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Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Intolerant Left Is Destroying Freedom of Speech -

The Intolerant Left Is Destroying Freedom of Speech - Todd Strandberg -
Freedom of thought is essential to any democracy. A society that only allows one narrow viewpoint to be expressed is one that has become tyrannical in nature. America is rapidly moving in that direction.
The people who claim to be the defenders of tolerance are the ones most likely to practice oppression. Anyone who conflicts with their set agenda is automatically seen as the enemy.
This madness has taken over the world of academia. At Rutgers University, Condoleezza Rice was prevented from speaking because she was part of the Bush Administration. Professor David Legates, has been a skeptic climatologist at the University of Delaware. He is being pushed out of his job because his views conflict with the dominant view on climate, and because he worked for the much hated, Margaret Thatcher, at 10 Downing Street.
The nation's universities have become so uptight with liberal ideology, a growing number of comedians are refusing to perform there. Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock and Larry the Cable Guy have all made known they avoid shows on college campuses because of the fear of triggering the sensitivities of Millennials.
There are a growing number of thought landmines that only the most politically correct speakers would be able to avoid stepping on. Here is a list of things that according to the University of Wisconsin qualify as racist:
- Asking someone where they are from or where they were born.
- Telling someone they speak good English.
- Telling someone that you have several black friends.
- Saying that you're not a racist.
- Complimenting an Asian person by telling them they are very articulate.
- Asking an Asian person for help with science or math.
- Uttering the phrase "There is only one race, the human race."
 - Saying that you think America is a melting pot
- Saying when you look at someone, you don't see race.
- Believing that the most qualified person, should get the job.
- Thinking that every person can succeed in society if they work hard enough.
- Telling a black person who is being too loud to be quiet.
- Telling an Asian or Latino person who is too quiet to speak up.
- Mistaking a person of color for a staff member when you're in a store.
- Calling something "gay."
 - Doing an impression of someone's dialect or accent.
The entire issue with the Confederate flag started with an image of Dylann Roof, the shooter, who killed nine people at a historical black church in Charleston. There was such a mad rush to ban the Confederate flag that the actual murders quickly became a non-issue.
As retailers buckle to mob rule, few people have given thought to the warped logic they are following. Amazon has banned the sale of confederate flag merchandise, but you can still buy Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf from the site. You can also get The Birth of a Nation, a film that portrays the Ku Klux Klan members as heroes.
Walmart also has joined the "No-Confederate-flag-for-you" bandwagon. A man in Louisiana found a flaw in Walmart's policy. The day after his request for a Confederate flag cake was denied, Chuck Netzhammer asked Walmart to make a custom Islamic State battle flag cake. He quickly learned that Walmart has no problem making a cake that depicts Islamic terror.
Apple Inc. gets the bonehead award for pulling Civil War games from its App Store.
Since there are a lot of Nazi flags in every World War II game, they should be banned too. Apple reinstated the games when common sense prevailed.
For over a year now, Bill Cosby has been accused of sexual assaults by an ever-increasing list of women. When it was still possible to count the number of accusers on both hands, the accusations had some legitimacy. Once the number of victims passed the three dozen mark with some of the unreported rapes occurring well over 40 years ago, we reached a point reached where Cosby would have to be the most skilled and clever rapist of all time.
It does appear that Cosby has been involved in unscrupulous activities. But it is evident that the liberal media has a grudge against him. The number of alleged rapes keep piling up to a point so high in numbers that it makes one wonder why they are so obsessed with discrediting him. To understand why the liberal press is so fixated on destroying him all you to need do is read his infamous speech given at Rutgers University:  LINK
Republican presidential candidate and real estate mogul Donald Trump has also found himself swept up in the wave of intolerance. In his June 16 presidential announcement speech he said:
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people. But I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting."
There was no public debate about the validity of Trump's remarks. They were automatically tagged as wrong because he attacked the wrong group. The horrendous murder of a woman in San Francisco by an illegal Mexican immigrant who had been deported five previous times should have helped Trump's argument. But facts don't matter in these cases because the truth is already predetermined.
A number of businesses have backed away from Trump's financial empire. NBC and Univision, for example, have decided not to air the Trump-owned Miss Universe Pageant; Macy's is dropping his signature clothing line; New York Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio has ordered a review of Trump's city contracts and NASCAR is moving an annual banquet from the Trump National Doral resort in Miami to another location.
I see a time of profound racial unrest coming to America. We seem doomed to follow two possible outcomes. First, we will continue on this path to the point where Christians simply quoting the Bible will be seen as hate speech. Second, the situation will become so absurd; a backlash will put a reactionary dictator in power.
One of the benefits of being a child of the living God is the ability to transcend the racial divisions of this world. In Christ, we are all one. Those who put their faith in Him will someday leave this sin-stained planet.
"For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Galatians 3:27-29).

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