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Friday, July 10, 2015

Just a Matter of Time

Just a Matter of Time - By Daymond Duck -
In Nov. 2010, Pres. Obama travelled to Mumbai, India where he said, "There is going to be a tug-of-war within the U.S. between those who see globalization (world government) as a threat and those who accept that we live in an open integrated (merged) world." These words indicate that world government is coming to the U.S. and it will cause problems.
On July 22, 2014, at a DNC fund raiser in Seattle, Pres. Obama was talking about the state of the world when he said, "Part of people's concern is just the sense that around the world the old order isn't holding and we're not quite yet to where we need to be in terms of a new order that's based on a different set of principles, that's based on a sense of common humanity, that's based on economies that work for all people."
Put another way, Pres. Obama was saying he believes our sovereign government is outdated and holding back his agenda, but the world is not quite ready for the new world order (world government) that will be based on a different set of laws (world laws) and the idea that everyone is equal (citizens of the world not citizens of a nation) and a one-world economic system (wealth redistribution).
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is an eleven-nation secret international document that is being written like a treaty, but it is being called a trade agreement. Leaked reports say the TPP has 29 chapters but only 5 are about trade.
The other 24 chapters are about the environment, global immigration, global wealth redistribution, global education (Common Core), human rights (children's rights; gay rights, same-sex marriage), gun control, healthcare, women's reproductive rights (abortion), sustainable development (Agenda 21, the Earth Charter) and other global goals.
Critics say the TPP destroys the U.S. Constitution; the U.S. will never be able to go back to the Constitution again. It speeds up the development of the North American Union providing a framework for world government and speeds that up. It provides a framework for a new world economic system; it establishes laws and courts that will dictate to nations (including the U.S.) the laws that they must pass; it changes immigration laws (erases borders in many nations) and places everyone under the control of a ruling elite that ordinary citizens cannot vote for, remove or replace.
Even worse, the House Ways and Means Committee called it a "Living Agreement." This means in the future the ruling elite can change anything they want to change and all of the agreeing nations will be bound by those changes.
That is like giving someone an unending supply of signed blank checks that they can fill in for any amount they want at any time they want and the one who signed them has to make them good. Suppose the ruling elite pass a law that everyone has to take a "mark" to buy and sell. Every country will have to change their laws to force people to comply.
The TPA is a second bill that gives the Pres. fast-track authority to negotiate and sign the TPP and at least two other trade agreements (the Trade in Services Agreement or TiSA and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership or TTIP).  U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions said these agreements encompass "three-fourths of the world economy and up to ninety percent of the world economy when including countries whose membership is being courted."
These agreements require every nation that signs them to have the same laws. Up to ninety percent of the world's economy will be required to have the same laws. They also allow a controlling economic council to write and impose new binding laws on every nation covered by the agreements. (Could this be the 10 kings?)
Let's consider some of these things. There is a reason why Pres. Obama wanted to keep them secret and the Republican leadership helped him do it.
Pres. Obama is a committed globalist who has insisted that aspects of the globalist agenda be included in the TPP. The globalist agenda includes deciding who writes the laws and what laws are passed; control over all private property; authority over how all land and resources can be used; the right to decide where all buildings can and cannot be built, and where all roads and utilities can and cannot be built.
The TPP includes the right to tell people where they can and cannot live and work; the authority to protect fish, seals, trees, wetlands; and the authority to stop all kinds of land and water pollution, etc. Globalists want to reduce the world's population; redefine marriage; tell parents how many children they can have; tell couples how they can and cannot discipline their children, keep abortion legal and legalize euthanasia.
Globalists want to establish a government-approved religion, determine which religious beliefs are acceptable, replace the Ten Commandments with the Earth Charter and remove every mention of God from society. Globalists want militaries to deliver food, clean up after natural disasters and control militant citizens instead of fighting wars. They also want to erase all borders and do away with all national flags and monuments.
These Globalist desires are the kinds of things that people can expect to find in the 24 non-trade chapters of the TPA and in the already-planned other three agreements. Control is being given to globalists to write anything they want. The laws they write will be binding on every nation and nothing can be done to stop them. People wish that Obamacare had never been written and it is almost certain that they are going to wish that the TPA had never been written.
The TPP can only be stopped by a two-thirds vote in the Senate before Pres. Obama signs it in late summer or early fall, but many say there is no chance that the Senate will vote it down. In that case, it is just a matter of time until the ten regions of the prophesied one-world government and one-world religion are established.
One final thing: U.S. citizens can go to and click on "voting records" to see how their senators and representatives have voted so far. Many have betrayed their constituents for campaign contributions and back-room deals.
Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck

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