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Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Fool, is a Fool, is a Fool, is a Fool...

A Fool, is a Fool, is a Fool, is a Fool... - David Pepe -

When I was first saved back in the early nineties I was struggling with the attitude of family and friends who mocked and rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A dear sister in the Lord, who has walked with Him for years told me, "Dave, a fool, is a fool, is a fool, is a fool... (Rom. 1:18-32)" Indeed! How true that statement is and relevant for today. That truth opened my eyes and pierced the gullibility bubble that I had been dwelling in and became very liberating to me. Some 20 years later God has showed me through my own personal experience in my walk with the Lord the absolute depths of this truth and the sobering realities of the subjective fool (Psalm 14:1, Prov. 1:7, 10:13, 14:15, 18:2, Titus 3:3). Even today, with lawlessness abounding EXPONENTIALLY and sounding forth as loud as thunder, Americans still choose to remain deaf to the state of our nation's EXPONENTIAL social and moral ills.
The "low-info" individual and voter loves Barack H. Obama and are oblivious to where he is leading them, for in their hearts they are just like him in one way or another (Rom. 1:18-32, Jude 1:10). These individuals are beyond all reach of logic and common sense. If we were to ever turn this nation around we need these individuals to wake up and be on board, but that will NEVER EVER happen. These are willingly ignorant, godless, immoral, lawless, moral relativistic sheep of Satan's secularism and oh how they love it so (Jer. 5:30-31, Rom.1:18-32)! As our nation implodes right before our very eyes - morally and socially - these cannot and will not face up to the reality and are as the flooding waters in the lower parts of a sinking Titanic. The weight of their abounding lawlessness, hardheartedness and ignorance are presently sinking this nation and have placed us to the point of no return. Our nation has become so dumbed down and lawless that these over abounding  fools have zero discernment to comprehend who is before them and where it is all leading them (2 Thess. 2:3-12, Rev. 13). Oh perishing fools! You yourselves are ETERNALLY ruined! Dear friends, I must not leave this out... moderate Republicans and Democrats are no better either, for they themselves also are drunk with the same moral relativism thinking and godless utopian aspirations of the low info man and woman.
If these groups of Americans have zero problem receiving such a man as Obama, what is ever to stop them under greater squeezing and tribulation (Rev. 6-9) from receiving the Man of Lawlessness who is to come (2 Thess. 2:8-12, Rev. 13). We have seen just in the last 20 months of Obama's second term that those behind Obama and himself are NOT slowing down their lawless agenda at all... Conservative leadership, the moderate GOP and even moderate Democrats are finally waking up to this reality. There is no stopping him and the Left in their progressive push and even if the Republicans win the 2014 mid-terms; do you really think that they can stop Obama, his media minions slander, his progressive bureaucrats obstruction and the low info multitudes hatred? LOL! If you really think so my dear friend and are trying to be optimistic, then you yourself also fit into this category of "low-info" and fools.
 My dear friends, this reality of our hour ought to scare one to death. Is it not funny that every generation that has found its self at this pre-war or pre-collapse state always denies that such evil will fall upon them, but it always does... does it not (Jer. 6:14, 8:11-12, Ezek. 13:10, 1 Thess. 5:3, Rev. 6-9)? With the fall of America will finally come the fall of this world and global tribulation which cannot be comprehended (Dan, 12:1, Joel 2:2, Matt. 24:21, Rev. 6-19).
Beloved, Do not let your hearts be troubled, believe in Him and place ALL your trust in Him, for it is in Jesus Christ ALONE that there is EVERLASTING HOPE and FULL ASSURANCE (Acts 4:12, Rom. 1:16, Col. 2:2, 2 Tim. 1:12). Do your part to the fullest as an America in these last days all the while knowing that NOTHING will stop the Day of Lawlessness, the Lord Jesus' glorious second coming and the establishment of His 1000 year reign in TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS! Be sure to see the BIG PICTURE first then all will fall into place! ETERNITY with our Savior is our future, NOT this fallen demonic wasteland called planet earth. The TRUTH will indeed set you free from the bondage and tyranny of Satan and his many faceted straw men, which are set up out there to distract you from the Savior and what is at hand (John 8:32, 36, 2 Cor. 4:3-4, Col 3:1-4)! Beloved use all of these things to draw you EVER closer to the Savior and never let your heart be troubled, for you safe as can be in His hands FOREVERMORE (Matt. 28:20, Luke 12:7, John 10:28, 14:18, Rom. 8:28-39, Rev. 1:17-18).
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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