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Friday, July 24, 2015

Hope & The Sovereignty of God

Hope & The Sovereignty of God - By Michael McShane -

We live in a world and a nation where immoral behavior is celebrated, speaking the truth is slammed as intolerance, acting out with violence over having a rational discussion has become an everyday occurrence, our nation's economy is saddled with debt and could implode at any moment, our God given inalienable rights are being stripped away little by little each day by a tyrannical godless government driven by power and greed, God is no longer allowed in our children's classrooms only to be replaced by the study of Islam, Islamic terrorism is spreading across the world at an alarming rate, even in our own backyards and Christians are being persecuted and killed all over the world simply for their faith in Christ. I could go on and on listing all the evil that's in the world today. It would seem that there's no hope left, dealing with all of this on a daily basis you would think, would drive a person into a state of endless angry paranoia or depression, but my friends those of us who have accepted the awesome gift of salvation through Jesus Christ need not fear.  God is in Control...
From the beginning God created everything, me, you and every living being on this planet. It all belongs to Him and He is in control of it all, we need to remember this. The times we're living in are not new, Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 states - 'That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun'. To paraphrase, history repeats itself, the things that are happening in the world today might be new to us but they are not to God, and we need to remember this as well. Jesus made it clear in Matthew 10:22 that we as Christians we're going to have to deal with some things, He stated, 'And you will be hated by all for My name's sake' but He follows that up with 'But the one who endures to the end will be saved,' so knowing this we should expect bad things to happen but we also have the assurance that we're going to be alright in the end. Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 28:18 - All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me' and in Matthew 28:20 he states - 'I am with you always, to the end of the age'...
In studying the Word of God you'll find that the way the world is today was already foretold, these things that are happening are happening according to God's plan. His purpose for what's happening is beyond our understanding so we need to put our faith and trust in Him.  Romans 8:28 states - 'And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose'.
The other day I was asked to share something on 'hope', according to Webster's dictionary one of the definitions of hope is - 'to expect something with confidence'. While mentioning this to my daughters, my youngest immediately stated, 'hope means strength'. I thought about what she said and realized that she was on to something because my 'hope' which comes from my faith in God gives me the strength to carry on each day no matter what the world throws at me. I know I'll be alright because my Lord and Savior knows what's happening in this world and it's all according to His purpose, not mine. Whether we understand it or not or even like what's happening I know that God's in charge of this world. On a personal note, I used to live in fear every hour of each day because of all the evil in this world but the moment I gave my life to Jesus all that fear vanished in an instant and was replaced with an everlasting spring of hope that I draw from each day..........for me, Psalm 34:4 says it all - 'I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears'...
Our God is sovereign over everything, seen and unseen. Philippians 2:9-11 states - 'Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth'...
So if you find yourself feeling scared, angry or anxious, try and remember, God along with His angels are always watching over us. We are never alone...and God is always in control...J

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