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Friday, November 14, 2014

Soldiers and the Power of God

Soldiers and the Power of God - Amy Joy Hess - 

On January 28, 2007, a group of US Special Forces soldiers were getting ready to leave the Iraqi city of Najaf when they got a call for help. "Hey, we got an Army bird down." On the way out to the helicopter crash site, they were ambushed by a Muslim cult called the Soldiers of Heaven. That day, a small group of 50-75 US and Iraqi soldiers took on the 600 man Army of Heaven, and like Gideon's little band, the US-allied troops won.
Staff Sergeant Tyler told us, "We picked a route, and it just happened that that route went through the center of the Heaven's Army. And right there is the 12th Imam surrounded by all his people."
"They used the berm as cover and started shooting at us, basically at point blank range," Sergeant First Class Donny said. "I was inside the Humvee behind bullet-proof glass, but the guys like Tyler in the back of the truck, they were only protected on the sides - the back was open and totally exposed."
Tyler later found out that his sister and father and brother all had sudden urges to pray for him that day. "I was walking through the front door," his sister told us. "I never worry about my brother, but that day I thought, 'Wow, he could actually be in danger. He really could die out there in Iraq.' So I stopped and prayed for him and his team members right then. Then I went on with my day."
The ambush was serious. "We were fish in a barrel," Donny said. "They had a little mini-city they were building there, and we drove right into the middle of that hornet's nest."
"But you guys didn't get shot?" we asked.
"It's so weird, I didn't get a scratch," Tyler said. "Not a single scratch. And this is like, you put your finger up in the air, and it gets shot off. It was unbelievable fury! Unbelievable fury! The Imam's guys were so close we could reach out and touch them. I was definitely red most of the time on my ammo."
"Can you believe that?" Donny said, "That's God."
The small group of US and Iraqi soldiers were attacked by an army of 600-1000 fighters who believed their leader was the Muslim Messiah. It took many hours before any kind of air support came to the rescue, and by that time the battle was largely over. The US and Iraqi soldiers had killed hundreds of the enemy and arrested hundreds more. A total of three US-allied soldiers had died. That was it. One of the Iraqi soldiers told Tyler, "I'm going to become a Christian. Your God is strong!"
"Generally, if you set up an ambush," Donny pointed out, "you should kill somebody. I'm not saying they were bad, because it was a pretty good ambush, but we had God."
The Destruction of Religious Freedom
Seven years later, Tyler is now a Sergeant First Class responsible for training young men. Easter of this year, he spoke to a class about hostage situations, and he used Jesus to illustrate a point. "According to Christianity, on Easter Sunday Jesus died for many," Tyler told the men. "There was an exchange made. Today we're not teaching you that. We're teaching you to survive and return with honor." It was Easter Sunday, and Tyler thought it was an appropriate way to make the point that the students were not to think of themselves as martyrs. Tyler and his fellow instructors were going to teach the students how to survive.
As a result, Tyler was benched for the rest of the session. One of his fellow instructors complained that Tyler was talking about religion, and out of fear that a student would complain, Tyler was forced to sit out and not teach the rest of the class. If a student had complained, the leadership feared Tyler would have lost his job after 15 years of faithful military service.
"Lip service is given to religious freedom," Tyler told us. "We are free to go to church, but God forbid we should talk about it outside the church walls." Experienced military men know the importance of God's protection as they go out and fight a real enemy that wants to destroy them and hang them up in shame before the world. Humanists and atheists are free to serve in the military, but there's nothing politically correct about getting blown to bits by a roadside bomb or being sent home in a flag-draped casket. Our soldiers don't need feel good words. When the enemy ambushes, they need to know that God is with them.
Yet, right now the leadership of the military has lost its grounding. "The focus of the military is no longer about accomplishing a mission; it's about promotion," Tyler notes. Do this to get promoted. Do that to get promoted. In the military leadership, it has become paramount to use politically correct vocabulary in order to get promoted, or even to just keep one's job. "Being qualified and experienced no longer has much to do with it," he said.
Political Correctness
Under Don't Ask Don't Tell, gays were free to serve in the military as long as they didn't make their sexuality known, as a means of protecting unit cohesion and avoiding conflict. That policy was repealed in 2010, and now it is verboten for officers to speak against gays serving openly.
Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Robert Papp told U.S. Coast Guard Academy cadets that in 2010, President Obama made it clear that those officers unwilling to end the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy for gays should resign.
"We were called into the Oval Office and President Obama looked all five service chiefs in the eye and said, 'This is what I want to do.'" Papp told the cadets. "I cannot divulge everything he said to us, that's private communications within the Oval Office, but if we didn't agree with it - if any of us didn't agree with it - we all had the opportunity to resign our commissions and go do other things."
In today's U.S. military, any officer who speaks against gays in the military has violated "EO" (Equal Opportunity) and can lose his job. Freedom of speech and conscience are no longer protected. A multitude of military people have noted that they have to keep their mouths shut in order to keep their jobs.
Retired Army Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, recipient the Medal of Honor, told WorldNetDaily last year that President Obama was purposely emasculating the military and purging it of anybody who didn't agree with him. "We need to realize that this recent assault on the military and veterans is no accident," Brady said. "It is purposeful. The elite loathe our military, the one sure guarantor of our freedom. These elite - not a shutdown or default - and their assault on the Constitution and our military are the real threat to our future."
The danger is still there and greater than ever. President Obama has authorized the U.S. "advise-and-assist" mission in Iraq to involve up to 3000 U.S. troops by the end of the year. U.S. troops will not be directly involved in combat, but they will still be assisting Iraqi security forces in a highly volatile region. Coming against ISIS alongside the Iraqis is not joke, and to the leaders of ISIS, this is very much a religious war.
This Veteran's Day and every day, please continue to pray for our troops in the field all around the world. Most importantly, continue to pray for the military leadership. Religious freedom isn't merely a nice idea, it is the very foundation of our freedom and safety. As the great military leader King David still reminds us, "There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD. The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD," (Proverbs 21:30-31).

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