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Friday, May 30, 2014

OBAMA WATCH: 5.30.14

The Occupant's rant against freedom - Bill Wilson -


According to the occupant of the Oval Office, the reason his initiatives on amnesty for illegal aliens, taxes for climate change, health care, and school children are failing is the two-party system. The "president" wants hegemony--complete supremacy--over the political process. At a May 22 fundraiser in Chicago, he focused on blaming Republicans for the gridlock and failure for his presidency to get things done, yet the underlying theme of his remarks was more about a one-party political system where his "reasonable" proposals "from the left" can be passed, funded, and implemented without question. His philosophical position on government is no less than anti-American.


When The Daily Jot covers topics such as rights to privacy, free speech, religious freedom, and government becoming as God, many people just hit the unsubscribe button. They don't want to hear it; don't believe it; don't want to deal with it. Unfortunately, all too often many Christian Americans seem to minimize the impact of government in their lives, saying we are of a heavenly government and we should not be involved in such nationalistic efforts. Citizenship in the kingdom of God and in the United States of America, however, is not mutually exclusive. That is, it is not "either-or." If citizens of the kingdom of God were demonstrating proper citizenship, the nation would have Godly leaders and good government.


Because the vast majority in this country who claim to be Christian have not exercised good citizenship in the kingdom of God, we have a president elected largely by the ungodly, and he behaves as such. He told the fundraiser in Chicago: "So the problem ... is not that the Democrats are overly ideological-because the truth of the matter is, is that the Democrats in Congress have consistently been willing to compromise and reach out to the other side.  There are no radical proposals coming out from the left." He said, "What's broken right now is a Republican Party that repeatedly says no to proven, time-tested strategies to grow the economy, create more jobs, ensure fairness, open up opportunity to all people."


This president philosophically subscribes to the Islamic Marxist form of government. It is evident in his rhetoric and his actions. This is not only anti-American, it is anti-God. We as Christian Americans must decide whether it is worth it to us to keep our nation or allow it to fall into darkness. There is this tipping point where it is up to the people to determine how they will live. Self determination is by the hand of God. There are those out there, the president and his disciples, who want to determine your life for you. As Joshua said in Joshua 24:15, "Choose you this day whom ye will serve...but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." God is a God of Freedom, but if he wants it for us more than we do, then he will surely honor our choice. Another way to put it: do you choose God or government imitating God?


Obama Recovery Shows Recession-Like Contraction In First Quarter

By conventional standards, two consecutive periods of shrinkage in the Nation's gross domestic product (GDP) indicates a recession. The Commerce Department Bureau of Economic Analysis released its revised assessment of first-quarter GDP growth on Thursday, and the numbers suggest we're halfway there.
According to the Bureau's revised analysis, the U.S. economy contracted by 1 percent in the first quarter of 2014. Thursday's revision represents a small but significant reversal of the Bureau's earlier estimate, which anticipated the economy would have grown by a stagnant .1 percent during the first quarter.
"The GDP estimate released today is based on more complete source data than were available for the 'advance' estimate issued last month," the Commerce Department stated. "In the advance estimate, real GDP was estimated to have increased 0.1 percent. With this second estimate for the first quarter, the decline in private inventory investment was larger than previously estimated."
The announcement comes on the heels of speculation among financial pundits that the news would be bad, but not that bad. Consensus among experts following last month's Commerce report was marginally more hopeful, but Thursday's report was "worse than the most pessimistic forecast in a Bloomberg survey of economists," according to Bloomberg.
The Administration of President Barack Obama has blamed the contraction on a harsh winter, and many economists indeed received Thursday's news with circumspection. "Inventories were the biggest negative, and this highlights a subtle change in how the economy works," the American Enterprise Institute's Kevin Hassett told The Washington Post. "Because of just-in-time inventory management, the economy is much more sensitive to bad weather than it used to be. Inventories are not sitting on shelves, they are in trucks. If the trucks get stuck, so does the economy."
But The Post's Jennifer Rubin followed that with this:
President Obama will no doubt claim it's because they haven't spent enough money, but that old saw isn't fooling many people. Between a high corporate tax rate that discourages investment in the United States, Obamacare (effectively taxing labor and directly taxing medical device companies), an out-of-control Environmental Protection Agency, restrictions on domestic energy development and long-term debt hanging over us, this shouldn't be a surprise.
Of course, the weather holds no influence over any of those things.
The economic contraction marks the first net decline in GDP in three years. And the GDP wasn't the only indicator that performed poorly in the first quarter: Gross domestic income shrank by 2.3 percent.

Note from the Editor: Hyperinflation is becoming more visible every day-just notice the next time you shop for groceries. All signs say America's economic recovery is expected to take a nose dive and before it gets any worse you should read The Uncensored Survivalist. This book contains sensible advice on how to avoid total financial devastation and how to survive on your own if necessary. Click here for your free copy. Click here for your free copies.
Reconciling the concept of individual sovereignty with conscientious participation in the modern American political process is a continuing preoccupation for staff writer Ben Bullard. A former community newspaper writer, Bullard has closely observed the manner in which well-meaning small-town politicians and policy makers often accept, unthinkingly, their increasingly marginal role in shaping the quality of their own lives, as well as those of the people whom they serve. He argues that American public policy is plagued by inscrutable and corrupt motives on a national scale, a fundamental problem which individuals, families and communities must strive to solve. This, he argues, can be achieved only as Americans rediscover the principal role each citizen plays in enriching the welfare of our Republic.

Take government spying seriously - Bill Wilson -

When I drive down a Maryland road where there is construction, I get angry. They have on both sides of the road SUVs bought at taxpayer expense equipped with radar and cameras. If you are going over the speed limit, they take a picture of your license plate and send you a bill in the mail. They have the same things for red lights, school zones (even when there is no school), and general traffic on high traveled roads. The city brags about how much money it has brought in since installing these cameras on public highways. I get angry because I believe it is an invasion of my privacy. Public roads are owned by the public, not the government. But the government has assumed that stewardship is ownership.
Part of where we went wrong in this country is by allowing the government to assume that it owns things. The government in of itself would not be able to have anything if not for the people it taxes. We the people pay taxes to the government and it buys stuff with those taxes, but it is a steward--not an owner--of the public trust. Notwithstanding, the trend in government is that it is the owner, provider, inspector, investigator, and arbitrator of all things. This is very dangerous because the basis of a free society rests on government being subservient to the people it governs, governing by the consent of the people. The more government is allowed to grow, the more power it assumes, the more personal it gets.
The Chicago Tribune reported a woman was cited by the Forest Preserve District for not buying a permit for a dog park because of remarks she made on Facebook. According to the story, "The citation arrived at her Bolingbrook home with a letter explaining the ticket, an application for a dog park permit as well as a copy of her social media post "admitting her guilt."" The victim of government spying had made a comment on the Whalon Park Dog Park's group page that she was glad she had not bought a pass and had not taken her dog there because of a kennel cough that had been going around among dogs frequenting that park. Eventually, the citation was withdrawn. But think of the resources spent.
If a government is so large that it is able to employ human and capital resources to the extent of assuming a citizen's guilt, locating them, and fining them without due process, that government is too big, too intrusive, and overtly tyrannical. There is no probable cause, but rather an assumption of guilt. There is no due process because the citizen is not given the opportunity to face his accuser. There is an invasion of privacy because your personal effects are being violated without warrant. It is good policy to obey the law, and to watch what you post in public forums and social media. But don't buy the lie that the government owns the public. When you do, you give up your Constitutional rights. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Don't be deceived into thinking that you are guilty until proven innocent.
Take government spying seriously - Bill Wilson -

When I drive down a Maryland road where there is construction, I get angry. They have on both sides of the road SUVs bought at taxpayer expense equipped with radar and cameras. If you are going over the speed limit, they take a picture of your license plate and send you a bill in the mail. They have the same things for red lights, school zones (even when there is no school), and general traffic on high traveled roads. The city brags about how much money it has brought in since installing these cameras on public highways. I get angry because I believe it is an invasion of my privacy. Public roads are owned by the public, not the government. But the government has assumed that stewardship is ownership.
Part of where we went wrong in this country is by allowing the government to assume that it owns things. The government in of itself would not be able to have anything if not for the people it taxes. We the people pay taxes to the government and it buys stuff with those taxes, but it is a steward--not an owner--of the public trust. Notwithstanding, the trend in government is that it is the owner, provider, inspector, investigator, and arbitrator of all things. This is very dangerous because the basis of a free society rests on government being subservient to the people it governs, governing by the consent of the people. The more government is allowed to grow, the more power it assumes, the more personal it gets.
The Chicago Tribune reported a woman was cited by the Forest Preserve District for not buying a permit for a dog park because of remarks she made on Facebook. According to the story, "The citation arrived at her Bolingbrook home with a letter explaining the ticket, an application for a dog park permit as well as a copy of her social media post "admitting her guilt."" The victim of government spying had made a comment on the Whalon Park Dog Park's group page that she was glad she had not bought a pass and had not taken her dog there because of a kennel cough that had been going around among dogs frequenting that park. Eventually, the citation was withdrawn. But think of the resources spent.
If a government is so large that it is able to employ human and capital resources to the extent of assuming a citizen's guilt, locating them, and fining them without due process, that government is too big, too intrusive, and overtly tyrannical. There is no probable cause, but rather an assumption of guilt. There is no due process because the citizen is not given the opportunity to face his accuser. There is an invasion of privacy because your personal effects are being violated without warrant. It is good policy to obey the law, and to watch what you post in public forums and social media. But don't buy the lie that the government owns the public. When you do, you give up your Constitutional rights. As Jesus said in Matthew 24:4, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Don't be deceived into thinking that you are guilty until proven innocent.





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