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Friday, November 28, 2014

The Man in Satan's Grip -

The Man in Satan's Grip - Greg Laurie - 
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him. -Isaiah 59:19
In Mark 5, the Bible tells us of a man who was possessed by demons, had superhuman strength, and was able to break chains with his bare hands. This dangerous and frightening man lived among the tombs and on the mountains.
But underneath this horrendous exterior was a tortured soul. It's a picture of Satan's ultimate goal. This is really what the Devil wants to do. He wants to destroy your life. Although it's true that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life, it's also true that Satan hates you and has a horrible plan for your life. The Devil knows his judgment is certain. He knows that Jesus is indeed coming again. For that reason, he's pulling out all the stops, redoubling his efforts.
The good news is that although the Devil may be feverishly at work 24/7, God isn't sleeping, either!
This story had a very happy ending. Jesus came into this poor, tormented man's life and made him into an altogether different kind of a person. Jesus cast out the legion of demons, which went into a herd of pigs . . . and over a cliff into the sea. It was a dramatic transformation for this man.
Jesus can transform your life, too. Let Him lift up a standard against the Enemy in your life today.

The New World Order: Does it all just boil down to a battle for your soul?

The New World Order: Does it all just boil down to a battle for your soul?
From its very inception, the Leninist/Marxist ideology of the Soviet Union made it a central priority to dispel and subjugate religious and spiritual expression. The state was "god." No other god could be allowed to flourish, for if the people were given license and freedom of belief in something beyond themselves and beyond the establishment, they would retain a sense of rebellion. The collectivist philosophy requires the utter destruction of all competitors; otherwise, it can never truly prevail.
Atheism became the cult of choice among the communists, for in an atheist world there is nothing beyond the veil. There is no greater goal and no inherent self. There is no true individualism, only the trappings of environmental circumstances and the constant substantiation of the greater good. By extension, there is no inborn moral compass or conscience, only the social fashions and mores of the moment. In such a world, tyrants reign supreme because atheism allows relativism to flourish; and any crime, no matter how heinous, can be rationalized.
The atheist position uses this same argument as a reason to remove religion and spirituality from our cultural influences. And in some respects, atheists are right. Religion is a tool that can be exploited to manipulate the masses. Any system of belief that is faith-based can be misinterpreted and abused in order to lure unwitting dupes and mindless followers into the fray of an engineered disaster. Atheists commonly argue that it is the encumbering nature of faith that causes mankind to destroy itself in the name of zealotry and self-righteous ignorance.
The difference, however, is that religious zealots are still required by the confines of their dogma to at least appear as though they follow a moral code. Therefore, they can be exposed as violators of this code and weakened over time. The atheist/collectivist system, though, thrives on the concept that there is no such thing as a moral code and that one is vindicated and heroic if he takes extreme action to prove that morality is a vice, rather than a virtue. Atheists in positions of power make no attempt to affirm their actions; rather, they demand that society abandon all conscience and sense of natural law. They do not ask for forgiveness; they order you to apologize for your moral compass.
What atheists don't seem to grasp is that atheism is itself based on an act of faith: faith in the idea that there is nothing beyond our perceptions of existence. They have no more factual knowledge of what lay at the center of life than any of the religious acolytes they so fondly attack, yet their own hypocrisy is apparently lost on them.
I would not pretend to deny that religion creates a volatile atmosphere edging toward genocidal tendencies, but so does any belief system that assumes it is the paramount of knowledge denying all others. The intellectual intolerance of the socialist atheism of the 20th century spawned a death machine that claimed the lives of millions of people. So, clearly, atheists should be more concerned with the violent tendencies of their own ilk rather than the religious "fiends" they seem so obsessed with. Of course, this is a history modern atheists would rather ignore or rewrite.
I have always been concerned with the dilemma of the collectivist ideology, but even more so in recent months, as our world creeps closer toward global crisis. Crisis always provides circumstance and cover for dangerous philosophical totalitarianism.
Not long ago I came across the column "Some Atheists And Transhumanists Are Asking: Should It Be Illegal To Indoctrinate Kids With Religion?" on Huffington Post. It was written by Zoltan Istvan, a transhumanist and self-proclaimed "visionary and philosopher."
Firstly, I have a hard time taking anything published by the Huffington Post seriously. Secondly, I have a hard time taking anyone using the name "Zoltan" seriously. Thirdly, I have a hard time taking anyone who labels himself a "visionary" seriously. That said, it is important to study the propaganda of the other side carefully. You never know what kinds of truths you might come across amid all the lies.
The article does not really define what it considers "indoctrination." But I would assume transhumanists and atheists would argue that anything not scientifically proven could become indoctrination. Interestingly, Istvan starts his tirade against the handing down of religious beliefs by admitting that science has added very little to our overall knowledge of the universe. After all, human beings experience only a narrow spectrum of the world around us, and there is indeed much we do not know. For some reason, it does not dawn on atheists that perhaps our limited scientific observations of the universe do not necessarily outweigh or deny the existence of an intelligent design.
In order to distract from their fundamental lack of knowledge, modern collectivist governments and movements have always made the promise of technological utopia and endless abundance in order to lure and sway the populace into supporting establishment power. We will all work far less, or we will never have to work at all. Shelter, food and wealth will be provided for us. Our free time will be spent studying the nature of the cosmos and perpetuating the cult of academia, protected by a benevolent technocratic governing body straight out of an episode of "Star Trek."
Not surprisingly, John Maynard Keynes himself predicted in 1930 that technological advancement and economic abundance would result in a three-hour workday and infinite time to amuse oneself by the year 2030 in his essay "The Economic Possibilities For Our Grandchildren."
This was the same essay in which Keynes referred to the concerns of many at the onset of the Great Depression as "misinterpretations" and "pessimism."
Transhumanism, a mainstay of global elitism and the New World Order, also uses fantastical images of scientifically created contentment to sell itself to starry-eyed rubes packed into the circus tent of the technocratic carnival. The very essence of the movement is the argument that one day all knowledge of the universe will be obtained by mankind and that through this knowledge, we (a select few anyway) will obtain godhood.
Again, as in the Huffington Post column, the claim is that science knows all or will eventually know all and that whatever has not been dissected and observed by science like the conceptions of religion must, therefore, be dubious myth.
Ironically, there is far more scientific evidence of God and spiritual life than there is evidence against. So by the very standards many atheists hold dear, it is they who are peddling indoctrination rather than truth.
In the world of mathematics, the good friend of Albert Einstein, Kurt Godel, is famous (but not as famous as he should be) for writing what would be called the "incompleteness proof." In mathematics, a proof is a statement that is always true and can always be proven true. Godel's proof shook the very foundations of the mathematical world, because it outlined the fact that all mathematical knowledge is limited by numerical paradox, and that humanity will never be able to define all things through mathematical means.
Global elites such as Bertrand Russell had spent years of effort attempting to prove that mathematics was the unbridled code of the universe and that the universe could be understood in its entirety through the use of numbers. Godel shattered this delusion with his incompleteness proof, establishing once and for all that math is limited, not infinite. The existence of mathematical paradox along with an undefinable "infinity" lends credence to the religious view that there are indeed some things man will never know, but at least he has the ability to prove that he can never know them.
In the world of quantum physics, the work of Werner Heisenberg, along with that of many other scientists, has shown that the very mechanics of the world around us are not at all what they seem and that traditional physics is only a hollow shell of knowledge limited by our ability to observe.
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle dictates that the observer of a particular physical state always affects the object being observed, making it impossible to know all the data necessary at one time to predict the future of that object. If a person hoped to become a god, he would certainly need to be able to tell the future; and to tell the future, one would need the ability to observe and record every aspect of every particle interacting in the environment around him. Any unknown quantity could change the outcome of any particular event. Heisenberg found that particles act very differently depending on how they are observed. In some experiments, he even discovered that individual particles appeared to be in two places at the same time, thus making them wholly unpredictable.
This behavior in the building blocks of matter is confounding to many in the realm of physics. Add to it the fact that scientists remain fixed on an endless and apparently futile quest to find the base particle that makes up the universe, and once again we find that the dreams of the transhumanist atheists to attain godhood fall terribly short.
In the realm of psychology, Carl Gustav Jung discovered through decades of research the existence of inborn psychological contents. That is to say, from the moment of our birth, human beings contain elements of knowledge and identity, meaning we are not merely products of our particular environments. Jung called these pieces of inherent information "archetypes."
The most important aspect of archetypes for our discussion is the existence of opposing views, or "dualities." The concepts of good and evil, the concepts of conscience as well as guilt and regret, are not necessarily taught to us. Rather, we are born with such elements already within us. The fact that we are born with an at least unconscious understanding of good versus evil means we have the potential power of choice, a power beyond the realm of environment and beyond the reach of would-be tyrants and collectivists. If this does not constitute scientific evidence of a human "soul," then I do not know what does. The fact of archetypes is undeniable. The question is: Since they do not come from environment, where do they come from?
Istvan's column doesn't mention or regard any of the scientific evidence for the existence of an intelligent design. He merely argues that science is the only definable known quantity, and only the known quantity is an acceptable form of belief. But what if the known quantity is so limited as to make a society dangerously ignorant?
The article goes on to promote (somewhat shamelessly) the author's book, in which the hero, a transhumanist atheist, is given the power to reshape society into any form he wishes. The hero questions whether he should remove religion from the picture entirely, for if religion were erased, wouldn't the world finally be at peace? Istvan himself questions whether religious expression should be banned in the case of children, so that they are given the chance to "choose" what they wish to believe later in life. This, of course, disregards the fact that children are already born with the prospect of choice, which is why many children who grow up Christian do not practice it later in life, and why many children from atheist homes end up joining religious movements. The idea that all children are permanently damaged by their parent's unchecked beliefs is complete nonsense.
What the author reveals in his work of fiction is the greater threat of the atheist and transhumanist ideology - namely, the arrogant assumption that they know what is best for the world and the public based on their scientific observations, which are limited and often misinterpreted. This problem extends into the oligarchy of globalists, who adore the theories expressed in Plato's "The Republic," in which an elite cadre of "philosopher kings," men who have achieved a heightened level of academic knowledge, are exalted as the most qualified leaders. However, leadership requires more than knowledge, even if that knowledge is profound. Leadership also requires compassion and informed consent, two things for which the elites have no regard.
The New World Order, an ideal often touted by globalists and defined by their own rhetoric as a scientific dictatorship in which collectivism is valued and individualism is criminalized, seems to me to be - in its ultimate form and intention - a battle for the human soul. They try to convince us that there is no such thing, that there is no inborn conscience, that there is a rationale for every action, that spiritualism is a frivolous and terroristic pursuit, and that cold logic and science, as defined by them, are the paths to prosperity and peace. They also seek to tempt the masses with imaginary stories of attainable godhood and artificial Eden, promises on which they can never deliver.
The reactionary responses to my criticisms of the elitist philosophy will likely involve endless renunciations of crimes committed in the name of religious fervor. I agree; religion has always been exploited, usually by the elites themselves, to enslave as well as to murder. Even today, I hear some so called Christians argue in favor of genocide using half-baked interpretations of biblical reference. But at bottom, I much prefer a world in which religious expression is free, rather than abolished in the name of an overarching zealotry in the form of mathematical morality. I prefer a world where the spiritual side of existence is allowed to add to observational experience. Logic alone is not wisdom, after all. Wisdom is the combination of reason, intuition and experience.
I refuse to live under any form of theocracy, whether religious or scientific. The idea that we must choose between one or the other is a farce - a controlled debate. The individual soul (or whatever you want to call it) is the only thing that matters. It is important that we never forget that when we fight against the NWO, we are not just fighting for liberty; we are also fighting for something profoundly and inherently spiritual. Though we might not be able to define it, we can feel it. And that is enough.
-Brandon Smith

"Will The Master Find You Watching?"

"Will The Master Find You Watching?"- By Bobby Blanton - 

"Jesus is coming soon!" they have boldly proclaimed. And the truth is, people in each generation before us, who were convinced that they would be the last, were obviously wrong.
We've heard all of this before and most have grown weary and tired of any conversation or warnings about end times:
"My preacher doesn't preach about it, the Sunday school teacher doesn't teach about it, so why should I even think about it? Weren't we told that no man would know the day or hour? That ought to settle it. And Hal Lindsey, is he even still living? Hand me the remote please!"
Hold on, don't change that channel just yet. Can we really know? Are we really at the very end of days? It's an important question and one I believe the Bible answers clearly, so let's begin...
Jesus gave us an important end-time prophecy shortly before His crucifixion, which is recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Jesus' disciples wanted to know what to watch for...
"Tell us when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?" (Matthew 24:3). 
Jesus responded with a somber warning: "Watch out that no one deceives you." Jesus knew that His answer held eternal consequences and wasn't suggesting that we be passive spectators. No, He was commanding us to stay wide awake as we watch for certain signs-clear indications that would alert us to His soon return.
Matthew, a Jewish tax collector and disciple of Jesus, penned it this way:
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house be broken into. So you also must  be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him" (Matthew 24: 42-44). 
That's about as clear as it gets! I hope you agree.
How about another Jewish disciple, Mark. What was his message? Glad you asked...
"Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you,  this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Therefore  keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back-whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to  everyone: 'Watch!'" (Mark 13:28-30, 35-37). Is that clear enough? It should be.
And Luke, the doctor, the gentile Christian, what was his take? Again, glad you asked...
"Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man" (Luke 21:36).
The Bible speaks volumes about the uncertain times in which we live and the Lord does not want any of us to be unprepared: Watch, pay attention, be alert, be vigilant, on guard, focused and fully awake! Could His instruction be any clearer? How prepared is this world for "the Lord Himself to come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God?" (1 Thess. 4:16).
Many recent headlines and significant events that have come to pass in both this nation and around the world should draw us into God's Word to help us sort it all out. But I don't see that happening, I see a world asleep to the realities of what the Bible says, the masses seemingly without even a clue. So what are we watching for? What are our greatest clues? For those of us who are paying attention, the evidence just keeps mounting and escalating, both in intensity and frequency.
And it all begins and ends with Israel, the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish people. For the end to come and any of this matter, He who scattered the Jews had to bring them back into the land and make them a nation again, 1948, check. Jerusalem had to become whole again under Jewish sovereignty, 1967, check. The primary "sign" that would mark the end of the age was in place, the "fig tree" had re-blossomed and we would know that summer is near!
The birth pangs could begin! Now, can you tell me what day of any week that there isn't an international news story surrounding this tiny nation? Jerusalem has become "a stone too heavy and the whole world is reeling over Jerusalem" (Zech. 12:3). The attention of the world remains riveted on "dividing" the land of Israel and the diplomatic effort is being led by President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry. 
We continue to watch a world that is enthralled in wars and rumors of wars. Islamic terrorism is the new norm in the Middle East. ISIS through evil, horror and beheadings has consolidated borders of a new "caliphate" and have their eyes set upon Jerusalem. Ayatullah Khamenei threatens to annihilate Israel and marches Iran defiantly toward a nuclear bomb. Putin continues to flex his muscles after leading Russia to take over Crimea in Ukraine. Where will he end? I think I know where, because God has told us-in Ezekiel 38.
The United States of America, led by Barack Hussein Obama, has embarked upon a course to challenge and redefine God's family order, and now it's a race toward all 50 states with new gay marriage laws. He has methodically and dangerously led this nation to a diminished stature as a world superpower. But the greatest danger is that there's a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him.
We have removed God and prayer from our children in schools and are shocked at the breaking news of yet another tragic shooting. How about the unprecedented increase in violent earthquakes and volcanoes all over the world? Ebola, drought, famine, where does it end? The headlines paint a picture of a world feeling birth pangs.
And then there is the unmistakable sign of the false teachings coming from so many churches. No need to teach truth or sound doctrine, it might offend or convict someone of sin and a need for the Savior. To stay relevant in a changing world, many will marry same-sex couples, ordain homosexual clergy, and by the way-there's no need to talk about repentance. 
Are they serious?
God help us!
He said that: "Day" would not come except there be a falling away first (2 Thess. 2:3.) That falling apostate church has arrived and is on full display.
And then there are the signs coming out of the heavens. God is aligning the sun, moon, and stars for an extremely rare tetrad of four blood moons in 2014 and 2015 that all appear on Jewish Feast days and also during a Shemitah year.
We are there folks. For the first time in 2000 years, you and I are seeing the many signs of a generation that the Hebrew prophets spoke of long ago. Thousands of years of Jewish history is about to reach its final climax, and we have a front row seat. Something big is about to happen that will change the course of world history.
Let's get personal for a moment...What road is your life on? What map are you using to get to the right gate? What God is your life serving? Your answers and your testimony matter, and the One and Only, "I AM" God suggests the following...
"Be dressed ready for service and keep your lamps burning, like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes" (Luke 12:35-37).  
God Bless,

Has World War 3 Begun?

Has World War 3 Begun? - By David Dolan - 

When I spoke recently at a church in the American Pacific Northwest, where I am now residing after living in Israel for 33 years, I told my audience about a word I shared last January at a Messianic congregation just outside of New York City.  The congregation is headed by Jonathan Cahn who authored the best selling Harbinger novel.  As most of you will know, the novel focuses on possibly pending divine judgment upon America.  I am scheduled to speak at Jonathan's congregation once again this coming January 16th and 18th.
My message last January concerned a word that I perceived the Sovereign Lord had shared with me during a time of prayer in late 2013.  I was told to warn the congregants that the year 2014, then just beginning, would end up closely resembling 1914.  That was when the "Great War"-later renamed World War One-broke out in central Europe.
With less than two months left before we move into 2015, I am not alone in strongly suspecting that several international developments currently unfolding may indeed be presented in future history books (if any are written that is!!) as the genesis of new global war.  Commenting recently on the mounting evidence that the world is sliding toward another multi-nation conflict, American Jewish political activist Noam Chomsky predicted it would most likely "spell the end of the human race."  Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev echoed this, saying the deteriorating global situation is becoming more ominous every day.
Two jarring international developments this year may well be setting the explosive fuel in place for a new worldwide conflagration that could eventually make the huge death tolls in both earlier world wars pale by comparison. The first development is the rapidly escalating Russian aggression in south central Europe and elsewhere around the globe. This comes as the increasingly dictatorial Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, continues his apparent efforts to resurrect the collapsed Soviet empire.  His actions have already led to a new East-West "cold war." Many political analysts are warning that Putin's aggressive moves up until now may signal his willingness, if not intention, to take his homeland and the planet into yet another global conflagration, probably involving nuclear exchanges.
In his most recent moves, Putin has been clearly testing the Western will to confront his escalating military aggression by moving undisguised Russian soldiers and equipment into the eastern portion of Ukraine.  You will recall that earlier this year, the Russian leader seized control over the country's strategically located Crimea Peninsula, which has given Moscow another major naval port on waters close to the Middle East.
Reported Russian government hacking of American web sites, some of them connected to the American military, is another sign that a "hot" war may be brewing between NATO forces and Putin and his Kremlin comrades.  Many other things too numerous to mention here, including Russian air force violations of NATO airspace, are also pointing to the apparent fact that Putin is dangerously beating the drums of war.  Among the most ominous air force operations carried out this year was a mock attack upon a heavily populated Danish island.  Just today (Nov 17) NATO F-16 warplanes were scrambled to intercept a Russian SU-27 jet fighter that was heading for NATO airspace near Latvia.
In a clear revelation that the Putin regime is planning to expand its military might all over the earth, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced in mid November that he has ordered Russian air force long-range bombers to begin operating not far from the United States' western, eastern and southern coasts. He told reporters in Moscow that "In the current situation, we need to secure our military presence in the western part of the Atlantic, eastern part of the Pacific oceans and the waters of the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico."  While the Obama administration dismissed the planned flights as legal if carried out over international waters, there have already been several Russian violations of American airspace reported this year on top of those aimed at several European countries.
The second jarring development is, of course, the lighting-like military expansion of the Al Qaida based "Islamic State" terrorist movement.  Although many people were not aware of the group before this year, I began doing periodic Eye On The Middle East radio reports on the group's growing power and influence over two years ago.  Although the Sunni Muslim jihadist militia has its roots in Iraq, it earlier metastasized in both size and strength while aggressively operating in many portions of war-torn Syria.
Many Mideast security experts say Islamic State's ability to fight and grow in Syria was at least partly the result of earlier inaction by Barack Hussein Obama to take concrete steps to enforce his own repeated statements that Syrian dictator Bashar Assad must be quickly removed from power.  In mid November, Kurdish military commanders battling Islamic State jihad warriors reported that the militant militia has now grown to some 200,000 men, which if true would make it one of the largest armed forces on earth.
Instead of ISIS or ISIL or simply IS, I prefer to call the Islamic State group "ITS" for "Islamic Terrorist State," which is certainly what the growing group's heinous practices reveal it to be.  For one thing, Isis is the name of an Egyptian "goddess" who was widely worshiped as the ideal wife and mother in the ancient world, and is still revered by contemporary woman who engage in witchcraft. The English acronym ISIL, which the Obama government has adopted for use, stands for "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant."  It sounds too much like "weasel" to me, but at least that hints at what the group acts like, with one encyclopedia describing weasels as having "a reputation for cleverness, quickness and guile."
As all know by now, Islamic State commanders-many of whom worked hand in hand with Western coalition forces during the long war that began with Saddam Hussein's ouster in early 2003-have proved to be extremely brutal in the conduct of their military conquests, mostly of Sunni Muslim communities.  Their methods were even considered too extreme by their Al Qaida mentors, although the notorious group founded by the late Osama Bin Laden is now actively supporting Islamic State operations, as are a growing number of Muslim terrorist groups around the Middle East and North Africa.  Reports say the number of foreign recruits heading to the region to fight in the intensifying conflict is rapidly rising at present, foreshadowing much more violence and warfare ahead.
On November 10, five Al Qaida-linked jihadist groups in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya and Algeria released statements declaring their undying allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi, the self proclaimed "caliph" of the expanding territory controlled by his blood thirsty Sunni Muslim forces.  This came amid news reports that the clerical terrorist leader might have been killed or wounded by an American airstrike in northern Iraq.  However in a subsequent Islamic Stare video recording, Al Baghdadi mentioned developments that occurred several days after the airstrike took place.  More ominously, the "caliph," echoed Bin Laden by calling upon Muslims in Saudi Arabia to rise up and toss out the Saudi family regime that has ruled the Muslim holy land since the 1920s.  He also warned that Americans would soon be attacked at home while urging all Muslims living around the world to "explode volcanoes of jihad" in their own regions.
The largest and most dangerous group that pledged active support for the Islamic State's declared goal of establishing a caliphate over the entire Middle East-including Israel-is the Egyptian terrorist group known as Anssar Bait Al Maqdis, which roughly translates into English as "Supporters of the Islamic Shrines in Jerusalem."  The terrorist group has been increasingly active since former Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi was tossed out of power by the US-backed Egyptian military in July 2013.  Based in the lawless Sinai Peninsula abutting southern Israel, the terrorist militia has launched rockets into the Jewish State on several occasions while more frequently attacking Egyptian security forces stationed in the area.
So as something approaching World War Three is seemingly beginning, earth's only Jewish-run country is now surrounded by Islamic State jihad fighters located to the north in Syria, to the east in Iraq, to the south in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, and to the west in Libya, not to mention Hamas in the Gaza Strip, Hezbollah to the north in Lebanon, and its main patron, the "Shiite Republic of Iran" to the east.  Coming on top of the continuing threats of annihilation emanating from Tehran and now also from the Islamic State movement, tiny Israel is facing the growing likelihood of a major conflict involving pumped up jihad Muslim fighters from all over the turbulent region and the world.  Before then, the relatively moderate Hashemite government in neighboring Sunni Muslim Jordan will undoubted be targeted by Islamic State commanders.
As I have shared in the past and wrote about extensively in my 2001 book Israel In Crisis, I believe such a war will probably be the fulfillment of a prophecy found in Psalm 83.  It basically foretells that Jordan and other surrounding Arab countries, including Syria and Iraq (which are referred to by the ancient name of Assyria which stretched across the territory of both modern Arab countries) will jointly attack Israel in an attempt to "wipe them out" as a nation.  However the Arab world's largest country, Egypt, where the American backed military is now once again in firm control, is not mentioned as part of the genocidal conspiracy.  This means that the apparent end-time prophecy (since no such joint regional conspiracy or attack is recorded in ancient history) was not fulfilled in the wars of 1948, 1967 and 1973 when Egypt was the largest enemy force.
Meanwhile Muslim terrorist assaults have sharply escalated this year inside of Israel and the disputed territories, where evidence is mounting that a third Palestinian attrition war "uprising" has begun.  The main perpetrators of the attacks are followers of the extremist Hamas movement, based in the Gaza Strip.  Now part of the Palestinian Authority government, the Sunni Muslim terrorist group, which often rivals the Islamic State movement in its sheer brutality, has been egged on by PA leader Mahmoud Abbas, Israel's supposed "peace partner." He recently called for all Muslims to "rise up and defend" the supposedly endangered Islamic shrines on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.  The spreading canard that the Netanyahu government is preparing to change the existing status quo on the site sacred to three world religions, which currently only allows for Muslims to openly pray on the Temple Mount, is widely believed in the Muslim world.
During my first years in Israel in the early 1980's, I learned something from Hebrew University Professor Moshe Sharon, an expert on Islam, that has stuck with me ever since.  He noted that a close study of Islamic history demonstrates that when Muslim armies were winning significant victories, or at least appeared to be, their leaders had a fairly easy time recruiting additional jihad fighters since it seemed "apparent" that Allah was siding with them. When the opposite was the case, Muslim military commanders tended to quickly back off and go quiet.
In the modern context, this was most evident after the near Arab-Muslim triumph in the early stages of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.  Despite the fact that the attacking Arab armies were strongly buttressed by the Soviet Union superpower, the end result was yet another humiliating rout for them.  No other major Arab country has launched a full on military assault upon the Jewish State since then, although Saddam did send some of his Soviet-built Scuds Israel's way in 2003 and many skirmishes have taken places with the Lebanese Hezbollah militia, Hamas, the PLO and other non-state Muslim terrorist forces. 
The Kremlin already has alliances with Iran and Syria.  Vladimir Putin has been busy trying to woo the Egyptian government away from American influence, but experts say that is unlikely to go very far.  However like Adolph Hitler did with the Palestinians and various Arab countries, Putin may well decide to join forces with Islamic State warriors since he shares common enemies with them in the Middle East and the West.  Very few Americans expected in the 1930s that in the midst of a new global conflict, President Franklin Roosevelt would forge an alliance with the brutal Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin, but it happened.
What roles would nuclear armed North Korea and Pakistan play in a new world war?  What about China, India, Japan and Brazil?  Only the future can say.  One thing is clear: With the world's population continuing to explode like never before in history, placing increasing strains on fresh water supplies and many other things, any new international conflagration will be horrendous at best.
Both Russia and the Islamic State group are clearly on a roll, and I believe the result will most likely be a third world war that will probably usher in the final world ruler known to Christians as the Antichrist.  In the meantime, I expect ever growing chaos, terrorism, and economic collapse will engulf all parts of the planet, partly fueled by America's declining power and influence that has become especially evident under the current President's six year rule. While the "Great War" that began exactly one century ago ended with a deadly worldwide flu plague, this one seems to be beginning with a far more vicious virus spreading fast in parts of Africa, while also now popping up in other continents as well.
As the biblically prophesied "end of days" appears to be rapidly approaching, may our Gracious God literally bring us to our knees so that we will cry out to Him like never before!  As we do so, let us remember that we are not to fear what people in the world can do to us, but to fear the Lord who created and redeemed us: "It is the Lord your God who you should regard as holy.  And He shall be your fear.  And He shall be your dread.  Then He shall become a sanctuary (Isaiah 8:13).

What Do Muslims Really Mean When They Invoke the Name of Jesus?

What Do Muslims Really Mean When They Invoke the Name of Jesus? - By Matt Ward - 

 Recently, Christian leaders in America allowed a Muslim imam to lead an Islamic service at the National Cathedral. Leaders of both Houses of Congress stood in solemn silence, heads bowed reverently and respectfully as the names of Allah and Mohammed were venerated in America's foremost Christian house of worship.
 Many probably even thought there are similarities between the God of their forefathers and those of their Islamic guests. Many have said openly that both Islam and Christianity worship the same God, and follow the same Jesus.
 But they are ill informed. What do Muslims really mean when they venerate and highly esteem Jesus or Isa (as he is known within Islam)?
 Well, first understand the basics. Muslims do not believe that Jesus died on the cross. Nor do Muslims believe that Jesus is the penal substitution for your sins and mine. In fact Muslims believe that Jesus was rescued from death by Allah and ascended into heaven in a rapture like event and there he waits, eager to come back and finish his work on earth. 
 Muslims do believe in the Second Coming of Jesus, a fact that surprises many Christians. In truth and much to our shame, there are many more Muslims anticipating the return of their Jesus today than there are Christians expecting the real Jesus. However, this is where the similarity ends. 
 In the Islamic tradition, their Jesus has certain very specific goals to achieve upon his return. According to Islam, "Jesus" will return to a place just outside of Damascus-to a mosque, and when he does return, he will return to meet the Islamic Mahdi ( the Twelfth Imam, the great Awaited One), who will be leading a vast army.
"Jesus" will declare himself to be a Muslim and will be asked to lead prayers by the Mahdi, but he will refuse, deferring instead to the Mahdi for this privilege. The Mahdi will lead the prayers and "Jesus" will stand behind him in deference. 
 Once "Jesus" has made Hajj to Mecca his primary goal then will be to institute and oversee the implementation of Sharia Law throughout the world. It will be this Islamic version of Jesus who holds the Christian nations accountable for falsely believing he is the messiah, and not Allah.
 If they will not convert immediately to Islam it will be their Jesus who will slaughter all Christians and comprehensively bring an end to Christianity. This Jesus will then eliminate all other world religions in favor of Islam. In fact, this Jesus will be the greatest Muslim evangelist of all time.
 The Islamic Jesus' other primary role will be to confront and kill the Dajjal, the Islamic antichrist, along with all of his followers.
All of Dajjal's followers are Jews. 
 This is what in part accounts for such hatred of the Jews in the Islamic world today, among other things. It will be this Jesus who leads the final "crusade" against the Jewish nation. In Islam, it will be this Jesus who will bring them to the sword and brings an end to their nation.
 Once this is accomplished "Jesus" will marry and have children, after which he will die, be buried and be mourned amongst the children of Islam.
 There are striking similarities between the Jesus of Islam and the False Prophet of the Bible. Their roles are almost identical. The same can be said of the Islamic Mahdi and the forthcoming biblical Antichrist.
This is the Jesus and the belief system that was brought into the National Cathedral. (One that anticipates the coming of the man of sin), the son of perdition, not the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
 And therein lies the fallacy of Islam. And therein is the fallacy of all hybrid notions of religion like "Chrislam." The Jesus of Islam is not the Jesus of the Bible, so why at the inauguration of President Obama in 2008 did Rick Warren, "America's Pastor," offer prayers " the name of Isa?"
Why are the air waves and bookstores full of work by Christian leaders who are busy promoting efforts to find  common ground between Islam and Christianity? How can there possibly be common ground between the two?
 The Jesus of Islam is not the Jesus of the Bible. There is no forgiveness of sins, there is no reconciliation to an Almighty God because there is no propitiation for sins committed.
 Isa is not the Jesus of the Bible. 
 Isa is not the Anointed One of the Lord God Almighty, he is not the Son of Man envisioned by the prophet Daniel. He is not the One looking "as if he had been slain" presented to the Ancient of Days. He is not the one in heaven who "all the elders fell down and threw their crowns at His feet" nor the One that the whole heavenly host prostrated themselves before in worship.  
 Nor is Isa the same Jesus who walked the shores of the Sea Galilee two thousand years ago bringing sight to the blind, healing the sick, making the lame walk again, empowering the dumb to bring praise to the God of all creation. Nor is Isa the Jesus who raised little Jairus' daughter from the dead and then gave her a cuddle.
 Isa cannot take your sins nor give you relief or comfort if you are suffering, nor would he want to. Isa is not Jesus, the Messiah, the living Christ and our great High Priest. He is not the Son of the living God. Isa is a false Jesus, a replica, a replacement, an empty white washed tomb with empty hope on the outside and inside filled with utter desolation.
 The real Jesus is the man who says to you today, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). 
 It is this Jesus who proclaims, "All that the Father giveth Me shall come to Me, and him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out" (John 6:37).
 This is the real Jesus. The Jesus who was hammered onto a cross, hoisted up and agonized for hours so that you and I could live. So that you and I could be sons and daughters of the living God, heirs of salvation with Him.
 Jesus, the true Messiah tells us plainly, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me" (Revelation 3:20).
 The question asked by the man in prison in the book of Acts is that echoed truly by every human heart, "What must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:30).
 The response is always the same, "...He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him" (John 3:36).
 The Islamic Isa is not Jesus Christ.
 Please tell me our Christian leadership understand this... 

God's Word Shall Not Pass Away -

God's Word Shall Not Pass Away - Ron & Nathele Graham - 
How often have we made the statement "Nothing lasts forever"? Shoes wear out, a car rusts away, a house deteriorates, and so on. Even this old world will one day pass away. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Matthew 24:35. Although everything as we know it will one day pass away, we can be assured that God is eternal and His word will live forever. The Greek phrase "ou me" is translated "not" and it is emphatic. It means "never, certainly not, not at all, buy no means".  Too often man wants to change or disregard God's word, but nothing can diminish God's is eternal. God not only established His word as eternal but also His Children are eternal. We born again believers in Christ, are eternally established in His Kingdom. Praise God!
It is hard to get our minds around the fact that one day the Heavens and Earth will be completely destroyed, yet the Creator of the universe has declared it so. Our peace comes from knowing that no matter what else passes away, His words will not... nor shall we, His children. In his second letter, Peter also states that Heaven and Earth will be destroyed. "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up...Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?" 2 Peter 3:10 & 12.If everything that we now observe as physical is dissolved with fervent heat then how will God's word be preserved? As the children of God, we should have His word embedded in our hearts and in our minds; many of us fall short in this regard. Peter tells of Heaven and Earth being destroyed, but he also tells us what to do with God's word. "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:" 1 Peter 3:15. God's word has endured since the beginning of time and is recorded in both the Old and New Testaments. Have you studied the Bible so that it lives in you? Sanctify His word in your heart and always be ready to give a God-inspired answer to anyone who asks about your faith.
Jesus is God. Born again believers know this is a fact and are not ashamed to proclaim that truth. Jesus knew that His words would be preserved throughout all eternity within His redeemed. Many people believe that there will always be the written word of God available to mankind, but this is not necessarily the case. Today there are many websites that give great insight into God's word, but what if the internet goes down? When that happens, and it will, a good resource of Bible knowledge will be lost. What then? You need to have at least one Bible near you at all times. A good concordance is also important in order to look up the English words in Hebrew and Greek because there is a deeper meaning to God's word when understood in the original languages. It is important to have a sound knowledge of God's word. Study and learn, then share with others. Sanctify God in your hearts as Peter encouraged, and even if the internet isn't there or you don't have a Bible with you, you will still be able to answer any question that is put to you regarding Jesus.
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it." Amos 8:11-12.  God will send a famine in the land that will result in people seeking His truth but not finding it. How is that possible? Every Christian home surely must have multiple copies of God's word lying around. Some of those Bibles do little more than collect dust, but nonetheless they are there. Remember what happened in Nazi Germany in regards to the word of God? Bibles were confiscated and burned. God's word will never pass away, and burning our Bibles or not having the internet will not negate or destroy God's word. God's word will endure for eternity.
"In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst." Amos 8:13. Today we see young people, and even older people, at a loss to find meaning in life. So many people today turn to drugs, alcohol, homosexuality, or witchcraft in search for a meaning to life. Are we in the days when there is a famine for hearing the words of the LORD? Everywhere we look God's word is being altered in order to make it more "user friendly". If God's word is diminished by man then it ceases to be the truth and will not satisfy. The fair virgins and young men will seek to have their thirst for the truth quenched, but their thirst will not be quenched. Jesus said "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." Matthew 5:6. People are searching for something more than the shallowness of sin, but are we Christians offering the Living Water and the Bread of Life? Are we withholding God's word from the lost souls of this world and thus allowing them to die of thirst? God's word will never pass away but it needs to be shared in order to give life to those who are searching.
As His children we have a responsibility to learn all we can about God and His word. We must memorize it, understand it, and share it.  If our Bibles were confiscated today, how many of us could still preach the Gospel to all nations using actual scripture verses? How many of us can explain the Gospel to someone who asks us about the hope within us?There must come a time in every Christian's life when all the outside worldly distractions are laid aside, and God and His word become the paramount influence in our lives. This is especially imperative now that we are so near to Rapture. Times will become more dangerous for the Christian and we can already see governments and radical religious groups trying to destroy God's word. It is illegal in many countries to have a Bible and even in America Satan is making an all out attack on it and so called Christians are allowing it to happen. I suggest we all begin to memorize God's word in order that we can share it from our heart. God's word will never pass away and we must do our part to tell the lost of God's love.
Considering that God says there will be a famine of His word in the last days, how can we ignore the fact that this famine has already started? God's inerrant truth is being openly attacked. When God gives us His prophetic word that says His words will go missing in the last days He's not kidding. We can already see the corruption of His word by means of false teaching and various Scriptures being re-interpreted in order to condone sin, but that won't stop the forward motion of prophecy. These days it seems that everything has an agenda of malevolent intent designed to lead people away from God and away from His word. Television, music, our education system, etc. all promote ideas and themes that are against God and His word. This all is leading people away from adhering to God's truth. What we see happening is an attack on the true word of God. We must understand that the true word of God ultimately resides in the minds and hearts of His redeemed. When the Rapture occurs where will God's word be then? We will take it with us into eternity and there will be an even more devastating famine of God's word in this world which will soon face the wrath of God. Yet God always preserves a remnant to preach His word. 
God has given us prophecy in His word and allows those prophecies to be fulfilled. Everything today is falling precisely into place just as God said it would. We are being programmed to accept abnormal behavior as normal; we are being desensitized to what is against God's laws as described in His word. This is more evidence that the Rapture is very near, and then comes tribulation like nothing that has ever been seen on earth before. "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." Matthew 24:21. The very near future is focused on re-inventing man - humans being changed into hybrids that will no longer be fully human. This is not a conspiracy theory; with very little research you can find information about this. Through it all God will preserve His word. God will seal 144,000 Jews who will be sealed prior to going into the tribulation period "And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel." Revelation 7:4. There will also be two witnesses "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." Revelation 11:3. They will prophesy speaking God's words. Yes, God's words are eternal.
Study the Bible while you still can. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15. God's word is eternal. Eternity isn't just having a lot of time, but it is the absence of time. After we leave this life we will be in His presence and our faith will become sight. Until that time we need to study His word in order to keep it pure. We don't "edit" out the parts that are hard to live by, but we take all of it and apply it to our daily living.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God." John 1:1.The "Word" is Jesus Christ...God incarnate. He existed before time began and will be there after time is no more. When a Christian dies he or she enters eternity - a timeless place forever in the presence of The Word. God's Word shall not pass away.
God bless you all,
Ron & Nathele Graham

God's Word Shall Not Pass Away -

God's Word Shall Not Pass Away - Ron & Nathele Graham - 
How often have we made the statement "Nothing lasts forever"? Shoes wear out, a car rusts away, a house deteriorates, and so on. Even this old world will one day pass away. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Matthew 24:35. Although everything as we know it will one day pass away, we can be assured that God is eternal and His word will live forever. The Greek phrase "ou me" is translated "not" and it is emphatic. It means "never, certainly not, not at all, buy no means".  Too often man wants to change or disregard God's word, but nothing can diminish God's is eternal. God not only established His word as eternal but also His Children are eternal. We born again believers in Christ, are eternally established in His Kingdom. Praise God!
It is hard to get our minds around the fact that one day the Heavens and Earth will be completely destroyed, yet the Creator of the universe has declared it so. Our peace comes from knowing that no matter what else passes away, His words will not... nor shall we, His children. In his second letter, Peter also states that Heaven and Earth will be destroyed. "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up...Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?" 2 Peter 3:10 & 12.If everything that we now observe as physical is dissolved with fervent heat then how will God's word be preserved? As the children of God, we should have His word embedded in our hearts and in our minds; many of us fall short in this regard. Peter tells of Heaven and Earth being destroyed, but he also tells us what to do with God's word. "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:" 1 Peter 3:15. God's word has endured since the beginning of time and is recorded in both the Old and New Testaments. Have you studied the Bible so that it lives in you? Sanctify His word in your heart and always be ready to give a God-inspired answer to anyone who asks about your faith.
Jesus is God. Born again believers know this is a fact and are not ashamed to proclaim that truth. Jesus knew that His words would be preserved throughout all eternity within His redeemed. Many people believe that there will always be the written word of God available to mankind, but this is not necessarily the case. Today there are many websites that give great insight into God's word, but what if the internet goes down? When that happens, and it will, a good resource of Bible knowledge will be lost. What then? You need to have at least one Bible near you at all times. A good concordance is also important in order to look up the English words in Hebrew and Greek because there is a deeper meaning to God's word when understood in the original languages. It is important to have a sound knowledge of God's word. Study and learn, then share with others. Sanctify God in your hearts as Peter encouraged, and even if the internet isn't there or you don't have a Bible with you, you will still be able to answer any question that is put to you regarding Jesus.
"Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it." Amos 8:11-12.  God will send a famine in the land that will result in people seeking His truth but not finding it. How is that possible? Every Christian home surely must have multiple copies of God's word lying around. Some of those Bibles do little more than collect dust, but nonetheless they are there. Remember what happened in Nazi Germany in regards to the word of God? Bibles were confiscated and burned. God's word will never pass away, and burning our Bibles or not having the internet will not negate or destroy God's word. God's word will endure for eternity.
"In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst." Amos 8:13. Today we see young people, and even older people, at a loss to find meaning in life. So many people today turn to drugs, alcohol, homosexuality, or witchcraft in search for a meaning to life. Are we in the days when there is a famine for hearing the words of the LORD? Everywhere we look God's word is being altered in order to make it more "user friendly". If God's word is diminished by man then it ceases to be the truth and will not satisfy. The fair virgins and young men will seek to have their thirst for the truth quenched, but their thirst will not be quenched. Jesus said "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." Matthew 5:6. People are searching for something more than the shallowness of sin, but are we Christians offering the Living Water and the Bread of Life? Are we withholding God's word from the lost souls of this world and thus allowing them to die of thirst? God's word will never pass away but it needs to be shared in order to give life to those who are searching.
As His children we have a responsibility to learn all we can about God and His word. We must memorize it, understand it, and share it.  If our Bibles were confiscated today, how many of us could still preach the Gospel to all nations using actual scripture verses? How many of us can explain the Gospel to someone who asks us about the hope within us?There must come a time in every Christian's life when all the outside worldly distractions are laid aside, and God and His word become the paramount influence in our lives. This is especially imperative now that we are so near to Rapture. Times will become more dangerous for the Christian and we can already see governments and radical religious groups trying to destroy God's word. It is illegal in many countries to have a Bible and even in America Satan is making an all out attack on it and so called Christians are allowing it to happen. I suggest we all begin to memorize God's word in order that we can share it from our heart. God's word will never pass away and we must do our part to tell the lost of God's love.
Considering that God says there will be a famine of His word in the last days, how can we ignore the fact that this famine has already started? God's inerrant truth is being openly attacked. When God gives us His prophetic word that says His words will go missing in the last days He's not kidding. We can already see the corruption of His word by means of false teaching and various Scriptures being re-interpreted in order to condone sin, but that won't stop the forward motion of prophecy. These days it seems that everything has an agenda of malevolent intent designed to lead people away from God and away from His word. Television, music, our education system, etc. all promote ideas and themes that are against God and His word. This all is leading people away from adhering to God's truth. What we see happening is an attack on the true word of God. We must understand that the true word of God ultimately resides in the minds and hearts of His redeemed. When the Rapture occurs where will God's word be then? We will take it with us into eternity and there will be an even more devastating famine of God's word in this world which will soon face the wrath of God. Yet God always preserves a remnant to preach His word. 
God has given us prophecy in His word and allows those prophecies to be fulfilled. Everything today is falling precisely into place just as God said it would. We are being programmed to accept abnormal behavior as normal; we are being desensitized to what is against God's laws as described in His word. This is more evidence that the Rapture is very near, and then comes tribulation like nothing that has ever been seen on earth before. "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." Matthew 24:21. The very near future is focused on re-inventing man - humans being changed into hybrids that will no longer be fully human. This is not a conspiracy theory; with very little research you can find information about this. Through it all God will preserve His word. God will seal 144,000 Jews who will be sealed prior to going into the tribulation period "And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel." Revelation 7:4. There will also be two witnesses "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." Revelation 11:3. They will prophesy speaking God's words. Yes, God's words are eternal.
Study the Bible while you still can. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15. God's word is eternal. Eternity isn't just having a lot of time, but it is the absence of time. After we leave this life we will be in His presence and our faith will become sight. Until that time we need to study His word in order to keep it pure. We don't "edit" out the parts that are hard to live by, but we take all of it and apply it to our daily living.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God." John 1:1.The "Word" is Jesus Christ...God incarnate. He existed before time began and will be there after time is no more. When a Christian dies he or she enters eternity - a timeless place forever in the presence of The Word. God's Word shall not pass away.
God bless you all,
Ron & Nathele Graham


This is shocking!

How many ways can you spell  G R E E D?
American Red Cross

President and CEO Marsha J.
salary for the year was $651,957 
plus expenses

It is called the March of 
Dimes because
only a dime for 
every 1 dollar is given to the 
United Way

President Brian 
receives a $375,000 base salary 
along with numerous expense benefits.
CEO Caryl M. Stern 
$1,200,000 per year (100k 
per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS 
Less than 5 
cents of your donated dollar goes to the 
CEO and owner Mark Curran 
profits $2.3 million a year.
Goodwill is a 
very catchy name for his business.
You donate to his business 
and then he sells the items for 
He pays nothing 
for his products and pays his workers minimum wage! 
Nice Guy. 
$0.00 goes to 
help anyone!
Stop giving to this 
Instead, give to any of the following
Salvation Army

Commissioner, Todd Bassett 
receives a small salary of only
$13,000 per year(plus housing) for 
managing this $2 billion dollar 
96 percent of donated dollars go 
to the cause.
American Legion

National Commander receives 
 $0.00 zero 
Your donations go to help 
Veterans and their families and youth!
Veterans of Foreign Wars

National Commander receives 
 $0.00 zero 
Your donations go 
to help 
Veterans and their families and youth!
Disabled American Veterans

National Commander receives 
 $0.00 zero 
Your donations go 
to help 
Veterans and their families and youth!
Military Order of Purple Hearts

National Commander receives a 
$0.00 zero salary
Your donations go 
to help 
Veterans and their families and youth!
The Vietnam Veterans Association
National Commander receives 
 $0.00 zero 
Your donations go 
to help 
Veterans and their families and youth!
Make a Wish:
For children's last 
100% goes to funding trips or 
special wishes for a dying child.
St. Jude 
Research Hospital
100% goes towards funding and 
helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and 
cannot afford to pay.
McDonald Houses
All monies go to running 
the houses for parents who have critically ill 
Children in the hospital.
100% goes to housing, and feeding 
the families.
Club International
(ONLY $1.00 PER SHOT).
Fisher House
Your donations Provide flights,
rooms and food for injured Military
& their Families AT ZERO COST 
ALL $$ Donated go to helping Military 
Cost of running this Organization is born by The Fisher Family itself

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