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Saturday, July 18, 2015

ISIS UPDATE: 7.17.15 - ISIS Mimics Israel

Apparently ISIS mimics Israel.
Interestingly, over the past weeks I've seen Christianity being compared to ISIS. They say this is the case because ISIS imposes laws on those it subjugates. American Christians wish to impose their laws on the rest of the nation, hence the comparison. Now you know.
I guess it's just as well, then, that Christianity in the United States appears to be dwindling. By that I mean that the fundamentalist Christians are dwindling - not the sociable types who don't judge others.  Secular Humanists can now breathe a sigh of relief. The "good guys" are winning and there will be no beheadings of non-Christian infidels.
Does any sane person believe that Christianity compares with the ISIS mob? It really doesn't matter. These comparisons are lame, yet useful, agenda driven propaganda. People allow ideology to over-ride objectivity. And they don't care. It's for the "greater good."
Propaganda can work both ways. It can demonize an entity and it can repackage a despotic organization into a benevolent one.
I've finished reading Peter Hitchens' book The Rage Against God. He spends some time writing how leftist atheists like Sydney and Beatrice Webb painted an idealistic picture of the Soviet Union (p 167 etc). Hitchens minced no words in stating that their work was "a mass of self-deceiving lies" which served a "filthy despotism." The Webbs might have been sincere. If so they were also self-deluded.
Those who make comparisons between ISIS and Israel are, for whatever personal reasons, doing the same thing that the Webbs did - promulgating propaganda. By virtue of painting such a gross misrepresentation of Israel they automatically cast Israel's enemies as victims.
A classic example occurred recently when Roger Fowler recently told a New Zealand audience (Hat tip: Paul Cohen) that:
"Israel has really set the benchmark for barbarism in the area and many other despots and dictators, such as the one in Syria, Egypt, and even ISIL are really copycats of the Israeli occupation and siege and brutality."
Fowler is chair of the Kia Ora Gaza group which describes itself as: "a New Zealand network dedicated to breaking the inhuman and illegal Israeli siege of Gaza." They think Israel should answer to the International Court. The folks there are terribly concerned as to when Israel will attack Gaza next. Well, there's an outside possibility that stopping the Gaza rocket attacks on Israel might help. Just saying!
Unsurprisingly, there's nothing on the website about atrocities elsewhere. You know the drill.
This inane ISIS comparison is designed to punish Israel via attacking its economy. It seeks to poison as many minds as it can (especially Christians), thus luring them to Boycott Sanction Divestment activism. It continues to bewilder me why allegedly rational people make these criminal claims about Israel yet ignore atrocities in the Sudan and elsewhere.
ISIS is a wannabe Caliphate seeking to expand its territory. Israel suffers the stigma of being demonized for questionable land theft. It's not the same thing.
If ISIS supposedly mimics Israel, Iran is just being Iran. One Iranian official believes that Israel is benefitting from the ISIS problem. According to International Business Times, the official griped that:
"...the extremist forces in the Middle East have a primary purpose of stealing the wealth of Muslim countries and destroying the resistance front against Israel. He said that terrorism would not exist in the Middle East if Muslim countries in the region were united." (Emphasis mine)
He should have been a used car salesman.
One man's terrorism is another man's righteous crusade. Long before ISIS entered the arena the only thing that welded Arab Nations together was their mutual hatred of Israel. Even the Saudis never got along with Iran before ISIS. Moreover, they're especially nervous now - notwithstanding the popping of champagne corks in Washington.
Speaking of which, the Iranians are still celebrating the "nuclear deal." Throughout the "talks" Iran has never hidden its heartfelt passion for Israel. Even its military couldn't resist gushing about Israel's future destruction. Those impetuous guys!
Either none of the "nuclear talkers" in Washington takes them seriously or they just don't care. Of course if you don't take someone seriously then you probably shouldn't do very important nuclear deals with them. But that's just me talking.
Heck, the Iranians even released a video game which allows players to shoot missiles at Israel. Don't get too excited yet, though - it's only currently available for your cell phone. With a bit of luck it may reach the PC and other platforms soon. That way the Kia Ora Gaza group and the Christ at the Checkpoint organizers can apply for a distributorship. You know, make some extra cash to keep promoting those vitally important anti-Israel pamphlets.
Yes, I know, I know I'm being harsh. Yet they might as well for all they do.
Daniel Pipes believes Iran is a thousand times more dangerous than ISIS, even if it is nipping at Israel's borders. The transcript of his talk is worth a read. So perhaps the propagandists could consider comparing Israel with Iran instead.
No, scratch that - Iran is a lovely regime, even when it imprisons Christians and kills apostates. Didn't we mention that Christians and Israel must be compared with ISIS? So Iran is doing everyone a favor after all.
Comparing ISIS with Israel and Christians is an insult to those who have lost their lives at the hands of these murderers. What a shame that some allow their hatred and prejudice to poison hearts and minds.
If you were given a choice of regime to live under, which would you choose - the Islamic State or Israel?
Be honest now.
On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it. Zec 12:3
Iran keeps dark loss of its top general in Syria. Syrian Army starts closing in on ISIS-held Palmyra -

Abdel Karim Rubash, Deputy Commander of the elite Al Qods Brigades and, is the most senior Iranian general to fall in battle in the more than four years of the Syrian war. His death while in command of the Syrian front is disclosed here by debkafile's military and intelligence sources. This general had spent the best part of four years in Syria. It was he who came up with the plan to bring Hezbollah fighters over from Lebanon to strengthen the Syrian military effort against the insurgency. He was also responsible for organizing the movement of Iranian-supplied arms to Hezbollah via Syria. Those convoys were bombed by the Israeli air force several times.
 His loss is a severe blow to Iran, Syria and Hezbollah, who have been bending over backwards to keep his death dark, moving him discreetly to Tehran for a funeral with full military honors on July 13.
 Gen. Rubash died, according to our sources, during the dogged battle the Syrian army and Hezbollah have been fighting for ten days to get the rebels out of the important town of Zabadani, which commands the highway between Damascus and Beirut.
 We have also learned that he was killed by sniper fire during an ambush of his convoy. In their internal communications, rebel groups claimed that his death was their response to Hezbollah's ultimatum to give up and stop fighting in defense of the town.
Gen. Rubash was the third Iranian general to die on the Syrian battlefield this year. On Jan. 19, Brig. Gen. Mohammad Ali Allahdadi was killed when a group of Iranian and Hizballah officers inspected the Golan and was hit by an Israeli air strike. Allahdadi was the commander of Iranian forces in South Syria.
In April, Maj. Gen. Hadi Kajbaf, commander of the Iranian-Hezbollah force defending Damascus, was killed near the capital.
 But the third death was also a major blow to the prestige of the Al Qods chief, supreme commander of Iran's military intervention forces in the war on ISIS in Iraq and the Yemeni Houthi battles against Saudi Arabia.
 Rubash was put in charge of the Syrian war last month, when Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei "relieved" Soleimani of this command.
In the meantime, our military sources report a major effort to recover the historic town of Palmyra (Nimrod) from the Islamic State which captured it in May.  A combined force of Syrian troops plus pro-Iranian Shiite militias imported for the campaign is closing in on the town. It has come within 6 km of Palmyra and is forcing the jihadis to fall back. Its success in recovering Palmyra, if accomplished, would represent the biggest Syrian-Iranian triumph in the war on ISIS.


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