this link:
Probably the most disgusting offense against women is the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM). This involves the removal of all or part of the external genitalia, which is done in the name of promoting chastity. (Yes, if you don't have women sexually fixed, they will naturally turn into whores.) In Egypt, most women have experienced FGM. Each year, many of them die from an infection after having this procedure.
Another problem I have with how Islam treats women makes even less sense. A high number of Western women have been raped and then jailed for reporting the crime. For some reason, Islamic nations see sex outside marriage as a female offense. In order for the attacker to be convicted, he must confess or the crime needs to be witnessed by four adult males who confirm that a sexual assault took place.
While researching news items for this article, I ran into a story out of Turkey that spoke volumes about the Islamic world's view of women. It was about a dating show contestant who admitted to being a double murderer. Sefer Calinak, 62, was on Luck of the Draw, and he told the woman he wished to date that he had murdered his first wife out of jealousy, and later he killed his subsequent lover accidentally, "When I swung an axe at her." Calinak was sent to prison for both murders, but was released under an amnesty program. After the show, Calinak vowed not to kill his next partner.
What would make Mr. Calinak think he had any chance on a dating show? Why would he casually admit to committing the murders? What type of judge would let someone go for a double murder with the second one involving an axe?
The answer to all these questions is: Islam. This insanity is spreading rapidly all over the world. Europe is so rapidly being taking over by Sharia law, the day may soon come when all women are forced wear a scarf in public to avoid having acid thrown in their face.
With everything going from bad to worse, people who long for divine justice need to realize that the Lord has promised to destroy all the evils of this world. Since the sin of Islamic misogyny is running unchecked, I see it as a confirmation of end-times depravity signaling that God's wrath is ready to fall.
"For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. And these will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed for our testimony to you was believed" (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10).
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