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Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Sea Change in American Politics

A Sea Change in American Politics - Dr. Steve Elwart - 

The pundits on both sides of the aisle were correct; the Republican Party has taken control of the United States Senate. The Republicans also retained control of the U.S. House of Representatives. In six years, the legislative branch of the U.S. Government has gone from Democratic to Republican control, first in the House and then the senate.
The question is, "What will they do with their new found power, should they choose to exercise it?
The answer is, "Quite a bit".
A Republican Congress can propose and dispose in a wide variety of issues from the economy and the role of government to foreign policy, national security and the judiciary. With one eye on his legacy and another on the 2016 elections, President Obama will not dare veto or block every conservative proposal.
One of the first things the Senate can do is to take up treaties that had not been brought up for a vote by the Democratic Senate Leadership. There is a little-known provision in international law called "The Vienna Convention". The convention defines what a treaty ism but more importantly for the Senate, a provision of the convention states that if a treaty is signed by a country (i.e. the United States), that agreement will be treated with the force of a treaty until the Senate approves it.
This means that many treaties were signed by the United States, but not approved by the Senate because they had not been brought up for a vote for fear they would not get the necessary two-thirds votes for approval. So they have been relegate to the current Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV). These agreements had all the force of a treaty without Senate approval.
These treaties include the Arms Trade Treaty (which is a backdoor to gun control) and the Law of the Sea treaty (giving the United Nations power over the oceans). They would also be able to kill the climate change treaty that Secretary of State John Kerry is negotiating and any possible Internet treaty that undermines Internet freedom.
The Republican controlled Senate can bring these treaties up for a vote (and probable rejection) which would remove any U.S. obligations to these agreements.
A Republican Senate can also block the confirmation of judges who they feel veer too far to the left. During its lame duck session, the Democratic controlled senate will try to confirm every judicial nomination they can before they relinquish control of the chamber in January 2015, but Republicans will be able to block confirmations on any new judicial appointments after the GOP takes the Senate.
Since the U.S. President does not have the line-item veto, Republican control of both Houses of Congress could empower Republicans to put in the budget items that restrict President Obama's programs. Because budget bills don't need 60 votes, the Senate Democrats can't stop them.
Also, the United States has become the world's leading oil and natural gas producer. A top priority of the new Congress should be to secure the approval of the Keystone XL pipeline to ensure a secure supply of oil from Canada to the Gulf Coast refineries and the rest of the country.
A republican congress can also pass immigration reform legislation where the United States secures their borders and takes up how to deal with the 12 million+ illegal immigrants in the country.
More problematic are two other areas that a Republican legislature can address: Taxes and the National Debt.
The United States tax code has become so cumbersome and complicated that even Ernst and Young, one of the country's largest tax firms, is not sure what is in it. Tax reform is something every politician complains about, but are hesitant to change. Proposals range from a flat tax or National Sales tax to lowering the corporate tax-now the highest in the industrialized world.
Whether the Congress attempts to change it remains to be seen.
Many pundits are saying that the Republican win in this election signal a national dissatisfaction towards the President's policies, but many are not so sure. The elction results may indicate a general dissatisfaction of incumbants rather than a particular party.
Paul once wrote to Timothy, saying:
"First of all, then, I urge you to offer to God petitions, prayers, intercessions, and expressions of thanks for all people, for kings, and for everyone who has authority, so that we might lead a quiet and peaceful life with all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,"
- 1 Timothy 2:1-3, ISV
Paul is saying that Christians are to pray for public officials. He is saying the Democrats ought to pray for the Republicans, and the Republicans ought to pray for the Democrats. Many years ago a famous chaplain of the Senate was asked by a visitor, "Do you pray for the senators?" He replied, "No, I look at the senators, and then I pray for the country."
That is exactly what Paul says we need to do.
We need to pray for our country, and we need to pray for those who have authority over us. No matter which party a person in authority belongs to, pray for him.
Paul says we are to pray for the kings who rule. You may ask, "Yes, but are we to pray when the government is a corrupt one?" Paul is saying we are to pray even if it's a corrupt government. We are to pray for whoever is in power. Remember that the man who was in power in Rome when Paul wrote was bloody Nero, yet he says we are to pray for kings, whoever they are.

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