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Saturday, July 18, 2015

Nearing Midnight: Judgment and Journalists

Nearing Midnight: Judgment and Journalists - Terry James -

Even though the hourly news is filled with every sort of evil taking place around the world, the sense I get from reports issued by the mainstream journalists is that those reporting want us to believe it is just business as it has always been. There's nothing sinister beyond the journalistic meanderings that would indicate a dark malevolence that portends that something wicked this way comes. That is, nothing beyond the usual vileness and violence that has always been at the center of the human condition.
After hearing that ISIS or some other terrorist group has slaughtered men, women and children by the hundreds, displaying their heads upon posts, the journalists quickly switch to the entertainment news. Bread and circuses, you see, in today's America, sells even better than does the blood and gore-especially with the youth. The Millennials , as they are termed, have their heads in the alluring sands of the latest in pop culture. They are only interested in what's up with themselves. Each caught up in their various venues of choice vie on Facebook and other personal cyber forums to try to make their minute-by-minute activities seem as glowing as the entertainment industry portrays the icons of the glamorous entertainment world.
The future of the nation goes ever farther into the quicksand of Lucifer's well strategized plans to corrupt and debase, and America's journalists gladly grease the skids. Most of these are, themselves, part of that generation and have little or no sense of how they are helping the father of lies completely subvert the culture that was once steeped in Judeo-Christian values, constitutionally placed there by the Founding Fathers.
Whereas any divergence from these values would have in past decades been met with staunch resistance by organizations such as the Moral Majority, or Focus on the Family, and the great, stalwart fundamentalist churches throughout the country, now there is almost no visible push-back whatsoever.
Now, God's very foundation for assuring a strong national tether to morality and godly principles-the family-has been mocked and replaced with perversion God's word calls an abomination. Satan seems to win every day, as he has achieved at least strong impetus toward destroying humanity-physically as well as spiritually.
Homosexuality cannot reproduce. If allowed to continue as the militant proponents of gay marriage want, the human race would die-something the devil has wanted from his seduction of Eve in the Garden. The abortion industry joins in the gay marriage evil that fulfills the Apostle Paul's prophecy that in the last days there will come a generation "without natural affection." These dual demonic strategies to destroy appear to be making tremendous headway.
So, the churches, by their inward-turning silence are aiding and abetting the journalists that are the Goebbels-like mouthpieces for the prince of the power of the air.
Never do we hear from the churches to any large degree that God's judgment is building. But, make no mistake, judgment is on its way as surely as you are reading this commentary. The journalists, of course, caught up in the ebullience of making such societal progress, aren't even aware of that coming judgment that is almost upon a world ripe for the wrath of God. This was brought vividly to my thinking this week when I received an email from a friend who writes to encourage and share ideas on occasion. The email reads in part:
Hi Terry - I was compelled by a strong desire to let you know what I saw Monday on my television screen. As if the Spirit said "let Terry know in as much as he cannot see it with his own eyes."
I saw the U.S. Capitol dome shrouded in shame and know the Lord has done this. As you probably recall, the iconic structures of Washington D.C., often appear as a backdrop to add gravitas to the talking heads of political analysis on our televisions with the Capitol dome as the top choice.
Terry, the Capitol dome is now perfectly shrouded-it is the scaffolding that gives this effect. The scaffolding has been going up over many months and is now complete. So too is the curtain that goes all around the base of the dome which stands out much like a dressing screen you have seen in older movies complete with the show star changing her costume behind the screen. I want to say that it looks like a shower curtain a third of the way up the dome but it is more reminiscent of the draping around a work of art that is about to be dropped to reveal the sculpture.
But the eye is immediately drawn to the dark pall that hangs over the top of the dome. It is a dark cloud rising from the curtain at the bottom and shows up most noticeably on both sides and caps the entire top of the dome. It is an evil smoke that engulfs the whole of the dome.
Terry, if you saw this for yourself you too would talk about it to others knowing that it is a sign from God signaling what He is about to do...
My thanks to my friend for sending such a graphic word-picture.
The Lord's judgment, many believe, is falling now upon America and the world. I don't hold to that view. I do believe the heavenly forewarning is going out-signals that should not be missed by God's people, the born again believers of this swiftly fleeting age.
Jesus said that the day His judgment will next fall will be just as in the days of Noah and the days of Lot. (Read Matthew 24: 36-42 and Luke 17: 26-30). The very day those men and their believing families were taken from the earth's surface and sheltered in His loving arms, judgment fell. Be assured-this is about to happen again.

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